Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 368 The third master and the sixth master join forces to abuse the scum quickly and accurate


Fu Chen looked around, Qian Jiang had just relayed the facts to him, and he already had some understanding of the current situation.

Many people don't know Fu Chen, let alone have seen his true face in Lushan. Old Fu was famous for being a handsome man when he was young. His two older brothers and one older sister are also not bad, so he is certainly not bad.

He looked at Ma Yincui's face, it was so red and swollen from the beating, the old lady also hit her hard.

At this age, can you still jump up and smoke people?

"What do you think I'm doing?" The old lady rubbed her wrist, "I called you, and it took me so long to come, leaving me, an old woman, helpless and bullied. It's very miserable."

"Qianjiang!" Fu Chen said suddenly.

"Third Master." Qian Jiang came obediently.

"I asked you to protect them. What are you doing? How could you let her old man do something and cause her to be scolded. What are you doing?" Fu Chen pretended to be angry.

Qian Jiang lowered his head, "I was wrong."

The old lady was dumbfounded, this bastard, he asked him to settle accounts, and he actually pulled Qian Jiang out to cover his back.

The brain is spinning fast.

"In the future, there will be such things that need to be done..." Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"I will definitely not let the old lady get tired." After all, Qian Jiang has been with Fu Chen for a long time, and he is kind.

The old lady snorted coldly, you bastard.

"Hurry up and settle this matter, these two people are too loud, and the quarrel is giving me a headache." The manager offered the old lady another cup of tea. Anyway, when Fu Chen arrived, she could sit down and watch the show with peace of mind.

Fu Chen nodded and looked at Ma Yincui in front of him seriously just now. Because he was standing very close, Fu Chen was a head taller than her, looking down at him from a high position, with gentle eyes but domineering.

"You guys came here to take Huaisheng back, right?" His tone was also soft.

Ma Yincui took two steps back, and Huang Jianhua rushed over, "Yes, we just want to take the child back."

"Master Purdue, as Huaisheng's current guardian, once talked with you alone. He said that it is okay to bring Huaisheng for matching, but you need to buy an insurance for Huaisheng, or save some money for him."

The master was merciful, and the child was lying on the hospital bed dying, and his heart was soft.

He mentioned this matter to Fu Chen, and he suggested that his parents should insure Huai's living money.

"This is my child. It is only natural for me to take him home. We will take care of him in the future. What do we need those things for?" Ma Yincui chuckled.

"The monk asked us to buy insurance for him, and it was for money."

"I think he is asking for money under the guise of a child."

Fu Chen said lightly, "This is my suggestion to him. Now you are all focused on the son who is in the hospital. Even if you take the baby back, you don't have the heart to take care of him. He is still young. Who knows if the bone marrow will be drawn after the matching is successful? There will be sequelae, so what's the problem with giving the child a guarantee?"

"You only said on TV that we were hiding the child, but did you say that you had already had contact with Master Purdue, who adopted and conceived you?"

"And you have already made an agreement not to disturb the children!"

"Breaking the agreement, wantonly harassing the children, are you worthy of being human?"

Fu Chen's speech was always gentle and understated, but he bit every word very clearly.

Their gazes swept over a group of reporters behind them, and everyone lowered their heads, afraid to look at him, "Do you deserve to be a journalist even if you don't care about the facts?"

"He was the one who blackmailed us first and asked us for money!" Ma Yincui was a scoundrel, and directly poured dirty water on Master Pudu.

"When he met you, I asked him to record it for me. I just wanted to know how you guys discussed this matter. What's the matter, do you want me to release the original recording before you shut up?"

Fu Chen suddenly raised his voice and sternly reprimanded the couple, which made the couple turn pale instantly.

"Since you lost your child back then, can you still expect that you can really take him home and raise him well?"

"We didn't lose it!" Ma Yincui gritted her teeth.

Even if it is exposed that she is lying on TV and misleading the public, at most she will be scolded a few times. Abandoning a child is a crime and she will go to jail. She will not admit it even if she is beaten to death.

