Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1009 Three-legged Golden Crow!

Chapter 109 Three-legged Golden Crow!

When everyone heard this, they all became nervous.

After three breaths, a giant bird with a height of one thousand feet and black feathers flew over Zhuge Yu.

In addition to having a three hundred feet long tail, its entire body is roughly like a crow.

It hovered majestically above Zhuge Yu's head. Apart from its normal two claws, it also had a giant claw on its abdomen.

It has three sharp giant claws, and a pair of bird eyes are red, like two balls of magma burning in the eye sockets.

With its appearance, everyone behind Tan Yun felt a scorching heat wave rushing towards them, engulfing themselves.

Under the enveloping heat wave, everyone had difficulty breathing, as if they were about to suffocate at any moment.

But only Tan Yun, who possessed the primordial flame, was not affected at all.


Tan Yun sacrificed the exquisite Linglong Holy Pagoda to Tantai Xian'er, Mu Mengyan and everyone, and said solemnly: "This is the three-legged golden crow that is as famous as the phoenix, the ghost car and other ancient divine birds."

"This three-legged Golden Crow is already at the tenth-order nascent stage. Its strength is astonishing, but its physical body is not as strong as mine."

"In addition, its Golden Crow Divine Fire is so powerful that it can wipe you out in ashes in an instant!"

"Except for the old ape, the big man, and Mo'er, all the others entered the Linglong Holy Tower!"

Hearing this, everyone and the kings of the Eight Great Clans did not dare to hesitate, and immediately got into the Linglong Holy Pagoda!

Several girls sent voice transmissions to Tan Yun one after another, so be careful.

After Tan Yun nodded heavily, he said via voice transmission: "Old ape, haven't you vaguely touched the barrier of the ninth-order transcending tribulation stage?"

"How long will it take you to get promoted?"

The Sky Slaughter Demon Ape truthfully transmitted the sound: "Master, I will take five years at the soonest."

"Even if the old ape is allowed to enter the twelve-story pagoda to practice, it will be too late." After Tan Yun said to himself, he sent a voice transmission to the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, Golden Dragon God Lion, and Mo'er: "Hide in the twelve-story holy pagoda, When I let you make a move, you make another move!"

"It's the master!" After the three beasts responded, they shrank suddenly and got into the tower.

In Tan Yun's thought, the exquisite exquisite holy pagoda flew into his ears.

Tan Yun said firmly in his heart: "I have the Primordial Flame, and I am not afraid of the Golden Crow Divine Flame."

"The strength of the three-legged Golden Crow is inferior to mine, even if it is physically strong!"

"What's terrible is that its speed is three points faster than my fastest speed!"

"Today is destined to be a fierce battle!"

Just as Tan Yun thought, the most powerful thing about the Three-legged Golden Crow is its Golden Crow Divine Fire, and Tan Yun, who is not afraid of any flames, faced the Three-legged Golden Crow, what he feared was its terrifying speed and powerful power!

"Sect Leader Tan, what about our Feng Clan?" Feng Tianlun, who was guarding the space-time tunnel leading to the battlefield of the gods, said with a pale face.

Feng Tianlun and the twelve elders of the Feng family felt deeply hopeless!

They didn't expect that after the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape killed Zhuge Wuliang, there would be a guardian beast in the Immortal Soul Palace!

And it's a three-legged Golden Crow of the tenth-order nascent stage!

Tan Yun sent a voice transmission to Feng Tianlun with a resolute expression: "Don't be afraid, no matter what, I will kill the three-legged Golden Crow and destroy the Immortal Soul Palace!"

"Later, I will pretend to run for my life, and then fight back! You guys cooperate!"

Feng Tianlun didn't say anything, but he sighed in despair in his heart: "It's just the three-legged Golden Crow's Golden Crow Divine Fire, and no one can beat it. It seems... Huangfu Sacred Sect is dead, and my Feng family is dead!"

When Feng Tianlun sighed, the three-legged Golden Crow as high as a thousand feet, with a pair of scarlet bird eyes, shot out a cold and stern gaze, as if piercing through the void, staring at Tan Yun contemptuously, and said:

"Humble human beings, release all of you, and then the deity will give you two choices."

