Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 395 The Third Master Threatens His Nephew, Shameless (3 more)

Ever since Yu Manxi met her parents, the news about her and Fu Sinian spread. When she went to work the next day, everyone looked at her strangely and were more polite than usual.

Even the head of the station came to inspect for the first time, and asked her about the exam situation.

What else did she tell her, "Work is important, so don't delay your personal problems."

The corner of her mouth twitched, Taili wished that the female employees would not take marriage leave or pregnancy leave, and when they would start caring about personal issues.

"When are you getting married, don't forget to send me an invitation."

Yu Manxi smiled resentfully, so you want to give her a gift money?

And the people in the compound also knew that the grandson's life-long event had finally come to an end. The woman was beautiful and capable. When Mr. Fu went out for a walk, he was often congratulated by others, and when he returned home, there was still a smile on his lips.

Fu Chen was checking the guest list with Dai Yunqing, watching his father come back laughing, frowning slightly.

"What's so happy?" The old lady had rarely seen him so happy.

"They all praised that Xiaoyu was beautiful and capable, and I have a bright face." Fu Lao said with a smile.

Fu Chen rolled his eyelids, "One is not engaged, and the other is not married, is it too early for you to be happy?"

"What are you talking about, you kid? You just don't have a date. Please be sour." Old Fu snorted coldly.

Fu Chen lowered his head and remained silent.

Who said he has no date, he talked about it earlier than Fu Sinian, okay?

"Third son, father will be happier when you bring your girlfriend back." Dai Yunqing smiled.

Fu Chen fell silent.

Now no one knows that when the Fu family found out about Fu Chen's love affair, what they got in return was a family punishment.

"By the way, third child, Qiao's family and Yan's family are here, don't make a mistake." Dai Yunqing glanced at the two families at the top of the list and reminded them aloud.

"Huh?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Father is close to Qiao's family. It's okay to arrange Qiao Wangbei at father's table. Isn't your second brother's family coming back? Your second brother will definitely sit with your father. Isn't this something like Yuxiu's?" Dai Yunqing shook his head helplessly.

"This Qiao Wangbei has a violent temper. I'm afraid that if we arrange him together, if he sees Yuxiu, he might make a move."

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, this is really possible.

"Remember to set aside this position."

"I'll arrange it." Dai Yunqing didn't mention this, he almost forgot that this kid Fu Yuxiu is coming back soon...


When Fu Chen returned from the old house, he made a special call to Fu Yuxiu.

Fu Yuxiu was still abroad. Due to the time difference, he had already gone to bed, and was awakened by the phone call. He was a little annoyed at first, but when he saw the caller ID, he almost rolled off the bed.


Why did his third uncle call him?

The phone vibrated like a hot potato, he swallowed nervously, his fingers trembled, and he wanted to swipe to answer, but he suddenly snapped the button due to nervousness.

Fu Chen's eyes tightened.

Good boy, dare to hang up on his phone, I haven't seen him for a few months, I'm getting more courageous.

He knew very well that it was already night at Fu Yuxiu's place, and there was no time when it was inconvenient to answer the phone during class.

Fu Yuxiu was also dumbfounded.

"Damn—" Fu Yuxiu was very annoyed, he, he actually hung up the phone of his third uncle?

He thought about what to say in his heart, and called Fu Chen back, but the other party hung up directly.

Damn, his third uncle is really angry.

After a few minutes, he called back, and Fu Chen picked up the phone, "Hello—" his voice was very low with an air of an elder.

"Third uncle." Fu Yuxiu was really frightened by him, and he was still afraid of him in his heart, and he spoke kindly.

"It's okay, boy, hang up on me?"

"I fell asleep, and I didn't notice it was your phone, so I accidentally pressed it off." Fu Yuxiu said timidly.

Shifang glanced at Fu Chen through the rearview mirror.

His family's third master is really powerful, he got angry in the old house, and vented his anger on the junior? Threatening my nephew?

"Really?" Fu Chen bit his words, and the ending sound was very long, as if he was deliberately torturing people.


"When will you come back?"

"My parents will be here in a few days. I may have to wait until next week to deal with school matters. Am I not a senior this year? I want to go back to the capital."

Shifang looked at his third master's expression, and his face darkened instantly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What did this young master Yuxiu say to make his face so ugly?

"You want to stay in the capital for a long time?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows. After all, he was Song Fengwan's ex-fiancé, who was also a rival in love despite his blood relationship.

"Let's stay for at least 3 months. I want to find a company for an internship, third uncle, in your company..." Sun Qionghua always hoped that he could have a good relationship with Fu Chen and Fu Sinian, so he dared to speak up.

I want to be an intern at Fu Chen Company.

"You want to come to our company for an internship?" Fu Chen narrowed his eyes, holding a skewer in his hand, his eyes were obscure.

