Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 396 The third master and Wan Wan are alone, and the senior brother killed him?

Yishui District

As Mr. Fu's birthday is approaching, Qiao Wangbei and his son and Yan Wangchuan will arrive in the capital soon, and they may stay for a while, and staying in a hotel is also an expense. There are vacant rooms in the capital, and there is nothing inconvenient for them to live together. of.

Although hired a part-time worker to clean it, Song Fengwan still found time to buy new sheets and quilt covers.

The old lady only thought about Song Fengwan, and asked someone to make the bedding all pink and blue, and even the spare quilt cover was yellow floral.

She really couldn't imagine what kind of magical scene it would be for Yan Wangchuan, Qiao Wangbei, and Qiao Xiyan to lie on such a bed.

When he heard the sound of the door opening, he thought it was Fu Chen who had arrived, "Third brother, sit down for a while, I'll be fine soon."

When Fu Chen entered the room, compared to before, the room had a little more green plants, obviously it had been arranged.

When he was about to enter the house, Song Fengwan had already walked out. Making the bed was a manual task. She took off her coat and wore a white shoulder-length sweater underneath.

"I bought cherries, you said you wanted to eat them last night."

"The school sells it too expensive, so I'm not willing to buy it." Now many fruits are available all year round, but they are not in season and the price is slightly expensive.

Fu Chen went into the kitchen to wash the cherries, while Song Fengwan stood by and watched.

The cherries were very red, and she swallowed inexplicably.

"Try it?" Fu Chen brought a washed cherry to her mouth.

Song Fengwan opened his mouth and bit it, "Um...not very tasty." She frowned slightly, looking very red, but tasted sour.

"Really?" Fu Chen took a sip by himself, "Mine is sweet."

"Huh?" Song Fengwan was speechless, his character was so bad.

"Do you want to try it again?" Fu Chen asked with a smile.

Fu Chen's face is extremely good-looking, with picturesque eyebrows, clear and elegant, no matter how you look at it, you don't find it boring. He has long noticed Song Fengwan's gaze, and tilted his head to smile at her...

A piece of brilliant.

Song Fengwan's heart trembled.


After all, Yishui community doesn't come here often, and there are no ingredients for cooking, and neither of these two people know how to cook.

When Song Feng was eating cherries late, Fu Chen had already ordered takeaway, and was going to have dinner with her before going back. He always hoped to spend more time with her.

I can't bear to leave.

Suddenly a gust of cool wind blew from the window, Song Fengwan hurriedly got up and closed the window, the quilt was still drying on the balcony.

It was only after five o'clock in the afternoon, and the city was covered by dark clouds outside, and the strong wind blew the trees in the community into four directions. "It seems to be raining."

Just two or three minutes later, fine raindrops hit the window like drums and gongs. Accompanied by the gust of wind, it almost broke through the window.

"The forecast didn't say there would be rain." Song Fengwan stood by the window, if he kept following this trend, how could he go back to study by himself at night.

"The forecast is sometimes inaccurate." Fu Chen walked to the window, wishing he could spend the night with Song Fengwan.

"I brought an umbrella, don't you still have a car?"

Fu Chen pointed out the window. A man's umbrella was blown to pieces by the wind, and he was dragged along by the umbrella. It would be better not to hold an umbrella at a time like this.

Song Fengwan swallowed his saliva.

Due to the sudden rainstorm, the takeaway was delayed, Song Fengwan's phone vibrated twice, and a special ringtone reminded him.

She usually blocks messages in the QQ group, and she is worried about missing important information, so she sets the information of their class monitor as special attention, and the information prompt tone is different.

[Due to the heavy rain tonight, the evening self-study is temporarily canceled. The students in each dormitory will inform each other that the teacher will roll the roll at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late. 】

The crowd suddenly boiled.

"What's wrong?" Fu Chen asked.

Song Fengwan bit his lip, "The class monitor said that the self-study is canceled tonight."

"Really?" Fu Chen seemed very calm.

In fact, the bottom of my heart is already crazy.

"The rain won't stop for a while, why don't you find a movie to watch?" Fu Chen suggested.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan had no choice but to sit back on the sofa and continue eating cherries with his head down.

After picking and choosing, I finally watched the classic "Titanic". It seems that whenever this movie is turned out, you can see different feelings.

Not long after, the takeaway came.

The movie was very long. Song Fengwan was busy making the bed today, and he was already exhausted. He leaned on Fu Chen's shoulder after watching halfway, and fell asleep drowsily.

