"That vile and shameless person may be me."

The man's deep and hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and Hu Xinyue felt thunderbolt instantly, her little face was blue and white, and she was scolding vigorously just now, but now her face paled.

She was a little knotted, her brain froze for a moment, she didn't know what to say, "That, that..."

"Xinyue?" Miao Yating stood beside her, clutching her phone, ready to call the police at any time, "Should we notify the counselor?"

Hu Xinyue coughed twice, "Then you are busy, excuse me."

She hung up the phone in a hurry.

"How is it? Is Mr. Fu coming?" Miao Yating was so anxious that his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Wanwan was taken away by him."

Miao Yating was stunned for a few seconds, then let out a long sigh of relief, "As long as she is fine."

"But I scolded him just now." Hu Xinyue clearly remembered that this Mr. Fu had bodyguards by his side. He was born burly and seemed to be able to eat people. I shouldn't have offended him, "Ah——"

She still clearly remembered that when the two of them broke through their good deed, the man covered her mouth, feeling helpless and frightened.

He wouldn't send someone to beat him up, would he?

She screamed, pulling her hair indiscriminately, "I'm going to buy a cup of iced milk tea to calm down, I'm scared to death, I will ask Song Fengwan to treat us to the cafeteria later..."

Miao Yating nodded, and the two little girls walked to the dormitory together.

"Wanwan shouldn't be coming back tonight?"

"80% yes, tomorrow is the weekend again."

When the autumn wind hit, Hu Xinyue couldn't help shivering, inexplicably thinking of Qian Jiang's cold and stern face, she couldn't help hugging her roommate tightly.



Jing Hanchuan had already fallen asleep. Along with the intense dog barking, there was a crisp knock on the door, "Master Liu?"

"What's the matter?" Jing Hanchuan lifted the quilt and got up, glanced at the clock beside the bed. He opened the door at eleven o'clock in the evening, a little annoyed, whoever just fell asleep and was woken up, no one would give anyone a good look, " What happened?"

"The third master is here?"

"Why did he come to me in the middle of the night?" Jing Hanchuan was surprised, "Did he say what it was?"

"It's a stay overnight."

"Don't they have a house?"

Yunjin's capital is so big, he sleeps in another room every week, and he doesn't bring heavy ones, so come to his house to rub the bed?

Jing Hanchuan walked straight out, just in time to see Fu Chen entering the living room with Song Fengwan in his arms, the corner of his mouth twitched, what does this mean?

"Wang——" Fu Xinhan didn't see Song Feng was late for a while, and kept wagging his tail at her.

"Fu Xinhan." Song Fengwan broke free from Fu Chen's restraint, and bent over staggeringly to tease Fu Xinhan. The kitten was sleeping on the side, opened his eyes to look at them, and fell asleep again.

He didn't even say hello, very arrogant.

"Come here at this time, and bring...Miss Song?"

Jing Hanchuan is not like those two people, one is unrestrained and has no brains, the other is forced by lust and has no opinion, he refuses to call his sister-in-law no matter what.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Song Fengwan, obviously drinking too much.

"There have been a lot of reporters near our home recently, so it's not convenient to take them home."

Fu Chen tilted his head and glanced at Song Fengwan, his eyes were full of doting.

It's approaching Mr. Fu's birthday, and those reporters couldn't find other people's residences. Fu Chen lives in the capital of Yunjin, and the second elder of the Fu family lives in the compound. This is well known, so we can only go to these two places to stay, hoping to take some rare photos , or something famous.

"You can go to the hotel." Jing Hanchuan was wearing royal blue pajamas, even when he was sleeping, he was neat and tidy, not messy.

"If you need an ID card, those reporters are acting like wolves and tigers, too ostentatious." Fu Chen didn't want his relationship with Song Fengwan to be exposed by reporters.

"Then you..."

Jing Hanchuan's mouth twitched.

Treat them as a hotel?

Bring your own wife to live here?

Treating your home as a pet shelter for a while, and now a hotel?

"Where do you keep your honey? I'll make a cup of honey water for Wanwan." Fu Chen walked straight to his kitchen without being polite at all.

"We have hangover tea bags at home, I'll get them for you."

Jing Hanchuan had no choice but to take a cup and tea bag from a side closet for him.

Fu Chen tore open the bag and plunged into the boiling water. The color of the water instantly turned dark gray, exuding an inexplicable smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Soak for 5 minutes." Jing Hanchuan folded his arms and was speechless.

Song Fengwan was still squatting on the ground to tease the dog at the moment, Fu Chen helped her up, "Wanwan..."

"Huh?" Song Fengwan smiled at him, "Let's go back to the room first."

Fu Chen originally came back to live in Jing's house and had his own room. He helped Song Fengwan to walk to the room, and he didn't forget to ask Jing Hanchuan to help him serve the hangover tea.

Jing Hanchuan's face twitched violently twice.

Treat him as a servant?

"Third brother?"


She kept smirking at her, Fu Chen smiled indulgently, and kissed her little face.

"Do I need to arrange another room for you?" Jing Hanchuan looked at the two people in front of him expressionlessly.

Why did this show of affection come to his house, and why did he still have to eat dog food in his own house?

"No need." Fu Chen resolutely refused.

Jinghanchuan lightly condescends, not as good as animals.

"One room is enough for us." Fu Chen repeated, with a little pride in his tone.

Jing Hanchuan raised his eyebrows, "Fu Chen?"


"I saw Miss Song kiss Fu Xinhan just now, and Fu Xinhan also licked her face." Jing Hanchuan teased.

Fu Chen's face darkened, and he suddenly felt a burning pain around his lips, but the person in his arms was still smiling heartlessly.


The first thing Fu Chen did when he entered the room was to twist a towel to help her wipe her face.

As soon as Song Fengwan touched the pillow, he felt drowsy.

Jing Hanchuan put the hangover tea aside, Fu Chen glanced at him, "You should go to bed."

"It's still at my house at night, so be careful."

Fu Chen pursed his lips and smiled, "I know."


Jing Hanchuan happened to pass by, and originally wanted to ask if he needed to get a change of clothes for Song Fengwan, he could go to his mother's room to get one, when suddenly he heard a sound from the door.

He still believes that Buddha is not close to female sex, this guy even escaped into Buddhism, and he is also a monk...

He turned and left immediately.

"Sixth Master?" The Jing family also planned to ask Fu Chen if he needed help.

"Don't go there, go back to sleep." His tone was cold, as if someone owed him money.

Jing Hanchuan returned to the room with a dark face, and closed the door heavily with a "bang--".

It's great to have a daughter-in-law. If you want to show your affection and open a house, don't come to my house. It's too much.

The man scratched his hair, why was he angry?


After Jing Hanchuan went back, he couldn't sleep anymore, so he simply looked for a movie, but as soon as the movie started, the hero and heroine started having sex. Isn't this a horror movie?

Why does Mao have such a lens!

The next thing is the death of the heroine, and the haunted house is haunted. Even so, there are still many scenes where the ghosts deliberately ask the hero to meet him every night. Jing Hanchuan took a deep breath.

bad movie!

The third watch is over, don't forget to vote for Yueyue Kazakhstan.

Because I am currently saving manuscripts to prepare for an explosion, and I have some manuscripts in hand, so the third shift is brought forward to two o'clock.

Before the explosion, there are three shifts every day, ten o'clock in the first shift, twelve o'clock in the second shift, and two in the third shift. There are a total of 10,000 characters. Please remember the time well.


Today's third master is a bit shameless, haha, why are you going to provoke a bachelor.

Today's Liu Ye didn't think it was lemon essence.

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