Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1022: Opening a Space-Time Tunnel!

Chapter 1022: Open up a space-time tunnel!

After arranging everything, Mu Mengyan, Xue Ziyan and others bid farewell to Tan Yun and retreated.

Tan Yun, Shen Subing, and Shen Suzhen all soared into the sky together and arrived at a small secret realm with a radius of 300,000 li in the Mystic Soul Territory.

On the way, Shen Subing told Shen Suzhen her identity in the world and Tan Yun's identity.

Hearing this, Shen Suzhen was extremely shocked, she never thought that her sister and brother-in-law were so honorable.

After the three of them came to the small secret territory, they chose a geomantic treasure and buried the Jiufeng ice coffin.

Before the burial, Tan Yun's spiritual consciousness enveloped the entire secret realm, causing all low-level monsters to leave the secret realm and go to other small secret realms.

Because if you don't leave, the cold air from the Nine Phoenix Ice Coffin will turn the low-level monsters in this secret territory into ice sculptures and die.

Immediately after the Jiufeng ice coffin was buried in the ground, the ground began to freeze, and layers of ice spread rapidly towards the secret territory with a radius of 300,000 miles.

The cold air ravaged the world, and after just half an hour, the entire small secret realm turned into rolling glaciers.

Afterwards, the three of Tan Yun left the small secret realm and set up a stone tablet at the entrance of the small secret realm.

The stele is engraved with "Xuan'er's Secret Realm, without Tan Yun's permission, anyone dares to enter and destroy the whole clan!"

Signer - "Tan Yun!"

Afterwards, Shen Subing kissed Tan Yun goodbye, and went to retreat with Shen Suzhen.

And Tan Yun came to a mountain on the left under the exit of the Shensoul Secret Realm by himself.


Tan Yun's purple robe soared into the sky, and flew towards the mysterious barrier at the highest altitude of the Divine Soul Secret Realm...

Ten million miles... thirty million miles... When Tan Yun came to the sky of eighty million miles, he touched the hard barrier of the secret realm.

Tan Yun immediately sacrificed the primordial flame, manipulated the primordial flame to turn into a five-hundred-foot fireball, printed it on the barrier of the secret realm, and began to burn the barrier of the secret realm.

As we all know, after breaking the void, there will be a dark space crack, and after entering the space crack, you will be in the storm of space turbulence.

The power of spatial turbulence is extremely powerful, and it can be easily crushed. It is a low-grade fairy weapon in the mouth of monks on the mortal plane.

In addition, extremely powerful turbulent storms and turbulent tides often appear in the space turbulence, so under normal circumstances, no one dares to enter the space turbulence!

The secret realm is the product of heaven and earth, and the secret realm is in the storm of space turbulence. For example, the Divine Soul Secret Realm has an area of ​​15 million miles in radius, but in the turbulent flow of the pitch-black space, it is as insignificant as a speck of dust.

Therefore, even if the enemy dared to wait for a long time in the space turbulence storm, they would never find the existence of the secret realm.

If a monk is capable, if he wants to open up a space-time tunnel leading to Huangfu's secret realm, he must first have both the power of time and the power of space.

If the monk is not qualified for both time and space, then even the Ascension Realm Dzogchen cannot open up a space-time tunnel.

Because when opening up the space-time tunnel, first use the power of time and space, or the power of heaven to form an independent time-space in the space turbulence storm, and freeze the independent time-space and tunnel in the space turbulence storm.

Therefore, monks who do not have the dual extreme qualification attributes of time and space cannot open time and space tunnels.

After the time-space tunnel is opened, the two exits of the time-space tunnel will be arranged with two-way time-space transmission arrays that match the time-space tunnel. At that time, monks can open the top-quality spirit stones and immediately transfer back and forth.

An hour later, under the burning of the Primordial Flame, the enchantment of the secret realm began to crack, and then a gap of five hundred feet appeared.

The turbulent storm in the pitch-black space in the gap is like howling ghosts and wolves, extremely gloomy.

Tan Yun immediately used the primordial water body, turned into a giant of two hundred feet, soared into the air, and poked his head out of the gap in the barrier of the secret realm.


In Tan Yun's thought, the power of the primordial realm, which contains eleven attributes, spewed out from his body, and turned into a tunnel with a diameter of 500 feet in the turbulent space storm, connecting with the gap in the barrier of the secret realm.

