Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1091 Make a strong move!

Chapter 1091 Strong shot!

After Tan Yun finished the sound transmission, an old woman at the seventh level of Ascension Realm on the spirit boat looked at Tan Yun and said with a sneer, "Little bastard, are you deaf or dumb? You haven't farted a single fart for ten days!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun, who had been silent all this time, stared fiercely at the old woman and said, "I'll let you go!"

"You are dying and you still dare to scold me..." The old woman walked towards Tan Yun angrily, and before she finished speaking, a scene that made her and all the sanctioners unbelievable happened!

"Give it to me!"

But Tan Yun, who was tied to the spirit boat, suddenly crazily swelled to a size of two hundred feet, and the top-grade fairy weapon binding fairy rope was broken!

All the sanctioners, including Ding Shuya, felt terrible waves in their hearts!

They never imagined that Tan Yun's physical body was so powerful that it broke the best fairy weapon binding fairy rope!

"The old ape, the big man, and everyone, kill me!"

When everyone was shocked, Tan Yun, who was two hundred feet tall, had a set of golden armor emerging from his body with golden spiritual power.

At this moment, Tan Yun thought of the massacred fathers and villagers, and thought of the humiliation he had suffered in the past ten days, and he was completely annoyed!

Let's kill a fucking purge first!


Tan Yun soared into the sky, and soon after speaking, he appeared above the old woman who had just humiliated him, raised his huge right foot and stomped on the old woman!

"No! Deputy Commander, save me!" The old lady let out a horrified scream when she realized that she couldn't dodge at all.

"Save your uncle, go to hell!" Tan Yun roared and stepped on the old woman's head with his right foot.


Immediately, the old woman exploded under Tan Yun's feet amidst the blood splattering, and immediately after, Tan Yun stomped on the top-grade fairy weapon spirit boat with an angry foot!



Accompanied by a deafening bang, immediately, the spirit boat, which was thousands of feet long, was torn apart and turned into flying fragments!

And that majestic old lady at the seventh level of the Ascension Realm has no bones left, and her spirit and soul are all gone!

"Tan Yun, no matter how strong your physical body is, you still can't escape the palm of my deputy commander today!" Ding Shuya laughed angrily, "Since you want to resist, the deputy commander will beat you to death!"

There is only one reason why Ding Shuya didn't use violent torture on Tan Yun after she tied up Tan Yun before, and that was her carelessness!

She always thought that Tan Yun, who was in the third level of Ascension Realm, was like an ant in front of her!

It wasn't until now that she realized that she had been mistaken!

Ding Shuya, who was laughing angrily, held a dragon-headed crutch and volleyed towards Tan Yun. With a wave of her right arm, the dragon head on the dragon-headed crutch flew away from the crutch and turned into the skull of a thousand-foot-long dragon from the sky. Tan Yun opened his mouth and bit down sinisterly!

"Damn old woman, you still want to abolish my master? Mahler Gobi!"

With a roar, the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape flew out from the Linglong Holy Pagoda in Tan Yun's ears, as if flying out of thin air in front of Tan Yun.

The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape is now a majestic tenth-level adult strength, even if it does not have the strength to leapfrog challenges, then its realm is equivalent to the ninth level of the Ascension Realm!

Besides, does it still have the strength to leapfrog?

Tan Yun is confident that the current strength of the old ape is enough to kill the top powers of ordinary Ascension Realm Dzogchen!

"Crush me!" The Sky Slaughter Demon Ape didn't even bother to grow bigger, soaring into the sky, he swung his black stick and smashed it on the head of Qianzhang Dragon.


The bones of the dragon head were smashed into the air and exploded in the void!

"Ah!" Ding Shuya was terrified, and shouted: "This devil ape is the one who made a big fuss with Tan Yun in Nangong Imperial City back then. This devil ape has the strength to leapfrog the challenge!"

"It is now at the tenth level of adulthood. I am afraid we are not its opponents. All the sanctioners obey the order and disperse and run for their lives. Those who survive will tell the sanction chief!"

It was said that the sixty-six Ascension Realm sanctioners tried to escape for their lives after recovering from their injuries!

