Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 366 Once again picking quarrels and provoking trouble, the old lady was furious

It rained lightly last night, and there was a hint of mist in the air, thin and white.

It was 5 o'clock in the morning, just after dawn, and the sky was slightly cool.

Fu Chen is holding a pen to record sutras on the bronzing rice paper, and there is a bronze incense burner next to it, with green smoke curling up straight up, and a room filled with sandalwood.

The spout of the purple sand pot is emitting white steam, and there is a purple sand pot cup in hand, and there is still half a cup of tea left.

The old phonograph is playing "June Snow", which is singing:

"Snow flakes fly in the summer of June, my son will survive..."

Someone knocked on the door softly, Fu Chen didn't raise his eyes, and said, "Come in."

Shi Fang pushed the door open and entered, "Third Master, something happened."

"Huh?" Fu Chen put down his pen and placed the transcribed scriptures aside. When the ink was completely dry, he turned and turned off the phonograph.

"Early this morning, the first batch of pilgrims entered the mountain. Among them were the Huang family, leading a group of reporters. They were crying loudly at the gate of Tzu Chi Temple, saying that it has already made news to return their children."

Shifang handed over the mobile phone, which contained the video taken by the spectators at that time.

Fu Chen raised his hand to pick up the purple clay pot, poured a cup of tea, and watched the video as usual.

The video takes place at a place where pilgrims burn incense and pray for blessings. The woman sits on the ground and howls, crying and saying:

"...This temple is a place that eats people. It stole my child and hid him, even refusing to let us see it. It's just unreasonable."

"It's hard to live by bullying us outsiders just because we are rich and powerful in the capital."

"It is said that the monks are merciful. I think there are a group of wolves, tigers and leopards living in this temple. They cannibalize people without spit out their bones. My son must have suffered a lot of grievances here."


There were many monks beside them. They meditated on weekdays, and they had never seen such a scene. They were obviously messed up, and the surroundings were in a mess. Even the incense burner was overturned to the ground.

Shi Fang swiped his phone, "The main reason is that we didn't clarify yesterday, and now the public opinion is one-sided. Some people even went to the police station to make trouble, and the police are going to investigate this matter thoroughly. You can read these comments."

Fu Chen took a sip of tea, opened the video and left a message.

"Is it so difficult for us common people to want justice?"

"It was so quickly searched yesterday, it is indeed rich and powerful, we are not allowed to mention it."

"If they're innocent, why don't they dare to stand up, and they don't fart until now, they must be guilty of guilt."


Shi Fang frowned, "Third Master, we still haven't acted yet? How could this matter become such a big deal?"

"Someone wants to take this opportunity to step on our Fu family." Fu Chen chuckled.

Mr. Fu has three sons and one daughter. Now only the eldest of the Fu family is still in the political arena. In order to avoid relatives, he did not stay in the capital to hold a post. Next year, the election officials will be adjusted. He is likely to return to Beijing and join the leadership team.

I don't know how many people stared at the Fu family.

Shi Fang nodded, "That's right, if there is no one to back it up, this TV station would not dare to disclose it blatantly."

After all, it involves the Fu family, involves Mr. Fu, and the topic is sensitive.

"Then I'll check right away." Shi Fang said and was about to leave.

"You don't need to check, I have a more suitable candidate. This person doesn't want to be discovered by us, so naturally he hides deeply." From the time of the accident to the present, Fu Chen has been calm and unmoved, and he really can sit still.

"En." Shifang nodded.



At six o'clock in the morning, with the sun rising, Jing Hanchuan was wearing a simple white shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and he took out the freshly fried omelets from the pan and put them on a plate.

"Master Liu, your phone number." Someone appeared at the kitchen door.

Jing Hanchuan picked up the cloth on one side, wiped his hands, and took the phone, "Help me get the porridge out."

The man nodded and entered the kitchen.

The sixth master of their family really lives too meticulously. It is estimated that people outside will never think that he is the kind of person who can cook breakfast himself.

Jing Hanchuan looked at the caller ID, sat on the sofa, and frowned slightly.

Fu Chen's phone call.

This guy doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, let alone early in the morning, I'm afraid there will be no good things.

He picked up the phone and said "Hello--".

"I need your help." Fu Chen said bluntly.

