Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1008 Must All Die?

Chapter 1008 Must all die?

"Master, I understand!"

As soon as the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape responded, he felt the power of the five soul domains that contained the power of the five elements and the heavenly way, and locked himself tightly, there was no way to hide!

Of course, the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape didn't intend to dodge at all!

"Old man, so what if you have the power of heaven! I will kill you anyway!"

The voice of the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape resounded through the sky, and a stream of vast and thick black magic power surged out of his body.

It seems that at this moment, all the magic power in the body has been exhausted, and it frantically poured into the black giant stick with a length of nine hundred feet!


After the endless magic power poured into the giant stick, the giant stick suddenly radiated a black light!

"Kill!" The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape raised his giant stick with both hands, without any fancy movements, just swung it up, and blatantly swung the stick towards the power of the Five Soul Domain, which contains the power of the Five Elements and Heaven!



With a deafening bang, the black giant stick with monstrous magic power and radiant black light, and the power of the five soul domains containing the power of the five elements and heaven, collided together!


Under Zhuge Wuliang's unbelievable eyes, he saw the power of the five soul domains burst into pieces, turning into giant pythons with a length of hundreds of feet, raging the sky!

Immediately, this newly healed sky was completely pierced again!

"Impossible... Impossible!" Zhuge Wuliang said to himself in panic with a pale face, a sense of exhaustion ravaged his whole body.

Because that powerful blow just now almost drained 50% of his body's strength!


At this time, the tragic sound of ape screams sounded in the sky, but it was the power of the Five Elements of Heaven flowing through the void like giant pythons, blasting the body of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape with streams of blood spurting out .

The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his body riddled with holes, sprayed with blood, was blasted thousands of miles into the air, and the giant stick in its hand flew out!

Zhuge Wuliang, who was originally pale, suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha! Even if you break the old five elements and the power of heaven!"

"You are seriously injured and dying, this old man slaughters you like a dog!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhuge Wuliang put away his whisk, and the old voice echoed through the clouds, "Sword comes!"

"call out!"

Immediately, in his right hand, a broad sword filled with the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth came out of nowhere!

"The evil animal will die!" Zhuge Wuliang laughed loudly, and brought up a five-element sword light that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods, flew across the sky, and slashed down at the falling Sky Slaughter Demon Ape!


The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, which fell like a meteorite, opened its bloodthirsty pupils, and its fangs screamed fiercely: "Come on!"


The huge black stick that was about to fall towards the mountains, spun 360 degrees, soared into the sky, and with a sound of "Boom!", it flew into the giant palm of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape.

The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, who was completely enraged, roared: "You humble human being! Even if I can't open my master's inheritance now, I can still destroy you!"

"Give me... to die!"

The huge pupils of the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape completely turned crimson red, as if two groups of angry flames were burning.

At this moment, it forgot the pain and where it was, and all it could see was a powerful sword slashing towards itself!


The blood-flowing body of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape made a somersault in the air, and rushed to the sky, swinging his stick with such force that it exploded the ten thousand zhang sword light!

The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape took advantage of the momentum and soared into the air, brandishing a huge stick, and threw it at Zhuge Wuliang, "Explode!"


"Tan Yun, please let me spare my life. It's really not easy for me to reach the Ascension Realm..."

In Zhuge Wuliang's hoarse begging for mercy, the black giant stick ruthlessly blasted him into blood dregs flying all over the sky!

No bones left, no soul left!

"Whoa, whoa—"

Sky Slaughter Demon Ape stood on the cloud panting like a cow, breathing in the air with big mouthfuls.

"Oh no……"

At this time, there was a miserable sound, but it was the devil's dragon claw, which crushed and killed Zhuang Yunshan who fled in a panic...

"Stop chasing... Please don't chase anymore!" Zhuang Yunqing fled hastily after being chased by the golden dragon god and lion in the sky three million miles to the north.

He was already panicked, and when he saw Zhuge Wuliang being killed, he became more and more frightened, and he didn't have the slightest intention to fight at all!


Zhuang Yunqing knew that if he continued like this, he would be chased and killed by the Golden Dragon God Lion sooner or later. He was about to break through the strong Feng family and rushed into the space-time tunnel when Zhuge Yu suddenly knelt in the void, clasped his hands together, and had tears in his eyes. The pious voice clearly passed into everyone's ears:

"Senior, now the Immortal Soul Palace is in danger, Zhuge Yu, the 21st generation lord of the Immortal Soul Palace, begs senior to take action!"

"Otherwise, the Immortal Soul Palace will be real and will disappear forever in the long river of cultivation history."

"Junior, please, please!"

Zhuge Yu burst into tears and kowtowed non-stop.

Hearing this, Zhuang Yunqing, who was fleeing towards the space-time tunnel, shouted anxiously: "Master, who are you talking to? Are there any strong people in my palace?"

Then, Zhuge Yu's voice of affirmation sounded again, "Yes! Of course, the descendants of the ancestor's mount still exist!"

"Really? That's great!" Zhuang Yunqing seemed to know what kind of beast the descendant of the ancestor's mount was, and he was very excited.

He immediately gave up and fled towards the time-space tunnel, but turned around and flew towards Zhuge Yu!

"Roar!" The Golden Dragon Divine Lion roared angrily, chasing after Zhuang Yunqing.

And Mo'er roamed around with a huge body, and killed Zhuge Yu.

Just in case, Tan Yun said loudly: "Big guy, Mo'er, you guys come back first!"

"It's the master!" Jinlong Shenshi and Mo'er immediately turned around and flew towards Tan Yun.

"Senior, junior, I beg you, if you don't take action, the Immortal Soul Palace will really be gone!" Zhuge Yusheng begged tearfully.

Just when Zhuge Yu and Zhuang Yunqing were in despair, suddenly, a cold female voice sounded in the sky:

"Don't worry, since this deity has said to become the guardian beast of the Immortal Soul Palace, it will mean what it says!"

"With the deity here, the Immortal Soul Palace will be there!"

"With this deity here, anyone who violates my Immortal Soul Palace must die!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw a black spot flying towards Zhuge Yu in the distant sky!

"It's so fast, what kind of beast is this?" Mu Mengyan and the others looked serious.


Tan Yun felt a tyrannical aura of the tenth-order newborn stage, covering him like a blanket!

Tan Yun's expression was unprecedentedly dignified, his spiritual consciousness was firmly locked on, and the growing black spot flying towards Zhuge Yu could vaguely be seen as a monster with a large area of ​​black feathers on its body!

Due to the extremely fast flying speed of the monster, Tan Yun couldn't catch its clear appearance!

Tan Yun immediately sent a voice transmission to everyone: "This beast is faster than any of us, we can't escape!"

"Remember, no matter what kind of beast it is, you must kill it at all costs!"

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