Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 389 Seeing Parents, Father-In-Law Is Dangerous, Frightened To Cry (3 More)

When Fu Sinian drove to pick up Yu Manxi and Song Fengwan, it was the rush hour for get off work, the car stopped and stopped on the road, and Yu Manxi's palms were sweating from anxiety.

As the destination approached, her fingers trembled slightly.

"Sister Yu, don't be afraid." Song Fengwan smiled and comforted her.

Although it was the first time for her to meet Fu Sinian's parents, she was just a companion tonight, so she was naturally not nervous, and had been sending messages and chatting with Fu Chen.

Yu Manxi took deep breaths all the way, it would be a lie if she wasn't nervous about this kind of thing.

If you give his parents a bad first impression, it will definitely be difficult to be with him in the future, and the Fu family should be very strict in choosing a daughter-in-law.

She asked Fu Sinian if his parents had asked him anything.

Fu Sinian gave her three standards.



"I can live."

It's almost the same as saying nothing.

When the car stopped at the entrance of the Wedding Banquet Hotel, Fu Sinian let the two of them get out of the car, and followed behind with drinks and other things.

The Xiyan Hotel is one of the largest hotels in Beijing. The roast duck here is very famous. If you want a private room, you have to book a week in advance. At this moment, there are already many people waiting in line outside.

The Fu family originally wanted to choose a more formal and quiet place, but they were afraid that it would be too formal, so they became more cautious and chose several restaurants before finalizing this one.

"Here we are." Fu Chen reminded the two of them.

Dai Yunqing immediately sat down seriously. Fu Sinian did a great job of keeping secrets. She hasn't even seen Yu Manxi's photo until now, so she can't think of what kind of girl would be with her son.

"Third, this girl has a good personality?" She confirmed again and again.

Fu Chen nodded. He folded the beads in his hands and looked at the two of them, "Sister-in-law, what do you think Si Nian will look for?"

"It should be the kind of gentle, generous, well-behaved and sensible one." Fu Sinian likes to be quiet, it is impossible to find a lively and cheerful one.

In order to avoid being recognized by others, Yu Manxi specially wore a mask, lowered her head, and walked quickly into the restaurant.

And the man who has been following him at this moment can be regarded as having caught some useful information, so he hurriedly called Xia Yunong.

"Hey——" Xia Yunong has also been unlucky recently. Two endorsements that had been confirmed for a while were suddenly replaced, and the heroine of a film that had been officially announced was suddenly replaced by someone. There were a lot of troubles.

Before she failed to fulfill her promise and ruined Yu Manxi, that woman refused to help, which made her anxious and angry, but helpless.

"Miss Xia, Yu Manxi has finally left the house."

"Really? Where did you go!" Xia Yunong became excited, she couldn't imagine that this woman could stay behind closed doors for a week and prepare for the exam at home?

With Ning Fan helping her, why should she work so hard?

Really can pretend.

"At the Wedding Banquet Hotel, there are a man and a woman beside me."

"A man and a woman?" Xia Yunong was surprised.

"That man took good care of her, and even entered the hotel holding hands, as if the relationship was different."

"Is it Ning Fan?"

"No, that man is very tall." This man didn't know Fu Sinian at all, so naturally he couldn't guess his identity, because he was far away, he could only see that the man was tall and walked in, protecting the two girls all the time.

With a drink in hand, the car he drives is not bad, but it's not considered a luxury car in a place like the capital where the crouching tiger hides the dragon.

There is no driver, no assistant, everything is done by yourself, and it looks like an ordinary person.

"I see."

Xia Yunong hung up the phone, still thinking, could it be that Yu Manxi really talked about her boyfriend and meeting her parents?

Does this man know that she and Ning Fan are entangled?

If her so-called meeting with parents is really not Ning Fan's parents, and they know that her future daughter-in-law is such a two-footed thing, I don't know how she will feel.

While hooking up with Ning Fan, you still want to find a dutiful family to marry?

What a bitch and shameless enough.

Xia Yunong has not announced recently, she is at home and just bored, she changed her clothes, dressed up carefully, and was going to give Yu Manxi a big surprise.

She put on a pair of sky-high hats, and dressed up in a very ostentatious manner. She vowed to injure Yu Manxi so badly that she would never be able to recover.


