Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 372 The great god made another move, mocking the third master for being nameless and worthle

The matter of conceiving his biological parents is considered to be over, but it has pushed the entire Fu family to the forefront. However, the Fu family has a strict family style. Apart from being married to the Sun family, only Fu Yuxiu retired from the marriage. On the contrary, he fell in love with an illegitimate daughter and was talked about.

In the dormitory of Beijing University, Hu Xinyue set up a small table on the upper bunk, and was watching the news cross-legged and watching the video, "Have you seen the gossip about the Fu family on the Internet?"

Song Fengwan just came back from the shower and was pulling a towel to wipe his hair, "What?"

"It's just the son of the second room of the Fu family. Why doesn't this idiot want the real lady to like an illegitimate daughter?" Hu Xinyue chewed the potato chips, biting them crisply.

"What do you think he is drawing? That girl is so beautiful?"

"How can it be such a coincidence? It's not that she's acting on TV. The girl probably did it on purpose to seduce him. She's only a fool."

Song Fengwan chuckled, "He's really stupid." She picked up the coconut milk brewed on the table and took a sip.

Fortunately, these media have pronouns, and they didn't dare to name them directly, otherwise Fu Chen would be exposed.

"It's said that there's a rumor..." Hu Xinyue squeezed potato chips and kept feeding them into her mouth, "It's said that Mr. Fu once argued with his tongue and made a person so mad."

"You think it's Zhuge Liang, who can drive people to death with words?" Miao Yating joked.

Hu Xinyue pointed to her computer, "That's what was said on the Internet, and it's justified, but it didn't say who that person was."

Song Fengwan had never heard of this, but the Fu family she came into contact with, except for Fu Yuxiu, who is stupid and sweet, everyone is not easy to mess with. Fu Chen was trained by Fu old hands. He is already so dark and powerful. old……

That cliff is an old fox who has practiced for thousands of years.

"And this third master Fu..." Hu Xinyue was speechless.

"What's the matter with him?" Miao Yating just washed his clothes and looked at her while wiping his hands.

"It is said on the Internet that he is almost thirty and hasn't dated yet. Is this true? Isn't this man bad!"

"Pfft—" Song Fengwan squirted out the coconut milk directly.

Hu Xinyue looked serious, "I'm serious, look, according to the analysis on the Internet, he... I'll go!" She was so surprised that she almost threw the table off.

"What are you doing?" Miao Yating frowned.

"Why do a bunch of people on the Internet say that he and our family Lin Bai are a couple? Our family still accepts it in vain. Fuck, I don't accept it..." Hu Xinyue frowned. Weibo, even if you join the fan group, naturally you are not allowed to discuss this kind of gossip in the group.

Song Fengwan suppressed a smile, "Didn't they gossip a long time ago? There are quite a lot of people cheating on their CP, you don't accept this kind of thing?"

"No, our Baibai family is so young and manly!" Hu Xinyue suddenly yelled, as if she had turned into Duan Linbai's brainless fan.

Song Fengwan wanted to say something again, but the phone vibrated, "Hey, third brother..."

Hu Xinyue saw her calling, put on the earphones to watch the video, and stopped talking.

"What are you laughing at?" Fu Chen just received the investigation information from Jing Hanchuan, his fingers were sliding on the touchpad of the laptop, the phone was placed on the side, and the hands-free was turned on, while Qian Jiang stood in the room, quietly waiting for his instructions.

"Gossip with roommates." Song Fengwan chuckled.


"Talk about the scandal between you and Lin Bai..."

Fu Chen's eyes tightened instantly, Qian Jiang took a step back, this Miss Song really dared to say anything.

"Hu Xinyue, I remember that she ate half a pot of boiled fish at dinner that day. It will be very difficult for her boyfriend to raise her in the future."

Song Fengwan couldn't help laughing when he saw Hu Xinyue was still chewing potato chips from the corner of his eye.

His family's third master is really a typical example of revenge.

"You guys just talk about this when you have nothing to do in the dormitory?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Just say whatever you want."

