Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 868 Yan Chi, the little scourge, has not left, but the little monk is here again

Brocade Capital

On the third day when Yan Wangchuan and his wife went to Yuncheng, Fu Sinian sent little Yan Xiansen back as promised.

During the few days when Mr. Yan lived in the software park, Fu Sinian really broke down. He was different from Fu Yu. Fu Yu was very young and didn't have the ability to think independently at all, let alone make demands on him.

Even if Fu Sinian didn't give it to her when she asked for something, she might feel uncomfortable for a while, and after losing a few golden peas, she would forget about it completely.

But Xiao Yan Xiansen is different, he will focus on one thing and keep urging you.

It's like he must listen to storybooks at night. On the first day, because Yu Manxi worked overtime at night, it was Fu Sinian who read it. The next day, it was replaced by Yu Manxi, so he praised Yu Manxi to the sky.

"Are you a fairy?"

At that time Fu Yu was also in his room, and Fu Sinian was also sitting on the side, ready to take his daughter away when he heard her fall asleep, when he said this, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

What the hell is this kid going to do.

"Fairy?" Yu Manxi chuckled, "How is that possible?"

"But I think you are a fairy." Xiao Yan Xiansen spoke very seriously.


"Because grandma said that fairies are all beautiful and have a nice voice, isn't it you?"

"And your cooking is so delicious, I want to keep eating it."

"So you are the fairy herself."


Yu Manxi was amused, no one doesn't like to be praised, and the children's words are the most truthful, which made her feel happy in her heart.

At that moment, she only thought that Xiao Yan Xiansen was the cutest child in the world.

Fu Sinian is not very romantic and love talker, he can't compare with Mr. Yan at all, "Why are you so good at talking?"

As she spoke, she kissed him twice on the head.

Fu Sinian sat on one side, squinting...

Thinking about kicking this kid out quickly.

Since that night, Xiao Yan Xiansen seems to be dependent on Yu Manxi, and it's the last day he left...

Fu Sinian was kicked out of the master bedroom!

Because Yu Manxi has two children to take care of, there is no place for him.

"You sleep in the guest bedroom, or the children's room." Yu Manxi was recently coaxed by Xiao Yan Xiansen, and she didn't see the existence of this husband at all.

Then Xiao Yan Xiansen stood at the door in his pajamas, holding a pillow.

Fu Sinian narrowed his eyes, thinking that the kid was going back to his room.

Then he said:

"Here's your pillow."

Fu Sinian: "..."

"You reach out and catch it, it's so heavy."

Fu Sinian tried to force himself to keep smiling, not to worry about a child: "I have to work overtime tonight, so I may not sleep." He used to be a night owl, although his situation improved a lot after marriage, but since he had a child, his schedule has become a little bit different. Messed up.

Yu Manxi goes to work during the day to take care of the child, and no matter how hard he is at night, he can't fall asleep until after 12 o'clock, and sometimes he may have to wake up at night to nurse, so Fu Sinian can handle Fu Yu's late night affairs by himself, basically by himself.

This routine has not been adjusted for a while.

"Work overtime." Yu Manxi pursed her lips, "Then don't be too busy."

Then Fu Sinian sat in front of the computer.

About an hour later, the door of the study was pushed open. He didn't seem to be working. The light from the computers in front of him made his face slightly gloomy.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" Fu Sinian looked up and saw Yu Manxi coming in.

"I made you something to eat, warm it in the rice cooker, if you're hungry, don't forget to eat some." Yu Manxi walked over, bent over, and hugged his neck from behind, "Angry?"

"Why am I angry?" Naturally, he would not admit to being angry.

"He's leaving tomorrow, what do you care about with a child..."

Yu Manxi said, rubbing his neck, since she had a child, after taking care of the child at night, both of them were exhausted, and naturally they were not as passionate as before in certain things.

Being dawdled by her at this time, Fu Sinian's eyes dimmed a bit.

"Stop rubbing, go back and rest early."

"The children are all asleep." Yu Manxi smelled sweet on her body, and she deliberately imitated the sweet voice of the broadcast, leaning against her ear.

This sound is like carrying a hook...

It tickles his heart.

"Aren't you sleepy?" Fu Si smiled young.


"Then do something else." After Fu Sinian finished speaking, he grabbed her arm and pulled her directly into his arms.


It was already an hour and a half after the two finished their business.

