In the Fu family compound, the dim lights made the atmosphere of the living room gloomy.

"Are you sure it's the child from the He family?" Elder Fu confirmed.

Fu Shinan nodded.

"That old thing from the He family is simply a crime." The old lady sighed.

"In order to avoid family planning, their family said that the first child died, but in fact they were sent to the countryside."

"My own daughter, she was just born, and she didn't even drink her own mother's milk. It's really heartless."

Dai Yunqing calmed down, and handed the pills and warm water to the elders of the Fu family. Elder Fu held the pills and frowned, thinking about something, "Their family wants a boy to carry on the family."

"As a result, she gave birth to a daughter in the second year, so she can no longer say she died. This is fate." The old lady sighed repeatedly.

"Actually, when I picked up that girl, I saw her from a distance. She was shy and timid, thin, not as tall as her sister, and she didn't dare to see people at all." Yu Manxi changed too much before and after, and any No one would have thought that this was a person.

Black and thin, wearing a princess dress, nondescript, especially standing next to her sister, it is simply incomparable.

"Her younger sister is in the capital, and she goes to the best school. She learns piano and dance. She is the best in everything. The elder sister was sent away. At that time, the countryside was still very hard. The family that adopted her was also very poor. She was taken back. At that time..."

The old lady frowned and thought about it carefully, "It seems that I haven't entered school yet, and I can't even write my name."

"When I came to the capital suddenly, I couldn't adapt to the environment of the He family, and because of this incident, the He family was also afraid of being discovered, so they never cared about her from the beginning to the end, leaving her to fend for herself..."

Elder Fu went on to say, "Her father lost his job! Put the blame on her."

At that time, family planning was tightened because her father was a small leader at the time and could not bear the wind to have a second child. If the matter was exposed, he would definitely resign from office.

The He family didn't have the money to fine them, but they were afraid of losing their jobs because of it. At that time, the requirements for the personnel of government agencies were still very strict.

The government staff did not respond to the above policy. If this was discovered, their jobs would definitely be lost. At that time, the influence of the He family could not be underestimated. Naturally, it was impossible for a child to affect the entire family.

But in the end, he didn't escape.

"After the incident was exposed, the He family regarded her as a catastrophe, so they had to take her back, but they definitely wouldn't treat her well." The old lady lowered her head, took the medicine, and swallowed a few sips of water, as if she wanted to get rid of the depression in her heart. Calm down.

Dai Yunqing sighed, "I really don't know how Xiao Yu spent the time when he returned to the He family?"

"It was difficult to read when I picked her up, and she was thrown out of the country soon, and she was ignored." The old lady snorted, "This child is not surnamed He now, which is enough to show that I hate her in my heart."

"How can I not be resentful, the same daughter, who lives like a princess in the city, but she can only be abandoned, and no one expects to welcome her even when she returns home." Elder Fu lowered his head and swallowed the antihypertensive pills.

Dai Yunqing pursed her lips, "During dinner, when I mentioned that she had brothers and sisters in her family, she reacted very strangely, did Si Nian and the third child know?"

Fu Shinan nodded.

"These two uncles and nephews are really powerful, such a big matter, to hide it so tightly?" Dai Yunqing snorted coldly.

The four sighed and chatted for a while in the living room before going back to their rooms.

Fu Shinan took a simple shower, and when he came out, his pillow and quilt were neatly placed beside the bed, "Ma'am, I'm leaving."

He automatically and consciously picked up the quilt and pillow, knowing that he must sleep in the study room tonight.

"Remember to close the door for me."


In fact, Fu Shinan always felt that he was already very restrained, smiling while being serious.

He has never been so formally nervous in a normal meeting, why is she still dissatisfied?

When Dai Yunqing heard the sound of closing the door, he snorted coldly. He told him to be serious but also to keep smiling, but he was good enough to play a fake smile for her. Who was he trying to scare.

She took out her phone and sent Fu Sinian a message.


Software Park Apartment at the moment

After Fu Sinian drove Yu Manxi back, the two stayed in the car for a while before taking the elevator upstairs.

"Si Nian, we met for the first time tonight. If something like this happens, will your parents have a bad impression of me? What if they don't agree with us being together?" Yu Manxi walked anxiously.

At the moment there were only the two of them in the elevator, Fu Sinian had been playing with a mechanical lighter, Yu Manxi couldn't help biting his lower lip.

"If your parents don't agree, will we break up..."

Before she finished speaking, Fu Sinian had already walked in front of her, frowning, "Break up?"

Yu Manxi only saw that kind of look when he met him for the first time. It was fierce and determined, but it also carried a terrifying and terrifying aura, as if it could swallow everything.

"Have you cheated?" Fu Sinian asked in a low voice.

Yu Manxi shook his head.

"Fall in love with someone else?"


"We won't break up." Fu Sinian's eyes were dark, but his voice was very firm.

It gave her a great sense of security.

Yu Manxi could only hear the sound of his heart beating. Fu Sinian raised his hand and pressed the door open button, and the elevator opened.

"To your house, or to my house?"

Yu Manxi hasn't reacted yet, "Huh?"

"Then go to your house." Fu Sinian pulled her back directly to Yu Manxi's room.

Nian Nian crouched in the den, jumped and ran out to meet the owner, Yu Manxi reached out to pick up the kitten, just at this time Fu Sinian's phone rang.


Fu Sinian took out his phone, and the two saw that the caller ID was "Mother".


"You and Xiaoyu haven't come home yet?"

Fu Sinian was used to being alone, and he didn't have the consciousness to report his whereabouts to others.

He and Yu Manxi were very close, and they could clearly hear their conversation. His mother called at this moment, and she must have wanted to talk about the meeting today, and her heart was raised instantly.


"I know everything about her. She is a nice person. You can take her back to the old house when you have time. Your grandma likes her very much."

"Okay." Fu Sinian nodded.

When Yu Manxi heard Dai Yunqing say this, she almost jumped up excitedly, bit her lip tightly, and controlled herself not to make a sound.

"But there is one more thing..." But when Dai Yunqing changed the topic, she was so frightened that her heart immediately hung up.

"What?" Fu Sinian also frowned.

"The set of skin care products that Xiao Yu sent today is very good. Please help me to ask what color is the gift lipstick in it. The color is very beautiful. I want to buy one for your second aunt."

Fu Sinian was taken aback, lipstick?

"Aren't all lipsticks red?"

What can be subdivided in this color, it looks almost the same.

"Get lost and find Xiaoyu to answer the phone!" Dai Yunqing was furious, what do you mean all lipsticks are red?

Being single for more than thirty years is not unreasonable.

Lipsticks are all red? Niannian, you are great, I give you a thumbs up.

Fu Sinian: ...


The birth of Xiao Yuer was written based on a friend of mine. Her parents were both in government agencies. She was thrown to a relative’s house in the countryside when she was born. She was brought back when she was in junior high school. Her parents gave birth to a girl next time. She is less than two years behind her, and the living environment is really incomparable.

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