Shi Fang was waiting for the red light at the moment, his eyes were fixed on the traffic light, but his ears were pricked up, quietly listening to the conversation in the back row.

Master Yuxiu is going to work at Sanye's company?

What does this kid think, why doesn't he go to Er Ye's company.

Longtan Tiger's Den, he is really not afraid of death, he still wants to jump into it?

Just when Shifang thought that Fu Chen would refuse, a wicked smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Yes, you can send me your resume, and I will ask Shifang to help you arrange a job according to your specific situation."

Fu Yuxiu was just tentatively asking, but he didn't expect that Fu Chen would really agree, and was overjoyed, "Thank you, Uncle San, you don't need to take special care of me, just treat me as an ordinary intern."

Fu Chen said with a smile, "I will only supervise you more strictly."

"It should be like this." Fu Yuxiu thought that Fu Chen was just joking.

Only when he actually went to Fu Chen's company as an intern did he know...

His third uncle was really strict.

"Then you can continue to sleep." Fu Chen said and hung up the phone.

Fu Yuxiu excitedly told his parents about it.

Sun Qionghua always felt that she was sorry for the Fu family, and she didn't know how to get along with the Fu family. She also had trouble with Fu Chen before, but she didn't expect that he would accept his son as an intern in the company.

She immediately felt that she was really too petty and selfish before, and the Fu family still treated them as a family.

She even secretly reflected that she must get along well with the Fu family after returning home.

How did Sun Qionghua know that Fu Chen was not a good person at all, and he had his own reasons for doing things.

Shifang watched Fu Chen hang up the phone before asking, "Third Master, do you really want to accept Master Yuxiu to come to the company for an internship?"

"I'm his third uncle. My nephew begged my uncle. If I don't agree, wouldn't it be too indifferent?" Fu Chen took it for granted.

Shifang's mouth twitched.

Have you ever bullied others since childhood? What kind of conscience discovery should I care about and love my nephew now?

"He has a special relationship with Miss Song after all..."

"It's to prevent unexpected things from happening. That's why I keep him under my nose. In my territory, can someone rob me?"

Fu Chen stroked his chin and smiled strangely.

Shi Fang felt cold, so he knew why his third master was suddenly so kind.

Fu Yuxiu is an idiot, won't this go into the mouth of a tiger?

Fu Chen hung up Fu Yuxiu's phone before calling Song Fengwan. He knew her class schedule, and there should be no class this afternoon.

"Hey, third brother..." Song Fengwan answered the phone very quickly.

"doing what?"

"I bought a few sets of new bed sheets in the Yishui community. Later, Uncle Yan and Uncle came over to live here, so I can dry the quilt by the way."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Aren't you busy? It's not a big deal."

Fu Chen stroked the Buddhist beads with his fingertips, "Wanwan, I miss you."

"Huh?" Song Fengwan was a little confused by his sudden words. They had dinner together yesterday.

Before she could react, Fu Chen said something.

"I'll go to your house to find you."

As soon as the words fell, Shifang was stunned: "..."

Third master, you made a detour, you just want to find someone else.

He hung up the phone and signaled Shifang to turn around and go to Yishui Community.

"Third Master, didn't you invite Sixth Master to listen to the play?"

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes and called Jing Hanchuan.

Jing Hanchuan has already set off from home at this moment. A few days ago, the Liyuan was disturbed and things were smashed. The Jing family took this opportunity to renovate the Liyuan and officially resume business tomorrow. He asked Fu Chen to come over today, just to let him Evaluate the stage set and the like.

After all, someone is an expert and has a poisonous mouth.

His cell phone rang, and seeing that it was Fu Chen, he thought he had arrived, "Are you there?"

"I have something to do temporarily, so I can't go."


"Look for Wanwan, my daughter-in-law is clingy, sorry."

Jing Hanchuan squeezed his phone tightly, just sent a message, and even made a special call to show off?

Fu Chen, maybe you need to show some face.

"Sixth Master?" The Jing family saw that his expression was not good, so they spoke carefully.

"Go to the pear garden."

"What are you listening to today?"

Jing Hanchuan raised his eyebrows, "Let them prepare "Beating Drums and Scolding Cao"."

This play is about an excerpt of Mi Heng scolding Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period.

The Jing family is speechless. In fact, the sixth master of their family wants to scold the third master.

The third watch is over...

Everyone, don't forget to leave a message and check in, vote, okay (* ̄3) (ε ̄*)


The third master has been a little drifting lately, the sixth master, you can just scold him [cover your face]

Third Master: Am I still your favorite hero?

Ye Jiuxiao: She once said she loves me the most.

Yan Shu: +1.

Mo Qi: Same as above.


Me: o(╥﹏╥)o

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