"You really didn't do it?" Fu Chen sneered.

There is no cure for the stubbornness when death is imminent.

"It wasn't originally, don't talk nonsense." Huang Jianhua's voice trembled.

"Qianjiang, go to my car and pick him up." Fu Chen came a few steps late to pick up this man.

The couple looked at each other, wondering who he was looking for.


Four or five minutes later, Qian Jiang came over with a girl who looked about fourteen or fifteen years old. She was dressed very plainly and kept rubbing her hands, looking nervous.

"Huang Can, why are you here!" Ma Yincui yelled.

"Mom and Dad." This girl is their daughter.

"Aren't you in the hospital with your younger brother? Why are you here? If you leave, what will your brother do? He will be scared if he is left alone!" Ma Yincui got angry and rushed over, as if hitting her.

Qian Jiang stepped forward and stood in front of her.

"What do you want to do again!" Ma Yincui was furious, "Smelly girl, you come out for me, it's against the sky, you still dare to hide?"

The old lady squinted at the girl. The shoes on her feet were dirty, the trousers were short, but the clothes were long, which were obviously not her own clothes. Seeing her mother raised her hand, her face turned pale with fright.

There is a younger brother who is seriously ill in bed at home, and I am afraid that he will not have a good life.

"I came here just to tell you, don't look for my little brother anymore, you were the ones who lost him back then!" The girl hid behind Qian Jiang and shouted loudly.

"You..." Ma Yincui obviously didn't expect to be bitten back by her daughter, and her mind went blank at the time.

"In order to save your younger brother, you were planning to give birth to him, but you found a matching bone marrow. If the child hadn't been too big to get rid of, you wouldn't have kept him at all." The girl has already remembered the past, and many things are vivid in her mind.

"You think he is useless at all. At that time, the family owed a lot of money and couldn't afford to support the extra children."

"I heard you say that he is a burden, a burden, and you have to throw him away!"

"He..." The girl's voice choked up, "He's still alive, why are you bothering him?"

"You bastard, you're going to beat you to death!" Huang Jianhua was furious, and rushed over to beat her, "The note in that little quilt..."

"You didn't give him his first birthday, and you couldn't bear to give him milk powder. I think if someone picks it up, at least I can cook him a bowl of noodles on his birthday!"

After Huaisheng was born, it was not long after his biological brother had the operation, Huang Can was basically coaxing him, so he naturally had feelings.

"I wrote that note and stuffed it in!" Huang Can didn't deny it.

"You didn't even give him a name, no name, no surname, I don't want him to even know when he was born."

Faced with her daughter's accusation, Ma Yincui felt dizzy, staggered, and almost fell to the ground, "What do you mean by this now? You want our family to die!"

"I don't want you to bully him anymore." The girl cried and knelt down directly to her, "Can't you let him go? Isn't he your son?"

"I originally gave birth to him to save..."

"If good-hearted people didn't raise him, would you still be able to see him? Why save lives? We can't bite back and be ungrateful." The girl knelt on the ground, shaking with tears.

The old lady turned her eyes away slightly, her eyes were scarlet, she is so old, she really can't see such a thing, she never thought that there is such a child in this family, it is really a crime.

The surrounding whispers are getting louder because there is too much information in the conversation.

In addition to naming the couple who abandoned their parents and children, they also said that Huaisheng was born to save the previous child, but was thrown away because it was useless, and that the child had undergone bone marrow transplantation and relapsed again.

All of these things have never been shown on TV.

It is always broadcast on TV how hard they worked, broke their fortunes to treat their children, and repeatedly broadcast how painful the child's treatment process is to win sympathy.

If it had been said earlier that the child had received medical treatment, everyone would have been able to figure out the cause and effect.

Listening to it now, I sigh with emotion.

"It's really cruel. Parents commit crimes, and the retribution is on the children."

"If this child didn't stand up, I'm afraid we would all be kept in the dark. It's terrible."

