Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 867 The third master is very irritable with children, breaking down every year? (3 more)

On Song Fengwan's first day after giving birth, he hurriedly sent away batch after batch of relatives and friends. Later, Fu Chen blocked most of them out on the grounds that she was unwell, so that the ward could be free.

She is very thin and does not have much breast milk, but she also knows that no matter how good milk powder is, its nutrition is not as good as breast milk, so after giving birth, she began to drink a lot of soup that can stimulate this, which also allowed her to recover quickly.

I went home on the fourth day after giving birth.

At that time, many reporters took some pictures, but everyone just paid more attention to it, and they would not bother rashly. They were far away, and they couldn't take any substantive things.

When the car arrived at Yunjin Capital, Fu Chen carried her down, and for some reason, she suddenly felt awkward.

"What? Uncomfortable?" Seeing her shrinking her neck, Fu Chen seemed uncomfortable.

Song Fengwan shook his head and leaned on his shoulder, "I always feel that I smell something."

The elders said that you can’t take a bath during the confinement period, and it was July day. If the air conditioner was not turned on in the room, she would be sweaty even if she moved a little. Moreover, she was sweaty all over the day she gave birth, and she hadn’t washed it thoroughly.

She felt that she was going to stink all over.

"It's smelly." Fu Chen hugged the man and walked in with big strides.

"What's the smell? The smelly one?" Song Fengwan approached his ear and asked in a low voice.

"No, it's still very fragrant."

Fu Chen seemed afraid that she would not believe her, so he tilted his head and kissed her neck twice.

At this time, Baobao Fu was held in Qiao Aiyun's arms, and then got out of the car.

The parents in front didn't realize that their son was still behind them until they got inside the house.

Fu Baobao:

My baby is suffering, but I can't tell!


After Song Fengwan started confinement at home, the Fu family specially invited a confinement child. Besides helping to take care of the child, she could also prepare confinement meals for her. Qiao Aiyun would also help her in taking care of the child.

It's just a hot day, and the two elders of the Fu family came here from the old house, tossing back and forth, which is too much.

They originally planned to let Song Fengwan go to the old house for confinement, but recently, facing a change of office, Fu Shinan was dispatched back to Beijing, and many people visited the old house.

Although according to Fu Shinan's temperament, it was difficult to get his patronage, because he was the kind of person who was devoted to the public, but he also wanted to move around more, and he didn't want to lose this connection.

The old house is very lively almost every day, and they are also worried that it will affect Song Feng's late rest. The two elders of the Fu family have no choice but to compromise in the end.

Confinement is always boring. Besides sleeping and coaxing the child, Song Fengwan just leans on the sofa and draws pictures for his son with an easel.

Then Fu Chen discovered that in Song Fengwan's album, he was originally the person with the highest appearance rate, but now he has become something small.

Babies always look different every day. After a while, Baby Fu is no longer as wrinkled as when he was just born. It's just that the little guy can't talk. The most things he does every day are sleeping, eating, and crying...

Song Fengwan felt that every moment was beautiful, and wished he could capture every moment of his growth and various gestures.

There are even sketches that cry at the top of their throats...

These paintings are also one of the things Fu Baobao wants to destroy the most when he grows up.

But in Fu Chen's words: "These are all your mother's love for you!"

Fu Baobao: ...

During the day, the child was naturally taken care of by Yuesao and Qiao Aiyun, but at night, many things fell on Fu Chen.

The child couldn't speak, and sometimes he would howl for a long time when he changed a diaper. Fu Chen really didn't understand that he didn't touch him, didn't beat him, and cried for something.

In the beginning, he always coaxed him nicely, but after a long time, and doing this all night long, no matter how patient Fu Chenrao is, he would always get tired sometimes.

Afraid that he would disturb Song Fengwan, he once took the child to sleep next door, but he seemed to feel the same, and left Song Fengwan, crying even harder.

This made Fu Chen a little irritable!

