Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 385 The Third Master Was Called Shameless? (2 more)

What happened to Yu Manxi was like a drop in the ocean, without causing any splashes. She was busy studying for the exam, and she didn't care about the news on the Internet.

The exam location was far away from the software park. In a certain university on the other side of the capital, Fu Sinian helped her book a hotel. Two days in advance, she packed her bags and books and moved to prepare for the exam. She didn't let him follow her.

This frustrated Fu Sinian, wouldn't it be good to take care of her by himself?

Yu Manxi has her own considerations. She has been so busy with exams recently that she can barely take a shower every day. Her hair hasn't been washed for a few days. She looks sloppy and embarrassing.

On the other hand, Song Fengwan was busy participating in the design competition, and he was not satisfied with the manuscript after he handed it in. He told the senior in charge that he would give up his qualification.

It made the senior look bewildered.

The whole school could participate in the design competition, not just the freshmen of the Academy of Fine Arts. The design draft she submitted was definitely among the best among the drafts he had read.

She is processed based on the traditional Chihu, majestic and imposing, completely different from the brushstrokes of a little girl. The brushstrokes are sharp, delicate and profound.

The design submission deadline was over, and the design department arranged a dinner, mainly to welcome the freshmen.

The responsible senior handed over all the registered students and the submitted manuscripts to Gao Xue, because they were sorted according to the student number of the college, and Gao Xue saw at a glance that there was no Song Fengwan among them.

"You also participated?"

The boy tugged at his hair, "Try it."

"Song Fengwan didn't participate?" She was a little surprised.

"I originally participated, but I abstained again. The manuscript she submitted is quite good."

"Do you have a draft?" Gao Xue said with a smile, "She used to be my student, and she is a rare and malleable talent. If she is cultivated well, she will definitely accomplish a lot in the future."

"There is no draft, but I took a picture, she is very good." She is also a student, and her ability is naturally not bad when she is in his position. He must always hear the teacher praise another person, and his heart must be sour.

"Then show me the photos you took later. I also want to know why she didn't participate in the competition."


Gao Xue soon received Song Fengwan's design photos, which were unexpectedly good. She looked at many students' designs, many of which were too immature and obviously not as good as hers. Her work was decided to enter the finals.

Why not join the competition?

Her eyes fell on a design drawing she was about to exhibit, which was somewhat similar to the picture of a tiger and a tiger.

Gao Xue took a deep breath, clenched the phone tightly and remained silent.

The news that the college teachers liked Song Fengwan and wanted to focus on training her also spread like wildfire.

Many professors in the Academy of Fine Arts are well-known in the industry. If you can please them and have their recommendations, it is not difficult to find a good job after graduation. A freshman who has been praised by teachers many times will naturally become a celebrity in the Academy of Fine Arts.

There is a lot of envy and envy.

Miao Yating and Song Fengwan are not in the same class. In their class, she is also the person who discusses the most every day.


Song Fengwan didn't pay much attention to this, and was changing clothes, preparing to participate in the dinner party of the design department.

This is the first time for a group dinner, if you don't go, you will make yourself very out of the group, probably many people will say that she is arrogant.

When she arrived at the box, the four round tables were almost full, and the familiar faces were the seniors who were in charge of the design competition.

"Song Fengwan." Suddenly someone called her.

She followed the sound and saw Xu Jingcheng by accident.

After the new members joined the club, there was only one regular meeting, and Xu Jingcheng was not seen at that time.

"Your deputy department shares the dormitory with me, and I'm here to eat." Xu Jingcheng was threatened by Fu Chen last time, so how dare he do it again.

This girl's boyfriend can eat people.

Song Fengwan smiled and sat next to him. On the other side was a girl, also a freshman, a top student majoring in biochemistry.

The two of them only said a few words, but it caused some people to boo.

"Xu Jingcheng, I've never seen you being so warm to any girl before. Do you like schoolgirls?"

"Yeah, she's a man with a talent and a woman's appearance, and she looks right."


When everyone joked, Xu Jingcheng's face turned pale from fright.

"No, we were in a high school before, we were classmates, she has a boyfriend, don't talk nonsense, you will be beaten." Xu Jingcheng told the truth.

Everyone laughed.

I thought Xu Jingcheng was just joking when he said that he was beaten.

"Sister, do you have a boyfriend?" Everyone didn't believe it.

Ever since Wu Yuxin fell from the altar, Song Fengwan was almost the object of many boys' crushes. This freshman just entered school, how could it be possible to talk about a partner, and I didn't see that she was born with other opposite sexes.

"Impossible, so fast!"

Song Fengwan nodded with a smile, "I have a boyfriend, we've been together since high school."

There were quite a few boys who were eager to make a move on her tonight, and after hearing this, they immediately died down.

"Sister, you didn't lie to us, did you really have someone?"

"Really, we have been together for a long time." Song Fengwan said firmly, not like lying, and at this moment her cell phone just vibrated, "Sorry, my boyfriend is on the phone."

The sweetness on his face doesn't seem to be lying.

Many boys looked at each other in blank dismay, secretly hating in their hearts.

This, that wicked ghost, tempted her to fall in love with her when she was in high school.

Don't leave them a chance, this person is too fast.

"Xu Jingcheng, does she really have a partner? You didn't lie to us, did you?"

Xu Jingcheng was speechless, "She really has a partner, and she is very fierce." Otherwise, he would have made a move long ago, why wouldn't it be their turn?

He has been intimidated twice, and thinking about it now, there is still a faint chill on his back.

"A beauty with a beast?"

"That's not true, he's quite handsome." Xu Jingcheng did not deny that Fu Chen was impeccable.

"Then there is no chance..."