"Who says no? They are all sons. Since they can save lives, they should be treated kindly. They are only born but not raised, and they have no feelings at all."


Huang Jianhua knew what would happen to him once the matter was exposed, so he rushed to beat her, "You damn girl, you want our family to have a hard time, who are your real parents!"

Qian Jiang hastily stretched out his hand to stop him, and at this time, Ma Yincui also rushed over, and all the people who had listened to the opera rushed over to protect the girl.

"Still waiting to call the police, call the police, and arrest this pair of devoid of conscience parents." At this moment, the crowd was excited.

The two of them saw that the situation was wrong. If the police came, they might not be able to get out...

Ma Yincui was dragged by a group of people and couldn't break free. Huang Jianhua suddenly exerted strength and pushed Qian Jiang away violently. His sleeves were torn, and he raised his feet and rushed outside.

As soon as he crossed the pear tree screen, he was kicked back by someone.

Due to inertia, he flew out and hit a chair on one side, and the horn hit the back of his waist, causing him to lose consciousness instantly due to the pain.

"Clang--" There was a loud noise, and the surroundings were instantly silent.

He was kicked by Qian Jiang just now, this person kicked so fast that he couldn't dodge in time.

A hard blow to the stomach.

His back was numb with pain, his body twitched, and he was gasping for breath, almost dying of pain.

"Who doesn't have eyes, almost hit me." Jing Hanchuan didn't know when he arrived, he raised his feet and straightened his trouser legs, with a relaxed expression.

He was wearing white clothes today, as elegant as the wind, as proud as the snow.

"You dare to bump into our sixth master!" The group behind Jing Hanchuan was also very knowledgeable. They rushed over and gave him a big beating when they mentioned him.

Seeing her husband being beaten, Ma Yincui was about to speak, but Jing Hanchuan shot her gaze over her, making her shrink back in fright.

"Old lady." Jing Hanchuan walked up to the old lady of the Fu family, "I'm really sorry, I surprised you at my place."

Those reporters knew Jing Hanchuan.

My heart trembled, this scene belonged to Mr. Liu Jing?

Jing Hanchuan glanced at the man whose nose was bruised and swollen, and raised his hand, "My father bought this place and gave it to my mother. It's not good to see blood, don't kill people, and make the place unclean. "

Huang Jianhua fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, daring to breathe a sigh of relief.

I only heard him say another sentence.

"Drag people out and beat them, regardless of life or death, just don't dirty my mother's place."

Huang Jianhua was so terrified that he knelt down and kowtowed for mercy.

Fu Chen chuckled, this kid is used to bluffing people, in this society, who would dare to blatantly take someone's life to scare this coward.

Everyone was frightened into silence, and just as the Jing family was about to drag Huang Jianhua out, sirens sounded outside.

"You're lucky today." Jing Hanchuan smiled.

When the police rushed in, Huang Jianhua rushed over, "I lost the child, it's my fault, take me back!"

After he met Jing Hanchuan, he heard that his notoriety was notorious. At least he would have his life in prison. If it fell into his hands, he would really only have a dead end.

The police are stupid, why the hell are there still people begging to be arrested.

But when they looked at the current battle, they were trembling with fear.

The caller only said that someone was causing trouble, but he didn't say that all the old ladies of the Fu family were here.

"Comrade police, we have surveillance here, and I will transfer the video to you immediately." The manager stepped forward to greet them and exchanged information with them.

The police learned about the specific situation, "Let's take this couple away first, and the rest of them will make notes here."

Including the fans who listened to the opera, as well as the troupe who sang in the background, more than a hundred people, if they were all taken back to the police station, wouldn't it be a mess.

Just when the couple was about to leave...

"Wait a minute." Huai Sheng came out at some point.

"Oh, what are you doing out here?" The old lady didn't want him to see this scene, so she asked Qian Jiang to send him away.

