Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 373 Niannian: I forgot your shoes at my house (2 more)

Early the next morning, Yu Manxi was woken up by the biological clock. She had been preparing for the exam all this time, and she got up to endorse after five o'clock. She opened her eyes in a daze...

The thunder exploded, and there was a flash of light in his mind.


Not her room.

There are metal handicrafts hanging on the light gray wall, a magnificent floor lamp by the bedside, and a black plush blanket on the floor with simple geometric patterns. She took a deep breath and saw a group photo of a family of three by the bedside. There was Fu Sinian's face on it.

She moved her body slightly, and suddenly bumped into something, which made her shiver in fright, her neck stiffened, and she turned her head to look to the side.

Fu Sinian's magnified face suddenly came into view, and she was so frightened that her heart stopped suddenly.

With his eyes closed, he restrained his hostility and was softer than usual.

How could I be at his house.

It took a few minutes for her to calm down and calm herself down. She moved her body with difficulty, for fear of waking up the people beside her, only then did she notice that there were two thin quilts on the bed, but they were both wrapped under her body.

Fu Sinian only pulled one foot on the abdomen, and he was in the middle of the huge bed, and he was squeezed on the edge of the bed. He was tall, but only occupied a part of the big bed, and his situation was a bit pitiful.

Not only did she wrap the quilt, but she also pushed Fu Sinian to the side of the bed?

Yu Manxi, you are really capable.

Her mind was chaotic, and the images of last night rushed in her mind.

When she regained her consciousness, she tiptoed out of bed and stepped on the carpet with her bare feet without making a sound. She carefully unfolded the thin quilt and covered Fu Sinian before walking out lightly.

Every step is like stepping on the tip of a knife, and my heartbeat is almost stagnant.

She grabbed the bag that was left on the ground, opened the door softly, and went out slowly, but the anti-theft door closed, and there was an unavoidable sound.

"Boom—" Yu Manxi hurried home in fright, and Fu Sinian also opened his eyes at this moment.

She actually patted her ass and left?


At this moment, Yu Manxi went home, and the kitten Niannian was lying in the nest, opened his eyes and looked at her slightly dissatisfied, then squinted and lay down again.

Yu Manxi panted, threw her bag and went to the bathroom.

She simply took a shower, and just changed her clothes when she heard someone knock on the door.

She thought it was Fu Sinian who came to the door, but when she looked through the cat's eyes, it turned out to be the landlord. She hurriedly opened the door, "Auntie, why are you here?"

"I called you, but no one answered." The landlord smiled.

"I'm taking a shower, maybe I didn't hear you."

In fact, Yu Manxi's mobile phone has long been out of battery and has not had time to charge it.

"It's like this. I might go out to see my grandson next month. The heating will start in November. I'm afraid I won't be in the capital at that time, so I want to ask someone to check the equipment in advance. Don't make it the same as last year... ..." The landlord was extremely embarrassed because the water pipe burst last year.

"Yes, when?"

"Afternoon the day after tomorrow, I'll call you then. I knocked on the door when I passed by for my morning exercise. I guess you're asleep..." In fact, the landlord knocked on the door on the morning shift, just to tell her face to face one time.

Came here once before, no one answered at all.

"I..." Yu Manxi hadn't answered yet, only heard the sound of the door opening from the next door.

"Mr. Fu, you haven't slept yet?" The landlord also knew Fu Sinian, knew that he was a night owl, and thought he had just finished his work at this point.

Fu Sinian nodded to her as a greeting.

Seeing him getting closer and closer, Yu Manxi was extremely nervous.

"You forgot your shoes at my house." Fu Sinian held a pair of black stiletto high heels in his hands.


Yu Manxi was dumbfounded, she was so busy getting her bag, she ran home barefoot without even realizing it.

The landlord's eldest sister was so frightened that she couldn't speak coherently, and she didn't understand anything when she saw Yu Manxi again.

When I knocked on the door in the morning, I didn't fall asleep at all, but...

Didn't go home at all.

Overnight next door.

