Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 384 Rumors and malicious slander, the third master is upgraded to a grandpa?

The cool autumn wind was bleak, and Jing Hanchuan sat by the pond in the backyard of his house, watching the dog paddling in the pond, the corners of his mouth twitching.

He just said something to Fu Chen, "You can bring Fu Xinhan to play some other day."

The next day he actually brought the dog. Dogs are born to swim. This Fu Xinhan was raised by Duan Linbai before, and he was given to Fu Chen on his birthday.

In order to prove that dogs are born to swim, this fellow once threw Fu Xinhan into his pond.

As a result, the dog likes to jump into the pond as soon as he arrives at his house.

Qiuhuo fought back. The sun was scorching during the day, and the dog was afraid of the heat, so it plunged into the pool and refused to come out.

As Fu Lao's birthday party was approaching, the Fu family was naturally busy, and Fu Sinian didn't have extra time to take care of the cat, so he simply threw the cat over.

Did these two people treat his house as a pet shelter?

I still thought that his family ran a zoo, and all the little beasts greeted his house.

"Liu Ye, the sun has set, it's time to go back when it's cold." The Jing family reminded.

Jing Hanchuan sighed, because this stupid dog frightened the fish away, and he didn't catch half a fish all day, so he put away his fishing rod and prepared to go back to the house.

Seeing that Jing Hanchuan was about to leave, Fu Xinhan jumped out of the water in a hurry, and even shook his body, getting water all over the floor, splashing half of Jing Hanchuan's trousers.

He gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to kill it.

When Jing Hanchuan returned to the house, he saw the Yu Zhaocai that Fu Sinian had sent for foster care, jumping around in the living room.

He specially asked someone to tie a cat teasing stick to it. Within the range of its sight, the cat kept reaching for the cat teasing stick. As it moved, the cat teasing stick also moved, and it was impossible to catch it.

This stupid thing actually played all day by itself?

Jing Hanchuan looked at it as if he was looking at a mentally retarded.

"Master Liu, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Steak." Jing Hanchuan is a very meticulous person, and he pays special attention to every meal. "Help me go to the wine cellar and get some red wine to wake up."

"Okay." The Jing family immediately started to move.

When Fu Xinhan heard the steak, his eyes lit up, and he followed Jing Hanchuan to the kitchen.

He took out the marinated steak from the refrigerator, took out some side dishes, and squinted at Fu Xinhan.

"Wow woof——" Fu Xinhan jumped up when he smelled the meat, shaking his head and tail in excitement, making water stains all over the floor.

Jing Hanchuan picked up a cooking knife at the side of his hand, and Fu Xinhan felt a glint of cold light glide past him. Holding the handle of the knife, he suddenly exerted force, and the tip of the knife pierced hard into the wooden cutting board.

"Boom—" a sound made Fu Xinhan's body tremble in fright.

"Go and eat your dog food."

Fu Xinhan lifted his foot and ran outside.

Fuck, where are you, Third Master, someone here wants to kill your dog.

The cat doesn't dare to mess with Jing Hanchuan anymore, just because of his "son"'s debt, Fu Sinian brought it the next day, and he made a special muzzle for cats, and covered its mouth for a whole day, Simply inhumane.

Jing Hanchuan cooked the meals, and sat at the dining table to eat alone. Mahler's "Piano and String Quartet in A Minor" was played on the stereo, which was elegant and luxurious to the bone.

He didn't turn on the TV until he finished eating, and there were still ten minutes before the news broadcast.

While he was making a cup of hot tea, a piece of discordant news appeared on the TV.

"...According to the exclusive news we have learned, a certain newly promoted female anchor has got involved in the affection of the famous movie star Xia Yunong."

Jing Hanchuan frowned, and walked back to the living room after making tea unhurriedly.

"I have been photographed dating several times, and I have also entered and exited the same apartment. It is reported that this house is also rented by this gentleman, and the two have entered and exited here several times."

"It was also photographed staying overnight together, and when she came out of the apartment the next day, she still had obvious bite marks on her neck..."


"Meow——" the kitten saw a familiar figure on the TV and jumped onto the TV.