"you say."

Jing Hanchuan was speechless, this person is really not polite at all.

Fu Chen briefly shared his thoughts with him.

Jing Hanchuan picked up the fish food on the side, squeezed a little and threw it into the bathtub, watched the goldfish open its mouth to swallow, and smiled softly, "You haven't moved all the time, you just want to see if there is any powerful support behind you."

"There are tens of thousands of remedial classes in the capital, and it's not normal for them to rush straight to them."

The couple didn't have any contacts in the capital. Although Huaisheng was somewhat similar to his biological father, after all, he was still childish and the baby was still fat, and there was no resemblance of father and son. It should not be the information provided by passers-by.

"Do you think someone is taking advantage of this to deal with your family?" Jing Hanchuan rubbed the fish food with his fingertips, wondering what he was thinking.

"The group of people has already made trouble in the temple, and our family must be next."

"I'll check it for you." Fu Chen did not ask, and Jing Hanchuan had already guessed it.


"Miss Song should have left you a lot of coconut cakes, give them to me." Jing Hanchuan said with a smile.

Fu Chen pursed his lips. This man agreed so readily, but it was only for a few cakes?

Jing Hanchuan hung up the phone and immediately ordered someone to do something.

"Master Liu, is there anyone else who wants to deal with the Fu family?" Everyone was surprised, "After Mr. Fu retired, the Fu family has kept a low profile."

"Even though Mr. Fu is kind to others, it is inevitable that he will have an opponent. Besides, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it; if it is piled on the shore, the current will be turbulent..." Jing Hanchuan said the last sentence softly.

"Being higher than others, everyone must be wrong!"


There was an accident in Tzu Chi Temple, Master Pudu rushed back to the temple immediately, today is the last day of National Day, Song Fengwan has to go back to school to report today, at seven o'clock in the evening for self-study on time, she ate lunch, Fu Chen Send her back to school.

Song Fengwan called Hu Xinyue in advance, but she didn't say that she arrived a day earlier, and Hu Xinyue was going to pick her up at the airport.

As soon as the car entered the campus, Hu Xinyue sent her a message, saying that she and Miao Yating were already waiting for her downstairs in the dormitory.

It was Song Fengwan's first time living in school, and Hu Xinyue was a very enthusiastic person. During the National Day, he even helped her dry the bedding.

Fu Chen watched the three girls enter the dormitory building before turning around and heading home.

As soon as he arrived at Yunjin Capital, he saw the cars of the old house parked in the courtyard, he walked quickly into the house, and saw the old lady pulling Huai Sheng out.

"I just wanted to call you." The old lady said with a smile, "I'm going to the theater and take Huaisheng to join in the fun."

Fu Chen had communicated with the Fu family yesterday. The old lady was worried about being pregnant and wanted to take him out for a walk to relax.

Huaisheng was carrying a small schoolbag, cried all day yesterday, and today his eyes are still swollen.

"Do you want to go together?" The old lady smiled.

"You guys go, I have to go to the company." The company's senior management will also hold a meeting to discuss the issue of the new area of ​​cooperation with the Duan family.

Huai Sheng was already sensitive, if everyone was staring at him and staying by his side, the pressure in his heart would be even greater, it would be better to be normal.

"Then I will take Huaisheng to eat in the old house at night." The old lady stroked his little head.

"I'll let Qian Jiang see you off, and I'll let him bring Huai Sheng back directly later, so I can save you a trip." With Qian Jiang following, Fu Chen felt relieved.

"Alright." The old lady readily agreed.



It was the first time for Huaisheng to come here, and the Beijing opera hadn't even started yet, and there were only about 20 spectators in the audience. Eye.

I think the Fu family is really bold.

It was widely rumored that the Fu family used their power to bully others, obstructing the reunion of mother and child, and possibly breaking the law. They actually blatantly brought their children out to the theater?

"Grandma, what's that?" Huai Sheng was attracted by the stage, so naturally he didn't pay attention to everyone's strange gazes.

"That's called Yueqin. They will sing opera later, and they will be the accompanist." The old lady looked at today's repertoire with a smile.

The first play was "Legend of the White Snake". Huaisheng had heard this story before, but he couldn't understand what these people were singing. He just stared at their heavily made-up sleeves and watched with relish.

