Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1007 The Power of Heaven

Chapter 1007: The Power of Heaven

Tan Yun released his spiritual consciousness, covering the sky around him, and found that Zhuge Yu and the two old men flew across the sky from the sky of three million miles!

One of the old men knew that it was Zhuang Yunqing, the grand patriarch of Immortal Soul Palace!

As for another white-haired old man with a mustache, Tan Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't see his cultivation.

Tan Yun's heart trembled, and he said sharply: "Old Yuan, can you see what cultivation level this person is?"

"Master, this dead old man is at the first level of Ascension Realm!" After the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, which was killing Zhuang Yunshan, responded, it immediately gave up killing Zhuang Yunshan, and quickly flew back to Tan Yun to protect him.

And Zhuang Yunshan, who recovered his life from the brink of death, flew towards Zhuge Wuliang and the others sweating profusely.

As soon as the old ape said these words, the breath in the air suddenly became a little more dignified, and the faces of Feng Tianlun and the twelve elders of the Feng clan on the Golden Dragon God Lion changed drastically!

In the hearts of the thirteen people, what they were most worried about happened still happened!

What they are most afraid of is that there will be a strong person in the Ascension Realm in Immortal Soul Immortal Palace.

Feng Tianlun knew that under normal circumstances, one powerful person at the first level of the Ascension Realm could easily kill ten strong people with the Great Consummation Realm!

Shen Subing, Mu Mengyan and the others also changed their expressions drastically.

At this time, the old man with mustache and white hair suddenly stopped flying and stood in the sky.

His spiritual consciousness locked onto Tantai Yu firmly, and said: "Tantai Yu, you must recognize me, old man!"

"So what if you recognize it? So what if you don't know each other!" Tantai Yu said coldly: "Zhuge Wuliang, if you have something to say, speak quickly and fart!"

"You..." Zhuge was immeasurably angry, his spiritual consciousness was fixed on Tan Yun, and he said sinisterly: "Sect Master Tan, as long as you don't attack my disciples, I will spare your lives."

"Let go of my disciple, let's go!"

Does Zhuge Wuliang want to let Tan Yun go?

Of course he doesn't want to!

But in his opinion, Tan Yun would definitely take the lives of the disciples in the palace, threaten him and leave safely.

Hearing this, Tan Yun sneered and said, "Old man, what if the suzerain says no?"

"Little Tan Yun!" Zhuge Wuliang was furious, "Don't you just want to take the life of my palace disciple and threaten the old man?"

"I tell you! If the lives of thousands of disciples in my palace are not in your hands, how can I let you leave the Immortal Soul Palace alive!"

At this moment, Zhuge Yu, Zhuang Yunqing, and even all the people in the Immortal Soul Palace believed that what Zhuge Wuliang said was right.

"Hehehehe." After Tan Yun sneered, he glanced at the more than seven million disciples of the Immortal Soul Immortal Palace in the void in front of him, and said indifferently: "Forget it, this suzerain will not give you a choice for the time being."

"After Zhuge Wuliang is destroyed, this suzerain will give you another chance to choose."

"Let's all go! However, no one is allowed to enter the space-time tunnel under the Ascension Platform. Anyone who dares to approach the Ascension Platform will... die!"

After Tan Yun finished speaking, everyone in Immortal Soul Palace was stunned.

"Run away!" With a disciple shouting, no matter it was the disciples in the sky or the outer disciples in the mountains, they scattered like frightened birds and fled to the distance.

Zhuge Wuliang, Zhuge Yu, Zhuang Yunqing, Zhuang Yunshan, did not expect that Tan Yun would let his disciples go.

"Hahahaha, let it go!" Zhuge Wuliang laughed angrily, "Tan Yun, now none of you Huangfu Shengzong and everyone in the Feng clan can leave alive!"

Hearing this, a hint of disdain appeared at the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, and he tilted his head and nodded slightly towards the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape.