Then, the power of time and the power of space gushed out of the tunnel formed by the power of the primordial realm.

The integration of time and space forms an independent time and space in the corridor.

Afterwards, Tan Yun hovered in the air in the space-time tunnel with a diameter of five hundred feet, flying forward while continuously releasing the power of the primordial domain to open up the space-time tunnel...

When Tan Yun opened up a million miles, the spiritual power in his body was exhausted, and he could no longer exert the power of the primordial realm.

Therefore, he sacrificed the Linglong Holy Pagoda to be suspended in the space-time tunnel, and he entered the twelfth floor to recover his spiritual power.

Now Jinlong Shenshi, Mo'er and Tianluo Dragon and Bear King are practicing in seclusion on the second floor to the eleventh floor respectively.

On the twelfth floor where Tan Yun is located, eight months of cultivation in the outside world is equivalent to one day of cultivation inside. After Tan Yun spent four hours inside, his spiritual power was full, while it only took a moment for the outside world.

After Tan Yun flew out of the twelve-story tower, he opened up a tunnel of time and space for millions of miles, and then entered the tower to restore the spiritual power consumed in the spiritual pool...

In the years that followed, Tan Yun continued to open time and space tunnels in this way...

One year and three months later, Tan Yun sat cross-legged on the twelfth floor exhausted, and said to himself: "At my current flying speed, it will take four months to fly in a straight line from the Divine Soul Secret Realm to the Huangfu Secret Realm." .”

"The speed at which I opened up the space-time tunnel was less than 30% of normal flight speed. After counting the time spent in recovering the spiritual energy in the spiritual pool in the tower, if there is no accident, the time-space tunnel can reach the vicinity of Huangfu's secret realm within three months at most. gone."

After making up his mind, after Tan Yun recovered his spiritual power, he began to open up the space-time tunnel...

In a blink of an eye, after another two and a half months, Tan Yun stopped opening the space-time tunnel.

Standing at the exit of the time-space tunnel, looking at the dark and surging space turbulence ahead, he said in a low voice, "It should be almost time to reach the Huangfu Secret Realm. It has been a year, five and a half months since I opened the time-space tunnel."

"There is still half a month left before Yingying bombards the enchantment of Huangfu's secret realm."

"Forget it, I'll wait for half a month."


Half a month later.

"Bang bang bang—"

Suddenly, bursts of loud noises resounded continuously from the turbulent flow of the pitch-black space.


Tan Yun suddenly got up, his spirit shook, his hair was flying, and his spiritual consciousness was like an invisible tide, deriving towards the turbulent flow of the dark space in all directions, and finally confirmed that the voice came from 1.5 million miles in front of the left.

Tan Yun didn't open up the space-time tunnel immediately, but called out the golden dragon god lion who had entered the ninth-level adulthood.

After letting the huge body of the golden dragon and god lion block the space-time tunnel, Tan Yun flew out of the space-time tunnel.

He flew out of the time-space tunnel, looked back, the time-space tunnel disappeared, and saw the golden dragon god and lion curled up together, suspended in the turbulent flow of space.

Tan Yun was not surprised by this. He knew that only in the time-space tunnel could he see the appearance of the time-space tunnel. Once he left the time-space tunnel, he would not be able to find traces of the time-space tunnel.

And Tan Yun let the Golden Dragon God Lion stay in the space-time tunnel, he used the big man as a coordinate.

Tan Yun warned: "Big guy, don't move here and wait for me. I will return to Huangfu Secret Realm immediately. After opening the enchantment of Huangfu Secret Realm, I will open a space-time tunnel from Huangfu Secret Realm to connect with your space-time tunnel! "

"Master, don't worry, this subordinate will remember." Jinlong Shenshi smiled honestly.


Relying on his powerful body, Tan Yun flew more than 1.5 million miles in the space turbulence, facing the pitch-black space turbulence with both hands, and softly shouted: "Open it for me!"


At the same time, the sky three thousand miles north of Huangfu's Secret Realm seemed to be torn apart forcefully, and a huge space crack of five hundred feet appeared!


The next moment, Tan Yun stepped out of the space crack with a smile like a spring breeze!

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