Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 369 Duan Lang went straight to the TV station, asking for accountability

After the police in the Liyuan completed the notes, Master Purdue also came down from the mountain. He signed his signature and took Huaisheng to the hospital for a type match. Huang Can was brought back to the police station as a witness to assist in further investigation.

Since the couple was suspected of abandoning their child and violated the law, they have been detained. The elderly grandma who came to take care of the sick child.

Huaisheng glanced at the door, the boy was crying, disgusted that the food that grandma had packed for her was not tasty, the soup, water and vegetable juice splashed on the sheets and quilt, everywhere.

"My dear grandson, just take a bite." The old lady bent her back, obviously unable to serve him.

"Why hasn't my mother come back yet? Didn't she say that she can operate on me right away?"

"Don't you have to wait for the matching result?"

"Why didn't she even keep the umbilical cord blood, otherwise she wouldn't have worked so hard."

"This..." Who can predict that the disease will recur again.

"I'm going to call her."

He took out his mobile phone, but no one answered the phone all the time, which made him furious. He was pampered all year round, coupled with his illness and anxiety, and rarely had contact with others.


Huai Sheng glanced at the door, held Master Purdue's hand, "Let's go."

Just after the matching was completed, there was a dull pain at the acupuncture point.

"Hmm." Master Purdue didn't make a sound.

When the two came out of the hospital, the Fu family's car was waiting at the door, picking them up and heading straight to the old house.

When Huaisheng arrived at the old house, Huang Can was there. He just took a shower and changed his clothes. He was wearing the old clothes left by her former concubine, and the old lady didn't want to throw them away.

During the conversation, everyone learned that when Huang Can was in the third grade, his younger brother was diagnosed with leukemia, and he has been dropping out of school since then. Even though he received a bone marrow transplant six years ago, the cost of subsequent chemotherapy and medicine is not cheap, and the family has long been unable to solve the problem.

That's why the parents used the TV station to raise donations, but they didn't dare to tell the truth, so they could only lie to people all the time.

There is still a grandmother in Huang Can's family who is not eligible for adoption. The old lady loves her and only says that she can continue to study.


the other side

After the group of reporters ran back to the TV station, they didn't know how to report the progress of the matter to the leader.

"How was the interview?" Director Wan Haidong smiled and looked at Ding Jingyi's group.

"Director, I want to talk to you alone about this matter..." Ding Jingyi walked over, speaking in a coquettish tone that anyone with a discerning eye could taste.

"Okay, come to my office." The production director led her to the office. As soon as the door closed, the curtains were drawn.

"How was the interview today? Why are everyone downcast." The office colleagues gathered around, "Didn't you say that the child was taken to the theater by the old lady of the Fu family, and he didn't see anyone?"

"Damn it, it's a big mess this time."

"I've said it a long time ago. The couple spoke half-truths and half-truths. This thing can't be broadcast. The director must listen to that Ding Jingyi."

"Yu Manxi still had the foresight to stop broadcasting this news."

"She was replaced because she was too assertive. The director thought it had ratings, but she opposed it. If she didn't broadcast it, Ding Jingyi would take over. Now the two of them are in the office and I don't know what they are doing."

"However, the broadcast of the child-finding news has indeed earned enough gimmicks, and the ratings have indeed exploded."

"It looks okay now, but we will all suffer later!"

"How big of a mess can there be? She has the means to coax the leaders in the stage around. Even if the sky falls, someone will support her. It must be fine." The unknowing colleague's tone was slightly teasing.

"Heh——I don't think even the Heavenly King and I can save her this time!"


While the few people were talking, the door of the column team's office was suddenly kicked open, and a middle-aged man with a shabby face walked in.

"Director." Everyone immediately stood up, too scared to breathe.

"Where's your director?" Director Zheng came with a hostile look.

"In the office." Someone pointed to the inner door.

Mrs. Zheng walked in with big strides.

"Director..." Everyone knew that something might be going on inside, and they broke in at this time, isn't this...

Director Zheng didn't care about this, he raised his foot and kicked the door, but the door was locked from the inside, and after a loud tremor, it didn't open.

"Damn it, who the hell is this? Don't die." The director inside was about to go into battle with a gun. He was frightened by this, his body trembled, and he immediately ejaculated prematurely, "Damn——"

Ding Jingyi hurriedly turned over from the table, picked up the clothes on the ground, and hurriedly put them on.

"If there is nothing important, I will kill you."

"Wan Haidong!" Director Zheng said suddenly.