The Heaven Killing Demon Ape understood, bared his teeth, his pupils gleamed with a cold light, and the monstrous magic power rolled out of his body. Without saying a word, he carried his giant stick and flew towards Zhuge Wuliang in the air!

"Big guy, Mo'er, go and destroy the two patriarchs of the Immortal Soul Palace, and then capture Zhuge Yu again!" Tan Yun stood proudly and ordered.

Tan Yun was confident that it would be easy for Zhuang Yunqing and Zhuang Yunshan to be dealt with with the golden dragon god lion and demon at the ninth stage of growth.

Even if Zhuang Yunqing activated the escape talisman to escape, it was still not as fast as the big guy.

"It's the master!" Jinlong Shenshi and Mo'er hadn't finished their respectful voices before they turned into a golden light and a beam of black light and shot at Zhuang Yunqing and Zhuang Yunshan.

Tan Yun looked back at Feng Tianlun and said, "Patriarch Feng, take the twelve elders of your Feng clan to the entrance of the space-time tunnel, and don't let anyone escape in."

"No problem." After Feng Tianlun replied, he led the elders of the Feng clan and flew towards the space-time tunnel under the Ascension Platform...

"Yingying, you stay put and stand by, I'll go and have a look." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he gave Mu Mengyan, Tantai Xian'er and the girls a reassuring smile, and proudly flew towards Zhuge Wuliang... …

Zhuge Wuliang stared at the Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape who was killing him, and said with disdain: "A mere ninth-level adult ape dares to attack the old man. I think you don't know how to write death!"

Zhuge Wuliang's cloudy eyes were full of murderous intent, facing the approaching Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape instead of retreating, he flew towards the Sky Slaughtering Demon Ape!

"The power of the five soul domains is revealed!"

When Zhuge Wuliang was still thousands of miles away from the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, a fly whisk suddenly appeared from his wrinkled right hand. Then, with plausible words in his mouth, he held the fly whisk tightly with his right arm and drew mysterious tracks. In an instant, gold, wood, water, fire, earth Five kinds of resplendent and domineering domain powers emerged from the dust whisk!

Immediately, the powers of the five domains, like giant dragons with a length of ten thousand feet, swirled around him at an extremely fast speed, filling the void with a radius of ten thousand miles with huge space cracks!

The power of the five domains swirled around and devoured Zhuge Wuliang, only his contemptuous laughter came out:

"Monster ape who doesn't know how to live or die, I will let you know how powerful the Ascension Realm is today!"

"There is also Huangfu Shengzong, you group of young people who are overconfident, today I will use the life of the ape to tell you that my Immortal Soul Palace cannot be violated!"

"Pu Yuan suffers!"

"The fusion of the five souls reveals the power of the five elements!"

As soon as the words fell, an inexplicable aura that was stronger than the power of the five domains surged out of the five domains surrounding Zhuge Wuliang!

This powerful and inexplicable aura is the power of heaven that surpasses the power of the domain!

When the Dzogchen monks in the realm of the embryonic realm succeed in crossing the catastrophe, they will obtain the power of heaven with different attributes according to their own attributes.

The power of the law of heaven is not only dozens of times stronger than the power of the domain, but also the ultimate important use is to use the power of the law of heaven to perceive and open the gate of the fairy world when you ascend in the future!

After opening the gate of the fairy world, and then protecting the body with the power of heaven, only then can we not be annihilated by the light of the fairy world!


Zhuge Wuliang was solemn, and with a wave of his right hand, the power of the five soul domains, which contained the invisible power of heaven, flew away from his body.


In an instant, the void with a radius of 15,000 miles collapsed, and the powers of five domains containing the power of the middle heaven, like giant dragons of five colors, intertwined and violently blasted towards the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape!

The speed was so fast that the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape couldn't dodge at all!

"Old ape, the power of the Five Elements is extremely powerful, you must not be careless!" Tan Yun said sharply, "Do whatever it takes to kill him!"

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