Except for Xia Yunong's name being mentioned in the news, all the reminders are very suggestive. All the photos are coded, but it is not difficult to guess who it is.

Especially some senior fans of Xia Yunong.

"Xia Yunong attended an event some time ago, and was asked about her relationship, but suddenly her eyes became red. From this combination, we can see that her relationship has been involved for a long time."

"I called her agent and studio this time. After the call was connected, the other party said they didn't know about it. After hanging up, no one answered..."

Jing Hanchuan adjusted the TV station and switched to CCTV to watch the news broadcast.

"Master Liu, do you need help?"

"How to deal with it?" Jing Hanchuan was drinking tea leisurely. There was obviously someone behind this incident. This little star didn't have the guts to break the news about Ning's family, unless...

The person behind him is even more powerful, and he promised more generous conditions.

Moreover, the news was targeting Yu Manxi everywhere, obviously aimed at her, and he didn't need to check him to know who it was.

"Directly..." The man wiped his neck.

"Our family is a decent and civilized family now, and we don't do illegal things." Jing Hanchuan frowned, "Don't yell about beating and killing at all times, it will scare others."

"Everything should be resolved by civilized means."

"That's right, you won't be able to marry a wife in the future..."

Before the man finished speaking, he was gouged out by Jing Hanchuan, and immediately got out in a desperate manner.

Fu Xinhan lay down in the kennel, licking his paws quietly, not daring to disturb him at all.

Gouzi's sixth sense is still very accurate, this person is not easy to mess with.


When Yu Manxi's incident broke out, Fu Sinian's parents had just returned to Beijing, and the old lady asked someone to prepare a table of meals. In fact, his mother arrived a few days earlier, but it was not easy for his father to ask for leave.

When the news was broadcast, Fu Chen was watching Mr. Fu playing chess with his elder brother. When he saw the headline of the news, he smelled something unusual.

He directly took the remote control, changed the channel, exchanged glances with Fu Sinian, and remained silent.

"Sinian, it's time for dinner, why are you going upstairs?" The old lady was surprised, she didn't notice the strangeness of the uncle and nephew at all.

"There's something to take care of."

Before the incident spread, Fu Sinian wanted to kill it at the source.

He was originally engaged in computer networks, so he called Duan Linbai again, and the two sides joined forces. This news was completely blocked before it was spread on the Internet.

Occasionally, the video on the TV streamed out, and it was deleted after a few minutes, and it did not spread at all.

Even if it didn't constitute a keyword on the Internet, it was circulated among Xia Yunong's fans for a while, and the news was quickly erased and covered by more news.

It's as if the whole thing never happened.

This made Xia Yunong, who lived behind the scenes, dumbfounded.

She has been in the circle for so many years, so she naturally knows many marketing accounts. She also bought a lot of sailors, and even spent money, planning to buy this news into the hot search.

Unexpectedly, all the trumpets were banned as soon as they moved, and the reason was [suspected violation].

And those marketing accounts didn't do anything after receiving money, which made her very angry, and she called the familiar marketing account, big V, but the other party didn't answer the phone?

"What's going on here?" Xia Yunong only felt a chill rushing up from his back.

She has been in the circle for so long, and she has also witnessed the speed of some hot searches, and she has never been so fast, disappearing every minute.

The stone was thrown into the sea without any splash.

"I told you a long time ago that Ning Fan will protect her. How can this kind of news be exposed easily? It won't work through the Internet." A woman sat in the dark with a sneering tone.

"Then what should I do now? I have evidence in my hand, but I can't do anything to her?"

After Xia Yunong was left in embarrassment by Yutangchun, this woman found herself and provided herself with a picture of Ning Fan and Yu Manxi going out to the apartment together. In the photo, Yu Manxi was wearing a silk scarf, constantly covering up her neck bite marks.

Ning Fan kept saying that he was out of town and couldn't come back. He didn't even attend her birthday invitation, but he went back to Beijing overnight for this woman.

The next day they came out of the apartment together again. Doesn't that explain the problem?

