Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1073 Immortal

Chapter 1073 Immortal

At this moment, when everyone on the spirit boat saw the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape face to face, they captured Chu Hu alive after being severely injured, and killed Qu Kaide and fled in a hurry. Their expressions changed drastically, and their nerves were eroded by fear!

Even though Tang Yongsheng possesses the strength of leapfrog challenge and the six major abilities of ordinary Ascension Realm, his heart is still occupied by panic!

He did not expect that in just two years of Huangfu Shengzong, the top forces would advance by leaps and bounds!

Tang Yongsheng, Nangong Qingqian, Tuoba Lin, and Ruyan Wuji clearly remember that when the three great dynasties and the Eternal Immortal Sect attacked Huangfu Sect two years ago, the only top power in Huangfu Sect was the Heaven Killing Demon Apes are tenth-order nascent stage.

But now?

To their disbelief, in just two years, the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape entered the tenth growth stage from the tenth stage!

Golden Dragon Divine Lion and Mo'er have also been promoted from the Ninth-Tier Transcendence Tribulation Stage to the Tenth-Tier Nascent Stage!

Regarding the power of the Golden Dragon God Lion and Mo'er, Tang Yongsheng and the others had already experienced it two years ago when the three holy dynasties, the Eternal Immortal Sect, and the Huangfu Holy Sect fought fiercely. Come on, everyone is in a hurry!

"Holy Lord Tang Zun, now the two sanctioners are in danger, let's run away! Otherwise, we will all die!" Tuobalin said hastily.

Tuo Balin changed his appearance into Tan Yun's appearance and killed Tantai Xuanzhong. He knew that with Tan Yun's personality, once he was caught, death would be an extravagant hope!

At this moment, Nangong Qingqian and Ruyan Wuji also urged Tang Yongsheng to drive the spirit boat to escape. He felt so helpless that he and others came with flames of vengeance, but the result was that the top forces of Huangfu Shengzong, like the torrent of water, not only extinguished their flames of vengeance, but also very likely to completely destroy them !

Everyone knows all this, how could Tang Yongsheng not know?

When everyone was urging him, Tang Yongsheng restrained his reluctance, fully activated the spirit boat, a mid-grade fairy weapon, and flew away towards the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range!


The roar of the lion shook the sky, the golden dragon god lion chased after the spirit boat with all its strength, and its wings that covered the sky and the sun flapped violently, at a speed that was 20% faster than the speed of the spirit boat!

"Damn it!" Tang Yong said angrily, "Everyone, with the speed of a monster lion, it will catch up to us in half an hour at most!"

"Behind the demon lion is the magic dragon and Tan Yun who has the ability to leapfrog challenges!"

"We must have a battle this time. If we want to survive, we must defeat the demon lion, demon dragon and Tan Yun before the demon ape chases and kills the punisher and returns!"

"Otherwise, once the demon ape returns, we will only have a dead end!"

After Tang Yongsheng finished speaking, Nangong Qingqian, Ruyan Wuji, and Tuoba Lin all had an ominous premonition.

At this moment, the three pinned all their hopes on Tang Yongsheng.

"Okay, we all listen to you, Holy Master Tang Zun!"

Nangong Qingqian looked at Tang Yongsheng with pleading eyes, and said, "Holy Lord Tang Zun, you are the strongest. Once the demon lion, dragon, and Tan Yun catch up, please stop them and let me and Holy Lord Tuoba catch up with you." , Sect Master Ru Yan escaped first. Because the three of us are weak, staying here will not be able to help you at all!"

Tuoba Lin and Ru Yan Wuji also hastily agreed.

Hearing this, Tang Yongsheng righteously said: "Okay, the three of you and everyone in the Yutai Realm, flee first in the spirit boat, and are ready to meet the Holy Master at any time. The other seven Tang Zun's powerful men in the Ascension Realm will follow the Holy Master to capture The thieves should capture the king first, and seize the opportunity to capture Tan Yun alive!"

Immediately, Tang Yongsheng, three first-level Ascension Realm experts, three second-level Ascension Realm experts, and one third-level Ascension Realm powerhouse flew out of the spirit boat without hesitation, and headed towards the Golden Dragon God Lion!