One night, Song Feng woke up suddenly in the middle of the night. Since she had a child, she didn't sleep as well as before. She often woke up at night, subconsciously going to find the child to see how he was doing.

Fu Baobao was sleeping between her and Fu Chen at this time. In fact, Song Fengwan was not willing to share the bed with Fu Chen, because he always felt that he was not clean.

A certain person persisted, but he didn't care about these things.

The child was born for him, and his own daughter-in-law didn't have so many taboos.

Song Fengwan turned over that day and found that Fu Chen was not asleep.

He was leaning against the bed, with the beads in his hand, staring at the little guy who was sleeping soundly. It was midnight, the dim night light, the light fell in his pupils, this man...

There seemed to be a faint light in the eyes.

Can eat people.

Song Fengwan even felt that he might want to kill his own son.

"Third Brother..."

"Want to get up?" Fu Chen recovered after listening to her words, "Shall I help you?"

"No, what were you thinking just now?"

Fu Chen smiled, "It's just a matter of work, it's just a little annoying."

How could he tell Song Fengwan directly, at this moment he understood what Qiao Xiyan said to him before, taking care of children would really break people down.

He silently recited the "Meditation Mantra" countless times in his heart every day, and told himself!

"That's your son, my dear son, even kneel down and pamper him!"

It seemed that only in this way could he convince himself not to do anything to him.

The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to tell myself: "Keep a happy mood."

Song Fengwan seemed to see through him and didn't expose him, because he took care of himself, and Fu Chen took care of Fu Baobao's affairs at night, which was indeed very hard, "I heard from Shifang a few days ago that you and Mr. What project do you want to collaborate on?"

"I want to launch a few Qixi Festival activities, and we can do it together, but Jiang Duanyan has been running between the capital and his hometown recently, and I have to make an appointment to find him for a meeting."

"Isn't the center of Jiang's family in the capital? There are no relatives or friends in my hometown. For the girl who went to the hospital last time?" Song Fengwan propped himself up and helped Fu Baobao tidy up the little quilt on his stomach.

"It's probably not far from ten, but the recent video, he seems to be in a good mood, and it is estimated that he is making progress."

Song Fengwan nodded, and it took a long time before he suddenly remembered, "Did my mother say that she will go back to Yuncheng soon?"

"Our mother has been talking about it for three or four days." Fu Chen had no choice but to say that he was stupid for three years after being pregnant. Song Fengwan was not stupid, but his memory had declined.

When Qiao Aiyun returned to Yuncheng, besides dealing with the business in Yutangchun's store, she would also visit Song Jingren and tell him about Song Feng's late birth. In fact, Song Fengwan and Fu Chen went back before their marriage. He was in prison and gave him some wedding candy.

"Then my mother is gone, what about Xiao Chi?" Song Fengwan frowned, Yan Wangchuan must have left with Qiao Aiyun, Xiao Yan Xiansen might not follow, because the two of them would return to Beijing, he was young, so he couldn't do it Then toss back and forth.

"Don't worry, I've already found a home for him." Fu Chen smiled.

"Next home?"

When Song Fengwan was about to ask who's family, Fu Baobao woke up suddenly, Song Fengwan hurriedly hugged him to coax him up, and forgot about it.


Three days later, the software park

Fu Sinian was writing programming software at home at the time, when he heard a knock on the door, he thought it was some of his subordinates who came to deliver things to him, and opened the door without looking at the cat's eye.

As a result, there were one big and one small standing at the door.

Fu Chen stood at the door holding a little yellow duck's suitcase in one hand and Xiao Yan Xiansen in the other.

Fu Sinian's mind was a little buzzing at that time.

The few of them knew from the bottom of their hearts that Fu Chen was not in a good mood recently, and everyone was too familiar. It could be seen from his daily conversation that even Duan Linbai would not easily provoke him.

Fu Sinian was even more afraid of avoiding it, unexpectedly, after hiding at home, this person actually came to the door.