"This bastard, he said outright that the two of them have nothing to do with each other. It's just nonsense." Xia Yunong exploded with rage when he saw the photo.

"As an anchor, don't you just rely on your lips to eat." The woman's voice in the dark smiled.

"Now I can't use the Internet, so what should I do?"

"Of course, in a crowded place, question her face to face. Since she is shameless, why should you give her face? You are a victim..."

"She kept telling me that she has a boyfriend. I sent people to follow her for so long, but I didn't see her in contact with other men." Xia Yunong became more and more convinced that Yu Manxi was lying to her.

She sent someone to follow Yu Manxi's whereabouts, but it was impossible to follow her home. Fu Sinian and Yu Manxi lived opposite each other, so it was too easy to meet. She was busy with exams recently and rarely went out, so naturally she couldn't find anything.

"She said she has a boyfriend?" The woman was suddenly alert.

"It's probably a lie. Except for those colleagues in the TV station or the old boss, she never sees outsiders at all. There is no one who falls in love. She doesn't see each other for ten and a half months. Could it be possible that the boyfriend she is looking for is from another place?"

"That's right..." The woman's voice in the dark revealed a trace of hesitation.

She wanted to use Xia Yunong's hand to bring Yu Manxi down, but she didn't want to be found out, dirty her hands, left a handle, and kept her hands on everything.

"It must be, she can have a few truths in her mouth."

Xia Yunong didn't believe that she had a shitty boyfriend at all, and believed that she poached her corner.

"Then just do as I tell you." The man felt uneasy in his heart.

I always feel that things are not so simple.

She knows better than Xia Yunong that the relationship between Yu Manxi and Ning Fan is innocent, and she just wants to use her hand to drive her out of the country, but she took the initiative to mention that she has a boyfriend?

She is not a person who talks nonsense, and she will not deliberately lie to fool Xia Yunong.

When did she have a boyfriend? Is there such a person?

Was it someone from Ning Fan who was operating online just now? Or someone else?

She can't directly expose her identity. In her social circle, only Duan Lin Bai has such energy. That person is unrestrained and never minds his own business. How could he do it for her?

Their relationship didn't reach that level.

After thinking about it, only Ning Fan...

Xia Yunong hesitated, "I'll expose her in public, will this...will affect me, Ning Fan's side..."

"It's been impossible for him and you for a long time. As long as you listen to me, as long as our family is here, I can guarantee that you can still get along smoothly in the circle." The woman chuckled.

"You can also use this matter to hype it up, so that everyone will pity you, and it will do you no harm."

"You are a smart person, you should know what decision to make now?"

Xia Yunong gritted her teeth, she still remembered being slapped by Yu Manxi before.

"Being beaten by her and even robbing her boyfriend, just put up with it?" The woman deliberately provoked her, "No wonder she dared to poach your corner, you are too easy to bully."

This matter is Xia Yunong's pain point, after several times of stimulation, he couldn't stand it anymore, "I know what to do, I just want to ask a question?"


"Why do you help me deal with Yu Manxi? You...do you have anything to do with each other?"

The woman got up, her superior temperament and haughty posture approached her, carrying the inherent arrogance of a rich lady, Xia Yunong's heart tightened, and she instinctively flinched back.

"People are sometimes confused, but they can live a long time. Knowing too much is not good for you."

Outright threats and intimidation.

"I look forward to your performance." She smiled and turned to leave.

Xia Yunong looked at her back with a dazed expression.

Without Ning Fan's support, her resources in the circle are exhausted, and the only chance she has to fight is to cooperate with her. Anyway, with a common enemy and such a strong backing, this deal is not a loss.

Yu Manxi, how many people have you offended? So many people want to press you to death...


The Fu family at the moment

When Fu Sinian came down from upstairs, the Fu family had already served the table. The Fu family has been very busy recently, and on weekends, the Huai Sheng siblings were taken by Master Pudu to live in the mountains for a while, and they were not here.

"It's time to eat, are you still busy? Come and sit down quickly." His mother, Dai Yunqing, beckoned him to sit beside her.

Fu Sinian sat down next to her, and exchanged glances with Fu Shen silently.

