Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 371 Notorious, Falling in Love Will Kill You (3 more)

Fu Sinian is far away in Jinling at the moment, and originally planned to go back yesterday, but at that time Fu's family was at the cusp of crisis, Fu Chen asked him to go back two days later.

He knew that "All Beings" had recently changed its host, saying that Yu Manxi was preparing for the exam, and they had met at the elevator entrance, and she was indeed studying at home.

From the beginning to the end, I didn't mention anything that happened in the stage to him, let alone the unspoken rules.

The occasional conversations were mostly idle gossip, and Yu Manxi rarely talked to him about work, so she was fired, and Fu Sinian knew nothing about it.

"Help me book a plane ticket for tonight." Fu Sinian stared at the phone, his deep eyes were slightly rippling, obviously planning something.

"Boss, are you going to have dinner with Boss Sun later?" The few of them came out, it was indeed for business, and they made an appointment for a dinner with a client in the evening.

"I'll go back after dinner." Fu Sinian said bluntly, "The rest is very simple, you just stay and discuss. Something happened at home, I want to go back."

A few people are speechless, your family's affairs are all settled, why are you going back?

Everyone knows who you want to go back to see, so why be so deceitful.

On the way to the dinner, Fu Sinian took out the computer, put it on his lap, took out the data cable, connected the phone, imported the video, and flicked his fingers on the keyboard. The light from the computer was refracted on his face, flickering on and off...

"Boss, what are you doing?" Everyone was suspicious.

"Busy." Fu Sinian remained silent.

A few people are speechless, everyone knows that you are busy.

In just a few minutes, a video about the unspoken rules of a popular anchor was widely circulated on the Internet. The video was edited, and only Director Wan admitted that he had cheated on Yu Manxi, and only Director Wan was in the video. For the video, Yu Manxi was cut out the whole way.

It's just that her voice is very recognizable, and you can tell who it is as soon as you hear it.

It was only then that everyone realized that she was temporarily dismissed from the show not to prepare for the exam, but because she refused to accept the unspoken rules.

Now the "All Beings" program is on the cusp, and Ding Jingyi is no exception. She has received a lot of bad reviews, and she must not be used anymore. On the one hand, Yu Manxi is afraid of Duan Linbai, and on the other hand, she is forced by the formality.

After all, of all the hosts who appeared on this show, Yu Manxi's reputation is the best.

At this moment, the wave of denunciation of Director Wan is getting higher and higher.

"This kind of blatant unspoken rules really hurts my goddess."

"How can there be such a disgusting person? Look at that wrinkled face, who wants to spoil the little girl, shameless."

"This kind of person should be dismissed from @京城TV."



When the video was streamed, Duan Linbai was having dinner with Yu Manxi, and Director Zheng and some of the main leaders of the station were there.

"Mr. Duan, I offer you a toast." Yu Manxi got up and poured a glass of wine.

Ding Jingyi was already in the probationary period and had already been fired, while Director Wan had been suspended for investigation because of his style of work, and he was kicked out of the TV station sooner or later.

And she was a blessing in disguise, and signed a formal employment contract with the TV station. Originally, she hadn't passed the host certificate, and the station has been stuck and refused to be a regular.

Speaking of which, thanks to Duan Lin Bai.

"You're welcome, just sit down and drink tea. What kind of wine do girls drink?" Duan Linbai smiled bitterly.

Just now he saw that Yu Manxi had a lot of aura. Now that he is taking Joe, she will really get married with Fu Sinian in the future. Speaking of this, Fu Sinian still has to "revenge" himself.

"It should be, I've done it, you can do whatever you want." Yu Manxi drank with him last time, and felt that he was nice. Today, she was angry and felt relieved.

"Then drink less." Duan Linbai coughed twice.

At this moment, everyone's mobile phones almost simultaneously sent push notifications, all of which were the unspoken video from the TV station.

The director knew that Duan Linbai had taken out his cell phone to take a picture at that time, and thought it was him posting it on the Internet, seeing his expression was very strange.

"Why do you look at me?" Duan Linbai snorted coldly.


Could it be that everyone thought he did it?

No wonder others misunderstood, he recorded the video, and he is a master who fears the world will not be chaotic, so everyone must have thought it was him.

