Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1024 Uneasy

Chapter 1024 Uneasy

After Tan Yun set up the teleportation array, he sent a voice transmission to Shen Qingfeng, the great elder of the outer sect, and asked him to find someone to build a roofless hall and enclose the teleportation array in it.

Afterwards, Tan Yun spent another two days climbing 80,000,000 miles into the void, and placed a "prohibition on space transformation" associated with the teleportation array at the 500-foot gap in the barrier.

After the prohibition is arranged, the gap in the space-time tunnel cannot be seen.

As long as the teleportation array is turned on, the space-distance transformation prohibition will be turned on, and then people will be teleported into the space-time tunnel.

Of course, Tan Yun didn't need to open the teleportation array to open the prohibition and enter the space-time tunnel.

During these two days, Shen Qingfeng personally supervised the work, and asked 1,000 outer disciples to build a roofless hall around the time-space teleportation array according to Tan Yun's request, and named the hall: Huangfu Soul Teleportation Hall.

After Tan Yun turns on the "Prohibition of Space Transformation" and enters the space-time tunnel, he will embed a piece of space-time meteorite into the wall of the tunnel every thousand miles...

Time flies, one month later.

After Tan Yun used up all the spirit stones in the ten Qiankun Rings given by Tuoba Yingying, he turned around and flew for twenty days, returning to the Huangfu Secret Realm.

At this time, Tuoba Yingying had already prepared the space-time meteor crystals, and gave Tan Yun the Qiankun ring full of space-time meteor crystals.

After Tan Yun accepted it, he entered Huangfu's Soul Teleportation Hall and stopped on the teleportation array.


With a wave of Tan Yun's right hand, three hundred and sixty top-grade spirit stones flew out of the Qiankun ring and were absorbed into three hundred and sixty formation eyes.


Immediately, the time and space power in the teleportation hall was like water ripples, and the moment Tan Yun was restrained by a soft force, the time-space tunnel 80 million miles high in the sky suddenly opened.

Tan Yun felt dizzy for a while, and in the next instant, he was transported vertically for 80 million miles, and then was transported in the time-space tunnel for less than two moments, before being transported to the place where he had embedded the time-space meteorite in the time-space tunnel.

"What a fast transmission speed!" Tan Yun smiled with satisfaction, and then, every thousand miles, he began to embed a space-time meteorite into the wall of the space-time tunnel...

In the dark space-time tunnel, Tan Yun finally returned to the Mystic Realm after another four months.

Then, Tan Yun set up a teleportation array in the Mystic Soul Territory that was exactly the same as that in Huangfu's Mysterious Territory.

And it took two days for the disciples to build the Soul Huangfu Teleportation Hall.

Immediately, Tan Yun released his spiritual consciousness, covering the entire Divine Soul Secret Realm, and the majestic voice came to everyone's ears: "The construction of the Divine Soul Huangfu Teleportation Palace has been completed."

"It only takes 360 top-grade spirit stones to open the space-time tunnel, and it only takes one hour to reach the Huangfu secret realm."

"Also, this teleportation array is a large teleportation array, and it can teleport 360 people every time it is teleported. After the first opening time, there is an interval of three breaths, and it can be teleported infinitely!"

"Besides, since the time-space teleportation array is a two-way teleportation, people who teleport from the Divine Soul Secret Territory will teleport on the left side of the time-space tunnel after entering the time-space tunnel."

"As for the clan members in the Huangfu Secret Territory, those who teleport towards the Soul Secret Realm will teleport to the right after entering the space-time tunnel."

"Therefore, please keep in mind that during the teleportation process, don't run on a teleportation route that you don't belong to, otherwise, if you collide with someone who is teleporting in the opposite direction during the high-speed teleportation, you will be annihilated!"

"In the Mystic Soul Territory, all disciples and high-level officials who are willing to go to the Huangfu Secret Realm to play and watch can form a team of 360 people, share the spirit stones, and go to the Huangfu Secret Realm."

