Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1100 Never let anyone go

Chapter 1100 Never letting go

"The five elements are shattered!"

The five radiant powers of heaven in Tan Yun's body, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, rushed into the Hongmeng Sword of Killing God in his hand!

Tan Yun danced at top speed from the snowy sky, and swung five swords!


In an instant, when five different attributes of heavenly power sword glows shot out from the Hongmeng Killing God Sword, they quickly merged into one in the void, and turned into a five-element sword glow with a length of six thousand feet and colorful five elements. , blatantly slashed towards the bursting golden gun!

"Boom!" When the ground shook like an ancient loud bang, the five-element sword light and the tip of the ten thousand-foot golden spear that came from the blast came together to meet them!


Zhuo Hong's tragic voice came from the skyscraper golden gun, scaring Yang Zhong, who was killing Tan Yun with a big knife, almost to his wits!

Because Yang Zhong discovered that after the tip of the Ferris golden gun was cut by the five elements sword light, although the five elements sword light collapsed immediately, huge cracks suddenly burst out at the tip of the gun, and the cracks spread towards the Wanzhang gun body at a very fast speed!

When the skyscraper golden spear began to crack, Zhuo Hong in the gun body quickly spread from the head to the neck, upper body and even the whole body!

"No...no!" Zhuo Hong, who was covered in blood, revealed unwillingness and despair in his eyes that were about to burst, "I don't want to die... This old man has practiced for 33,000 years before he finally became the eighth level of Ascension Realm. , within reach of Ascension to Feathering, the old man cannot die!"

"Brother Yang, save me... save me!"

Zhuo Hong's cry for help lingered in his ears, and Yang Zhong's muddy tears welled up in his eyes. He, who was going to kill Tan Yun, suddenly turned around and shot up into the sky, screaming in grief:

"Brother Zhuo Xian, you and I are brothers and sisters. My brother also wants to save you, but you should be clear that my brother's strength is slightly inferior to yours!"

"It's not because I see death and don't save you, but because I can't save you at all... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Hong, who was inside the golden gun covered with huge cracks, shouted with blood and tears, "Brother Yang, I understand, I understand! You don't have to say sorry, you must run away, and then tell the chief, let the chief avenge me ……revenge……"

Zhuo Hong's voice was interrupted abruptly, but it was the Skyscraper Golden Spear, and his body turned into shards, scattered in the snowy air.

And his eight immortal fetuses were wiped out before they could escape from the corpse.

The mountain-like Tan Yun, holding the Hongmeng Killing God Sword, looked up at Yang Zhong who was fleeing towards the peak of Zhongnanxian Mountain, with an arc drawn at the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently: "My surname is Yang, since you said that you are like brothers and sisters with him, then the book The suzerain still thinks that you should go to the underworld with him!"

"Give up the dying struggle. If you can escape, then I am not Tan Yun. Leave your life to me!"

Hearing this, Yang Zhong, who had fled above Tan Yun at this moment, in dozens of layers of clouds, cursed: "You bastard, although I can't beat you, you don't even want to catch up with me!"

Facing the curse, Tan Yun turned a deaf ear to it, and if he cares about a dying person, he will lose!

"Great Steps!"

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Tan Yun suddenly used the Divine Step of the Primordial God, and the hill-like figure flickered towards the sky above the sea of ​​clouds. Every time it flickered, it crossed fifteen thousand miles of void. After six times, it appeared thousands of miles behind Yang Zhong who was fleeing for his life. !

"Huh!" Suddenly, Tan Yun turned into a thousand-foot flame like a fire dragon. After piercing through the void for more than ten thousand miles, he appeared in the sky above Yang Zhong in an instant, and took the shape of a human. He said lightly, "Go to hell!"

"Seven veins lore!"

Tan Yun swung his sword suddenly, and in an instant, a seven-veined sky-sharp sword light containing gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, seven kinds of power of heaven, locked on Yang Zhonghou below as if it had eyes, and chopped Huashan with all its strength. Down!

With the power of the sword, the rolling sea of ​​clouds like thousands of horses galloping for thousands of miles collapsed!

The power of the sword instantly tore through the void for tens of thousands of miles, and the sky seemed to be cut into a huge black chasm!

Faced with the unavoidable sword, Yang Zhong regarded death as home, and spontaneously ignited the eight feathered gates in the spirit pool, blood spurted out from the seven orifices immediately, and he rose into the sky with the knife, "I will fight with you!"

"Stab, sting—"

Yang Zhong swung three sabers without sparing any effort, and immediately, the three saber glows shattered the void, and the seven-veined sword glows that were cut down followed one after another!

"Bang bang bang!"

Following the three loud bangs, the Seven Meridian Sword Light crushed the two sword lights, and then broke out together with the third sword light in a majestic vortex!

"Puff puff!"

Yang Zhong, who suffered backlash, spurted three mouthfuls of blood in a row, and fled towards the sky from the void.

"Can you escape?" Tan Yun smiled contemptuously, took a step lightly, and passed tens of thousands of feet of void, stretched out two fingers, like pinching a fly, and pinched Yang Zhong in the palm of his hand!

"Tan Yun...you..." Yang Zhong continued intermittently, "I'm cursing you to die..."

There was disdain in Tan Yunju's pupils, "After the two supreme beings killed me, they cursed me for eternity. If I'm not dead, what are you? You want to curse me to death?"

"Die!" Tan Yun said with a little force on his fingers, "Crack!" Squeezing Yang Zhong to death like a fly!


Tan Yun's hair danced, instantly enveloped by a spiritual consciousness comparable to the ninth level of Ascension Realm, and the snowy sky with a radius of 90 million miles began to check the battle situation!

Through his spiritual knowledge, Tan Yun discovered that the battlefield between the Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape, the Golden Dragon God Lion, Dongfang Haoyue, and Dongfang Haochuan has already reached the sky eight million miles to the east!

To Tan Yun's surprise, Dongfang Haoyue and Dongfang Haochuan suddenly appeared a tenth-order adult divine bird with golden wings!

The golden-winged roc is as huge as a thousand feet, its golden wings cover the sky and the sun, and it is fighting with the golden dragon and lion!

And Dongfang Haoyue and Dongfang Haochuan each showed their supernatural powers, and fought crazily with the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape...

At the same time, Tan Yun also discovered through his spiritual knowledge that Shen Subing, Shen Suzhen, the daughters of Yingying, Tianluo Dragon Bear King, and Mo'er have slaughtered more than 100 punishers, and there are still 30 remaining, who are 10 million miles away. Scattered over the snowy sea of ​​​​Tianchi and fled!

"With the strength of the big man and the old ape, even if he can't defeat the opponent, he won't be defeated in a short time!" Tan Yun thought to himself: "The sanctioners in the Ascension Realm can't be allowed to escape, otherwise, in the future they will learn that Tang Zun, the Holy Dynasty, The relationship between Qingcheng Holy Dynasty and myself, once they massacre the two Great Holy Dynasty, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Never let anyone go!"

Making up his mind, Tan Yunxing's eyes were filled with a strong killing intent, and spiritual power gushed out of his body, and he flew towards the snowy sea of ​​Tianchi thousands of miles away at the fastest speed...

After Tan Yunfei flew through the void for thousands of miles, he flew westward for another three million miles, and caught up with three Punishers at the seventh level of Ascension Realm. Regardless of the opponent's begging for mercy, he killed the three of them, and their souls flew away!

Then, Tan Yun, the girls, Mo'er, and Tianluo Longxiongwang began to hunt down other punishers!

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