After Duan Linbai said this, Fu Chen didn't care at all. After all, Jinghanchuan's children hadn't formed yet.

But Jing Hanchuan was upset when he heard it.

He asked at that time, "If you have a daughter in the future, can you give her to Fu Chen as a daughter-in-law?"

Duan Linbai smiled: "My child's horoscope has not yet been written, so you are just in time, plan the plan, and the fat will not flow into the fields of outsiders."

Jing Hanchuan sneered and remained silent.

I'm afraid this kid is looking for a draw!

"You are so poor here, you two should have a child." Fu Chen said.


At this time, the one lying in Song Fengwan's arms was his own son after all, he was not mad enough to send him to Jing's house, and he knew how difficult it would be to ask for a marriage in the future.

If this really gave birth to a daughter, I don't know which kid would be so unlucky.

So after Jing Hanchuan and the others left, Song Fengwan suddenly saw the man beside him laughing inexplicably.

The back of her neck felt cold.

With the green light in his eyes, who is he aiming at? Which unlucky guy was being targeted by him.

"Third brother?" Song Fengwan bit his lips, "What are you thinking?"

"I really hope that the Hanchuan family will have a daughter. I want to know who will be so unlucky to marry his daughter. When I asked Qian Jiang to send him a book, I heard that he has completely lost his status at home. The Jingxu family is now Staring at the child, the two brothers of the Xu family are not married, so if they were nieces, they would probably be pampered."

"Can you imagine what it would be like for her to have a boyfriend in the future?"

"If I'm sorry for her, I'm afraid that if I grow a few legs, it will be broken."


At this time, Fu Baobao, who was lying in Song Fengwan's arms, just opened her eyes. She lowered her head to tease the child, and she had no intention of talking to Fu Chen at all.

How could this person be so bad? What's going on in my head, it's just bad fun.

But Song Fengwan thought about it later...

At that time, it was quite fun for Lin Bai to be embarrassed when he was welcoming his relatives, and suddenly he was inexplicably looking forward to it.

Jing Hanchuan and Xu Yuanfei had already arrived home at this time, they had no idea how many people were secretly expecting him to have a daughter.


next day

Song Fengwan just gave birth to a baby the day before, and the ward was also chaotic. Many people wanted to visit and were worried about disturbing them, so they only came the next day.

Hu Xinyue stayed at school during the summer to review public exams, and came early in the morning with fruit, but the ward was already full and crowded with a bunch of people.

Fu Chen had no time to take care of her, she stayed in the ward for a while and then left quickly.

"Come to play at home another day." Song Fengwan also felt sorry, and basically couldn't care about anyone.


Hu Xinyue originally joked that she wanted to be Fu Baobao's godmother, but now it seems that it's better to forget it. People who want to be his godfather and godmother can go around the world.

When she walked out of the hospital, she happened to meet the Jiang family brothers.

She and Second Young Master Jiang had met each other several times before, but they were just acquaintances.

"Hey, are you Wanwan's roommate?" Second Young Master Jiang greeted him proactively.

"Well, hello." When Hu Xinyue saw them, especially Jiang Duanyan on the other side, she had a strong aura and was inevitably a little cautious, after all, she was a child who hadn't left school.

"Have you seen Wan Wan? How is she doing now?"

"By the way, it's summer vacation, why are you still in the capital? I don't remember being a local."

"How are you going back later? Take the bus or take a taxi? Why don't I take you back later? I'll just go upstairs to have a look and come out right away."

"Let's go, let's go and see Wanwan together."


Hu Xinyue was puzzled, and was dragged into the elevator by Jiang Ershao with a dazed expression. Someone spoke too quickly, and she couldn't refute and refuse.

The two didn't know each other at all, and she also knew from the bottom of her heart that Second Young Master Jiang was Song Fengwan's brainless fan and had no interest in her at all. His sudden enthusiasm caught people off guard.

After entering the elevator, it was rare that there were not many people in the elevator at this time, so Hu Xinyue noticed that there were four people in the elevator.

Apart from the pair of brothers, there was also a beautiful girl in a black skirt with a shoulder bag. She had an excellent temperament, and she didn't dare to take a closer look for fear of impoliteness.

Through the mirror of the elevator, a rough outline can be vaguely seen, but the appearance is not discernible, but the temperament of the whole body is gentle and generous, mainly...

