Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 390 Fu's daughter-in-law, hidden needles in the cotton are not easy to mess with

Wedding banquet hotel box

When Yu Manxi first came in, she was indeed a little nervous. She was also worried that the Fu family would ask her about her family. Many people's children are very concerned about their original family when they are looking for a partner. If they know their real family situation, it may be...

She once thought about telling Fu Sinian about her family, but every time he spoke, he interrupted at the right time, and it was even more difficult to summon up the courage again.

When Dai Yunqing asked about her parents and brothers, she raised her heart.

But after her words were cut off by Fu Sinian, she never mentioned it again.

This made her heart that had been hanging on her body gradually relax.

Even though Fu Shinan was a little scary, after chatting for a while, she got used to it, and she wasn't as scared as she was at first.

Dai Yunqing didn't have any demands on Fu Sinian's other half. She learned from Song Fengwan that she was very capable of taking care of herself and could cook, so she was naturally more satisfied.

Casually chatting, temper is also okay, not as strong as it seems.

On the TV, Yu Manxi was dressed in suits and formal attire. He was very sharp in pointing out the current problems, but he was quite soft-tempered in private. A few women chatted with each other, and the topics were naturally varied. The three men at the table couldn't get in the conversation.

Fu Shinan suddenly winked at Fu Sinian, "I'll go out for a while."

Fu Sinian quickly followed out, Dai Yunqing coughed twice, motioning for Fu Chen to go and have a look.


The three of them went to a secluded place in the hotel, and Fu Chen leaned against the wall, not disturbing the father and son.

"What's the situation in Xiaoyu's family?" Fu Shinan couldn't get in the way, so he asked the doubts in his heart by taking a breath.

Fu Sinian was silent for a few seconds.

"Single parent divorced? Or an orphan?" That's all Fu Shinan can think of. "There are quite a lot of situations like this now. Besides, the parent's matter itself has nothing to do with the child, so there's no need to hide it."

Fu Shinan took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit it between his fingertips, and slowly took a sip.

Seeing Fu Sinian's girlfriend today was naturally a different experience for him. He always thought that he should get married and start a family, but when this day really came, he felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

"As long as you get along well, your mother seems to have a good impression of her." Fu Shinan and his wife had discussed it long ago, and never planned to live with the child.

If they need to take care of the children in the future, they can help, and at other times, they don't want to disturb the life of the younger generation.

The current generation thinks too much and lives together with too much friction.

Fu Sinian also took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a deep breath until he was half smoked before opening his mouth to say a word.

"The He family."

Fu Shinan narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickered slightly, took a deep breath on his cigarette, and turned his head to look at Fu Chen, "Third brother, you already knew?"

Fu Chen nodded.

"The one that the He family lost to the countryside?" Fu Shinan mentioned the He family, obviously confirming her identity.

"En." Fu Sinian nodded.

Fu Shinan lowered his head and grinned, and put the cigarette butts in the trash can on one side, "This is fate. After going around for a while, I would actually become in-laws with their family. The daughter who was once an abandoned child became my daughter-in-law. I don't know if their family knows What would you think?"

"The He family really has such a daughter? I thought it was just a rumor." Fu Chen said.

"It's true. It's their family's fault. The child was sent to the countryside when he was born. He never knew who his parents were. If something happened later, he wouldn't have been brought back."

Fu Sinian smoked quietly, his silent and quiet face, surrounded by white mist, became more treacherous and menacing.

"The He family regards her as a disaster, even if they take her back, her life will be difficult."

"This incident is also related to our family. Later, it was said that he was sent away, probably sent abroad."

Fu Shinan chuckled, "I didn't expect to become a daughter-in-law. This is fate. The child knows our two families..."

Fu Sinian shook his head.

"I don't know if I think about it. The He family didn't treat her as one of their own. Even if they took her back for two years, they wouldn't talk to her about such things. At her age..." Fu Shinan sighed, "Surviving in the He family is still difficult. How could there be such thoughts and gossips?"

"Why did you abandon her?" Fu Sinian said bluntly, many things related to the privacy of the He family have been wiped out, and there is no way to investigate them.

There are thousands of clues, and I can't figure out a clue.

"Actually, the reason is very simple. It's just that a lot of troubles happened later..." Fu Shinan took a deep breath.