Tang Yongsheng is definitely a heroic figure, he seems to sacrifice himself for others, but he is not. He doesn't have such good intentions.

In his opinion, Jinlong Shenshi, Mo'er and Tan Yun are chasing now.

If it is really about the people on his own side, who has the deepest hatred for Huangfu Shengzong, he knows that Tuoba Lin bears the brunt first, followed by Nangong Qingqian and Ruyan Wuji.

In his opinion, with Tan Yun's temperament, he would definitely not give up the chance to kill the three of them.

From Tan Yun's standpoint, he judged that only the Golden Dragon God and Lion was faster than the spirit boat. Therefore, he boldly speculated that Tan Yun would let the Golden Dragon God and Lion go after Tuoba Lin and the three of them. Eight Ascension Realm powerhouses compete!

In this way, Tang Yongsheng is confident that with his own strength, he can kill Tan Yun!

And the seven Ascension Realm powerhouses of Tang Zun's holy dynasty may not lose to the magic dragon!

Therefore, from Tang Yongsheng's point of view, it is not so much that he dragged Tan Yun's side, but rather that Tuoba Lin and others were used as cannon fodder to lure away the golden dragon god and lion whom he feared the most!

There is no doubt that Tang Yongsheng is not shrewd!

Of course, if Tang Yongsheng learned about Tan Yun and Mo'er's ability to leapfrog, he might not think so!

Tan Yun looked at the golden dragon and lion flying in the void in front of him, and said without doubt: "The plan has changed, no matter what the big guy is, you have to catch up with the spirit boat!"

"It's the master!" The Golden Dragon God Lion's muffled voice was thunderous, like a golden lightning bolt, it flew across the sky above Tang Yongsheng's eight people, shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds, and chased after Lingzhou!

At this moment, Tuoba Lin and the others on the spirit boat were furious when they discovered that Tang Yongsheng had no intention of blocking the Golden Dragon God Lion.

Only then did they realize that Tang Yongsheng, who was old and cunning, made a fool of himself.

But they didn't dare to reprimand Tang Yongsheng at this moment. They were still thinking that Tang Yongsheng would be able to catch Tan Yun and threaten the Golden Dragon God Lion to give up chasing and killing him before the Golden Dragon God Lion caught up with him...

"Mo'er, follow me to deal with the eight Tang Yongsheng!" Tan Yun said sharply.

"It's the master!" As soon as Mo'er finished speaking, Tang Yongsheng led the seven old men, and while killing Tan Yun, he ordered: "Tan Yun has practiced the pupil technique, and all of them close their eyes!"

When the seven old men just closed their eyes, Tan Yun was holding the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword, and his starry eyes became colder and colder, "You are so naive, do you really think that if you close your eyes, I, Tan Yun, can't do anything about you! "

"Mo'er, hold Tang Yongsheng for a moment!"

After Tan Yun left a sentence, his two-hundred-foot-high body suddenly turned into a golden stream of hundreds of feet long, piercing through the void six hundred miles away at a speed unmatched by the seven Ascension Realm powerhouses besides Tang Yongsheng!

Immediately afterwards, golden water flowed from the front of the seven old men and transformed into Tan Yun, who suddenly swung three punches!

"Bang bang bang!"

Following three muffled chiseling sounds, immediately, the entire bodies of the three elders at the first level of Ascension Boundary turned into three balls of blood mist, and the broken bones and splashed blood stained the sky red!

"You are no match for him, quickly retreat and deal with the magic dragon!" Tang Yongsheng reminded sharply, and then went to kill Tan Yun!

Tan Yun smiled, and then said word by word: "Go to hell!"

"Great Steps!"

Suddenly, because Tan Yun moved too fast in a short distance, it seemed that four Tan Yuns appeared in front of and behind the other four old men at the same time. four people!

"No...Holy Lord, help me!"

"Holy Lord, save your subordinates!"


"Puchi Puchi—"

Under Tang Yongsheng's shocked and angry eyes, the four Ascension Realm elders, shrouded in the sword curtain, turned into shredded corpses!

Immortal fetus, spirit and soul are all destroyed!

Tan Yun's eyes were red, he stared at Tang Yongsheng firmly, and said angrily: "Tang Yongsheng, today you and I will not die!"

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