"It's nothing." The head of the station smiled bitterly. During this period, Lin Bai planned to seek compensation from their stage for damages. At this time, he couldn't be in trouble.

Duan Linbai was furious, and after a few glasses of wine, he walked out with his mobile phone.

When he got to the corridor, he called Fu Sinian.

Looking at the clips of the video, you can tell that it was done by a master. There were only four people in that group. Fu Chen and Jing Hanchuan wouldn't do it. It was definitely Fu Sinian who did it.

The phone connects...

"Hello—" Fu Sinian also drank some wine, and was leaning against the corridor wall to answer the phone.

"I'm going, Fu Sinian, you're not real, you put the video on the Internet by yourself, and now everyone thinks I did it, and I can't clean it up even if I jumped into the Yellow River, why are you clearing me up!"

"You're doing nothing." Fu Sinian said in a deep voice.

"I'm in love with your sister! I'm just going to take the blame for you."


Yu Manxi drank a lot of wine and planned to go to the bathroom, but as soon as he came out, he heard Duan Linbai yelling Fu Sinian's name.

She didn't hear anything else, she only knew that the video was from Fu Sinian.

There was something special in his heart, he hesitated for a moment, then turned and entered the box again.


Fu's old house

The old lady sat in front of the TV tonight and saw Yu Manxi appearing. She was quite happy at first, and she publicly apologized to the Fu family and told all the facts, which can be regarded as helping the Fu family.

Immediately afterwards, the video on the Internet spread, and the old lady stomped her feet in anger.

"Is everyone's heart dark now? I said why she never shows up. Now these people are really hard to explain. In the past, when we got along, we didn't have so many twists and turns."

"In the past, it was a centralized ownership system, and everything belonged to the public, and the unspoken rules couldn't be played." Fu Chen was sitting on the side and sending messages to Song Fengwan.

"There are advantages and disadvantages." The old lady sighed, "By the way, third child, this is September in the lunar calendar. Don't forget our agreement last year."

Jing Hanchuan was sitting next to Huaisheng, and "Bear Infested" was playing on the TV. He turned his head to look at Fu Chen, curious about what the agreement was.

"I know." Fu Chen said.

"Actually, Xiao Yu is pretty good. I'll ask someone to inquire later."

"Mom!" Fu Chen stopped immediately, "She's not my type."

Jing Hanchuan had just seen the video in the group, Duan Linbai directly cue Fu Sinian, this is Fu Sinian's person at all.

The old lady went in without knowing it, and wanted her grandson-in-law to introduce her to her son?

"I haven't seen you have been in a relationship before. The ghost knows what type you like." The old lady snorted softly, "This wife has a good heart and can live a stable life. Don't pick and choose."

"Hmm." Fu replied in a dull voice.

The old lady frowned slightly when she saw that he was dealing with herself, "Han Chuan..."

"Old lady, I suddenly remembered that the fish at home haven't been fed yet." Jing Hanchuan immediately stood up and said goodbye.

"I want to go home too, to see you off." Fu Chen followed closely.

"Hey, you two..." The old lady didn't want to urge the marriage, but just wanted to ask whether the pear garden will be open tomorrow, and what is this kid doing.

"I was scared away by you." Old Fu smiled.

Huai Sheng and Huang Can lived in the old house recently, it is always better to have an old lady take care of them than to follow Fu Chen as a big man.

"This Han Chuan is really old. He hangs out with a pool of fish all day long, and he doesn't know how to find a wife seriously. Their family is really in no hurry."

"The door of the Jing family, do ordinary women dare to step in?" Mr. Fu chuckled. In fact, in this day and age, how could the Jing family be as bloodthirsty and murderous as the rumors, all because of the rumors.

"Otherwise what should I do?"

"Or just learn from his father."

"Just grab it?" After the old lady finished speaking, she remembered that there were two children in the living room, and hurriedly fell silent.

"Stealing a wife?" Huaisheng asked hoarsely. Huang Can was sitting beside him. Ever since he entered the door, he had been cautious and didn't dare to speak too much. He just listened quietly.

"Nonsense, what about grabbing a wife, you misheard." The old lady coughed twice.

"Really?" Huai Sheng bit his lip and remained silent.

In fact, Jing Hanchuan's mother was really kidnapped and brought home by force. It was his mother who was performing on stage. Jing Hanchuan's father was a frequent visitor to Liyuan. He listened to her singing all the time. He even bought Liyuan to play her as a role. , carried the person and left.

