Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 370 Forced Gong Gong to kneel down, this woman is too fierce (2 more)

Software Park Apartment

Yu Manxi was surprised when she received the phone call from Director Zheng, and suddenly heard a sentence from over there:

"Cheating my money by cheating the sky? Now play me a trick, you guys are really capable."

Recognizing that it was Duan Lin Bai's voice, she immediately understood what happened.

"Xiao Yu, this resignation letter..." Director Zheng raised his foot and kicked Wan Haidong. This stupid thing is probably out of his mind, and he can't figure it out when he gets into a woman's bed.

Yu Manxi is now considered to be a celebrity on their TV station, but she was so silent, she resigned without talking to them.

It's so courageous.

"Director Wan has already approved it." Yu Manxi turned the pen in his hand with a relaxed expression.

She can accept going out to drink and entertain investors, but selling her body or broadcasting fake news is the bottom line.

It was also because of this that she had an argument with the director. When she thought about what happened that day, although she was angry, she felt refreshed in her heart.

That day……

Wan Haidong pointed directly at her nose and said.

"Yu Manxi, there are a lot of young and beautiful hostesses in the station. We don't have to use you. Don't be too arrogant." Because she usually dresses fashionable, looks swaying and delicate, and is a newcomer in the workplace, and she is very polite when talking to him , I always feel good unspoken rules.

As a result, he touched her twice and was slapped by her.

He was also beaten by a woman, so he was naturally angry.

Director Wan instantly became angry.

Yu Manxi raised her hand to tidy up her clothes. Director Wan usually guides her in her work, but she is a bit careless. Today, the two of them thought that there was a disagreement about finding a child. He called her to the office. He was talking about work, but he started directly. , what else to say...

"As long as you are willing to listen to me, I promise to make you the first sister of the TV station."

Yu Manxi naturally couldn't spare him, so he slapped him at that time.

"I can tell you, there are many people staring at your position, don't be ignorant." Wan Haidong threatened directly.

"Then you change."

"You really think I don't dare. From tomorrow onwards, you won't use it, and you still have to take the exam, so you should go back and prepare for the exam." Yu Manxi wanted to ask for leave in advance because of the exam some time ago.

She smiled, turned and walked out.

"Yu Manxi, if you go out today, don't come back!"

Yu Manxi turned her head and smiled at him, "Unless you beg me on your knees, I will definitely not come back, and..."

She walked back and smashed his office in half. After finishing all this, she went out with her hair raised and a smile, "Just treat it as your usual interest."

Yu Manxi didn't intend to go back at that time, so he didn't care about offending Wan Haidong, and there was quite a commotion at that time.


When Director Zheng heard this, his face was livid with anger, and he raised his foot and kicked Wan Haidong again, "Xiao Yu, he hasn't reported this matter yet, so you don't count on your resignation."

"He said that our office is under his control, and there is no need to report personnel transfers." Yu Manxi was not afraid of offending Wan Haidong at all.

It is impossible for the two of them to stay in the same office in the future, the two of them are bound to leave one another, and what she said is the truth, there is no way to discredit him.

"Nonsense, don't listen to his nonsense, there is something wrong in the station, you still need to come back, my address has not changed, I will send someone to pick you up."

Director Zheng was afraid that she would go back on his word, and worried that Duan Linbai would hear her saying something else, so he hung up the phone hastily.

Duan Linbai sneered, "My mother is at home, and I was thinking about waiting for her to come back to host. I didn't expect everyone to be fired. You guys are so awesome."

"How do you do things, just fire her?" Director Zheng had nowhere to get angry, so he could only find Wan Haidong to vent his anger.

"It's because she disobeyed the arrangement and destroyed public property," Wan Haidong argued.

"Shut up!" Director Zheng was so angry that he couldn't figure it out, and hurriedly asked someone to pick up Yu Manxi, "Mr. Duan, she will be here soon, why don't you move to the lounge and have a cup of tea ? Tonight's show will definitely be hosted by her."

