Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1047 How to destroy?

Chapter 1047 How to destroy?

Suddenly, all the elders in the hall exploded:

"What? One second-level Ascension Realm, three third-level Ascension Realm experts, and one fourth-level Ascension Realm were all killed by Huangfu Shengzong!"

"That's right... Huangfu Shengzong is too powerful!"

"This...how is this possible?"

"It's unbelievable..."

Hearing this, Murong Liufang sighed, "It's really unbelievable. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it at all."

"Later, only Tang Yongsheng, who was at the second level of Ascension Realm, was seriously injured, together with Ruyan Wuji, Nangong Qingqian, Tuoba Lin, and an old man who was in the realm of Tang Zun's holy dynasty, the five of them escaped from heaven in a spirit boat. Punishment Mountain Range."

When Murong Liufang said this, the words that followed caused all the elders to petrify, and their hearts were turned into turbulent waves!

"Everyone, you don't know that among the Huangfu Sect who defeated the four major forces, there is only one demon ape who is in the tenth-order newborn stage, and the others are all in the realm of the fetus, and the remaining demon lions and dragons are only nine. Stepping Tribulation Period!"

"The people and beasts that Huangfu Shengzong is fighting this time all have the ability to leapfrog challenges. It's really terrifying!"

"Also, Feng Tianlun, the patriarch of the Feng Clan in ancient times, was also in the Huangfu Sect and joined the war! I don't know if the Feng Clan formed an alliance with the Huangfu Sect, or became a subsidiary of the Huangfu Sect."

"In short, the overall power of Huangfu Shengzong today has already surpassed the glory of Huangfu Shengzong's patriarch when he was alive."

"As for my Murong clan, there are only three Ascension Realm and three great powers, so I'm afraid they won't be the opponents of Huangfu Shengzong!"

Hearing this, when all the elders were terrified, Wu Qingsong, the great elder who was kneeling on the ground, was the first to recover, wiped off a cold sweat, kowtowed and said, "Patriarch, fortunately we didn't To attack Huangfu Shengzong, perhaps the top forces of Huangfu Shengzong at that time were already so strong..."

"Fart!" With a wave of Murong Gudao's right hand, a palm of spiritual power transformed from a low altitude, sending Wu Qingsong flying into the hall.

Murong Gudao laughed angrily: "Are you a fool to be the head of the clan? Eight years ago, Liu Fang witnessed Tan Yun leading the powerful Huangfu Sacred Sect to kill the enemies that came from the four major forces including the Stone Clan."

"Back then, Tan Yun was only at the fourth level of the Embryo Realm! And that demon ape was only at the ninth level of adulthood!"

"What now? Tan Yun is already at the seventh level of the Embryo Realm, and he killed Master Ruyan Wuji who is at the third level of the Ascension Realm by himself!"

"And that demon ape is already at the tenth-order primary stage!"

"My patriarch, I was really obsessed with ghosts at that time. I heard Ningkang and all your elders talking nonsense. If I had listened to Shi Shi and attacked Huangfu Shengzong, now my Murong clan has already completed the unification of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range!"

At this time, Murong Ningkang and most of the elders were so scolded that they couldn't lift their heads. It is undeniable that they felt that six years ago, they should have listened to Murong Shishi's suggestion and attacked Huangfu Shengzong!

"Patriarch, we also supported Miss at that time, it was the Great Elder who thought he was smart and missed the opportunity!"

"That's right!"

"The Great Elder deserves to be punished!"


At this time, one of the elders who supported Murong Shishi six years ago stepped forward one after another, scolding the elder and ninety percent of the elders who opposed it at the beginning, and Murong Shishi attacked the elders who suggested it.

"That's enough, shut up to the patriarch! It's already this time, do you still want to fight?" Murong Gudao scolded, and everyone fell silent.

"Father, I know I was wrong." Murong Ningkang knelt in front of Murong Gudao, and said sincerely: "Sister is very resourceful, I invite her here now."