"However, if she has feelings for the He family, she will have a lot of hatred. If the He family finds her again, as long as she is firm enough, even if there are grievances between our two families, it should not affect you."

"A lot happened that year..."

Fu Chen quietly listened to the cause and effect, and finally came to a conclusion:

The reincarnation of heaven, the retribution is not good.


At this moment, outside the Wedding Banquet Hotel, a red sports car slowly stopped at the door. Xia Yunong got out of the car wearing a red windbreaker. Although it was already eight o'clock at night, there were still many people sitting on chairs outside the hotel with their numbers waiting for their meal. .

As soon as she appeared, there was an immediate commotion.

After all, this face is quite recognizable.

"Miss, a few, there are no vacancies at present, you can take a number and wait for a meal." The waiter was also a little surprised, their hotel is often visited by celebrities, and it is others who reserve the seats, and rarely does the owner come in person.

"I'm looking for a friend, where is Jiang Xuexuan?" Xia Yunong had already asked which box Yu Manxi had entered.

"Go straight and turn left." The waiter thought she was really looking for a friend.

Because she is a celebrity, when she passed through the public dining area, many people exclaimed. Facing the eyes of everyone, Xia Yunong didn't care, walked in openly and without any cover.

For fear that others would not know that she was here.

Qianjiang and Shifang were also eating outside. Seeing that their parents must have a long meal time, and Song Fengwan was in the box again, staying with him, there would be no accidents. Fu Chen asked them to order a meal outside too. table.

Shi Fang was gnawing on a duck leg, when he heard the commotion, he shook his head and saw Xia Yunong rushing towards the box, almost choking to death.

"Ahem—hmm..." He pointed at Xia Yunong.

Qian Jiang narrowed his eyes and raised his heels.

"Damn it—" Shi Fang threw the duck leg, and rushed over before wiping his hands.

Xia Yunong was followed by a lot of passers-by who tried to ask for autographs. Most of them were not her fans. They just wanted to take photos with famous people and ask for autographs, blocking Qianjiang and Shifang's way.

"Excuse me, let me go." Shi Fang was a little anxious.

Where did this woman come from?

The two didn't stop her, Xia Yunong had already pushed open the door of the box.

Song Fengwan was talking to Dai Yunqing and Yu Manxi about the interesting things that happened in the military training before, when the door of the room was knocked open, and all three of them were taken aback.

Xia Yunong investigated Ning Fan, and saw that the woman sitting inside was not Mrs. Ning. After heaving a sigh of relief, she looked at Yu Manxi's eyes with arrogance and arrogance.

Yu Manxi's face turned dark in an instant.

This change of expression, in Xia Yunong's eyes, is like a guilty conscience, frightened and frightened, and even more proud in his heart.

"Anchor Yu, what a coincidence, you're eating here too." Xia Yunong's tone was gloating.

This is your future mother-in-law?

This time I will definitely kill you completely.

Song Fengwan didn't expect that Xia Yunong, who suffered a loss last time and was still determined to chase her here.

How could there be such a coincidence in this world, it was clearly found on purpose.

And behind her was a group of guests who came to dine, and seeing Yu Manxi sitting inside, they became even more excited, thinking about what kind of luck they had today, to see two celebrities.

"Ma'am." Shi Fang and Qian Jiang were trying to stop it, but it was already too late.

Dai Yunqing picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and pointed to the seat opposite, "Are you Xiaoyu's friend? Sit together?"

She could tell that this person was not kind, and his face was still very calm.

"Your son is dating her?" Xia Yunong ignored Dai Yunqing at all.

This made Shifang a little annoyed.

Let me go, does this dead woman know who she is talking to, your son? You don't have any of these, and your tone is even more arrogant, with your nostrils upturned, and you don't look down on people at all.

Xia Yunong has made a calculation. Even if the matter is uncovered and she is picked out by relying on Ning Fan's superior position, it doesn't matter. They have indeed dated. It is normal for her to fall in love at this age, but Yu Manxi stepped on two feet. Only boats are true.

When the time comes, I will cry on Weibo about being poached, and whoever cares about her affairs can drown Yu Manxi with a spit.

She will make a comeback with the help of the He family, who cares about those black spots in the past.

"Auntie..." Yu Manxi was angry and anxious at the moment, "This is my personal matter, I'm sorry to scare you, Xia Yunong, if you have anything to ask me, let's go out and talk about it."