Things are taken care of.

Yu Manxi is considered half a celebrity now, although the family members don't know who his girlfriend is, if they see the news, they will definitely have a bad impression of Yu Manxi, and troubles will inevitably happen when they meet their parents.

"Are your uncles and nephews planning something secretly?" Mr. Fu was keenly aware of the abnormality of these two people.

"No." Fu Chen smiled.

In fact, he had already received the news, because Duan Linbai started yelling in the group after finishing his work.

Little White Dragon in the Waves: [Holy shit, someone dares to harm my niece and daughter-in-law, and they dare to spread such fake news, it's unbearable to watch me eliminate harm for the people. 】

Nephew and daughter-in-law, this guy is shameless enough, and then...

[Haha, it's done, now the Internet is so clean and refreshing. 】

[Am I awesome, praise me quickly. 】

Someone thought he was awesome and showed off in the group.

"Third brother, have you met Si Nian's partner?" Dai Yunqing asked with a smile, "Your nephew and uncle have been walking very close."

Fu Sinian kept the girl's identity secret all the time, keeping it a secret, their parents must be impatient.

"I'll see you in a few days, sister-in-law, don't worry." Fu Chen smiled lowly.

"You also help him hide it from me, don't you?"

When Fu Chen was born, Fu Sinian could already speak and run. The old lady was old after all, and Dai Yunqing had been helping to take care of her.

"It must be the type you like." Fu Chen said firmly.

Dai Yunqing smiled lightly, "The little girl can live a life, as long as they have a good relationship, his father and I are away from home all year round, and he lacks someone who can take care of him. It doesn't matter if I like it or not."

Fu Sinian is in his thirties.

Parents don't have high requirements for him to find a partner. It's a woman, as long as she can live a life.

"I just want to know in advance, so I can make preparations." When they meet for the first time, as elders, they can't do nothing empty-handed, they must show something.

"I don't think she cares about this." Fu Chen had been speaking for Fu Sinian, but refused to reveal half of it.

Dai Yunqing believed in Fu Chen's vision, since he had seen it, he could not be wrong.

"Why don't you go with me that day, anyway, you know each other, Si Nian and his father both have mouths that can only be panted for food, I'm afraid the atmosphere will be awkward." Dai Yunqing suggested with a smile.

With a long mouth, only panting to eat?

The father and son next to her had dark faces at the same time.

"Dad..." Fu Sinian coughed twice, meaning, don't you care about your daughter-in-law? Do not defend a few words?

"Your mother made a mistake?"

Fu Sinian lowered his head to eat, and didn't speak anymore. What the third uncle said was true, you don't need to consider your status at home.

"Third brother, Si Nian is going to bring his girlfriend to meet his parents. What do you say? The appointment is coming soon." The old lady reminded.

"I know." Fu Chen pursed his lips. He had been thinking about how to tell his family about this.

"I think Si Nian's speed is very fast. Boss, daughter-in-law, if you meet the girl and are satisfied, then you should consider getting married. My great-granddaughter has something to look forward to." The old lady was deeply comforted.

"Congratulations, your long-awaited great-granddaughter may be coming soon." Fu Chen chuckled.

"You are also going to be a grandfather, so you should be more stable."

Mr. Fu, who was always as calm as a mountain, choked on the soup for the first time.


"Si Nian's child is your elder brother's grandson, so he should call you Third Grandpa." Elder Fu explained.

Fu Chen put down his chopsticks, he couldn't finish the meal.

Shifang not far away laughed so hard, grandpa? His family's third master is not yet thirty years old.

In the new week, continue to message and check in~

If you have monthly tickets, evaluation tickets and recommendation tickets, don't forget to support me.


Today's third master may have eaten Coptis chinensis, and it is hard to say, haha

He didn't even get a wife, and suddenly he was going to be a grandparent, so someone was very sad.

What is the taste of Liuye today, sour and astringent? Ha ha

Anyway, Niannian is very sweet recently, and Langlang is still very slutty...

Brother Duan: I'm awesome today, okay?

Everyone: ...

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