"Brother—brother..." Fu Yu had already slipped out of Fu Sinian's legs, and was very happy to see Xiao Yan Xiansen. She didn't know about the issue of seniority between them. Those who were older than her were all elder brothers, "Master, master -"

"Good boy." Fu Chen stroked her head, "What are you doing at the door, get out of the way, we're going in."

"Third Uncle..." Fu Sinian had no choice but to let the door open, "What are you doing?"

"Mom and Dad have gone to Yuncheng. They can't take care of Xiaochi these two days. You know the situation of our family. I can't send him to the old house. One of your children is also taken care of, and the two are the same, so I will trouble you for a few days."

His family's third uncle used the word trouble, but Fu Sinian tried to evade it, but it was difficult.

"But Third Uncle, I can't take care of him." Fu Sinian felt a severe headache when he thought about letting this little scourge stay in his home.

But at this time his cell phone vibrated, Qiao Aiyun called, nothing more than to thank him for taking in Mr. Yan.

"You're serious, it's not a big deal." Fu Sinian had already been pushed to this point, and he couldn't back down anymore.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yan Xiansen dragged his suitcase and stood in front of him, "Excuse me."

Be nice and obedient.

"It's okay." Fu Sinian couldn't refuse at this time.

"Where do I sleep then? Can I sleep with her?"

"No!" Fu Sinian sternly refused!

After Fu Chen delivered the person, he said something was up at home, and left quickly. Fu Sinian looked at the two people playing together in the living room, his headache almost exploded, and he collapsed.

Does the third uncle of his family want to be so tricky, he has a hard time, and he has to disturb others so that they can't be at peace?

Song Fengwan always felt embarrassed when he learned that Fu Chen actually sent his younger brother to Fu Sinian and his wife: "It must have bothered them too much, they helped take care of it last time."

Fu Chen asked Chuaner: "So the two of them have experience in taking care of him."

"And I don't feel relieved to hand it over to others. Si Nian is safe in doing things."

"And he is also willing to help take care of it, so he just found a playmate for Xiao Yu."


When Song Fengwan heard him say this, he cursed from the bottom of his heart: Why do I not believe it so much.

Shifang followed to see off Mr. Yan, so I really believed your nonsense.


Fu Chen was busy taking care of the children, Fu Sinian was tricked, Jing Hanchuan fell out of favor, and had to take care of his pregnant wife. It seemed that they were not having an easy life.

On the other hand, it seems that Duan Linbai is the happiest recently.

However, although the Duan family or the elders of the Lin family did not express directly to Xu Jiamu that she and Duan Linbai would have a child soon, Xu Jiamu always knew what the elders were thinking.

I discussed with Duan Linbai, should I have a child soon?

Duan Linbai was happy from the bottom of his heart. He liked children very much, and he also liked the process of making children...

But when Xu Jiamu took out a plan, he was completely dumbfounded.

Xu Jiamu's period time is clearly marked on it, as well as the best conception date marked with a red star.

"Actually, as long as we work hard during this time period, we will definitely have a child." Xu Jiamu pointed to several dates on the schedule.

Duan Linbai was stunned: How the hell am I going to sleep with my wife and make a baby, and I still have to do it step by step?

At this time, he had a deeper understanding of the term family planning.

According to him, the couple's life will be compressed into a few days, so what about normal?

"Except for those few days, what are we going to do?"

"Get ready!" Xu Jiamu said seriously, "Actually, the time a woman releases an egg is very limited. During this time, you must hurry up. What do you think of the plan I appointed?"

Duan Linbai smiled bitterly: "Very good, very good, daughter-in-law, you are so good, we will follow this!"

The ghost knows how crazy he is.

Then the couple began to plan to have children step by step.

Today's third update is over, please leave a message and ask for a ticket...

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The third master really cheated Niannian, haha...

Niannian: I am also very irritable!

Langlang: Me too...

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