"That Miss Yu, I'm leaving first, hehe..." The landlord's eldest sister was so tired that she was very tired. She had come into contact with Fu Sinian, a very boring person, and she was locked in the room all day. This Yu Manxi is now another red man...

She suddenly found out that she knew some incredible gossip, and she was very excited.

"What? No more?" Fu Sinian stood at the door, still holding the shoes in his hands.

"Yes!" Yu Manxi snatched back the high heels, "Thank you, I'm getting ready to go to work, excuse me." Then he slammed the door.

Fu Sinian stared at the closed door twice.


She clearly remembered what happened last night.


Yu Manxi simply put on makeup, and finally pulled the silk scarf around it and went out the door when it was too late.

As soon as the elevator opened, I saw Ning Fan carrying breakfast.

"Why are you here?" Yu Manxi was surprised.

"It's really embarrassing that you didn't tell me about such a big event. I rushed back from other places and came to see you. I'll take you to work for your favorite finger cakes and soy milk."

Ning Fan also took a pinch.

Yu Manxi never mentioned to anyone that she was fired because of unspoken rules, and Ning Fan also thought that she was on leave to prepare for the exam at home, and she came back overnight after watching the news yesterday.

"It's normal to be unsatisfactory in the workplace." She took the pancakes without being polite.

"At least I can help you out." Ning Fan looked at her with a smile, "Little Yu'er, your mouth..."

"Huh?" Yu Manxi was almost scared to death.

"If you have a boyfriend, you don't have to hide it. Bring it and have a look, and I can check for you." Ning Fan is not an ignorant teenager either. Her mouth is red and swollen, and she is wearing a silk scarf for the first time, listening to his teasing If you are nervous, you know there is a situation.

"not the right time yet."

Yu Manxi didn't know how to face Fu Sinian in the future.

"I don't eat people, how can I scare him?" Ning Fan laughed.

Yu Manxi lowered her head, biting the pancake in her hand, and smiled bitterly.

I'm afraid it will scare you then.



Song Fengwan officially started class today, the freshman class was quite full, Fu Chen had nothing to do, and when he learned that Fu Sinian had returned last night, he made an appointment to go fishing at Jing's house.

Jing Hanchuan specially called Duan Linbai. The four of them got together very rarely. His mother answered the phone, saying that he was drunk and slept all night under the eaves of the main porch yesterday. He had a fever and a cold, and just fell asleep after taking medicine.

"Lin Bai is sick?" Fu Chen arrived early and was looking at the goldfish raised by Jing Hanchuan.

"Well, I can't come anymore. We'll have dinner when Si Nian comes over." Jing Hanchuan specially cooked some hard dishes.

After the hot dishes were served, Fu Sinian arrived at Jing's house and brought two bottles of red wine.

"What's wrong with your mouth?" Fu Chen squinted at him.

Fu Sinian didn't shy away from everyone's scrutiny, and said lightly, "I was bitten."

"I got home last night, you guys..." Fu Chen was speechless, the speed was really fast enough.

Jing Hanchuan also looked at him. He only knew yesterday that Fu Sinian had a goal in hiding in the golden house, but he never expected that he would be able to do this in the middle of the night when he arrived home last night...

He just touched the corner of his mouth indifferently.

"Sorry, just kidding."

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, he was secretly probing, what happened to the two of them last night?

"You hide really deep enough." Jing Hanchuan teased.

Fu Sinian said directly, "You don't have a goal yet?"


Fu Chen laughed out loud, "When three of us go together, there must be a single dog."

These men from the Fu family are all very poisonous. They agreed to come fishing for a long time, but what happened to one or two to show off their affection? He really wants to say one thing now: Get out of our house.

Fu Chen chuckled: I stabbed me last night, and today I got stabbed myself.

Come out and hang out, sooner or later you have to pay it back.

Haha, when three people walk together, there must be a single dog. Is this how it is used? 【cover your face】

Third Master: Not suitable?

Fu Sinian: Very suitable.

Master Six: ...

Really, if you come out to play around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

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