Wan Haidong turned pale with fright, and kicked Ding Jingyi who was squatting on the ground picking up clothes, "Don't do it, hide for a while."

Ding Jingyi was also terrified, she hugged her clothes and crawled under the desk, trembling.

He tidied up his clothes a little, and immediately opened the door of the office. When the head of the office came to inspect, he would definitely notify in advance and report to work.

"Director, why are you here?" Wan Haidong smiled ingratiatingly, subconsciously straightened his clothes, his heart pounding with guilt.

Director Zheng is in his fifties, squinting his eyes and sneering, "Wipe off the lipstick on your neck."

Wan Haidong was so frightened that he trembled.

"Don't hide from this person, come out quickly."

Ding Jingyi just got out from under the table, her clothes were disheveled, and the door of the office was not closed, all the colleagues who worked together could see clearly.

Even if everyone knows it well, seeing it with their own eyes is another mood.

This Director Wan can be her father, so shameless.

"Director, what happened?"

"How dare you ask me what happened? The police report has come out, and our TV station's complaint phone line has been blown up. They all say that we report fake news! Fake fundraising, asking us for money!" Zheng Tai The chief picked up the documents on one side and greeted Wan Haidong.

"Your department is really capable. You dare to scare Mrs. Fu. Mr. Fu's lawyer's letter has been delivered to my desk."

"You even broke into Liu Ye's territory and caused trouble, who the hell gave you the guts?"

Director Zheng had just finished greeting Qian Jiang, but Qian Jiang didn't drink a cup of tea, and just handed him the lawyer's letter. Immediately afterwards, lawyer Jing Hanchuan came, saying that the pear orchard was smashed, the performance was terminated, and he wanted to file a claim.

The Jing family rushed over in a mighty manner, which really scared him enough.

"I'm so frightened that I have a heart attack, and you two are still messing around here?" Director Zheng was so angry that his eyes lit up.

"Then what should we do now?" Wan Haidong didn't hear Ding Jingyi talk about this matter, and his mind was also blank.

"What else can I do? Tonight's "All Beings" program will air, publicly apologize and clarify the facts."

"Then I'll get ready right away." Wan Haidong wiped the hot sweat from his forehead.


All the content of the originally scheduled program had to be replaced, and the column was live broadcast again. All the staff of the program team immediately got busy, and Director Zheng personally sat down to review.

"Director, please read the manuscript." Wan Haidong tensed up. He was afraid that he would be doomed after this episode was broadcast.

As soon as Director Zheng took over the script, someone rushed in hurriedly, "Director, something serious happened."

"What's the matter?" Director Zheng jumped up from his chair angrily.

Fu Chen and Jing Hanchuan sent people over one after another, he was already frightened enough, what else could he do.

"Mr. Duan is here." The man's voice flinched, "He went directly to your office, didn't see you, and came here directly, we can't stop him."

"Why is this son here again?" Director Zheng was so angry that he couldn't figure it out, threw the script, and ran out in a hurry, almost bumping into Duan Linbai.

"Hey, Mr. Duan, you are here, I am really disappointed."

Duan Linbai came here from the company. He was dressed in a black and white suit, and he was very well-dressed. Because he was born in classical music, he had a proud temperament on his body. His face was like a spring peach blossom, clean and crisp.

With his hands in his pockets, he was a little more unrestrained, and he looked extraordinarily chic and unrestrained.

"Master Zheng, I can be considered to have found you." Duan Linbai smiled, squinting his eyes, with a slight feeling of eyebrows pressing down on his eyes, exuding an unspeakable evil spirit.

"Come here and make a phone call ahead of time." Director Zheng laughed with him. This is a major client of their TV station. The advertising investment accounts for a large part of the TV station's revenue every year. Don't offend him. "What's the matter with you coming here in person?" .”

Duan Linbai walked directly into the room, found a chair at random and sat down, with a smile on his face, "I sponsored this show, and I just wanted to come and watch it."

Now that the hot searches on Weibo are all fake "All Beings", Duan Linbai must be affected, and it is reasonable to rush over directly.

"Master Duan, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter."

"What's the explanation?" Duan Linbai squinted and smiled, "I'm the title sponsor of this show, and your dereliction of duty, you know how much economic loss it caused me!"

Taiwan Zheng was at a loss for words.

"The most important thing is that you smeared the Fu family around the corner on the show. You guys don't know that I have a good relationship with Fu Chen. You are really capable of using my money to smear my friends!"

Duan Linbai slapped the table, scaring everyone into silence.