"Don't even think about leaving today!"

"Hongmeng God Pupil!"

While Tan Yun roared angrily, a strange red glow flickered in a pair of giant pupils. Immediately, thirty-two of them, the fourth to seventh level sanctioners of the Ascension Realm, stared at Tan Yun, dumbfounded.

In addition, the five sanctioners at the eighth level of Ascension Realm were in a trance.

The rest of the sanctioners who didn't meet Tan Yun's eyes just scattered over the plain and fled for their lives. The Golden Dragon God Lion and Mo'er, carrying Shen Subing and his daughters, flew out of the Linglong Holy Tower and chased after them with the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape!

"Grandma is a bear, eat me with a hammer!" After flying out of the Linglong Holy Pagoda, the Tianluo Dragon Bear King became a giant of nine hundred feet. The old man at the fifth level sprayed blood from his mouth and flew away!

"Whoosh!" The Tianluo Dragon Bear King grinned, and chased after the seriously injured old man...

"call out!"

With Tan Yun's thought, Hongmeng's God-Slaying Sword shot out from between his eyebrows. The sword was in his right hand, and it turned into a giant of one hundred and eighty feet!

"You bastards who slaughtered my father, fellow villagers, now the suzerain will charge some interest first, and then let you not survive or die!"

Anger burned from Tan Yun's chest, and anger was interpreted from Tan Yun's pair of giant pupils. He held the Hongmeng Killing God Sword and roared towards the five powers of the eighth level of Ascension Realm who were in a trance under the control of the Hongmeng God Pupils. step!

Stepping across hundreds of feet of space in one step, he swung his sword suddenly, and suddenly, the stump flew across, cutting off the legs of an eighth-level sanctioner of the Ascension Realm!

"Puchi, Puchi..."

Then, Tan Yun swung his sword one after another, and chopped off the arms of the two Ascension Realm Eighth-Layer Punishers!

"Ah! The arm of Ben Sanction!"


"Vice Commander, help!"

The Punisher who lost his legs, and the other two Punishers who lost their arms, woke up from the severe pain and let out a tragic wail!

The tragic and ear-piercing wailing also made the other two Punishers at the eighth level of Ascension Realm fully awake.

One of them closed his eyes and shouted at the other, "Close your eyes!"

When the other person hastily closed his eyes, he discovered through his spiritual consciousness that there was no other member of the Huangfu Sect except Tan Yun within a radius of 200,000 miles!

The two put their minds to one side, and with the idea of ​​capturing the thief first, they rushed towards Tan Yun.

In the eyes of the two, they are the eight great powers of the Ascension Realm. If they can't even catch one of Tan Yun, then what's the point of living?

When Tan Yun saw the two men coming towards him, he didn't fight immediately, but sacrificed the Linglong Holy Pagoda instead!


As soon as Tan Yun thought, the door on the eleventh floor of the Holy Pagoda opened!

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Holding the sword in Tan Yun's right arm, he spun around at a high speed. At that moment, thirty-two sword lights slashed at the thirty-two sanctioners in the fourth to seventh realms of Ascension Realm who were controlled by the Primordial God Pupil in the void!

"Puchi, Puchi—"

Blood sprayed the void, stumps flew across the sky, and thirty-two sword lights cut off the legs of thirty-two people!

"Jin Ni, come on!"

Tan Yun yelled sharply, and immediately, the Primordial Sword Jin Ni shot out from his mind, turned into an arc in the sky, and pierced through the chests of the thirty-two people with blood!

Then, it passed through the chests of two old men who lost their arms and one lost their legs, causing all thirty-five people to be seriously injured!

"Get out of here, old man!"

Tan Yun's eyes were bloodthirsty, and with a wave of his right arm, waves of pale golden spiritual power engulfed the thirty-five people who were seriously injured, and threw them into the eleventh floor of the Linglong Holy Tower!

In Tan Yun's thought, after the tower gate was closed, the Linglong Holy Pagoda turned into the size of a grain of rice and got into Tan Yun's right ear!

After everything was done, the two elders with their eyes closed at the eighth level of Ascension Realm came towards Tan Yun!

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