"Stage..." Ding Jingyi has already put on makeup and changed her clothes, so why not let her go on stage?

Wan Haidong held her back and didn't let her continue speaking.

"Success, I'll wait." Duan Linbai glanced at Ding Jingyi.

How can I spend my money on a rookie like you? It's really unlucky.

The Duan family invested a lot. Duan Linbai was so focused on the development of the new district during this period that he didn't pay attention to the program he invested in. Moreover, they said that Yu Manxi was replaced because she had to prepare for the exam and asked for leave. The reason was justified. The ghost knows that he has been fired.

Accompanied by the director, Duan Linbai went to another lounge, and the program team was also preparing for the evening live broadcast, waiting for Yu Manxi to come back.

"This is really a good show to watch. Miss Xiao Yu is a stubborn one. She had such a fight with Director Wan at that time. Now that she begs her to come back, he will definitely look at him."

"Who knew Mr. Duan was really here for Xiao Yu. He said Mrs. Duan liked Yu Manxi. I really didn't take it seriously. I'm going to catch you blind now."

"This Ding Jingyi has the ability to hug Mr. Duan's thigh."


Everyone was talking about it, Ding Jingyi was crying on the sidelines, it was really embarrassing to be replaced temporarily.

"You are in charge of interviewing this show. If she comes to host, you will be a guest and enter the country with her." Wan Haidong also doesn't want to be manipulated. If he really depends on Yu Manxi for everything, he will be on stage in the future. Can't get a foothold.

"Is that okay?" Ding Jingyi asked.

"What's wrong, hurry up and touch up your makeup." There is always a way to get Yu Manxi to respond.


About an hour later, someone trotted in first, "Where are the makeup artist and costume teacher, they have arrived."

A quarter of an hour later, accompanied by the sound of high heels, Yu Manxi appeared in the recording hall.

Thin red chiffon, with a black satin bow tie, black suit pants, and seven centimeter black high heels, with a slender, capable and straight figure.

Everyone hasn't seen her for more than half a month. They thought she was fired because she must be looking for a job everywhere and exhausted, but when they saw her today, she was more vivid and bright than usual.

Yu Manxi is very interested in being a host. During this period of time, he is preparing for the exam at home and adjusting his status. Before that, he was worried about recording the program every day. Now his life is moist and his natural complexion is excellent.

The long hair is slightly curly, and as she walks, there is a slight breeze, and the corner of the mouth is bright red, which makes it even more stunning.

She usually looks rigid and conservative on camera, but today's outfit...

Burning and intimidating, agile and stunning.

"Xiao Yu, this is the manuscript, and the live broadcast will be live in 7 minutes. You should quickly familiarize yourself with the script." Someone immediately handed over the script.

"Thank you." Yu Manxi has been busy preparing for the exam recently, and she really didn't know that such a big incident happened in the stage, so she asked her to come to the rescue.

According to her temperament, she wouldn't agree easily, but the arrow is on the line, she has feelings for this show, so she agreed to finish hosting the show first.

When she passed by Wan Haidong, their eyes collided and sparks flew everywhere.

Yu Manxi sat in the host position, and someone immediately stepped forward to help her put on the headset and put on her makeup. Everyone was busy around her, and the camera was also adjusting the camera position. The live broadcast immediately entered the countdown.

"It's still Xiaoyu who is on camera. This Ding Jingyi's face doesn't look good no matter how you shoot it. I blame my poor technique."

"Look at his aura, and look at that Ding Jingyi, she's really petty."

"Who makes someone powerful in bed."


Ding Jingyi watched everyone busy around Yu Manxi, even the makeup artist was more attentive than usual, her eyes were red with jealousy.

"Go up quickly." Wan Haidong urged her.

Ding Jingyi then took the manuscript and sat in the guest seat.