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun discovered through his spiritual consciousness that a disciple in the Divine Soul Mysterious Territory rushed towards the Divine Soul Huangfu teleportation array excitedly and excitedly.

Obviously, these disciples wanted to go to Huangfu's secret realm first.

An hour later, Feng Tianlun, the 12 elders of the Feng clan, all the powerhouses in the realm of the assassination and the Heavenly Punishment, the patriarchs of law enforcement, Mu Mengyu, Shiyao, and Su Bing flew to Tan Yun together. beside.

Tan Taiyu and Tan Tailong came to send Tan Yun and others off.

Tan Yun looked at the two of them and said: "Grandfather and uncle, in case the enemy takes advantage of it and enters, therefore, do not open the gate of the secret realm of the Divine Soul Realm from today onwards, so that the disciples can practice with peace of mind. "

"In addition, there is no rush for the long-term opening of the Gods Battlefield and Meteor God Canyon for the disciples in the two secret realms to experience for a long time."

"Our top priority is to retreat to improve our strength, and attack the Eternal Immortal Sect in six years' time!"

"If someone attacks the Divine Soul Secret Realm, you can send someone to Huangfu Secret Realm to tell me through the teleportation array, and I will bring people back in time."

After the instruction, Tan Yun activated the space-time teleportation array, and a group of strong men returned to the Huangfu Secret Realm after passing through for an hour.

Feng Tianlun and the others were extremely shocked, secretly thinking that Tan Yun really had a trick!

The distance between the two great secret realms can be achieved in just one hour. Feng Tianlun believes that this must be the fastest teleportation formation in the entire Heaven's Punishment Continent!

After Tan Yun and the others returned to the Huangfu Secret Realm, they told everyone in the Huangfu Secret Realm through their spiritual consciousness that they could go to the Divine Soul Secret Realm anytime, anywhere to see the magnificent scenery in the Divine Soul Secret Territory.

Tan Yun's unquestionable voice spread to the ears of everyone in Huangfu's secret territory, "This suzerain only said it once and remembered it clearly."

"Everyone in the Mystical Soul Territory is a disciple of my Huangfu Shengzong just like you. You must not discriminate or prejudice. No matter who violates the order, they will be killed without mercy. This suzerain will never tolerate it!"

After arranging everything, Tan Yun and his daughters went to the No. 1 Immortal Valley in the Holy Land of Merit of the Holy Gate, and began to retreat and practice.

Before the retreat, Tan Yun did not see Nangong Yuqin because she was still in retreat.

The women knew that Tan Yun's strength was improving rapidly. In order to follow in Tan Yun's footsteps and become Tan Yun's help, the women in the Yutai Realm were also taking the best Yutai pill and the best Yutai Guiling pill for cultivation.

On the twelfth floor of the Linglong Holy Pagoda, Tan Yun was sitting cross-legged. Just as he was about to practice, he heard a familiar and pleasant voice outside the pagoda, "Sect Master Tan, is it convenient now?"

"It's convenient, Qingcheng, come in." Tan Yun said as he opened the tower door. Feng Qingcheng, who was wearing a green skirt, flew into the tower, hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" Tan Yun was puzzled.

"Sect Master Tan..." Feng Qingcheng pursed his lips and said, "Even if you are a strong person in the God Realm of your sect who cultivates in the time-space magic weapon, it is impossible for him to advance to the realm of the Embryo Realm in just over ten years."

"And after being promoted to the first level of the fetal realm, there are still many people who have become the second level, or even the fourth level."

Feng Qingcheng's voice became smaller and smaller, and the little Tan Yun could almost hear it, "You... If there is a way, can you help our Feng clan. We, the great elders of the Feng clan, have been trapped in the seventh layer of fetal realm for four thousand years Even now, I still can’t touch the barrier of the Eighth Realm.”

"And my father, after being promoted to the seventh level of the fetal realm 40 years ago, spent five thousand years in the magic weapon of time and space, and still can't perceive the barrier of the eighth level."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qingcheng looked at Tan Yun anxiously, fearing that Tan Yun would refuse!

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