At that time, when his grandmother's house heard that his daughter had been taken away by the thugs from the Jing family, he was so frightened that his legs went limp.

Even if this daughter was sent back, at that time, she would feel that her innocence was gone, and her life would be ruined. At that time, his grandmother cried and fainted at home, and went to the door to ask for it, but was frightened back, and there was no way to call the police.

In the end, I thought about preparing for my daughter's death. It is said that even the posthumous photos were prepared at that time.

As a result, the Jing family went to his house to propose marriage with their gold, silver, jewelry, TV, bicycles and other things.

When they heard that they were going to be in-laws with the Jing family, the whole family was terrified and trembling, they ate and drank with him, but his grandfather was also very powerful, so he did not agree to the marriage.

In the end, it was his mother's persuasion, saying that their family agreed if they said they were willing.

Later, there were rumors that Jing Hanchuan's mother was raped, and the Jing family insisted on marrying her, which scared her mother to death, and even slaughtered her whole family because of her family's disagreement.

In fact, that was not the case at all. Jing Hanchuan's grandma's family was indeed controversial in the capital. Many people avoided them when they heard that they had become in-laws with the Jing family.

At that time, his grandmother was in poor health, and domestic medical services were limited at that time, so the Jing family paid for them to help their family move abroad, and they lived comfortably.

This time his parents were not at home, and they were going abroad to visit relatives, so there was no such thing as killing people all over the house.

At that time, the rumors were so vivid that even the time, place, and how many people were killed were clearly known. Those who didn't know the truth really thought that the Jing family were all murderers.


Sitting in the car, Jing Hanchuan first went to Yunjin Capital to fetch a few boxes of coconut cakes, which Fu Chen had promised him earlier.

"If you like it, I'll send some over later?" Fu Chen poured him a cup of hot tea.

"Not authentic." Jing Hanchuan is also very picky about food.

"I have acquaintances who can buy authentic ones."

"Then I won't be polite." Jing Hanchuan was also unambiguous.

"How are things going?"

"I'm still checking, I have some clues." Seeing that Fu Chen only brought him two boxes of coconut cakes, Jing Hanchuan frowned slightly, "I remember she left a lot for you, are you so stingy?"

"This is left to me by my daughter-in-law. It's not bad to give you two boxes."

"Such a little girl, I'll see how you explain to your family when you turn around, and you're really good at it."

"I remember that your mother is more than ten years younger than your father. When your mother married, she was only 16. When she was pregnant and gave birth to you, she was only 20 years old. Compared with him, I am very weak."

Jing Hanchuan was almost choked by the pastry. In the past, early marriage was normal, but he didn't expect Fu Chen to make a point of it.

Really insidious.

"If you fall in love with a girl, don't chase her, just grab the bandit's den and become Mrs. Yazhai, otherwise she will definitely give up the pick and go to the end of the world." Fu Chen teased.

Jing Hanchuan chuckled, "That's better than you. You hide it, you can't see it. What kind of relationship can you contact with your mobile phone every day?"

"It's going to be a birthday tonight. I'm picking out gifts. It's useless to consult a mother-fetal single dog like you."

Jing Hanchuan took a bite of the coconut cake, today the cake...

How sour.

Qian Jiang stood on one side, trying to minimize the sense of presence. What's wrong with these two people who disagree with each other.


On the way home, Jing Hanchuan even asked his subordinates.

"You also think that I will scare people away?"

Not even a slight gasp could be heard in the carriage, and several people were silent.

Jing Hanchuan was speechless, "These girls are too timid now."

Everyone laughed bitterly, this is the notoriety of the Jing family, when they fall in love, the girl is worried that she will meet someone who is not good, and will be cheated of money and sex, so falling in love with you is terrible.

The third watch is over, please remember to leave a message and check in~

It's the end of the month, and the monthly pass will be emptied if you don't vote...


Falling in love with the third master is really su and sweet, after all, an old man is very flirtatious.

Wanwan's birthday will be soon, and she will be officially 18. Guess what the third master will give...

Are you in love with Mr. Jingliu, um...

Third Master: Do you want to fall in love with him? damn that

Master Six: ...

O(∩_∩)O haha~ let me laugh for a while

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