"Jingyi is in charge of this matter. You host, she narrates, and you all cooperate well." Wan Haidong is the main person in charge of the scene, responsible for all procedures of the show, and naturally has the right to arrange all matters.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, knowing that Wan Haidong still wanted to give Yu Manxi a blow.

So what if you were invited back by the director?

In my territory, you have to listen to me.

Ding Jingyi smiled at Yu Manxi, "Senior, please take care of me for this episode." Her tone was a little complacent.

Everyone was busy preparing for the show, so they naturally didn't notice that Duan Linbai and Director Zheng had already arrived at the recording studio and were standing in the corner watching.

"I..." Director Zheng was out of breath.

It's such a time, Wan Haidong's brain was kicked by a donkey, and he tripped Yu Manxi?

As soon as he was about to go over, he was stopped by Duan Linbai.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer." Duan Linbai crossed his arms, and he also wanted to see how Yu Manxi would deal with this kind of thing.

If she is not strong, even if he comes out today, she will not be able to gain a foothold in the stage in the future, and no one can protect her all the time.


Just when the atmosphere at the scene was stagnant, Yu Manxi suddenly threw the notebook in his hand on the table, and with a crisp sound of "pop--", he got up and pulled the headset back...

"Senior!" Ding Jingyi was dumbfounded.

"Since you want to host, I'll leave it to you. I don't really want to sit in this position. After all, I've been seated by others for a long time..." Yu Manxi looked at her with a sneer, "I feel dirty."

Ding Jingyi's eyes were red, "Senior, you..."

"Don't call me senior, just like you said, I'm not a regular host, I can't teach you anything, I can't be your senior, besides, you can do many things better than me."

Yu Manxi was naturally alluding to her climbing the bed.

"Speaking of those, I should call you senior."

"You're not very young, but you're still very powerful."

Wherever Ding Jingyi was directly criticized, she immediately dumped her book in anger.

"Yu Manxi, what are you doing?" Wan Haidong frowned, "Go back!"

"Can't you see?" Yu Manxi slapped the headset and other things on the table, "I quit."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The live broadcast is about to start.

you actually...

Why don't you do it?

In the past, everyone thought they had a good temper, and they often treated guests to afternoon tea. Because they were newcomers, they had a humble and polite attitude. The most powerful thing was that they smashed the director's office.

Really strong.

As she spoke, she had already walked off the stage, and walked directly outside the recording studio. She was dressed in red, with a straight waist, showing the style of a queen...

"..." Director Zheng stood in the corner, slapping his thigh anxiously. After a few minutes, the program could not be broadcast as scheduled. It was a live broadcast accident.

Duan Linbai suddenly laughed.

Yo Yo Yo——

There is a good show to watch.

The director was anxious to get angry, while Duan Linbai took out his mobile phone and prepared to broadcast live...

Fu Sinian must be interested in this thing.

This Wan Haidong wanted to give Yu Manxi a bad start, but he slapped him in the face with a backhand. If there was an accident in the live broadcast, he would really be dead.

"Yu Manxi, stop!" Wan Haidong chased after her.

"It was you who asked me to come back to save the situation. I didn't come back willingly. Give me a blow?" Yu Manxi sneered, "So what if I don't do it?"

"You..." Wan Haidong was furious, "Yu Manxi, you..."

"I've already asked to resign, I'm not your subordinate, don't boss me around, you are indeed the biggest here, but I'm free to come and go!" Yu Manxi stepped on high heels, a few centimeters taller than Director Wan, condescending look at him.

"This show is not rare for anyone."

"I think it's quite appropriate for Xiaoding to host so many episodes. Let her continue."

Wan Haidong gritted his teeth, "I'll let her down!"

Ding Jingyi was dumbfounded, let her go down?

"Director Wan..." Yu Manxi lowered his head and smiled, "I won't mention these things, I plan to wait until the show is over, and you are the one who pushed me to this point."

"Then let's talk about it now."

"Director, there are still four minutes." The station is already counting down the commercial break.