"Hurry up!" Murong Gudao said loudly.

Suddenly Ningkang got up immediately, flew out of the main hall, and headed towards the Murong Immortal Pavilion where Murong Shishi practiced...

In the main hall, Murong Gudao looked at Murong Liufang, frowning deeply, "You said that the master of the Holy Master Nangong is at the fourth level of Ascension Realm, did you hear this person say that he is from Zhongnan Immortal Mountain, or from Wuliang Yougong? "

Murong Liufang said truthfully: "Master, my subordinates are in a low level and dare not keep peeping through their spiritual sense, so I haven't heard what kind of power Master Nangong Shengzhu is from."

"Perhaps it is also possible that you have just been promoted to the fourth level of the Ascension Realm, and you haven't had time to go to Zhongnan Xianshan or Wuliangyou Palace."

Hearing this, Murong Gudao said: "Well, it is probably the fourth level of Ascension Realm who has just been promoted. Otherwise, no matter if it is someone from Zhongnan Xianshan or Wuliang Yougong, these two major forces will not let this person go and mix with him in various places in the mainland. In the game of great forces."


Murong Xian Pavilion stands in the hall of Murong Shengfeng.

The Immortal Pavilion is the holy artifact of mustard time and space. Murong Shishi was in the pavilion, and when he first stepped into the seventh layer of the fetal realm, Murong Ningkang's anxious voice came from outside the pavilion, "Sister, something is wrong, my father asked me to tell you to go!" In the hall of discussion, attend the elders meeting."

Hearing the word "Presbyterian Church", Murong Shishi's stunning face showed a trace of anger, and then she said coldly: "I don't want to ask about family matters, you can go."

"Sister, I really know that I was wrong. When you proposed to attack Huangfu Shengzong six years ago, I shouldn't question your insight." Murong Ningkang outside the fairy pavilion said anxiously:

"Sister, our relationship has been very good since we were young. Since the disagreement six years ago, you never want to see me again."

"Sister, I'm really sad, don't be angry, okay?"

"Squeak!" At this moment, the door of the pavilion opened, and Murong Shishi said aggrievedly and angrily, "Can my sister not be angry with you? If I had followed my sister's suggestion back then, now my Murong clan has already ruled the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range!"

"Sister, I really know I was wrong." Murong Ningkang knelt down in front of Murong Shishi regretfully.

Seeing Murong Ningkang's actions, Murong Shishi's tears trickled down, and she leaned over to support Murong Ningkang, "Don't do this, my sister will forgive you."

"Sister is so kind!" In Murong Ningkang's eyes, there were tears flickering faintly.

"Fool, sister is not good to you, who is good to you?" Murong Shishi smiled through tears, "Tell me quickly, what's the matter?"

"Sister, let's talk as we walk." Murong Ningkang and Murong Shishi then flew towards the meeting hall.

On the way, Murong Shishi learned from Murong Ningkang that after Huangfu Shengzong's victory over the four major forces, Shen Yu Luoyan's face was full of shock and shock!

What she was most worried about happened, she never thought that Huangfu Shengzong's power would expand to such a level in just six years!


A moment later, the meeting hall.

"Hello Miss!" All the elders bowed and saluted after seeing Murong Shishi and Murong Ningkang entering the main hall.

"You don't need to be too polite." Murong Shishi opened her teeth lightly, and a melodious voice sounded.

Murong Gudao took a step forward, put his hands on Murong Shishi's shoulders, and said kindly: "Baby daughter, I was wrong as a father. I shouldn't have scolded you and questioned you six years ago."

"Daddy, don't mention it when the matter is over." Murong Shishi smiled slightly.

"Daughter! Ningkang must have told you about it." Murong Gudao looked expectantly:

"Quickly tell me, in the current situation, how can my Murong family destroy Huangfu Shengzong?"

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