Yu Manxi got dressed, "Are you hungry? I haven't eaten anything tonight. I'll cook something for you. You can have some supper."


Fu Sinian felt satisfied at this time, and he was naturally in a good mood.

He went back to his room to change clothes, and looked at his daughter by the way. When he opened the door, his face turned dark...

Whose stomach is this kid putting his legs on!

Xiao Yan Xiansen was extremely dishonest in his sleep, but at this time he was almost lying on Fu Yu's body.

He walked over, separated the two of them, and used a round pillow to lay between them, creating a border between Chuhe and Han. He must send this kid away early tomorrow.


next day

It was past seven o'clock in the morning, the sun was already scorching hot in July, and today was the weekend, Fu Sinian and his wife originally planned to take their daughter out to play, so they naturally took Xiao Yan Xiansen with them.

I went to the zoo in the morning and the aquarium in the afternoon, and bought a lot of souvenirs.

"I bought too many things, I really don't want this one." Little Yan Xiansen watched Fu Sinian pay him the bill again and bought a whale doll. In fact, he has already bought a lot of things for him today. In Yan's house, this kind of behavior is absolutely prohibited. Prohibition of solitude.

Yan Chi is an old man, and with Yan Wangchuan's own personality, he is naturally stricter with him.

If you want something, you have to pay something. If you want something similar, just buy one.

"It doesn't matter, which one do you like?" Fu Sinian thought, bought something, and sent this ancestor away. He was very happy and didn't care about the money.

"No more." Xiao Yan Xiansen kept shaking his head.

"Why are you so sensible, does this look good?" Yu Manxi was optimistic about a hat with a small dolphin, which can also shade, "Si Nian, I want this too."

After five o'clock in the afternoon, the four of them left the aquarium with a carload of small gifts piled up in the trunk. Fu Sinian was in a good mood, tapped the steering wheel lightly with his fingers, looked at Xiao Yan Xiansen, and felt that he was not so annoying anymore.

When they arrived at Yunjin Capital, although the weather was still a little hot, Fu Xinhan was already rolling around in the courtyard.

"Wang——" it saw Mr. Yan, flapped its paws excitedly, and wagged its tail in front of his eyes.

Xiao Yan Xiansen was also very happy, and even teased the dog in the yard.

"You guys are here, hurry up and get inside, it's too hot outside." Uncle Nian greeted a group of people to enter the door, saw Fu Sinian carrying a bunch of souvenirs, frowned slightly, "You bought these for Xiao Chi?"

"Just went out to play, they are all small things, worthless." Fu Sinian carried the things into the room, and Fu Chen had already come down from the stairs.

"Brother-in-law!" Little Yan Xiansen saw Fu Chen, jumped over and hugged his thigh.

"Going out to play?" Fu Chen pinched his little face.

"I also bought a lot of things." Little Yan Xiansen showed off to Fu Chen as if showing off.

"Third Uncle." Fu Sinian said hello.

"What about Wanwan?" Yu Manxi asked.


After Fu Chen finished speaking, Yu Manxi carried her daughter to the second floor, "Come on, let's go see grandma and uncle."

"Why did you send it so early?" Fu Chen sat on the single sofa beside him, perhaps because of having a child, he gave people a more gentle and gentle feeling, but his wife and children were not by his side, and his eyebrows and eyes were sharp. The sharpness is even stronger than before.

"I happened to be out to play, so I sent it along the way, lest you pick it up."

Fu Chen made an appointment with Fu Sinian to pick him up after dinner. After all, it was sweltering during the day, and Qiao Aiyun and his wife had to fly to the capital after eight o'clock in the evening.

"Actually, you don't have to send people to me at all."


"It rained heavily in Yuncheng, and the trains stopped. It is estimated that in the past two days, my parents won't be able to come back. I was going to call you and ask you to take care of him for a few more days. I didn't expect you to send someone here..."

After Fu Chen said this, all the enthusiasm in Fu Sinian's eyes dissipated, and the good mood that had been maintained for a whole day collapsed in an instant.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll have to trouble you for a few more days." Fu Chen smiled harmlessly.

Fu Sinian took a deep breath, thinking in his heart, since I sent this person here, I naturally don't intend to take this person away, and I was just about to speak...

Uncle Nian had brought out tea for Fu Sinian, and he took it with his hand, "Thank you."

The topic just now was interrupted immediately.