There was a departmental dinner, and Beijing University was mostly male, so it was inevitable to change glasses at the table. Song Fengwan kept saying that he didn't want to drink, but in the end he drank a little helplessly.

In the second half of the dinner party, she was a little dizzy, and the students didn't drink well at the dinner party, so it was easy to get tricked.

She got up and grabbed it, almost going out.

"Where are you going?" Xu Jingcheng was also a little drunk.

"Toilet." Song Fengwan's head was a little swollen. Now that a group of people are having a good time, and they want to renew the stall, she is going to slip away early.

The dinner party their department was looking for was still some distance away when they returned to the dormitory. Hu Xinyue sent her a message before, saying that the dinner party was over, and if it was too late, she and Miao Yating could pick her up.

She touched her phone while walking and called Hu Xinyue.

This Friday, no need for evening self-study, Hu Xinyue was sitting on the bed eating and watching dramas, when she saw the caller ID, she hurriedly wiped her hands, "Hi, Wanwan..."

"Are you free now?" Her voice was a little fluttering, obviously drunk.

"You drink too much. I know the place where you have dinner. You are waiting for me at the door. Yating and I will pick you up."


Song Fengwan felt that there was a double image of the things in front of her. Occasionally, someone passed by her side. She carefully avoided it, and bumped into someone unexpectedly.

"Well..." She subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

"How much alcohol did you drink?" The man's voice was low.

Song Fengwan tried her best to open her eyes to see the person in front of her, the double shadows gathered together, it was a familiar figure, she suddenly grinned, "Why are you here?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to see me?"

"Huh?" Song Fengwan suddenly reached out and pinched his face, "Is it really the third brother?"

Qian Jiang and Shi Fang stood not far away, watching his third master's face change into various shapes under the fingertips of a certain little girl, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

The two of them started with Fu Chen, and they have never seen anyone dare to do anything to his face. It was flattened and rounded. Miss Song, are you serious?

"Hmm..." After Song Fengwan ravaged Fu Chen's face, he put his fingers on his tall nose, and couldn't help laughing, "It looks good."

In fact, the bridge of Fu Chen's nose can't be considered very tall, but his facial features are well matched, and his appearance is perfect.

"Do you like it?" Fu Chen and she had already walked to a remote place.

"I like it." Song Fengwan smiled, obviously drinking too much.

"Shall we go out first?"

Fu Chen helped her to walk outside.

This is an ordinary small restaurant, and now there is only one proprietress sitting at the cashier waiting for their box to finish. Most of the people who come here are college students, and it is not unusual for men and women to hug her.

I just felt that these two people were superior in appearance, so I couldn't help but look at them more.

"Where are you taking me?" Song Fengwan looked up at Fu Chen.

"Go out first."

"You don't want to take me to the hotel again..."


Fu Chen frowned, who did this girl think of herself.

The proprietress heard the conversation between the two, and looked at them in surprise.


When Hu Xinyue and Miao Yating rushed to the restaurant, there was no one at the door.

"Auntie, is there anyone else inside?" Hu Xinyue asked.

The proprietress looked at them twice, "There are still a group of people who have not left."

"Let's go and have a look."

They were both students, and the proprietress didn't care. The two of them went to the box, and the people inside were already drunk. Only after inquiring did they know that Song Feng had gone to the bathroom at night.

The two rushed to the bathroom, but there was still no one there. They searched almost all the boxes, but they didn't see Song Fengwan, and no one answered the phone.

The two became anxious immediately, and took Song Fengwan's photo to the cashier to inquire.

"Miss Boss, have you seen her? Has she gone out?"

The proprietress took a glance, "I left before."

"Gone?" Hu Xinyue was surprised, "When did you leave?"

"Only ten minutes ago, she seemed to be drinking too much. She was helped out by a man and said she was going to a hotel. You can go to a nearby hotel and look for it." It is not uncommon for college students to open rooms.

"Man? What kind?"

"Slender and tall, very handsome." The boss has poor words, so he can only describe it like this, "Aren't you a student?"

Fu Chen was dressed simply today, with a white shirt and a classic black windbreaker. His face did not show that he had entered the society at all. Besides, many people who are 18 now have a precocious face of 38.

"Xinyue, what should I do?" Miao Yating was anxious for a moment, "Who took her away?"

The reason why the two of them came to pick her up was because they knew that many boys liked her, and they were afraid that something might happen to her if she drank a little wine.

"Don't worry, let's look outside first, I'll call her boyfriend." When Hu Xinyue and Fu Chen met for the first time, they left his phone number.

When Fu Chen's cell phone rang, he was a little surprised, and it was Hu Xinyue's fault.


"Mr. Fu, something happened tonight." Hu Xinyue's voice was a little trembling, and she was only a half-grown child. She had never seen such a thing before, and she panicked.

Fu Chen looked at the person leaning in his arms, "Huh?"

"She was taken away by a strange man. What kind of pervert is this? It's not as good as a beast. If you attack a drunk girl, come here quickly."

"I'm going to call the police if I catch that bastard."

"I must kill him, there are such vile and shameless people."

Fu Chen's face darkened, "You..."

"Mr. Fu, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Wan Wan." Hu Xinyue is the biggest in the whole dormitory, with a simple and direct temper, always playing the role of the eldest sister, and Miao Yating next to her is even red-eyed and frightened. up.

"That vile and shameless person may be me." Fu Chen's voice was low, as if trying to restrain himself.

Begging for the shadow area in San Ye's heart at this moment...

Who told you to always take other girls to open rooms.

Third Master: ... I also want to be aboveboard. Is the current situation allowed?

Brother: You hold it back, wait until my wife has a baby.

Third Master: ...

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