Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1072 Vulnerable

Chapter 1072 Vulnerable

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun said in a sharp voice: "Old ape, you capture two old things in the sixth level of the Ascension Realm alive!"

"Big guy, your current flying speed is not slower than the spirit boat, a medium-grade fairy weapon. What you have to do is, once I open the door of the secret realm, you will overturn the spirit boat at the fastest speed!"

"Mo'er, after the big guy overturns the spirit boat, the goal of you and the big guy is to capture Nangong Qingqian, Tuoba Lin, and Ruyan Wuji alive!"

"Tang Yongsheng, the executioner who is stained with the blood of Mu Feng's royal family, you don't need to intervene. I must personally abolish him and hand him over to Mengyao for disposal!"

"As for the other enemies in the Embryo Realm, there are seven other experts from the first to third levels of the Ascension Realm. Let's kill them together, understand?"

Hearing this, Sky Slaughter Demon Ape, Golden Dragon God Lion, and Mo'er immediately sent a voice transmission to Tan Yun, "I understand!"

"Okay!" After Tan Yun sent the voice transmission, he looked back at everyone and said, "The other party has two powerful experts at the sixth level of the Ascension Realm, so, just in case, all of you must not take a step out of the secret realm door. Stay inside."

Shen Subing said via voice transmission: "I'll go with you."

"You don't have to worry." After Tan Yun responded, he sent a voice transmission to the girls: "Don't worry, with the strength of me, Old Ape, Big Man, and Mo'er, I'm not afraid of them at all!"

After speaking, Tan Yun gave the girls a reassuring smile, and then shouted angrily, "Kill!"


The door to the secret realm, which was as high as a thousand feet, suddenly opened with a loud noise.

The opening scene made everyone on the spirit boat stunned!

In their minds, they have two sanctioners at the sixth level of the Ascension Realm, two at the third level of the Ascension Realm, three at the second level of the Ascension Realm, and three powerhouses at the first level of the Ascension Realm. Don't dare to open the door of the secret realm!

But what happened?

Not only was the door of the secret realm opened, Huangfu Shengzong actually launched an attack on his own initiative!

"Hey! Mahler Gobi, eat my old ape!"

With a roar, the nine-hundred-foot-tall Sky Slaughter Demon Ape was filled with black magic power. It held a huge black stick, rushed out of the gate of the secret realm like lightning, and appeared in the sky above the spirit boat. Chu Hu and Qu Kaide who were on the scene smashed their heads down!

"Overestimate your own strength!" After Chu Hu and Qu Kaide regained their composure, they soared into the sky from the spirit boat.

The two of them also subconsciously believed that the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape was the tenth-order primary strength that Nangong Qingqian said.

At this moment, the attacking speed of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape was so fast that the two of them had no time to observe the state of the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape.

From the two of them's point of view, they could easily destroy the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape with their joint efforts.

"The power of the heavenly law of wood - the handprint of the thousand saints!"

As Chu Hu yelled, the power of the heavenly law of the wood in his body rolled out of his body, and at an unimaginable speed, it transformed into a thousand giant hands from the sky above his head, carrying the collapsed void, soaring up to the sky, towards the falling The black giant stick shot...

At the same time, the power of heaven in Qukaide's body surged out, and suddenly, when the void in a radius of ten thousand zhang was boiling like water, his figure flashed, as if ignoring the distance of space, he appeared above the head of the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape.

"Soul Extinguishing Immortal Whip—Kill it for the sanctioner!"

When Qu Kaide opened his mouth, a purple-red medium-grade fairy weapon, the Immortal Immortal Whip, shot out from his mouth like a poisonous snake, and turned into a giant of thousands of feet from the sky, like a purple-red dragon!


Qu Kaide made a seal with his left hand on his chest, and silently recited the formula plausibly. Immediately, the giant whip like a purple dragon transformed into ten, ten into hundreds, and brought a huge space that tore apart the sky. Cracks, and the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape below ruthlessly shrouded and whipped down!

And at this moment, the giant black stick of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape hit the Thousand Hands Seal!

Suddenly, a scene that made Chu Hu fearful happened!

"Bang bang bang—"

With a rushing sound, I saw thousands of holy seals of thousands of hands, under the black giant stick, they all collapsed and were vulnerable to a single blow!

Immediately afterwards, the huge black stick came down from the void, and fell again towards the terrified Chu Hu. The speed was so fast that Chu Hu, who was dodging in horror, couldn't dodge at all!

"Body Protection Immortal Armor!"

As Chu Hu fled in shock, a set of low-grade fairy armor appeared on his body, hoping to save his life.

"Oh no!"


The ear-piercing screams, mixed with the crisp sound of iron-like impact, suddenly, Chu Hu's armor was torn apart by the old ape's stick!

After the giant stick smashed the armor, its power dropped sharply, but it also hit Chu Hu's chest.


Amidst the creepy sound of bones, several ribs in Chu Hu's chest were broken, and his internal organs were severely injured!

Blood spurted out from his collapsed chest, and he spewed blood, feeling the world spinning, and his body fell towards the mountains like a cannonball!

Undoubtedly, Chu Hu, who has no ability to leapfrog to challenge, is pitifully weak and vulnerable in front of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape!

After witnessing the scene where the Heaven Killing Demon Ape was easily done and severely injured Chu Hu, Qu Kaide was shocked with horror!

Because he knew that his strength was comparable to that of Chu Hu. Since the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape can seriously injure Chu Hu, it can also seriously injure himself!

Just when Qu Kaide wanted to retreat, his hundred purple dragon-like whip shadows that descended from the sky had already drawn towards the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape!


The Sky Slaughter Demon Ape teleported tens of thousands of feet to the left from the void, and after easily dodging the whip shadow attack, he swooped down, opened his left palm, and held the seriously injured Chu Hu in the palm of his hand with a move of fishing in the sea!

In the left palm of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, Chu Hu endured a sharp pain in his chest and a splitting headache. He called out anxiously, "Brother Qu, we are no match for this demon ape at all. Leave me alone!"

"Brother Qu, you flee to Zhongnan Xianshan immediately, let the sanction chief avenge me!"

Chu Hu was completely desperate!

The Sky Slaughter Demon Ape bared his teeth, "Quack! Don't dream about old things, you don't even want to escape with me here!"

As soon as the words fell, the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape grasped Chu Hu with his left hand, and tightly grasped a black giant stick with his right hand, turning into an afterimage, like a beam of black soaring up into the sky, and killing Qu Kaide who had already fled!

Qu Kaide was terrified, his whole body was filled with the power of space and heaven, he shuttled through the vast sea of ​​clouds at extreme speed, and fled towards the outskirts of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range...

At this time, Tan Yun, Jinlong Shenshi, and Mo'er rushed out of the gate of the secret realm together.

Tan Yun, who was two hundred feet tall, stood in the air, his giant pupils revealed a monstrous murderous intent, and his undoubted voice resounded through the clouds, "Old ape, never let him go, you must catch up with him and catch him!" Catch it back!"

"Quack, this subordinate obeys!" When the voice of the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape reached Tan Yun's ears, it had already disappeared.


At this moment, a lion's roar suddenly exploded from the void, but seeing the golden dragon god lion with a height of 900 zhang, surrounded by golden monster power, the speed increased sharply, and rushed towards the people on the spirit boat in the void 1,200 miles away first!

Tan Yun and Mo'er followed closely behind!

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