Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1092 Fighting against the elders!

Chapter 1092 Fight against the elders!

Looking at the two men who had been killed, Tan Yun could tell from the scene where he used his Primordial Eyes but did not completely lose them, he could see that although the two did not have the strength to leapfrog to challenge the ninth level of the Ascension Realm, they were at the eighth level of the Ascension Realm. The king of great powers!

Tan Yun is confident that with his third-level Ascension Realm strength, even though he has not yet cultivated the tenth-level Primordial Fire Body, he can still defeat the two of them!

At this moment, Tan Yun's fighting spirit was high. Thinking of the massacred fathers and villagers, he became even more angry!

Holding the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword in his hand, Tan Yun used the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword Art!

Immediately, in the shock of the two elders, they felt Tan Yun's aura, and started to skyrocket wildly from the third level of the Ascension Realm!

Ascension realm fourth level... fifth level... sixth level... seventh level!

Tan Yun's breath didn't stay until the eighth level of Ascension Realm!

One of the old men restrained his shock and roared: "Brother Wang, he must have cultivated some kind of kung fu, which has raised his realm to the same level as ours!"

"We are not afraid of him, let's go together!"

After saying that, this person held a broad sword and appeared in the sky above Tan Yun's head. The power of death and heaven rolled in his body, pouring into the death attribute broad sword, and said sharply: "Death Holy Judgment - Thirty-six days of death Holy Sword Kill!"

As soon as this person made a move, he unreservedly performed the strongest blow. Immediately, thirty-six broad sword lights of the power of death and the power of heaven, which were thousands of feet long, burst out from the broad sword in his hand, like a huge Wu Lian, shrouded towards Tan Yun!

In the process of enveloping, thirty-six jet-black sword beams swirled at extreme speed, with tricky trajectories, with a radius of ten thousand miles of collapsing void, blocking Tan Yun in all directions, and violently slashed towards Tan Yun as if he was imprisoned. go!


At this time, the old man surnamed Wang, holding a sharp spear, injected the power of thunder and heaven in his body into the spear frantically in the vibration and cracks of the void, and did not attack Tan Yun immediately!

Instead, he spoke convincingly, ready to go, ready to do his best, and give Tan Yun a fatal blow later!

At this moment, Tan Yun is like a golden god of war, facing the thirty-six sword lights of the power of death and heaven surrounded from all directions, his expression is unprecedentedly dignified!

From the attack of thirty-six sword glows, he felt the opponent's strength!

But the dignifiedness is only a trace.


For Tan Yun, as long as the opponent's attack cannot kill him, then he is not afraid!


"Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art - Nine Meridians Killing Immortals!"

While Tan Yun drank angrily, the power of the nine attributes of heaven, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, time, and space in his body frantically poured into the Hongmeng Killing God Sword in his hand!

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Tan Yun turned his body like a ghost from the void, swirled in the air, and swung nine swords at the same time!

Suddenly, nine resplendent nine-veined thousand-foot sword lights suddenly bloomed in concentric circles, and met the twenty-four sword lights of the power of death and the power of heaven that were cut from all around!

"Bang bang bang—"

Immediately, the nine lines and nine pulses of sword lights, together with the twenty-four lines of death and heavenly power sword lights, collapsed together.


At this time, above and below Tan Yun, there were six sword lights of the power of the heavenly power of death, slashing at him violently!

"Hongmeng Ice Flame!"

At a critical moment, Tan Yun pressed his left palm downward, and the 800-foot-high primordial flame turned into a 800-foot-high blue iceberg from under his feet!

"Bang—crash!" The sword light of the power of the six ways of death smashed the iceberg, paused for a while in the void, and then slashed towards Tan Yun from bottom to top again!

"Great Steps!"

When Tan Yun took the opportunity to successfully dodge in the air, he looked up at the sword glow of the power of the six death powers that descended from the sky, and said with a grinning smile, "Seven meridians kill!"

Holding the sword, Tan Yun pointed towards the sky, and slashed suddenly. Suddenly, a three thousand zhang-long sword glow containing the seven powers of the heavenly powers of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, soared into the sky, smashing the six paths of death like a broken bamboo. Finally, kill the terrified old man named Yuedi!

Yue Di was terrified. He never thought that Tan Yun would defeat the holy sword of thirty-six days of death that he was so proud of!

"Brother Wang, save me!" Yue Di roared in panic.

"Brother Yue Xian, don't panic, come here for your brother!" Wang Jinhu yelled violently, and with his right hand threw the thunderous spear with the power of Heavenly Dao, "Kill!"


The spear soared into the sky and pierced through the sea of ​​clouds, and suddenly turned into a giant as high as 10,000 zhang from the void, like a giant pillar blocking the seven-veined sword light that was killing Yue Di!


When the resplendent Seven Meridian Sword Light struck the body of the skyscraper giant spear, the power of heavenly thunder erupted from the gun body, forcibly collapsing the Seven Meridian Sword Light!

At this moment, Wang Jinhu in the Void still had his eyes closed, and continued to dance with his hands on his chest. The voice of the old man shook the sky: "Thunder strikes all directions, and the gun destroys the eternity!"

Before the lingering sound fell, thunder roared in the skyscraper giant gun in the sky, and the mere sound of thunder shattered the void for thousands of miles!

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of torrents of thunderous heavenly power erupted from the Skyscraper Spear, swirling around the Skyscraper Spear at a high speed, like a hundred dragons circling a gun as terrifying!


While the sky was collapsing, the skyscraper gun seemed to be given life, and the destructive aura emitted locked onto Tan Yun tightly, and violently rushed straight down towards Tan Yun!

It gave Tan Yun the feeling that there was no avoidance, only World War I!

"I can't escape, so what if I just fight!"

Tan Yun's tone was domineering, and he could tell at a glance that the Skyscraper Spear was a top-grade fairy weapon, but he didn't dare to shake it with his bare hands!

Because Tan Yun felt the dangerous aura from the skyscraper gun, if he shook the gun with bare hands, the consequences would be disastrous!

"Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art——Hongmeng Killing God!"

Tan Yun's fighting spirit was high, he did not retreat but advanced, soaring into the sky, eleven kinds of powers of heaven in his body frantically poured into the Hongmeng Killing God Sword, and with all his strength, he suddenly slashed out with a sword!


Immediately, an ethereal 3000 zhang but seemingly ordinary grandmist sword shadow, with a trembling void, met the giant skyscraper spear at the moment, an unbelievable scene happened to Wang Jinhu!

"Boom, boom—"

But seeing that the Primordial Sword Shadow, which was originally unable to leak its strength, suddenly erupted with a palpitating and tyrannical aura, causing the hundreds of dragon-like thunder and heavenly powers coiled on the Skyscraper Spear to collapse one after another!

Then the Skyscraper Spear was chopped off, and the moment Hongmeng Sword Shadow collapsed into the air, Tan Yun kicked his feet in the air, his hill-like body climbed up into the blue clouds, and when he caught up with the Motian Giant Spear, he punched suddenly!

"Don't..." Wang Jinhu shouted in fear. Because the skyscraper gun and his mind are connected, once it is destroyed, he will be severely injured!


With a sneer on Tan Yun's face, after he punched the skyscraper gun, in an instant, dense cracks appeared on the giant gun!

"Crush me!"

Tan Yun retracted his fist and stretched out a finger. When he poked on the giant gun, the skyscraper giant gun turned into pieces and scattered in the void!

"Puff puff--"

As the giant gun was destroyed, Wang Jinhu sprayed three mouthfuls of blood, rolled his eyes, lost consciousness, and fell headfirst into the void!

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