"You didn't clarify for me?"

"Clarify what?" Song Fengwan couldn't tell them directly that Fu Chen was his boyfriend, the one you've all met, right? These two people would definitely be scared to death.

"Tell me that I have nothing to do with Lin Bai, but a man who only likes you." Fu Chen's voice was low, with a doting smile.

Qian Jiang lowered his head and stared at his toes. He had been guarding Song Fengwan secretly before, and he had very few chances to get in touch with Fu Chen like this...

Long time no see.

His family's third master, what has he experienced, his mouth is as sweet as honey, and he is used to coaxing little girls.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Fu Chen asked Song Fengwan for the class schedule before hanging up the phone.

After a while, Jing Hanchuan's phone call came in.

"Hello—" Fu Chen's voice was obviously not as pleasant and soft as before.

"Have you received the information?" Jing Hanchuan was stimulated by Fu Chen today, and went out to fish at night, stroking the fishing rod with his fingertips, and the moonlight poured down like a cool night.

"Received." Fu Chen just finished browsing.

"You guessed it right. Although their family didn't come forward directly, they secretly contributed to the flames. I didn't expect that after so many years, they still miss your family?" Jing Hanchuan teased.

Every family has several rivals, and so does the Fu family.

Fu Chen closed the computer and remained silent.

"Why was the line busy when I called you just now?"

"We talked on the phone with Wanwan for a long time. You called me many times?" Fu Chen teased.

Jing Hanchuan frowned, "I just want to confirm whether you have received the information."

"I'm done confirming, I'm hanging up the phone? There are some things that a single dog like you won't understand." Fu Chen smiled in a low voice, his voice was a little bit awkward.

"Even if you have met each other's parents, you don't have a public name. You are not a single dog, nor a domestic dog. At most, you are a wild man who can't see the light, just a wild dog."

Fu Chen was still on the speakerphone, his expression changed slightly, and he hung up the phone directly, Qian Jiang could hear the phone calls of the two.

These two people are too venomous, is it interesting to attack each other?

Jing Hanchuan laughed out loud suddenly, it could be regarded as revenge for the night, and he was at ease physically and mentally.

Is it amazing to have a daughter-in-law?

I have several pond fish.

He got up and put away the fishing rod.

"Master Liu, are you back?" The people beside him were surprised. It's only been half an hour since they came out, and they usually have to stay for two or three hours. After all, fishing requires patience.

"No?" He turned his head to look at the man.

"That's not what I meant." The man bowed his head and said nothing.

Jing Hanchuan was originally stimulated by Fu Chen to come out to fish at night, but now he stabs him back with a knife, feeling secretly refreshed, what kind of fish to catch, go home and sleep.


On the other side, Duan Linbai had just had dinner with the people from the TV station, and he asked his assistant Xiao Jiang to send Yu Manxi home.

"Little boss, how do you go back?" Xiao Jiang was a little worried about him, and he also drank a lot tonight.

Because of the TV station's mistakes, losing money is a trivial matter, and affecting reputation is the most important thing. Later, compensation may be involved. The TV station people naturally flattered him and toasted him a lot of wine.

"I'll take a taxi." There have been many accidents involving girls driving alone in a car this evening, and the software park is in the suburbs. Duan Linbai definitely can't let Yu Manxi take a taxi home.

"Then I'll call a car for you."

After watching Duan Lin Bai get into the car, after instructing the driver, and paying the money, Xiao Jiang sent Yu Manxi back with peace of mind.

The taxi driver saw that Duan Linbai had drunk too much, and was afraid that he would vomit, so he drove very slowly, "Sir, if you want to vomit, you must tell me in advance."

Duan Linbai didn't seem to hear, he took out his mobile phone and began to look for the number, his eyes fixed on the [Woman who killed a thousand knives] column, and dialed...

Xu Jiamu had just finished submitting her thesis in the past few days, and it was rare for her to go to bed early when her phone rang, and the magical song "Conquer" made her jump out of bed in fright.