Fu Chen turned his head to look at her, "Wan Wan..."

He wanted to tell her to let her go back to sleep, but she looked really sleepy, with her legs curled up on the sofa, leaning against her.

Little one.

Fu Chen turned the TV to silent, tilted his head to look at her, she curled up into a ball, her posture was a bit awkward...

"Go back to sleep?" Fu Chen lowered his voice.

Song Fengwan didn't seem to hear him, but moved closer to him.

Fu Chen suddenly smiled, lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair...


At this moment, at the entrance of the unit building in Yishui Community

Qianjiang and Shifang stood at the stairs, waiting for the rain to calm down and go home.

Fu Chen had sent them a message just now, saying that they would have a holiday tonight, and he and Song Fengwan obviously wanted to stay here overnight.

But even if it's a holiday, it's pouring rain, and I can't go.

The outside is going to be flooded.

Qian Jiang leaned against the wall and smoked slowly, obviously not in a hurry.

If I go out now, within a second, I will definitely get drenched, so I can only wait.

"Do you still have any cigarettes?" Shi Fang seemed very irritable.

"Here—the last one." Qian Jiang handed over the half-smoked cigarette.

"I wipe, you let me eat your saliva?"

Qian Jiang didn't make a sound, just lowered his head and smoked to himself.

"It's raining so hard. When will it stop? I thought I could go to bed early, but it's getting dark now, and it's not too late. I won't even call a car. Why do I have to walk to the gate of the community?" , must be drenched like a dog in the water."

"You are a dog, I am not." Qian Jiang said bluntly.

Shi Fang was at a loss for words, "What the hell are you still breaking up with me at this time..."

When he was about to have a good argument with him, he saw a taxi galloping towards him, probably to take the residents off.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this car must have arrived at our unit building, who is this kind-hearted person?"

Seeing the car slowly stop at the door of the unit building, Shi Fang was overjoyed, fearing that the master would leave, he rushed out of the rain curtain and slapped the passenger window.

When the car window came down, Shi Fang opened his mouth to say something excitedly, but when he saw the man in the passenger seat, he was terrified.

He talked about why the capital city was so fine that there was a sudden heavy rain, and he even complained that it might be some kind of immortal.

What kind of god is this? This is clearly the devil.

"Master, the payment has been made." The man in the co-driver was wearing a serious and exquisite three-piece suit, his eyes were cold, and he glanced at Shifang from the corner of his eye.

People around Fu Chen.

Since he is here, that kid must also be...

This was provided by his mother for Song Fengwan to rest on weekdays, and it can also store luggage. This girl is lucky, and she came here for a date.

This time he came early, if the Qiao family and his son arrived first.

This girl is afraid that she will be beaten to death.

"...Sir, where are you going?" the driver asked Shifang, but he kept silent, which made him a little irritable, "It's raining into the car."

"Oh, I'll pick you up, I won't take a taxi." Shi Fang said angrily.

"Help me get my luggage." Yan Wangchuan's voice was a little cooler than Qiu Yu's.

It is only seven or eight steps away from the entrance of the unit building. Yan Wangchuan came directly from the airport. He pushed the door and got off the car, and strode to the entrance of the unit building.

Qian Jiang originally thought, Shifang is a fool, standing in the rain in a daze? What a fool.

Looking at the person coming down at this moment, his fingers trembled, and his fingertips were burned by the cigarette butt.

He touched the cell phone in his pocket almost subconsciously, and Yan Wangchuan shot over with a cold look, "What do you want to do?"

He brushed the rain off his clothes casually, and his movements were fast and urgent, with a lot of vigor.

Qian Jiang didn't take out his phone in the end, Third Master, please ask for blessings.

"Mr. Yan, why did you come here early." Shifang took out two 28-inch suitcases from the car. What is this man doing here, with so many things?

Yan Wangchuan glanced at him, "Do I need to notify Fu Chen in advance when I come here?"

Shi Fang bowed his head and remained silent.

After the three of them entered the elevator, Shifang tried to send a message to Fu Chen, but the signal in the elevator was too weak, so the message couldn't get out.

"I'm already here. It's too late to remind him now."

Yan Wangchuan squinted his eyes, he wanted to see how far this kid Fu Chen could treat a child.

Recently, it seems that there is a double monthly ticket activity. With the support of monthly tickets, the beginning of the next month. It’s really fat, and I’m working hard to save the manuscript~


Third Master, you should be glad that it's not the Qiao family who came here, otherwise I'm afraid of you...

Haha, I will be tortured into a sieve by a carving knife.

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