Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1013 The whereabouts of the divine sword!

Chapter 1013 The whereabouts of the Excalibur!

Then, 90% of the top management knelt down one after another, begging Tan Yun to leave their souls for reincarnation.

Only 10% of the top management scolded 90% of the top management for being spineless, and chose to stand and commit suicide, burn themselves to death...

A moment later, when the high-level officials decided that Tan Yun did not agree, Tan Yun's weak voice sounded again, "The suzerain agrees!"

"Thank you, Sect Master Tan!" After the high-level officials thanked each other, they killed themselves one after another, leaving only their souls and flying away from the corpses.

Immediately, more than three thousand ethereal souls floated over the mountains.

Just now, the soul of the old man looked down at the more than 12 million disciples below, and sighed: "Children, you are innocent, Sect Master Tan, since you promised not to kill those who surrendered, this is Sect Master Tan's bottom line."

"The Immortal Soul Palace is gone. It is normal for you to be sad, but there is no need to die to show your loyalty to the Immortal Soul Palace. I think if the Palace Master is alive, she also hopes that you will live well."

Hearing this, a law enforcement disciple cried: "Master! The Immortal Soul Palace is gone, what's the point of being alive?"

"Stupid boy, listen to my teacher." The old man said kindly, "Sect honor is important, but life must be cherished."

"Since ancient times, how many holy dynasties have been destroyed, and how many forces have been slaughtered by the enemy."

"If you don't help relatives in the old gang, think in another way. If the four powerful forces of my Immortal Soul Immortal Palace, Eternal Immortal Sect, Stone Clan, and Nangong Shengchao defeated Huangfu Sacred Sect, just imagine, the four major forces would definitely take Huangfu Sacred Everyone in the sect was slaughtered."

"However, Sect Master Tan is willing to give you a chance to survive. This is enough to show that Sect Master Tan is a man."

After hearing this, the law enforcement disciple kowtowed and said, "I thank Master for your teaching."

"Teacher, there is still one thing I don't understand, please give me some advice!"

"you say."

"Master, is it Huangfu Shengzong's fault that my Soul Immortal Palace has caused the current situation, or... our Immortal Soul Immortal Palace's fault!"

After the law enforcement disciple finished speaking, other disciples asked one after another:

"Yes, Chief Law Enforcement! Please tell us, we really want to know why Huangfu Shengzong and my Immortal Soul Palace became what they are today!"

"Law enforcement chief, please tell us!"


Facing the inquiries from the disciples, the old man sighed and said:

"Since you want to know, then the chief will tell the truth."

"From the standpoint of our palace's high-level officials, in order to create a better cultivation environment for you, our palace's high-level officials decided to destroy Huangfu Sacred Sect and take the Meteor God Canyon as their own, plotting too many cultivation resources."

"But from the perspective of a bystander, Huangfu Shengzong never showed any signs of attacking our Immortal Soul Palace, but our Immortal Soul Palace provoked the scourge."

"Frankly speaking, our Immortal Soul Palace made a mistake, and if we made a mistake, we made a mistake... Sigh... We were really wrong!"

After the old man finished speaking, and drifted away towards the mysterious realm of the soul without looking back, Tan Yun's weak voice sounded, "Chief Law Enforcement, do you know that the ancestor of the Immortal Soul Palace stole it from the abyss of the eternal land of burial? Where is your Excalibur?"

The old man's soul paused, and he said truthfully: "Sect Master Tan, this sword is in the Excalibur Palace, but although it is an Excalibur, all the palace masters from the Patriarch to the present have been unable to activate the power of the Excalibur."

"In the minds of the previous palace masters of the Immortal Soul Palace, the most regrettable thing is that there is no divine sword, but they cannot be used."

After saying that, the old man then flew towards the secret border...

Other high-level souls followed...

At this time, the more than twelve million disciples of the Immortal Soul Palace fell into silence.

Afterwards, the wounded Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, Mo'er, and Golden Dragon God Lion flew into the Linglong Holy Pagoda to recover from their injuries.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and an hour later.


The twelfth-story door of the Linglong Holy Pagoda slowly opened, and Tan Yun, who had recovered from his injuries, flew out in a purple robe and hovered over the majestic mountains.

Tan Yun sneered in his purple robe, with his hair flying, and said with a sneer in his heart: "The Hongmeng Sword of Killing the Gods is mine exclusively, and other people naturally cannot control it!"

"Take me to deal with these disciples, and after rebuilding the gate of the secret realm, go to get the Hongmeng Killing God Sword. At that time, when you use the Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art, not only will the power increase greatly, but you will no longer have to worry about the sword being killed by the enemy's magic soldiers." The sharp weapon cuts off!"

After making up his mind, Tan Yun looked down at the disciples below and said:

"As your law enforcement chief said, my Huangfu Shengzong never thought of destroying the Immortal Soul Palace, but the Immortal Soul Palace and the Eternal Immortal Sect violated the morality that the three great patriarchs agreed to live in harmony!"

"There is one thing that you should not be aware of. Since more than four thousand years ago, your old Palace Master Situ Feng sneaked into our Huangfu Sacred Sect, plotting to destroy our Sect."

"Ask yourselves, what would you do if you were me?"

Tan Yun's voice paused, and he said without a doubt: "Besides, this Suzerain told you that the Eternal Immortal Sect will also be destroyed in a short time!"

"Okay, an hour has passed, my Huangfu Shengzong welcomes you to join!"

"I, Tan Yun, cannot guarantee other things, but I can guarantee that in the future, no force will dare to provoke our sect in the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range or even the entire Heaven's Punishment Continent!"

"I, Tan Yun, will create an unparalleled and powerful backing for you!"

"That's all, it's time for you to make a choice!"

Hearing this, more than 12 million disciples fell into silence.

After a long time, the former law enforcement disciple knelt down with tears in his eyes and looked up at Tan Yun, "Disciple Zhao Feng pays homage to the suzerain!"

Zhao Feng is a person with great consummation of the soul veins, and he is the most powerful person among all the disciples of the Immortal Soul Immortal Palace.

Seeing him kneeling down, a disciple also prostrated himself on the ground, everyone lowered their heads and shouted: "Disciples pay homage to the suzerain!"

Not long after, more than 90% of the disciples chose to bow down to Tan Yun.

However, nearly half a million disciples still refused to kneel, and chose to live and die with the Immortal Soul Palace.

Sometimes, human beings are willing to go through fire and water for the sake of faith, regardless of right or wrong.

And these 500,000 disciples are such people.

In their hearts, they are the only ones who are not traitors, and the remaining disciples who surrendered have all betrayed their beliefs when they first entered the Immortal Soul Palace!

Are they wrong? not at all!

From different standpoints, many things have two sides. Everyone has different criteria for judging right from wrong, that's all.

Tan Yun's spiritual consciousness enveloped the half a million disciples who refused to surrender. He slowly closed his eyes, sighed, and said loudly, "Assassinate the deputy commander!"

"My subordinate is here!" Song Huixin said respectfully.

Tan Yun said: "Kill them all, leave the whole body, so that they can be buried!"

"Your subordinates obey!" After taking the order, Song Huixin led all the strong men of the assassination organization, swooped down into the mountains, and headed towards the 500,000 disciples...

After a while, all the 500,000 disciples died.

Tan Yun looked down at more than 11 million kneeling disciples, "Remember, from now on there will be no more Immortal Soul Palace, you are all disciples of Huangfu Shengzong!"

"Do you remember clearly?"

All the disciples said in unison: "Listen clearly!"

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