Wedding banquet hotel box at this moment

Accompanied by two crisp knocks on the door, Fu Sinian pushed the door open, "Mom and Dad."

"Come on." It was Fu Shinan who spoke.

He used to work in a county where floods were bound to occur when the summer flood season came. At that time, the people were mobilized to build dams to fight the floods. At that time, his legs developed rheumatism, and his throat also broke down.

The voice was hoarse, vicissitudes of life and cold, low and cold.

Yu Manxi's heart jumped instantly, her legs seemed to be filled with lead, it was difficult to move, and she was so nervous that she had difficulty breathing.

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie." Song Fengwan entered the room. Fu Shinan and his wife kept hearing the old lady's mention, and she was very similar to Qiao Aiyun, so they immediately confirmed her identity.

"Wanwan, right? Sit down quickly." Dai Yunqing greeted with a smile, but her gaze fell directly on the door, "You are welcome, auntie may not entertain you well tonight."

"It's okay." Song Fengwan just came to join in the fun and accompany the guests, so naturally he didn't care about these things.

"Come in." Fu Sinian led Yu Manxi into the room.

Fu Shinan was still drinking tea, but when she entered the room, the wife next to her suddenly raised her hand excitedly and pinched his thigh, spilling the tea in fright.

"Shinan!" Dai Yunqing kept pushing and shoving her husband, "Isn't this the one..."

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie. I'm Yu Manxi, Si Nian's girlfriend." Yu Manxi deliberately wore trousers today, light-colored knitting, and a classic windbreaker. He combed his hair and put on some light makeup.

"Sit down." Fu Shinan calmly put down the cup, and wiped off the water stains on his hands without any trace.

"Yu Manxi, you are the host..." Dai Yunqing never thought that his son would find a celebrity to come back.

Moreover, this girl is good-looking and looks very smart, so there should be many suitors, why would she fall in love with this stupid goose of his family?

"Well, I'm the host." In fact, Yu Manxi was very nervous, his hands and feet were cold, his mind went blank, and he forgot all the words he had thought up on the way.

"Sit down quickly, don't stand." Dai Yunqing took a deep look at Fu Sinian.

This kid hides really deep enough.

Dai Yunqing will also watch this show with her husband, and discussed about Yu Manxi. She has a bright and flamboyant appearance, and his son has a taciturn personality. She really didn't bring the two together. Pass.

"Uncle and aunt, here is a little gift I bought..." Yu Manxi remembered that he had brought a bunch of things.

"Too polite." Dai Yunqing sized her up carefully, her appearance was beautiful, but she didn't know her personality.

The four of them sat together, Song Fengwan and Fu Chen, who came to eat together, sat together automatically and consciously, not attracting attention.

After a few people were seated, they began to order food.

"We've ordered a roast duck to cook, what else do you want to eat?" Dai Yunqing handed over the menu.

"Auntie, you can order." Yu Manxi declined several times.

"You order a few first, you're welcome." Dai Yunqing was really surprised, and she was still shocked by how these two people got together.

It's not good for Yu Manxi to refuse, so he can only flip through the menu.

"Is this okay?" She subconsciously looked at Fu Sinian.

"Yes." Fu Sinian was not picky at all.

Dai Yunqing saw that she would ask her son's opinion, which is not bad.

After simply ordering food, chatting naturally began.

Dai Yunqing reached out to touch her husband, motioning for him to speak.

Fu Shinan put down the water glass, "Xiao Yu, right?"

The official tone made Yu Manxi tremble in fright, almost jumping up from his seat, even Song Fengwan was startled, that feeling, like being lectured by the dean, was shocking.

Dai Yunqing coughed twice, pinched his arm, and signaled him to speak politely.

What kind of bureaucratic accent, this is not your subordinate.

"Uncle." Yu Manxi's voice trembled a little.

Fu Shinan and Fu Sinian look very similar, but their facial features are sharper and more profound. In addition, the person who has always been in the top position has been used to being the chief, and inadvertently put on the airs of an official.

"Now be the host."


"How did you come up with the idea of ​​being a host?"

"It's a coincidence." Out of politeness, Yu Manxi naturally wanted to look at him, but her heart trembled with fear, so she could only hold Fu Sinian's hand tightly under the table.