"You're welcome, let's chat. I'll go and see what's in the pot." Uncle Nian is also in a good mood recently. After all, there is a small child at home, and the atmosphere in the whole house is very different. "There are guests at home tonight."

"Be more plain." Fu Chen urged, "Do you need my help?"

"No, Su Zhai, I understand." Uncle Nian recently felt that he was ten years younger and was motivated to do anything.

"Su Zhai?" Fu Sinian narrowed his eyes, "Who will be our guest?"

"Master Purdue and Huaisheng, I asked Qianjiang and Shifang to pick them up. Huaisheng stayed home for a few days during the summer vacation. Recently, the remedial class will start soon, so I came back." Fu Chen explained.

Pregnant little monk?

Fu Sinian felt that it was not a coincidence for him to come today.

"Third Uncle, about Yan Chi..."

Fu Sinian took a deep breath, and when he was about to hand him to his third uncle, there was the sound of a car outside, followed by Fu Xinhan's dog barking.

"It's probably someone here." Fu Chen said, got up and went out to greet him, "Put away that stinky face of yours, and show it to whom?"

Fu Sinian was speechless, dare I feel upset in my heart, can't it show on my face?

However, when Master Purdue came, Fu Sinian naturally wouldn't show any embarrassment, so he could only get up and go out to pick him up.

Huaisheng is much taller than before, and with his hair extended, he has the indifference of a monk, but also a child-specific vigor. When he sees Fu Chen, he is no longer as excited as before, and will rush over to hug him. He just walked over, smiling a little shyly.

"Third Master, I'm going to trouble you again. In fact, you've been too busy recently. I'm going to send Huaisheng to live with a senior brother who has returned to secular life for a few days. I'm really sorry that I stay with you all the time."

Master Pudu was wearing a coarse cloth gown, with a string of beads around his neck, and his whole body smelled of incense.

"It's okay, let's go in first." Fu Chen rubbed Huaisheng's short hair, "Are you having fun at home? Tanned."

"En." Huai Sheng nodded.

Since Fu Sinian and his wife are here, they must have dinner downstairs.

Huai Sheng is more than six years older than Xiao Yan Xiansen, and he is also a veritable big brother. Naturally, he has to take care of his younger siblings, and he is very good at taking care of others. When sitting next to Fu Yu, he even helped her dishes, even the movements of wiping his mouth are exceptionally familiar.

Xiao Yan Xiansen and Fu Yu also liked Huaisheng very much. After eating, they were still around him, just watching a cartoon, and they held him on the left and right.

At the age of Huaisheng, in the eyes of Mr. Yan, he is a big child, and he knows many things and can do many things. This is inexplicable, and there is always a sense of admiration. Children are like this...

He especially likes to run around behind the buttocks of children who are older than him, and Xiao Yan Xiansen lacks friends, so he naturally clings to his pregnancy even more.

Fu Sinian has been thinking about it, planning to find a time to make it clear to his third uncle that he will leave a small evil in the capital of Yunjin. Anyway, Huaisheng is still alive, and he has no shortage of friends.

It is estimated that the little monk stayed here, and he refused to leave.

It's just that before he opened his mouth, Fu Chen pre-empted the attack.

"Xiao Chi, maybe you have to stay at Xiao Yu's house tonight, do you want to go?" Fu Chen asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Yan Xiansen doesn't recognize the bed, and he doesn't cling to others. It doesn't matter to him where he lives, "But I have a condition..."

"Want something?"

"Brother Huaisheng!"

Fu Sinian's pupils trembled.

half an hour later...

Fu Sinian and his wife went back with their three children.

Song Fengwan slept too much in the afternoon, and they were about to leave, so he came down to drink some soup, watched them leave, and frowned slightly, "Brother, is it not kind of you to do this? Three children, they Can you take care of it?"

"Being pregnant is not a child, so I can help them share some burden."

In fact, this is true. The three children sticking together has indeed relieved Fu Sinian and his wife a lot of burdens, but when Fu Sinian sees Huai Sheng hugging his daughter and coaxing her in the living room, he always feels uncomfortable...

He promised to send the little scourge away, but why did a little monk come again!

The update has started~

In the words of the third master, conceived birth can coax children, which is to reduce the burden on Niannian.

Fu Sinian: I just smiled and said nothing.

Third Master: You have to laugh at your life.

Fu Sinian: ...

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