"What's the matter, are you scared?" Xia Yunong directly found a seat to sit down, and she was also looking at the other two people in the room.

She had met Song Fengwan before, he had a background and couldn't afford to offend him.

That's left...

Dai Yunqing is in her fifties. When a person reaches a certain age, there must be signs of aging on her face. She doesn't take much care of herself, and she is in a natural old state, elegant and dignified.

Wearing a simple dark blue cheongsam, elegant hair, only a string of emerald necklaces around the neck seems to be worth some money.

She lowered her head and drank the water, seemingly not paying attention to her unreasonable appearance.

"Xia Yunong, I told you very clearly what happened last time, don't embarrass yourself." Yu Manxi gritted her teeth in hatred, if she left a bad impression on Dai Yunqing, what would she do?

"This is just like you." Xia Yunong chuckled.

Shi Fang frowned, "Miss, this is a private box, you can't come in, please go out."

Xia Yunong looked at him, and then saw Qian Jiang beside him, "You two are just bodyguards, try to touch me?"

"I didn't tell you to get out of someone else's room without permission. I'm already very polite." Shi Fang gritted his teeth angrily.

How dare you yell.

Simply shameless.

"Shifang." Dai Yunqing stopped him.

"Ma'am..." Shi Fang gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Is this lady a celebrity?" Dai Yunqing calmly drank tea without being affected at all.

"You don't know me?" Xia Yunong sneered, she thought she had a high national recognition.

"Are you famous?" Dai Yunqing spoke in a leisurely manner, biting each word clearly.

There were many onlookers at the door, so she couldn't just say that she was famous, that would be too arrogant.

Seeing that Dai Yunqing would not drive her out, Shifang wanted to close the door.

"Hey——" Xia Yu was in a hurry. She just wanted to be photographed and seen. Once the door was closed, she was alone in the room, and it was hard to guarantee what these people would do to her.

"Since she recruited these people, she also has a purpose. There is no need to close the door, just leave it open." Dai Yunqing knew that she was here for Yu Manxi.

This person was chosen by her own son, and Fu Chen had also met him before, so he must have checked his identity and background, so she would not be able to grasp anything.

This is also her trust in her son.

"Xiao Yu, don't stand, sit down." Dai Yunqing beckoned her to sit down.

"Auntie." Yu Manxi was anxious, she had a clear conscience, but when they met Fu Sinian's mother for the first time, she had no face to face her after that.

"Ma'am, do you really want to drive her out? It's too presumptuous to rush directly to someone else's box." Shi Fang really couldn't see it, and Qian Jiang had already called Fu Chen at this moment.

"It's okay." Dai Yunqing smiled.

"The world is so big, and there are so many people, you can't ask everyone to be well-educated, have the same knowledge as this kind of person, and demean yourself."

Dai Yunqing hid the needle in his cotton, and Wen Tun fought back.

These words are very harsh.

Say directly that Xia Yunong is uneducated.

"..." Xia Yunong didn't expect to be slapped before he had an attack.

Song Fengwan lowered his head and smiled sullenly, Dai Yunqing was the daughter-in-law of Fu's family no matter what, she was definitely not as weak and deceptive as she appeared on the surface.

The onlookers outside whispered and laughed.

"Heh—" Xia Yunong sneered, "I can't tell, you also found a powerful mother-in-law, who is of average age and has a strong mouth."

"I'm just stating the facts, but you, who are young, can be so domineering in the capital, who gave you the courage?" Dai Yunqing was gentle and polite from the beginning to the end, maintaining a good manners and upbringing.

Shi Fang stretched out his hand to cover his chest, this woman really wanted to die.

This person respects their third master like a mother, what the hell...

Strength kills.

The sister-in-law of the Fu family is really a ruthless character who hides needles in the cotton...

When people meet their parents, it's such a big happy event, if you step on it, it's really hard work.

The guts are really fat.

As I mentioned in Chapter [271], the third master checked Xiao Yu'er's life experience at that time, so that Niannian could ask his parents, so his parents are all insiders.


Everyone, don’t forget to check in your daily messages. It’s less than ten days away from the explosion. I’m a scumbag, and I really worked hard to save the manuscript this time o(╥﹏╥)o

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