Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1099 Ignorance and Fearlessness!

The first thousand and ninety-nine chapters are ignorant and fearless!

"What kind of body refining technique is this?"

"Also, he is clearly at the third level of the Ascension Realm, and his aura is stronger than ours!"

The three elders at the eighth level of the Ascension Realm stared at Tan Yun, their hearts turned upside down!

In their knowledge, there are countless kinds of body training techniques in the Heaven's Punishment Continent, but it is impossible for any kind of body training technique to make a person reach a height of three hundred feet!

How could they not be shocked?

"Two, the chief has orders to capture Tan Yun alive, let's go together!" One of the old men named Yang Zhong said with a cold look in his eyes, "Besides, the little bastard Tan Yun is a third-level Ascension Realm mistaken!" No, as for his aura being stronger than ours, that is also false, the three of us working together can kill an ordinary Ninth-level Ascension Realm superpower, are you afraid that he will fail!"

"That's right!" After Cui Liang and Zhuo Hong said in unison, the three of them looked at each other and said, "Kill!"

A purple-red longbow flew out of Cui Liang's mouth. The longbow was engraved with slender lines, like strands of blood swimming in the longbow.

This bow is called the Immortal Soul Extinguishing Bow, and it was conceived by Cui Liang with his own efforts!

"I will open the way with the Immortal Soul Bow, and I will assist you in injuring Tan Yun!" Cui Liang waved the Immortal Soul Bow into his left hand, and the moment he pulled the bowstring with his right hand, a vast force of wind and heaven suddenly gushed out from his right hand, rolling Into the Soul Slayer Immortal Bow!

Immediately, six blood-red flying arrows appeared on the Mie Hun Immortal Bow, each flying arrow was filled with the power of wind and heaven, which seemed to contain the power to destroy the world!

"Soul Slayer Immortal Bow, Six Whirlpool Blood Fiend, Heaven and Earth..."

While Cui Liang was chanting eloquently, he pulled the bowstring suddenly, and the moment six flying arrows shot out, suddenly, the snowy sky turned into six blood-colored flying arrow-like whirlpools!

The power of heaven in the wind in the vortex is crying like a vampire, making your scalp tingle!


"Boom, boom—"

Six blood-colored vortex giant arrows, carrying a collapsed void, spread out and shuttled through the snowy sky, and devoured the mountain-like Tan Yun with a bang!

"Go!" At this time, after Yang Zhong and Zhuo Hong looked at each other, Yang Zhong flipped his right hand and saw a black Zhangxu Broadsword in his hand. When he swooped down on Tan Yun, he roared angrily: "Nine cuts!" Set the world!"



In the void, Yang Zhong swung nine knives in an instant. Immediately, the nine sword lights of the power of death and the power of heaven, which were hundreds of feet long, transformed into nine sword lights respectively, a total of eighty-one huge sword lights, with tearing The vast power that splits the void swarms down towards Tan Yun!

At this moment, a shocking scene happened in the sky, but I saw six bloody vortexes enveloping and devouring Tan Yun, and above Tan Yun's head, there were eighty-one black blades slashing down!

"Use my flesh and blood to turn into a golden gun, use my blood to turn into a spear god!"

At this time, Zhuo Hong looked solemn, and suddenly, when his entire body collapsed in a distorted void, the surging golden power of heaven in his body transformed from the sky into a giant golden skyscraper gun that was hundreds of feet thick and ten thousand feet long !

And at this moment, Zhuo Hong, who was inside the giant gun, seemed to be integrated with the skyscraper golden gun, full of strange aura!

This is Zhuo Hong's most powerful secret technique!

It can be said that when the gun is in the person, the gun destroys the person!


A vicissitudes of life and full of murderous roar resounded through the sky, and suddenly, the ten thousand zhang skyscraper golden gun pierced the void and shot towards Tan Yun!

Wherever it passed, cracks in the pitch-black space of thousands of miles spread rapidly towards the surrounding sky, as if the void within a radius of more than ten thousand miles would collapse at any time.