"Today was the worst. He rushed to the Liyuan to make trouble, scared Grandma Fu from speaking, and even smashed the Liyuan in Jinghanchuan."

"Who the hell gave you the guts!"

Ding Jingyi stood on one side and gritted her teeth, "It was the couple who concealed the facts, and we are reporting according to the facts..."

"Stop talking." Wan Haidong held her back, why are you talking about this at a time like this.

Sure enough, Duan Lin Bai exploded when he heard this.

"According to factual reports, the facts you reported are now proven to be false. You pursue news, don't you know the truth?"

"If you make enough gimmicks, you can push the responsibility on them. You have interviewed and followed them for so long, and you can't even tell the truth of what they say?"

"Are you a pig's brain, or your brain is squeezed by the door, and your IQ is worthy of being a reporter and host?"

Duan Linbai's words were directly directed at Ding Jingyi, scolding until her eyes were red.

"Mr. Duan, she is a newcomer, calm down." Director Zheng gave her a hard look.

What's the point of getting something up at this time for such a sightless thing.

"There is one more thing." Duan Linbai smiled, "I invested in this column because of Yu Manxi, why can any cat or dog be the host now?"

Ding Jingyi's little face lost all color in an instant, and tears kept rolling in her eyes.

"Yu Manxi is going to take the host qualification certificate examination at the end of the month, and she is preparing for the exam. She has been too busy recently, so we temporarily replaced her with Jingyi." Wan Haidong explained hastily.

Other colleagues in the office scoffed.

It was clear that Yu Manxi was replaced due to his temper too hard and he refused to accept any unspoken rules. Any temporary adjustments were just excuses.

"That's right! If she didn't support the show, would the investment still be worthwhile? Because my mother likes it, I went after her on purpose." His tone was calm and full of style.

When Duan Linbai signed the contract with the TV station, he kept saying that his mother liked Yu Manxi very much, but this kind of thing could not be clearly stated in the contract. They thought Duan Linbai was just talking politely. Who would know that he was really rushing to invest? Yu Manxi is here.

"Then I'll call her now and ask her to come over right away." Director Zheng smiled bitterly, ready to go out with his mobile phone.

Changing the host meant that Yu Manxi had to prepare for the exam, but in fact, everyone knew all the rules.

"What are you doing out there? Hit her in front of me. I want to make sure she can come back." After all, this is the person Fu Sinian has taken a fancy to, and he will be his own from now on.

Duan Linbai is not stupid, they said that Yu Manxi was preparing for the exam, and he knew the unspoken rules of the workplace.

Director Zheng had no choice but to call Yu Manxi by turning on the external voice.

The call was connected quickly.

"Hello—" Yu Manxi was doing a quiz at home at the moment.

"Xiao Yu, how is your review?"

"It's okay." Yu Manxi glanced at the caller ID, "Director Zheng, what do you do?"

"Are you free to come to Taili?"

"Didn't it mean that I can't go back to work if I don't get the certificate? I have already handed the resignation letter to Director Wan."

Director Zheng was completely unaware of this, and glanced at Wan Haidong. He shrank his neck, and he was terribly frightened.

Duan Linbai crossed his legs and smiled at him even more wickedly.


"Cheating my money by cheating the sky? Now play me a trick, you guys are really capable."

It’s a new day, don’t forget to leave a message and check in~

It's already the end of the month, if you have a monthly pass, don't forget to support the beginning of the next month.


Erlang said he was very angry, haha, he really wanted to blow up the TV station~


Tweet: "Rebirth 98: The Almighty Queen on Campus" Mu Jiufeng

[One-to-one super cool text, slag removal, beautiful man, double strength, double cleanliness, double love, sweetness +++]

Mu Xia, who was accidentally teleported to the world of comprehension, was reborn in 1998, the spring when she was fifteen years old.

In her cowardly and incompetent previous life, she was stripped naked and locked in the toilet. She was the punching bag for all the girls in the school!

In this life, Mu Xia has returned strongly——


On campus, she is a top female student and a champion harvester;

In the business world, she is the Goddess of Wealth, with a net worth of over tens of billions;

In the political world, she is a female counselor who can turn clouds and rain with her bare hands;

In the military world, she is the female leader, who can defeat ten thousand divisions with one punch;

In the underground world, she is the goddess of death, stomp her feet, and the dark forces all over the world tremble three times.


Of course, she is also a little fairy in someone's eyes!

It was only later that Mu Xia found out that her Master Qin was awesome!

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