Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1048 Despicable and Shameless

Chapter 1048 Despicable and Shameless

In fact, Murong Gudao already had a plan in mind.

The reason why he asked his daughter was because she was full of economics and hoped that her daughter would have better suggestions to deal with the current situation.

Murong Shishi did not answer, but first asked: "Father, you, grandfather, and Taizu are both in the third level of the Ascension Realm. Do you have the strength to leapfrog the challenge? If so, what level of power can you challenge?"

Hearing the words, Murong Gudao said truthfully: "As a father, you can kill ordinary fourth-level Ascension Realm experts, and you can also fight against fifth-level ones."

"Your grandfather is equal in strength to the fourth level of the Yuhua realm."

"Your great ancestor is stronger than your father, and should be able to defeat the power of the fifth level."

After hearing this, Murong Shishi thought deeply, "Father, is your ambition to unify the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range, or to unify the Heaven's Punishment Continent?"

"Naturally, the Heaven's Punishment Continent will be unified!" Murong Gudao said without hesitation.

Murong Shishi fell silent for a long time after hearing this, and said: "Daughter, here are three strategies for Dad to choose from. Of course, these three strategies are not aimed at your lofty ambitions, but are just strategies for how to face the current Huangfu Shengzong and grow rapidly. "

"Which three strategies?" Murong Gudao couldn't wait.

The same goes for the other elders.

Murong Shishi's eyes flickered with brilliance, and said one after another:

"First, judging from the enmity between Tan Yun and the great sage dynasties, he definitely wants to destroy the great sage dynasties, as well as the forces behind the spies who sneaked into Huangfu Sacred Sect."

"Thus my daughter concludes that even if Tan Yun has no intention of dominating the world, after he wipes out all his enemies, he will definitely become the leader of the family of human monks in the Heaven's Punishment Continent. Of course, except for Zhongnan Xianshan and Wuliangyou Palace."

"That's why my daughter doesn't suggest that Daddy should rule the continent. If you have this idea, our Murong clan will be in danger."

"From a long-term perspective, my daughter suggested that my daughter become the envoy of the Murong clan, form an alliance with Huangfu Shengzong, and fight for world hegemony with Huangfu Shengzong. In the end, Huangfu Shengzong will become the overlord of the Heavenly Punishment Continent, and we will be subordinates. At that time, I would like to use Tan Yun's love With righteous character, the area that my Murong family was managing at that time probably wasn't just the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range, this is the best policy."

Hearing this, the elders nodded one after another.

And Murong Gudao seemed to be smiling, but in fact he was quite unhappy. He had great ambitions, but was persuaded by his daughter to attach himself to Huangfu Shengzong!

"Well said." Murong Gudao praised insincerely, and then said: "What's the worst plan?"

Murong Shishi said: "Although my daughter has retreated for six years, she is not ignorant of things outside the window. According to the report of the spies, Tan Yun led all the powerful people to attack the Eternal Immortal Sect, right?"

Murong Gudao nodded and said: "There is indeed such a thing, it is expected to arrive within three days."

"En." Murong Shishi said: "The worst strategy is, we rush over now, under the guise of forming an alliance with the Eternal Immortal Sect, pretend to be a follower of power, and then take advantage of his unpreparedness to drive Huangfu Sacred Sect to extinction."

After hearing this, Murong Gudao was about to praise Murong Shishi greatly, but what Murong Shishi said next made Murong Gudao very upset!

I just listened to Murong Shi's poem: "But the consequences of doing this, even if we win, we will be stigmatized as unkind and unrighteous. Therefore, in the eyes of my daughter, it is too immoral. It is the most reasonable thing to help the righteous and help the unjust."

"Daughter, you are kind-hearted, and you are the blessing of my Murong clan." Murong Gudao said with a smile, "Then what is the next thing to do?"

Murong Shishi pursed her lower lips, and said, "Find a way to catch Tan Yun's relatives, lead his woman out of Huangfu Shengzong, and then threaten Tan Yun to come and redeem her alone."

"Wait for Tan Yun to come alone and kill him, then pretend to be Tan Yun, enter Huangfu Sacred Sect, and kill the strong ones of Huangfu Sacred Sect one by one."

"This is the next best thing to do."

When the elders heard the words, most of them shook their heads. This method is really despicable and shameless!

Murong Gu Dao righteously said: "This method is too despicable, and my Murong clan will naturally not use it. Otherwise, if it gets out, my Murong clan will be infamous for thousands of years."

After he spoke, he said with emotion in his heart: "I have a resourceful and good daughter, but she is not the same as me!"

"In my heart, the bad policy she said is the best policy, and the best policy she said is just the bad policy."

Here in the secret passage, Murong Gudao waved his hand towards the crowd, "Let's all go away, this patriarch should think about it carefully."

"It's the patriarch." All the elders respectfully exited the hall.

"Boy, my daughter will leave." After Murong Ningkang and Murong Shishi finished speaking, they turned and walked out of the hall.

"Oh, by the way, Ningkang, I have something to ask you for my father, so come in." At this moment, Murong Gudao's voice came from the conference hall.

"Sister, you go back to the Immortal Pavilion first, and I'll look for you later, we haven't had a good chat for a long time." Murong Ningkang said with a smile.

"En." Murong Shishi smiled all over the city, and the corners of her skirt flew up into the sky, disappearing into the sky...

When Murong Ningkang returned to the main hall with a smile, Murong Gudao waved his right arm, and after the hall door was closed, another soundproof barrier was arranged to cover the main hall.

Murong Ningkang put away his smile. From his father's actions, he could see that his father had something important to discuss with him.

"Kang'er, which of the three strategies your sister mentioned is feasible?" After Murong Gudao finished speaking, he said, "Say what's on your mind."

"My son thinks that the best strategy my sister said is feasible..." Before Murong Ningkang could finish his sentence, he felt his figure flicker in front of him, and then he was slapped away by Murong Gudao!

"You bastard!" Murong Gudao said with a look of resentment: "Your sister is too upright in the opinion of a woman! As the next patriarch, are you willing to become a subordinate of Huangfu Shengzong in the future!"

Murong Ningkang got up from the ground and said, "My child is unwilling, but..."

"There's nothing wrong with it!" Murong Gudao sternly said, "My father thinks your sister's worst policy is ten thousand times better than your sister's best policy, what do you think?"

"Think it over and say it again, if you and the father are not of the same mind, then you, the young master, don't take the position!"

"In the future, I would rather hand over the position of patriarch to your cousin than leave it to you!"

Hearing this, Murong Ningkang clenched his fists tightly, engaging in an ideological struggle between his status and his principles of life!

In the end, fame and fortune gained the upper hand, and he said loudly, "Father, everything is up to you, my child!"

"Okay!" Murong Gudao nodded in satisfaction and said, "Didn't Gongsun Ruoxi love Tan Yun deeply? Then use her as bait to lure Tan Yun into the bait!"


Murong Ningkang suddenly knelt on the ground, shook his head violently and said: "Father, this matter must not be allowed! The boy loves her very much, if the boy does this, Ruoxi, she..."

"Shut up!" Murong Gudao said angrily, "Look at you? Or are you disobeying your father because of a woman you've chased for decades but doesn't like you!"

"Father..." Murong Ningkang kowtowed, "I can promise you everything else, but this is the only thing I can't do!"

"Say it again!" Murong Gudao sternly shook his head in disappointment, "From now on, you are no longer the Young Master..."

Without waiting for Murong Gudao's words, Murong Ningkang was taken aback, "Father calm down, the child will obey your orders!"

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