Facing the horrific attack of the three men, Tan Yungang's resolute face showed a strong look of disdain, and a pair of giant pupils revealed a soul-stirring cruelty:

"This suzerain has to admit that, as you said, the combined efforts of the three of you are enough to kill the power of an ordinary ninth-level Ascension Realm."

"Among the many powerhouses in the eighth level of Ascension Realm, you are also among the best!"

"But it's a pity that I, Tan Yun, can kill as many as I can against the power of the ordinary ninth-level Ascension Realm!"

"And there is only one result for you today..." Tan Yun paused, and said with a smirk, "That's a dead end!"

After saying that, Tan Yun suddenly yelled: "The power of the primordial heaven, break it for me!"

Suddenly, a scene that changed the color of the world happened!

But seeing Tan Yun surging out of his body, like a tide or torrent, the power of the primordial way of heaven surged away in all directions with him as the center.

Tan Yun is confident that he doesn't need to use the Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art, let alone the Hongmeng Slaying God Sword Formation, to defeat ordinary ninth-level Ascension Realm experts!

Of course, if you meet the best of the nine major abilities in the Ascension Realm, even if you try your best, you won't be able to match him!

Just as Tan Yun thought, his vast primordial power of heaven was like a billowing tide sweeping in all directions and devouring it, and the six blood-colored vortex giant arrows burst out!

"Boom, boom!"

Following the bursts of loud noises, under Cui Liang's unbelievable eyes, his six blood-colored vortex giant arrows exploded one after another in the power of the primordial power of heaven!

"How could this happen? You are only at the third level of the Ascension Realm, but your strength is so terrifying!" Cui Liang roared in panic, "And your power of heaven, what attribute is it, and why I feel it from inside, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder , time, space, death, and even the power of light!"

Cui Liang was in a panic, the power of primordial power of heaven had rushed towards him, the speed was so fast that he couldn't dodge at all!


He had no choice but to frantically pull the Immortal Immortal Bow and release a series of blood-colored vortex giant arrows, trying to destroy the rushing power of the primordial power of heaven before fleeing for his life!

However, he was desperate!

The power of the primordial way of heaven is like the invincible and indestructible primordial tide, after destroying the giant arrow he shot, it also swallowed him!

"Ah..." The horrific screams came suddenly, and Cui Liang's body was forcibly torn into pieces by the force of the primordial power of heaven, his spirit and soul were all wiped out, and there was no bones left!

Only the Soul Slayer Immortal Bow, which lost its owner, fell into the snowy sky below!

As Tan Yun beckoned, the Immortal Soul Bow flew into Tan Yun's hands. When the spirit of the Immortal Soul Bow wanted to break free, Tan Yun yelled: "If you dare to struggle again, I will kill you!"

Immediately, the Immortal Soul Bow fell silent, and was taken into the Qiankun ring by Tan Yun.

But at this time, the power of the Primordial Heavenly Dao has been swallowed up, and the eighty-one deadly Heavenly Dao's sword glows!

Immediately, the power of the Primordial Heavenly Dao collapsed together with all the sword glows. It is obvious that Yang Zhong is stronger than Cui Liang!

When Yang Zhong saw that his strongest blow collapsed together with Tan Yun's power of the primordial way of heaven, he did not run for his life. Instead, he showed his vicious look and said viciously, "My son Tan Yun, your strongest blow is not as good as this sanctioner!" In comparison, this sanctioner is not afraid of you!"

"That's right!" At this moment, Zhuo Hong's angry roar came from inside the Wanzhang Golden Spear, "Son Tan Yun, our chief only said that we could capture you alive, but we didn't say that we couldn't seriously injure you!"

"If you kill my best friend Cui Liang, I will seriously injure you and cripple your limbs!"

Before the words were finished, the Wanzhang Golden Spear exuded a powerful golden power of heaven, and it exploded towards Tan Yun quickly!

"Destroy my limbs?" Tan Yun said lightly: "You really are ignorant and fearless!"

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