Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1012 Destruction of Immortal Soul Palace!

Chapter 1012: The Immortal Soul Palace perishes!

As soon as the words fell, the body of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape suddenly shrank, and jumped onto the back of the Golden Dragon God Lion.

Mo'er instantly became ten feet in size, and flew onto the Golden Dragon God Lion.

"call out--"

The unrecognizable Golden Dragon God Lion was burnt, with strong golden demonic power surging out of his body, flapping his wings, like a huge golden lightning, tearing the sky, and flying towards Zhuge Yu on the spirit boat...

On the spirit boat, after Zhuge Yu saw the three-legged Golden Crow being wiped out, her face was pale, her legs were weak, and she lay limp on the spirit boat, muttering to herself, "It's over... It's over... Taizu is dead, protect me!" The palace beast is also dead."

"Heavenly death, my soul fairy palace..."

Zhuge Yu's tears couldn't stop rolling down, she got up and knelt on the spirit boat, kowtowed and cried, "Master Patriarch, I'm sorry, it's my incompetence that caused the Immortal Soul Palace to be ruined in my hands... woo Woo... I am a sinner through the ages!"

"I am a sinner of the Immortal Soul Palace through the ages..."

Zhuang Yunqing at the side, after glancing at Zhuge Yu, he flew off the spirit boat, releasing the aura of the eighth level of the fetal realm, and flew towards the space-time tunnel below the Ascension Platform!

Zhuang Yunqing yelled at Feng Tianlun who was guarding the space-time tunnel: "Feng Tianlun, this old man is at the eighth level of the fetal realm. Don't force me to kill you. Get the hell out of here. I'm going to enter the battlefield of the gods!"

"So what if you are at the eighth level of the fetal realm?" Feng Tianlun squinted his eyes slightly, looked sideways at the elder who was also at the seventh level of the fetal realm beside him, and said, "Great elder, fight him with the patriarch!"

"Other elders, guard the space-time tunnel!"

After the order, Feng Tianlun and the Great Elder held swords and charged towards Zhuang Yunqing who was flying towards him...

After a while, the three of them fought fiercely together. Immediately, one after another sword light and the power of the domain tormented the world, causing the mountains below to collapse one after another...

A moment later, Feng Tianlun narrowly escaped, sealed his throat with a sword, his body rolled rapidly, appeared in the sky above Zhuang Yunqing, and stabbed his head with the sword!

Just as Zhuang Yunqing dodged hastily, the elder of the Feng clan quickly threw the flying sword in his hand, and with a stream of blood, it pierced through Zhuang Yunqing's back and pierced out from his chest!


Zhuang Yunqing shot out a bloody arrow, and then, Feng Tianlun flashed past him with his sword.

In the next moment, Zhuang Yunqing's eyes revealed that there was one-third of despair and three-point unwillingness, but more of relief.

"Hoo!" The saber in Zhuang Yunqing's hand fell into the void, and immediately, a circle of bloodshots appeared on his neck, and the bloodshots gradually expanded, and blood spurted out.

After three breaths, Zhuang Yunqing's head slipped from his neck, and the headless body sprayed blood and fell into the void!

"Destroy this elder!" The elder of the Feng family pushed Zhuang Yunqing's head with his right palm.

The soul and the eight immortal fetuses were annihilated in ashes!

In the sky on the other side, Zhuge Yu did not escape in the spirit boat.

It's not that she doesn't want to escape, but that she knows she can't escape at all!

Facing the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, Golden Dragon God Lion, and Mo'er who were about to be killed in the air, she stood up slowly, her eyes blurred with tears, and she looked around the plants and trees in the Mystic Soul Territory. At this moment, too many thoughts came to her. heart.

She thought of the glorious process of the Immortal Soul Palace becoming the head of the three ancient sects in the Tianpu Mountains under the leadership of her husband and herself for nearly six thousand years.

She also thought of Tan Yun, the inner disciple of the three ancient sects, who was just showing off in the eternal land, the disciple of Huangfu Shengzong.

She regrets it!

She regretted it so much, why didn't she kill Tan Yun with all her might!

If she was given another chance to choose, she would have killed Tan Yun without hesitation!

It's a pity that there is no if in the world, let alone turning back time.

At this time, the cries of more than 12 million disciples and thousands of high-level officials scattered in the mountains below rose and fell with each other:

"Woooo... Immortal Soul Palace is about to perish..."

"If our fairy palace is gone, I can't bear it...I can't bear it!"

"I am so sad……"


With the cries of the high-ranking officials and disciples of the Immortal Soul Palace circling in her ears, Zhuge Yu took a deep breath and released her spiritual consciousness to cover more than 12 million people below. She said with a sad expression:

"All the senior officials and disciples of Immortal Soul Palace, I, Zhuge Yu, am sorry for everyone..."

Without waiting for Zhuge Yu's words, Tan Yun's weak and angry voice lingered in the sky for a long time, "Old ape, kill her for me! I want her to have no chance to say goodbye to everyone in the Immortal Soul Palace!"

"It's the master!" Responding, the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape rushed up to the sky, waved his giant palm and patted Zhuge Yu on the spirit boat!

Zhuge Yu screamed frantically: "Tan Yun, I, Zhuge Yu, curse you..."

"Curse you to be paralyzed! Go to hell with me!" Cursing, the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape smashed Zhuge Yu into pieces of meat with one palm.


The gigantic spirit boat of thousands of feet was photographed by the sky, and it was deeply embedded in a mountain.

"The Palace Master is dead... Our Immortal Soul Palace has really perished..."

"Palace Master!"

"Palace Master..."

Thousands of high-level people in the Immortal Soul Palace, weeping and thinking about what Tan Yun said before, all the high-level executions, their faces were ashen, and their eyes were full of despair.

At this time, Tan Yun's feeble voice sounded again, "When my suzerain was still a disciple of Huangfu Shengzong, he went to the Immortal Soul Palace twice."

"For the first time, my suzerain remembers that when I represented Huangfu Shengzong to compete for the qualifications of the Gods Battlefield Trial, you all wanted to put me to death!"

"The second time when my suzerain and the disciples of Huangfu Shengzong entered the battlefield of the gods for trials, all of you disciples of the Immortal Soul Palace wanted to kill me!"

"Today's suzerain, I tell you that even if I kill you, I will have no guilt."

"However, the suzerain doesn't want to start a big killing spree. For Yuqin's sake, I will give you a chance to let you know that under the leadership of my Tan Yun, you will be stronger than the ones you are practicing now, no matter in terms of treatment or skills. .”

"Under the guidance of this suzerain, you will be closer and closer to the way of heaven and ascension!"

"This suzerain hereby promises that as long as you sincerely surrender, this suzerain will treat you the same as the disciples of Huangfu Shengzong!"

"Okay, that's all my suzerain said. I'll give you a moment to think about it. After an hour, if you want to be buried with the Immortal Palace, this suzerain will fulfill you!"

"As for the high-ranking members of the Immortal Soul Palace, this suzerain will give you a chance to kill yourselves!"

"Before you slay yourself, remember to this suzerain, who dares to humiliate this suzerain, this suzerain will destroy your entire clan!"

Afterwards, Tan Yun's voice fell silent.

It was said that there were more than 3,800 deacons and elders in the Immortal Soul Palace, and they fell into a long silence.

At this moment, an elder of the Great Consummation of the God Realm knelt down facing Tan Yun's Linglong Holy Pagoda, kowtowed and said, "Sect Master Tan, please keep me waiting for the soul, so that we have the chance to be reincarnated as human beings!"

"Sect Master Tan, please!"

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