Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1023 Peace document?

Chapter 1023 Peace document?

After stepping out of the space crack, Tan Yun was slightly taken aback, and found that there was another fairy mountain outside Huangfu's secret territory.

Tan Yun knew that someone must have moved a fairy mountain from other places during his absence, and used it as the gate of Huangfu Sacred Sect in Huangfu Secret Realm.


The moment Tan Yun's body shrank suddenly and turned back to normal size, he put on a white robe. With a light step, he crossed three thousand miles of void and appeared in front of the mountain gate.

After Tan Yun opened the gate of the secret realm, he had just flown into the Huangfu secret realm, and the elder of the law enforcement of the Holy Gate, Mr. Yu Wenfeng, who was guarding the exit of the secret realm, bowed deeply and shouted: "I have seen the suzerain!"

"The disciples kowtow to the suzerain!" Thousands of core law enforcement disciples of the holy gate holy soul realm all looked up at Tan Yun and knelt down.

Everyone admired Tan Yun after seeing him.

More than a year and two months ago, after Tuoba Yingying returned to Huangfu Secret Realm, she told everyone the news of Tan Yun's conquest of Immortal Soul Palace.

Everyone in the Huangfu Secret Realm was shocked and excited!

When everyone mentioned the suzerain Tan Yun, their eyes showed admiration and worship from the depths of their hearts.

There is no doubt that Tan Yun's appeal is the strongest among all the suzerains including the patriarch since the establishment of Huangfu Shengzong!

At the same time, Tuoba Yingying also told the clan that Tan Yun will open up the secret realm from the soul to the Huangfu secret realm.

More than seven million disciples were overjoyed when they learned that in the near future, they could freely enter the battlefield of the gods in the Mystic Soul Territory to practice.

"Exemption." Tan Yun smiled slightly, and asked all the law enforcement disciples to stand up, and looked at Mr. Yu Wenfeng, and said, "Have any external forces provoked our sect in the past year or so?"

Lord Yu Wenfeng said respectfully: "Reporting to the suzerain, there is no provocation, but Tuoba Shengchao probably heard that our sect destroyed the Immortal Soul Palace, so three months ago, Tuoba Shengchao sent someone to send a peace agreement document .”

"Now the peace negotiation document is in the hands of the deputy suzerain, and the peace negotiation envoy is temporarily staying in the VIP room."

"In addition, the old suzerain also knows about the peace negotiation. What the old suzerain means is that everything is up to you."

Hearing this, two cold lights shot out of Tan Yunxing's eyes, and he sneered and said, "Negotiate peace? Tuoba Lin killed my father-in-law, and now they see that my Huangfu Shengzong is not easy to bully, and want to negotiate peace?"

"It's just a fool's dream!"

Tan Yun said coldly: "Who is the person who came to discuss the peace?"

"Sovereign, the person who negotiated peace is Tuoba Shengchao, Dong Yong, the deputy city lord of Forging Immortal City." Yu Wenfeng said truthfully.

"So it's this guy!" Tan Yun sneered.

This person, Tan Yun, still has a fresh memory. When he made a big fuss in the Nangong Dynasty to rescue Yuqin, and was chased and killed by the Nangong Dynasty, the Stone Clan, the Eternal Immortal Sect, and the Soul Immortal Palace, he once passed through the airspace of the Forging Immortal City.

And Dong Yong wanted to snatch his middle-grade sub-immortal weapon, the spirit boat, but he used it as a talisman and asked him to send him outside the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range, leaving him alive.

"Well, I see." After Tan Yun responded, his figure flashed across the void for more than a thousand miles, and appeared above the Space-Time Palace at the outer door. Beside Tuoba Yingying who was attacking the enchantment of the secret realm.

"Master, you are back." Tuoba Yingying smiled slightly.

"En." Tan Yun nodded, and ordered: "Leave this to me. After the space-time tunnel is connected, I will rearrange the space-time teleportation array."

"Master, the time-space meteor crystal subordinates are ready." Tuoba Yingying said, flipping through her hands, handed ten Qiankun rings filled with time-space meteor crystals to Tan Yun.

"Is there any more?" Tan Yun pondered: "It takes at least seven days for ordinary space-time tunnels to teleport from Huangfu Secret Realm to Soul Secret Realm. long time."

"I plan to arrange a space-time meteorite in the space-time tunnel every thousand miles. In this way, the transmission time can be shortened from seven days to one hour!"

Hearing this, Tuoba Yingying said: "My subordinates immediately summoned all the disciples of the sect to mine time and space meteor crystals with all their strength."

"Okay." Tan Yun said: "In addition, the tentative time for attacking the Eternal Immortal Palace was five years ago. Please inform me that it will be changed to eight years later to attack the Eternal Immortal Sect!"

"Also..." Tan Yun's voice paused, and he said domineeringly: "You go and tell Dong Yong that my Huangfu Shengzong refuses to negotiate a peace, and ask him to tell Prince Tuoba and Holy Master Tuoba. There will be another Tuoba pilgrimage!"

"Your subordinates obey!" Tuoba Yingying took the order and left.

Tan Yun immediately sacrificed the Primordial Flame, and after burning a 500-foot gap in the barrier of the secret realm, he poked his head out, released his spiritual consciousness, and found the Golden Dragon God Lion 1.53 million miles away.

Afterwards, Tan Yun spent an hour and a half opening up the space-time tunnel to the space-time tunnel where the Golden Dragon God Lion was located, and finally the space-time tunnel was connected.

Afterwards, Tan Yun and the Golden Dragon God Lion flew into the Huangfu Secret Realm at a normal flight speed through the space-time tunnel.

"Big man, start retreating from now on, and if I need you, I will call you again." Tan Yun ordered.

After the big guy took the order, he entered the eleventh floor of the Linglong Holy Pagoda, retreated and sprinted to the ninth step to cross the tribulation period.

Tan Yun stepped into the air and stood under the space-time tunnel, swooped down vertically, and after two days, he appeared above the space-time hall.

Tan Yun uttered the word "go", and suddenly, fist-like meteorite crystals gushed out of the Qiankun Ring like a bright torrent, worth 100,000 yuan, floating in front of Tan Yun.

Tan Yun's spiritual sense manipulated the space-time meteor crystals, forming a five-hundred-foot-diameter teleportation array suspended in the air with a mysterious trajectory in the void.

Afterwards, Tan Yunfei traveled thousands of miles through the void, holding a sword on a mountain peak, and carved and polished a huge round boulder thousands of feet square.

Tan Yun held up the boulder and flew down to the ground on the left side of the Hall of Time and Space. After placing the boulder on the ground, he waved his hand at the teleportation array in the void. Immediately, the teleportation array shot down vertically, deeply embedded in the circle Central platform.

Then, holding the sword, Tan Yun carved out winding lines on the stone surface around the teleportation array.

After the formation pattern was carved and drawn, 360 formation eye grooves emerged.

Three hundred and sixty formation eyes mean that only three hundred and sixty top-quality spirit stones are needed to open a space-time tunnel leading to the mysterious realm of the soul!

If this matter is known to other people in the Heaven's Punishment Continent, their jaws will drop in shock, right?

Because anyone who has common sense about the technique knows that the farther the teleportation distance is, the more spirit stones will be consumed when opening the teleportation array.

Under normal circumstances, if it were arranged by other experts, the teleportation array that is so far from the Huangfu Secret Realm to the Soul Secret Realm would cost hundreds of millions of top-grade spirit stones!

And what about Tan Yun? The teleportation array he arranged only cost 360 yuan!

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