Standing quietly in the corner, silent.

It was only when someone entered the elevator that Hu Xinyue noticed that Mr. Jiang...

It seemed that they silently protected the person behind them, and the two of them seemed to be talking.

Hu Xinyue was really confused and was dragged to the ward again. When Song Fengwan saw her, he was also very surprised.

"Did you leave something behind?" After all, the room was very messy at this time.

"I..." Hu Xinyue didn't know how to explain it, and she was also baffled at this time.

"Wanwan, congratulations!" Second Young Master Jiang, holding a bouquet of flowers in his arms, had rushed up from behind.

He has already looked away, anyway, as long as his goddess is happy.

"Thank you!" Song Fengwan saw Jiang Duanyan from the corner of his eye, and greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Jiang, long time no see."

After Song Feng's late pregnancy, he didn't go out much and didn't participate in group activities. Jiang Duanyan only met him once at home, as if he was sending documents to Fu Chen to talk about cooperation.

It is said that in the past six months, he didn't spend much time in the capital.

"Congratulations." Jiang Duanyan pursed his lips, restrained and serious as usual.

It was only when he turned sideways that Song Fengwan saw the person behind him, "Are you the one who received the bouquet last time?"



Fu Chen was originally chatting with others, when he heard this, he looked up.


When Jiang Ershao saw the two people appearing at the same time, he was really confused. He thought that the two people had made some progress, and rushed into the car excitedly, only to find that they were still the same, seeming to have made progress, but not... …

It made him sit in the car, which was an embarrassment.

If he stayed with them again, he was afraid that he would collapse, so when he met Hu Xinyue, he dragged her up.

Anyway, if he does this again, he will really die!

You two don't talk, what's the matter with me in the middle.

They didn't stay for long, and the girl was about to leave first.

"Let's go, I'll see you off." Jiang Duanyan said directly, almost not allowing others to refuse, and Fu Chen and the others looked at them jokingly, the girl seemed not easy to refuse, and thanked with a smile.

"Yihan, I'm going to the company, you can take a taxi home later."

Second Young Master Jiang wished that he would leave him behind, and immediately nodded cheerfully in agreement: You two get out of here quickly!

After the two of them left, he was relieved. Second Young Master Jiang belonged to the kind who would have nothing to do when he went back. After sending Hu Xinyue to school as agreed, he returned to the hospital. At this time, there was no one in the ward.

Then he saw that Mr. Fu was nursing the child...

He was actually coaxing the child to sleep, with a gentle and focused expression, and he had also learned how to take care of the child.

After Jiang Ershao was provoked by his elder brother again, he was frightened by Fu Chen's nurse.

What's the matter with you guys recently? so homely?

so scary?

Especially when Fu Chen said: "Be good, baby——"

The sky thundered.

Jiang Ershao: I want to go home.

Song Fengwan was not surprised, after all, she was used to this kind of thing in class before.


After Jiang Ershao left the hospital, he originally wanted to ask Duan Lin Bai out, but was told that he was not available.

He remembered that Duan Lin Bai wasn't very busy recently, and he didn't have time to get together.

It's not that he's not free, but Duan Linbai is being "besieged" by the elders of the family at this time. It's nothing more than the issue of having children. After all, Jing Hanchuan's family has them all. Duan Linbai is a single passer for several generations. Pointing at him, and getting married, he will definitely start beating around to make him have a child.

Six people, four elderly people plus their own parents.

They didn't give birth directly, they just made things secretly, for example: "That little grandson of the Fu family looks really good-looking, my grandson must be prettier than him."

"At this age, I still hope that my children and grandchildren will be around my knees."

"But let's have a baby, Lin Bai, you and Muzi decide, we just talk about it casually, you just listen to it, we're not in a hurry."

"Yes, yes, there is no rush. You take your time according to the plan. Although you are old and in poor health, you can wait."

The corners of Duan Linbai's mouth twitched, he felt:

I was afraid that I was an angel with broken wings in my previous life.

You say you're not in a hurry, but don't just stare at his wife's belly every time you have dinner.

It's been hot and dry recently, maybe the air conditioner blows too much, and I'm a little bit cold.

It's hot, everyone, don't be too greedy for coolness, pay more attention to your body, okay~

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