Halfway through the play, there was a sudden noise outside.

Accompanied by the singing and opera music on the stage, the quarrels of outsiders could not be heard clearly, but suddenly a water bottle flew from behind and hit the stage directly, scaring the Peking opera actors on the stage to stop their movements, even the accompaniment The musicians were too frightened to move rashly.

"...you get out of the way, I know he is inside, I must take him away today." A high-pitched female voice.

When Huaisheng heard the sound, he was so frightened that his body trembled, his fingers shook, the juice fell to the ground, and the glass shattered on the floor.

"Ma'am, we are in Liyuan, so we can't just enter!" Liyuan security guards tried to stop her.

"I just want to take my child away. If you dare to touch me today, I will depend on your family." Ma Yincui yelled, confident.

The security guards in the Liyuan looked dumbfounded. They had never seen such an unreasonable person before, and they didn't dare to fight her directly.

Several people pushed and shoved into the lobby.

Most of the people who came to listen to the play were middle-aged people. Seeing this posture, they all backed down.

"That's my son." Ma Yincui suddenly pointed at Huaisheng.

"Grandma!" Huaisheng was so frightened that tears welled up in his eyes, and his face was blue. The old lady put down the tea in her hand leisurely, reached out and grabbed his hand, "Don't be afraid, child."

"Son—" Ma Yincui hoarse.

She was still followed by a group of reporters, and the camera was aimed at the old lady. She turned her head slightly and glanced at everyone.

When this old lady traveled with Mr. Fu when she was young, she had never seen any scenes, her expression moved slightly, and she gave those people a few sideways glances. The reporter was undecided and did not dare to shoot her directly.

At this moment, Huang Jianhua, who was following closely, rushed over suddenly, trying to snatch the child.

Last night, the hospital issued another critical illness notice, and their son really couldn't wait.

Huang Jianhua didn't even touch the old lady with his fingers, and was grabbed by the arm by Qian Jiang who rushed out from one side.

"Release—" The couple went out from the police station yesterday and went straight to the hospital. They stayed up all night, their eyes were bloodshot, and they glared and yelled, quite stern.

Huang Jianhua couldn't break free, Qianjiang squeezed his wrist with great strength, as if trying to break his wrist.

"Ah—" the man screamed, tried his best to break free, and raised his foot to kick him.

It's a pity that Qian Jiang moved faster, stretched out his hand to block it, and kicked him in the abdomen. For the sake of their son on the hospital bed, the couple had to stay up all night, with a thin body, and couldn't help kicking him fiercely.

The body flew out lightly and hit the table and chair on the side.

With a sound of "Boom," the teacup and melon seeds and fruit plate on the table fell to the floor.

He coughed violently twice, had cramps in his abdomen, and was suffocating from the pain.

"Old Huang." The woman rushed to her husband, and even pointed at the old lady, "You are too bullying!"

"Since I came to you again today, let's deal with the matter properly." The old lady took a sip of her tea with a leisurely expression on her face, "Qian Jiang, tell the third child to come over, by the way..."

"Someone sealed off the whole pear orchard."

"Without my permission, not a single fly can fly in!"

The rest of the reporters were dumbfounded.

so ruthless?

Several people trembled in their hearts, wondering what would face them next?



Jing Hanchuan is preparing bait for fishing.

"Master Six, something serious happened!"

"Huh?" Jing Hanchuan raised his eyebrows.

"Yesterday, the couple went to the Liyuan to make trouble. Mrs. Fu was there. I'm afraid something will happen."

In fact, the Liyuan belongs to the Jing family, and not many people know about it. After all, this family has a bad reputation. If people knew that the Jing family supported this garden, they would not dare to come here.

Even the reporters didn't know who the owner of the Liyuan was, they only knew that a middle-aged manager had always been in charge of it, and they had never brought Liyuan and the Jing family together.

"That's right." Jing Hanchuan narrowed his eyes, "It seems that this fish can't be caught again today."

It's a new day, everyone continue to leave a message and check in to vote~

[Wood Shows in the Forest] It comes from Li Kang's "Theory of Destiny", the last sentence is really classic, "behavior is higher than others, and everyone must be wrong", you can take a good look at it.

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