Thinking that the professor had something to do with him, when he saw that it was Duan Linbai's call, he frowned slightly and hung up directly.

Duan Linbai narrowed his eyes, I'll wipe it, you still dare to hang up on Lao Tzu's phone!

After calling three times in a row, Xu Jiamu couldn't turn off the phone because of him. Her mentor might come to her at any time, so she had to pick it up, "Hello——"

"you you……"

"Are you stuttering?" When Xu Jiamu heard his slurred speech, he knew that he had drunk too much.

"You try to hang up on me again, I tell you, I..."

Xu Jiamu was angry, why does this person always like to harass him when he is drunk?

After making sure that he had nothing important to do, Xu Jiamu really hung up the phone.

Duan Linbai was dumbfounded.

You are so kind, you actually died.

"Young man, did you quarrel with your girlfriend?" the driver laughed.

"She..." Duan Linbai had a lot of words in his mind, but his tongue was tied and he couldn't speak, which made him very angry.

This woman, after beating him, pretended to be fine, thinking that after almost a year, the debt would be settled? Lao Tzu is very vengeful.

This ruthless and unreasonable woman! You wait for me.

Whenever the night is quiet and drunk, Duan Linbai can always think of that "unbearable" past, so he naturally wants to settle accounts with Xu Jiamu.


Software Park Apartment on the Other Side

Xiao Jiang sent Yu Manxi to the elevator in the unit building, Yu Manxi stumbled against the wall, "Thank you..."

"You really don't need me to take you up there?" Xiao Jiang had good intentions.

"No need, I'll trouble you tonight." Yu Manxi still had a sliver of reason, but her body just couldn't control her.

"That's all right, good night." Xiao Jiang saw her entering the elevator, and thought that there should be no big problem, so he turned and went back.

And here at the high-speed railway station in Beijing, a high-speed train from the direction of Jinling also slowly stopped at the station. Because he didn't buy a ticket, Fu Sinian took the high-speed train home, and he was accompanied by a colleague from the studio.

Fu Sinian had dinner with clients tonight and drank some wine. Everyone wanted to keep him in Jinling and go back the next day, but he insisted on leaving, so they had to send someone to follow him.

It was past two o'clock in the morning when the high-speed train arrived at the station, and the man sent him to the gate of the apartment building, and then he sent him back.

Fu Sinian just felt dizzy, but he still had the ability to move.

"Boss, then pay attention to yourself." The man watched Fu Sinian get on the elevator, and when he saw the number jump to the 16th floor and stop, he let out a sigh and called the car to go home.

Fu Sinian had just arrived on the 16th floor. First, he subconsciously glanced at the door opposite him. The door was still closed. When he turned his head, he found a person sitting in front of his door. Yu Manxi was wearing the red chiffon shirt from today's broadcast, and his face was red. Tou, curled up and leaned against his door.

He frowned slightly, walked over, looked down at her from a high position, and could smell the smell of alcohol on her body from a distance...


She supported the door at the back with both hands with difficulty, trying to get up, but after sitting for too long, her legs were numb and trembling, and even if she was conscious, she couldn't support her weak body.

"Mr. Fu..."


"I seem to have drunk too much, giggling..." She chuckled softly.

He was on a business trip, how could he come back at this time.

"En." Fu Sinian frowned, didn't she have dinner with Duan Linbai tonight? Drink so much alcohol.

"Thank you for today's matter."

Fu Sinian remained silent, but at this moment the sound of a cat scratching the door came from the next door, and he turned his head slightly...

"Don't move." Yu Manxi suddenly grabbed his tie with courage.

Fu Sinian's neck was instantly strangled, and he just turned his head.

She pressed her fingers hard, and the distance between the two narrowed...

It's the last day of this month, everyone continue to punch in and vote~

After today, the monthly pass will be cleared.


The third master and the sixth master fought for the nth time, and this time the sixth master narrowly won, haha

Sixth Lord: Feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Third Master: ...

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