"Either you kill yourself, or this deity will let you know how powerful the Golden Crow Divine Fire is!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun lowered his eyes, with a hint of cunning and cunning in his pupils, and then he returned to normal.

Tan Yun, who is two hundred feet tall, swirls with spiritual power all over his body. He pointed at the three-legged Golden Crow with a finger, and said sharply, "Flat-haired beast, if you don't have his mother's ink, it's dead. The suzerain will only die in battle!"

"You flat-haired bastard, come and kill this suzerain if you have the ability!"

The words "flat-haired beast" completely angered the three-legged Golden Crow, "You lowly, lowly species, prepare to die!"

After the roar, the three-legged Golden Crow flapped its right wing suddenly, and a gust of wind swept Zhuge Yu and Zhuang Yunqing towards the distant sky behind them!

The next moment, a shocking scene happened!


In the howling wind, the three-legged Golden Crow's pitch-black feathers, which were originally as high as thousands of feet, quickly turned red. Then, the whole body turned into a magma-like color, and quickly burned with the Golden Crow's divine fire!

Immediately, the sky with a radius of 100,000 li couldn't bear the residual heat of the Golden Crow Divine Fire and became distorted at an extremely fast speed!

"So strong!" Tan Yun, who was 100,000 miles away, immediately turned pale, and shouted apologetically, "Patriarch Feng, I'm sorry! There is no room for your Feng clan in my holy tower!"

"I'm going first, I wish you all good luck!"

As soon as Tan Yun's words fell, the spiritual power of his body like a hill swirled around, and he shot towards the exit of the Mystic Soul Realm on the right with extreme speed!

"I'm so angry!" Feng Tianlun pretended to be angry, he cursed: "Tan Yun, Kuo Qingcheng trusts you so much, yet you use us so shamelessly!"

"Tan Yun, you are not human!"

"Tan Yun thought that our Feng family was blind, and actually believed you, and followed you to attack the Immortal Palace!"


The twelve elders of the Feng clan also looked flushed with anger.

Obviously, these old people who have lived for thousands of years have superb acting skills.

At this time, the three-legged Golden Crow, which was as high as a thousand feet, looked at Tan Yun who was fleeing wildly a hundred thousand miles away, and said contemptuously: "You disturbed the rest of the deity, and now you want to escape?"

"Don't make unnecessary struggles, you can't escape, there is only one dead end!"

As he said that, the three-legged Golden Crow suddenly spread its huge wings, burning its whole body in monstrous flames, and chased after Tan Yun...

"Palace Master, to prevent people from the Feng family from killing us, let's avoid it first!" Zhuang Yunqing said to Zhuge Yu.

"En." Zhuge Yu responded, and then, the spiritual consciousness enveloped the people of the Feng clan 300,000 miles away, and said viciously: "Feng Tianlun, after the guardian beast destroys the offal of Huangfu Shengzong, it is your time of death !"

"You are hiding in the Xuantian Mountains, but you are in the same rank as Huangfu Shengzong, you will not end well!"

After saying that, Zhuge Yu and Zhuang Yunqing fled away in the spirit boat...

Half an hour later, when Tan Yun flew two million miles in the air, the three-legged Golden Crow, flapping its scarlet fire wings, appeared thousands of miles behind Tan Yun!

Tan Yun's whole body tensed up, and he released his spiritual sense to look at the distance between the three-legged Golden Crow and himself...

Nine thousand miles... eight thousand five hundred miles... eight thousand one hundred miles... eight thousand miles!

"It's now!" Tan Yun roared in his heart, he stopped running for his life, and suddenly, he rose into the air, and using the Grandmist Divine Step, he killed the three-legged Golden Crow behind him!

"Flat-haired bastard, I'll fight you!"

Before the voice fell, Tan Yun had already appeared in front of the three-legged Jinwu!

"Ignorant and lowly human, I want to burn you alive!" The three-legged Golden Crow stopped flying, and it flapped its wings towards Tan Yun. Immediately, a sea of ​​flames formed by the Golden Crow's divine fire engulfed Tan Yun!

Swallow the void of thousands of miles around!

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