"Yu Manxi, hurry up and talk back if you have anything to say." Wan Haidong was really anxious.

Yu Manxi took it easy, "I said, if you want me to come back, unless you kneel down and beg me."

"Don't even think about it!" Wan Haidong was anxious when he heard this, "You are really crazy, I kneel down to you?" He turned pale with anger.

"Really?" Yu Manxi took out her phone.

"You want to call the director to complain?" Wan Haidong didn't know that the director was in the shed, and there were machines and equipment everywhere. The lights faced the host stage, and it was so dark that it was almost impossible to distinguish people.

"I'm not as nasty as you think. I'll call a taxi and I'm going home." Yu Manxi said in an unhurried tone.

"Director, Mr. Duan and the station director named Xiaoyu, this..." the staff urged, if there was an accident in the live broadcast, they would all be unlucky, and it would be unrealistic to replace them temporarily.

"I know!" Wan Haidong's chest heaved and fell with anger.

Yu Manxi has already set off to go outside...

"We'll talk about this later."

"Last time you tried to cheat on me in the office..."

There was an uproar in the shed, and Duan Lin Bai was even more dumbfounded.



How dare this little old man be her father, how dare he do this in the office?

Director Zheng was even more dumbfounded that there was such a dirty thing.

"You are purely slandering!" In full view, Wan Haidong naturally would not admit that he had done such a nasty thing.

"I don't admit it, then play this show slowly, I won't accompany you." Yu Manxi didn't want to compete with him at this time, he insisted on giving himself a blow.

Then you can't blame her for forcing the palace, making him unable to step down, completely ashamed.

When Wan Haidong saw that she was leaving, he had no choice but to nod, "The thing before was that I was sorry for you."

"You should know that what I want is not an apology." Yu Manxi glanced at his knee.

"Don't go too far!" Wan Haidong has already come to this point, and it is already quite embarrassing, but this Yu Manxi is still so aggressive.

"Since we can't agree, I'll go back and continue reading."

She said and went straight out...

Wan Haidong was really forced to do nothing, this woman pinched his sore spot, she clearly wanted his life, she gritted her teeth cruelly, bent her legs...

"Plop—" There was a muffled sound.

There was no sound in the shed, except for the hum of some machinery and equipment.

Yu Manxi squeezed her phone and chuckled, turned around and walked back, glanced at Wan Haidong who was kneeling on the ground from the corner of her eye, and sneered, when passing by Ding Jingyi, she didn't even look at her.

Perverse and domineering.

When she got on the stage, a staff member immediately helped her put on the headset, and there was less than a minute left before the live broadcast...

Accompanied by the familiar prelude of the show, the staff said, "Mr. Yu, the show is about to start, 5, 4, 3..."

The countdown ended, and the screen cut to Yu Manxi, "Hello, audience friends, this is "All Beings", and I'm Yu Manxi, today's host..."

Qiaoxiao Qianxi, as if everything that happened before was like a dream.

Only then did Wan Haidong get up from the ground staggeringly, extremely ashamed and embarrassed.

Duan Linbai stood to the side, silently turning off the recorded video.

His cell phone live broadcast is also in their small group.

Little White Dragon in the Waves: [The live broadcast is over, isn't it quite exciting, big nephew, your family is too cruel, forcing a big man to kneel down. 】

[Fuck, it's so fucking ruthless, it's very relieved. 】

[The picture is extremely refreshing. 】

Fu Sinian is still out of town at the moment, just finished a meeting with his partner, clicked on the video and watched it for a few minutes...

Fu Sinian's colleagues saw him looking at his mobile phone with a smile on his lips, thinking he was watching some funny joke, so they moved over one after another, and they were stupefied when they saw the scene.

Boss, this sister-in-law is as beautiful as she is beautiful, that is...

It's a bit fierce!

Xiao Yuer successfully took revenge, haha~

Let's call Xiaoyuer crazy today...

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