Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1125 Kill all!

Chapter 1125 Kill all!

In front of the more than 20 million disciples of Tiangong, there are more than 6,000 high-level officials of Huangfu Shengzong in the three secret realms.

In front of the high-level officials, more than 700 Ascension Realm powerhouses who were seriously injured and dying in Wuliang Yougong were lying on the ground with disordered breath and terrified expressions.

On the outside of the Tiangong Square, the disciples of the Immortal Sect from the Soul Refining Realm of the Three Great Secret Realms are all standing neatly in the air with their flying swords on their feet!

Behind the disciples of the immortal sect, the disciples of the holy sect of the three great secret realms stepped into the air one after another.

At this moment, more than 40 million Huangfu Shengzong disciples were all present.

They all looked up quietly and adoringly at Tan Yun, who was standing in the sky above the Tiangong!

Tuoba Yingying, who was in front of the disciples in Tiangong Square, clenched her right fist against her left chest, looked up at Tan Yun, and knelt on one knee respectfully, "I have seen the suzerain!"

Except for Tan Yun and a few women, more than 6,000 high-level officials knelt down and shouted: "Your subordinates kowtow to the suzerain!"

Immediately afterwards, more than 20 million disciples from the outer and inner sects in Tiangong Square bowed their knees and bowed down to Tan Yun!

Outside the square, the immortal disciples who were stepping on flying swords knelt on top of flying swords.

The disciples who were standing in the air knelt in the void.

More than 40 million disciples, a dense mass, quite spectacular and shocking!

All the disciples spoke in unison, and the voices of successive shouts gathered together, resounding through the Huangfu secret realm with a radius of millions of miles:

"The disciple pays homage to the suzerain!"

The soul-stirring voice echoed in the mountains below, lingering for a long time.

At this time, in the entire Huangfu Secret Territory, countless monsters with enlightened intelligence also crawled among the mountains...

"Excuse me!" Although Tan Yun's voice was small, it was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

"Thank you, Sect Master!" More than 40 million people stood up one after another after receiving the order.

Tan Yun looked down at the high-ranking officials and disciples, and suddenly became silent, and the long voice resounded throughout the world:

"Almost all of you don't know about the Infinite Nether Palace, so the suzerain of Japan will tell you about it today."

"There is no doubt that this palace and Zhongnan Xianshan are both super powers, and the lowest powerhouse in the palace is also at the fourth level of Ascension Realm."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was boiling. All the disciples only knew that the invading Wuliang Yougong was very powerful, but they never expected it to be so powerful!

Similarly, all the high-ranking officials and disciples thought that the suzerain and his wife were able to capture alive the immeasurable powers of the palace who committed crimes in the future, so how strong is their own sect?

"Quiet." After Tan Yun waved his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, he saw the confusion in his eyes, and what he said afterwards made everyone excited and excited!

But seeing Tan Yun's expression suddenly turned serious, his loud voice resounded through the sky: "You all know that our Huangfu Sacred Sect has had troubled times. For more than fifty years, our Sect has faced the catastrophe of the enemy's siege many times!"

"But we have not only made it through! We have also won many battles, and we are invincible!"

"With the hard work of all the high-level members of our sect, our sect has grown up step by step from a lonely ancient sect. Not only has it already recovered the glory of the patriarch when he was alive, but it has also surpassed the peak of the patriarch when he was alive!"

"From the moment we destroyed the Immortal Soul Palace, we have already returned to the heyday of the Patriarch when he was alive!"

"When we unified the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range, we have surpassed the past and have the potential to be a super power!"

"When we unified the four great dynasties and made the current Tang Zun and Qingcheng dynasties affiliated to our sect, we have become a real super power!"

"When we destroy Zhongnan Xianshan, we have become a top power!"

"When we are about to destroy the Immeasurable Yougong, we have already become the masters of one-third of the Heaven's Punishment Continent!"

"All these achievements are not only the honor of my Tan Yun, but also the supreme glory of my Huangfu Shengzong!"

After Tan Yun's five "when we" words, countless high-level officials and disciples wept with joy.

On the other hand, the more than 700 Ascension Realm powerhouses in Wuliang Yougong have shock and silence in their eyes!

They never imagined that Zhongnan Xianshan had been destroyed by Huangfu Shengzong!

They also did not expect that the two great sage dynasties today are all affiliated with Huangfu Sacred Sect!

They really want to speak, but some of their tongues have been abolished, and their voices have been imprisoned if they haven't been abolished.

They could only stare angrily at the godlike Tan Yun.

"Surprised, isn't it?" Tan Yun said indifferently: "There are still many unexpected things for you. After this suzerain executes you, not too long later, this suzerain will uproot the Six Heavens Profound Palace!"

"But it's a pity that you can no longer witness that day."

After Tan Yun said, in the eyes of the cannibals in the immeasurable palace, there was a deep sadness in his star pupils, "Even if we kill more than 700 beasts, we can't get back my hundreds of beasts. Disciple Wan's life."

Tan Yun paused, looked down at more than 600 of them, and cast his Primordial Eyes, asking them to tell the location of their families one by one.

After Tuoba Yingying remembered these more than 600 families, Tan Yun released the control over them, and the words that followed made the eyes of more than 700 powerful families shattered.

But seeing Tan Yunxing's eyes revealing murderous intent, he said loudly: "Although we can't save the lives of millions of disciples, I must let these more than 700 families be buried with the dead disciples of my Huangfu Sacred Sect!"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun said loudly: "The relatives of my sect's millions of disciples stand up!"

"It's the suzerain!"

"The disciple obeys!"


Not long after, the disciples of Huangfu Shengzong marked with the four characters "Spiritual Realm", some flying with swords, a total of more than 3,000 people, and some flying through the sky, all flew and landed below Tan Yun.

"The disciple has met the suzerain!" More than 3,000 disciples looked up at Tan Yun adoringly, and knelt with their knees bent.

They were confused and didn't know what the suzerain wanted to do.

"Get up." After getting more than 3,000 disciples to stand up, Tan Yun ordered: "The death of millions of disciples is not the suzerain, but you relatives."

"Therefore, these seven hundred or so Ascension Realm powers are entrusted to you. You can kill them however you like!"

Hearing this, the more than 3,000 disciples were stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Thank you, suzerain!"

On the other hand, more than 90% of the more than 700 powers who were unable to speak, were so angry that they spit blood!

In their view, Tan Yun is no longer simply killing himself, but humiliating himself to death!

In any case, he was also a majestic power in the Ascension Realm, a type of person who stood at the top of the Heaven's Punishment Continent, and was actually killed by some ants!


"Kill them to avenge our dead relatives..."


More than 3,000 disciples, pictures of their loved ones before their lives emerged in their minds. They completely lost control of their emotions and killed more than 700 dying Ascension Realm Da Neng.

After a while.

More than 700 people died without complete corpses. When their misty fairy fetuses flew out of the corpses, they were wiped out by Tuoba Yingying!

Afterwards, Tan Yun looked down at the high-ranking officials and disciples solemnly, and said, "Remember, although we have wiped out Zhongnan Xianshan and Wuliang Yougong, we still have the strongest enemy among human beings!"

"The name of this mortal enemy is Liutian Xuangong!"

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