Huai Sheng looked at the couple not far away, "I will go for a match."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How old are you? How can your body handle it?" The umbilical cord blood was taken for the birth of the child.

"If it suits me, I will donate it, and I should repay their gift of childbirth." Huai Sheng was behind, and he heard it clearly.

Ma Yincui suddenly covered her face and burst into tears...

Huaisheng walked up to Huang Can who was put on one side, the girl obviously didn't expect Huaisheng to come out suddenly, and she couldn't stop crying when she saw him.

He took out a few pieces of coconut candy from his pocket and stuffed them for her, which Song Fengwan had specially brought for him when he returned to Nanjiang. He put them on his body today, and he was not willing to eat them yet.

"elder sister--"

Huang Can hugged him, cried hoarsely, and kept saying that she was sorry for him and didn't protect him well.


The old lady stood on the side and raised her hand to wipe away her tears.

Fu Chen handed over a piece of paper, "Wipe?"

The old lady raised her hand and knocked off his hand with a "snap," "What, what are you rubbing?"

She also didn't want to cry in front of the child, and secretly wiped her tears. Fu Chenfei poked her, which made the old lady a little frustrated.

Jing Hanchuan stood on one side, lowering his head and grinning sullenly.

It deserves it!

Fu Chen glanced at the reddish back of his hand, "This old lady is really old, but she is really difficult to take care of. I really don't understand how my father came here all these years."


After the police finished their notes, everyone left one after another. Only the group of reporters wanted to have a word with Fu Chen or Jing Hanchuan, but they didn't dare to go forward, so they could only leave in disgrace.

"Just let those reporters go?" Jing Hanchuan narrowed his eyes, and still had two pieces of coconut candy from Huaisheng in his hand, and threw one into his mouth.

I thought to myself: Fu Chen's little daughter-in-law is really dishonest, she brought so many good things, but only gave him a few boxes of pastries?

In fact, Song Fengwan brought a total of two packs of coconut candy, both of which were for Huaisheng. The elders of the Fu family and Uncle Zhong Bo Nian both have bad teeth and don’t eat sweets. Fu Chen doesn’t like it either. Jing Hanchuan is so sweet.

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes and called Duan Lin Bai.

Duan Linbai was also having a meeting to discuss the opening of the new district. When he received the call and heard Fu Chen's narration, he jumped up immediately.

"Fuck, it's so embarrassing that you don't call me when something like this happens!"

"Why are you called?" Fu Chen lightly sneered.

"I'm going to eat melon seeds and watch a play." I missed a big show in vain.

"There are other places where you are needed."

Duan Linbai was suspicious, "What kind of hole did you dig for me?"

Jing Hanchuan watched Fu Chen make a phone call, and turned his head to look at the two siblings who were hugging each other not far away. The girl kept touching Huaisheng's head, crying uncontrollably...

"Brother, why is your hair gone?"

"Where's your hair?"

"Why don't you grow your hair?"


Huang Can has been in the hospital all the time, and she knows little about the outside world, and her parents won't tell her at all, and she doesn't know who adopted Huai Sheng.

Huaisheng rubbed his head, "I'm a monk, I'm going to be an abbot in the future, why should I keep my hair?"

When Huang Can heard about the monk, she cried terribly, how could she become a monk at such a young age.

Huai Sheng bit his lip.

What's wrong with a monk? Why is she crying like this?

How majestic it is to be an abbot.


And on the other side

Duan Linbai answered Fu Chen's call, immediately asked someone to prepare the car, and went straight to the TV station.

The group of reporters thought that if they left the Liyuan, they would escape a catastrophe, but they didn't know that their nightmare had only just begun...

The third watch is over~

Is it enjoyable to watch?

Daily confession of my third master and the sweet sixth master, haha, is it really good for you to arrange it like this? [Cover your face]

Tomorrow, Langlang will make a big fuss on the TV station, and Yu Manxi will also appear on stage. Things are linked together, so I say that Huaisheng's life experience is not complicated, but there are more people involved.

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