Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1011 Kill the Golden Crow!

Chapter 1011 Kill the Golden Crow!

At this time, at the far end of the sky, Zhuge Yu and Zhuang Yunqing on the spirit boat looked like three-legged golden crows worried about being seriously injured, but in fact, their hearts were blooming with joy!

"The Palace Master is really kind!" Zhuang Yunqing laughed loudly through voice transmission: "After Tan Yun, this bastard dies, let the three-legged Golden Crow destroy the demon ape and demon lion, and the rest of the people, no one is a match for his subordinates. !"

"Yes!" Zhuge Yu said through sound transmission with lingering fear in his heart: "Fortunately, there are divine beasts protecting the palace in my palace, and no one except the previous palace masters knows about it."

"Otherwise, if Tan Yun and the others had been prepared, my Immortal Soul Palace would really be destroyed in our hands!"

Afterwards, Zhuge Yu said viciously: "This damned Tan Yun killed my husband and great-great-grandson. His death today is just a little interest!"

"After the Huangfu Sacred Sect powerhouses are wiped out today, let's go to the Eternal Immortal Sect and join hands with Ruyan Wuji to attack the Huangfu Sacred Sect and let everyone in the Huangfu Sacred Sect die!"


At this moment, the third giant claw of the three-legged Golden Crow still firmly grasped Tan Yun, and said in a cold, panting voice: "You lowly human being, I will never put away the Golden Crow's divine fire!"

"With the Golden Crow Divine Fire, the inferior human beings hiding in the space-time magic weapon on your body, as long as they come out to save you, they will be burned into nothingness!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and said weakly: "Three-legged Golden Crow, you dare not kill me at all, because my master has come and gone without a trace now, and has entered the mystical realm of the soul!"

As soon as Tan Yun finished speaking, he turned his head slowly, looked at the empty sky, and shouted with joy, "Master, you are finally here, come and save me!"

The three-legged Golden Crow was taken aback for a moment, and the moment he looked up subconsciously, Tan Yun exhausted all his strength, and said via voice transmission: "Old ape, devil, big man, give it to me!"

After saying that, Tan Yun roared in his heart: "Hongmeng Ice Flame!"

Suddenly, the 800-foot-high Hongmeng ice flame shot up from Tan Yun's left palm, forming an ice-blue fireball with a radius of 3,000 feet in the sea of ​​fire formed by the Golden Crow's divine fire, covering the three-legged Golden Crow!


Immediately, a cold aura emanated from the Primordial Ice Flame, pervading in the Golden Crow Divine Fire, causing the temperature of the sea of ​​fire within three thousand feet around the three-legged Golden Crow to drop sharply!

"Brother, lock your throat!"

"Mo'er, you control the three-legged Golden Crow's wings!"

"I'm here to save Master!"

The moment the voice of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the moment the Golden Dragon Divine Lion emerged out of thin air above Tan Yun's head, it was burned by the Golden Crow Divine Fire!

"Roar!" Enduring the pain of burning, the Golden Dragon God Lion opened its mouth full of fangs, biting the three-legged Golden Crow's long neck!

Immediately, hot blood sprayed into the void from the three-legged Jinwu's neck along the Jinlong Shenshi's fangs!

"Tan Yun, you despicable human being!" The three-legged Golden Crow shook his head violently, trying to shake off the Golden Dragon God Lion. Behind the right wing of the Golden Crow, it opened its mouth and bit the three-legged Golden Crow's left wing!

"Roar!" The Sky Slaughter Demon Ape came out of nowhere, with a pair of giant pupils revealing ferocity and hostility, "Miscellaneous bird, how dare you hurt my master!"

The long black hair of the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape was burned by the raging fire. After its long hair and skin were scorched, the skin quickly melted in the Golden Crow Divine Fire!

"Break it for me!" Enduring the severe pain, it picked up the giant stick, and smashed it with all its strength on the third giant leg of the three-legged Golden Crow!