"What are your thoughts on this career, or what are your visions for the future?"


Song Fengwan was dumbfounded, why did she have the impression that Yu Manxi was in an interview.

To be the daughter-in-law of the Fu family has to go through such a life.

Dai Yunqing's face was completely dark, and he had already told him to speak well, look at him scaring the little girl.

Dai Yunqing was so angry that she kicked him hard under the table.

"Let's eat." Dai Yunqing interrupted him, and Yu Manxi breathed a sigh of relief, like a drowning person, finally saved.

Fu Shinan and his wife moved the chopsticks, and Yu Manxi lifted the chopsticks, picked up something casually, she didn't know what she ate, and felt nervous.

"By the way, during the Chinese New Year last year, he went out on his thirtieth year to accompany you?" Dai Yunqing had been trying to find out if she was the person Fu Chen had mentioned at the beginning.

"Yeah." Yu Manxi nodded embarrassingly.

It's really not easy for this kid to really know how to cherish others.

"Is your family in the capital? There are still sisters and brothers in your family?" Dai Yunqing said casually, asking a very normal question.

Yu Manxi's face turned pale...

"Mom, this West Lake Tofu Soup is pretty good." Fu Sinian interrupted their conversation.

Dai Yunqing was also very shrewd, knowing that she didn't want to speak up, she didn't ask too much, but left doubts in her heart, after all, marriage is the union of two families.

She immediately changed the subject.

"How did you and our family, Si Nian, get to know each other? There shouldn't be much overlap in your work, right?"

"We live across the street. I just moved there last winter, and the water pipe broke. Thanks to his help, that's how we got to know each other." Naturally, Yu Manxi won't bring up the fact that he first met Fu Sinian in the clubhouse and was pulled by him. The appearance of archery is attractive.

At the beginning, it was just for sex.

"Si Nian helping you?" Dai Yunqing and her husband looked at each other.


His son would be so kind?

"Fortunately, he turned off the water valve for me, otherwise the water would flood the house, and it would be troublesome if it freezes in winter. Si Nian is very kind and has helped me many times." Yu Manxi felt that praising their son, this is always That's right.

What parent doesn't want to hear compliments about their children.

The two of the Piansheng Fu family didn't think so.

Dai Yunqing swallowed half a cup of tea, shocked, is this still her son?

When he was a child, he was asked to help Fu Yuxiu with his homework. This is his cousin. On the first day of remedial lessons, Fu Yuxiu came home crying.

Such a ruthless person would help a stranger?

It was Dai Yunqing who was talking all the time, she raised her foot and lifted her husband, signaling him not to be bored, and chatting casually.

Fu Shinan is obviously used to it, his face remains unchanged, and he also knows that he may not be doing well, so he has not opened his mouth after receiving a warning from his wife. At this moment...

Cleared his throat and adjusted his expression.

"Xiao Yu, eat vegetables."

Suddenly smiled at Yu Manxi...

Yu Manxi almost cried from fright.

His fingers plucked Fu Sinian's palm fiercely.

What's the matter with your dad?

It's too scary, why did you suddenly smile at me.

Fu Sinian raised his other hand, pinching the center of his brow, feeling a little helpless.

Fu Chen coughed twice, "Brother, let's eat first, the food is getting cold."

If you continue to laugh, your future daughter-in-law may be scared to cry by you.

Dai Yunqing took a deep breath, picked up a piece of fish for Fu Shinan, with a smile on his face, but a ruthless tone, "Shinan, eat more vegetables."


You stop talking to me!

Fu Shinan lowered his head to eat, it seemed that he was destined to sleep in the study tonight.

Song Fengwan saw all this in his eyes, kept holding back his laughter, his shoulders trembled, and he almost burst out laughing.

It's three o'clock~

After reading, remember to leave a message


Xiao Yu'er was terrified after eating this meal, haha, his heart will not be able to take it anymore.

Wanwan: Haha... I died from laughing.

Xiaoyuer: o(╥﹏╥)o

Wanwan: What should I do if my stomach hurts from laughing.

Xiao Yu'er: When your relationship with the third master is exposed, you may not be able to laugh.

Wan Wan: ...

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