"No! The deity's legs!"

When the clear sound of bone cracking and the scream of the Three-legged Golden Crow sounded, the third leg of the Three-legged Golden Crow broke off!

The third broken giant claw still firmly grasped Tan Yun's upper body, and fell from the sea of ​​flames of the Golden Crow Divine Fire towards the mountains below.


After Tan Yun fell into the mountains, he fell into a coma.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Mu Mengyan, Zhong Wu Shiyao, Tantai Xian'er and everyone in the top-quality Linglong Holy Tower immediately left the Holy Tower and appeared beside Tan Yun.

Mu Mengyan knelt in the mountains, holding Tan Yun who was in a coma, crying heartbreakingly: "Tan Yun, wake up...don't scare me, please wake up... woohoo!"

Tan Yun was in a daze when he heard bursts of crying coming from his ears. He opened his heavy eyelids with difficulty, looked at Mu Mengyan's daughters who were crying into tears, and said softly: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry .”

As he said that, Tan Yun sacrificed the top-grade Linglong Holy Pagoda, opened the twelfth floor in a daze, and said weakly, "Mianba, I'm a little tired, now send me to the twelfth floor to rest and recover from my injuries."

"Shi Yao, go and take my broken legs and send me to the twelfth floor."

"Okay, I'll take you in right now." Mu Mengyu hugged Tan Yun in tears, soared into the sky and swept into the twelfth floor, then gently placed Tan Yun in the tower.

After a few breaths, Zhong Wu Shiyao took Tan Yun's legs with red and swollen eyes, entered the twelfth floor, and put them beside Tan Yun.

"Okay, you guys go out, one day inside the tower is equivalent to eight months outside, and I will recover soon." Tan Yun said with difficulty.

"Yeah." The second daughter wiped away her tears and left the Time-Space Holy Tower...

In the vast sky.


"Don't kill me, I admit defeat, I surrender..."

The terrified screams of the three-legged Golden Crow resounded incessantly in the sky.

Through their spiritual knowledge, everyone discovered that after the three-legged Golden Crow was seriously injured in the void, the Golden Crow's divine fire also dissipated.

At this moment, the Golden Dragon Divine Lion was still biting the three-legged Golden Crow's neck, Mo'er's dragon body was still firmly locked on the three-legged Golden Crow's wings, and the Heaven Killing Demon Ape was holding a stick, volleying above the three-legged Golden Crow's head!

The golden dragon god lion and the sky-killing demon ape were not only burned to nothingness with long hair all over their bodies, but also a layer of flesh and blood was burned and disappeared.

Although Mo'er has dragon scales to protect her body, after her dragon scales were burned at this moment, they cracked like a dry earth.

The Sky Slaughter Demon Ape held a huge stick, looked down at the three-legged Golden Crow ferociously, and roared angrily: "Surrender? Pooh! You have hurt my master so badly, do you think a word of surrender is enough?"

The three-legged Jinwu whose neck was bitten by the golden dragon god lion, with blood spurting out of its giant beak, said weakly, "Then what do you want? As long as you say it, I will agree!"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want your life!" After saying that, the Heaven Killing Demon Ape said sharply, "Go to hell!"


Sky Slaughter Demon Ape raised his giant stick, and smashed the three-legged Golden Crow's head fiercely with a cracked void!

"don't want……"


The three-legged Golden Crow's hysterical begging for mercy stopped abruptly, its head exploded like a watermelon, and the beast's soul was wiped out!

Afterwards, the Golden Dragon Divine Lion and Mo'er let go of the three-legged Golden Crow's body, and the body fell towards the mountains like a meteor!

Sky Slaughter Demon Ape looked at Zhuge Yu and Zhuge Yunqing in the sky more than two million miles away, and said sharply: "Brother, Mo'er! We will kill Zhuge Yunqing, and then capture Zhuge Yu alive and hand it over to the master!"

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