Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1126 Feng Tianlun's Sigh

Chapter 1126: Feng Tianlun's Sigh

From this moment on, everyone in Huangfu Shengzong firmly remembered this name!

Afterwards, Tan Yun asked the senior officials of Eternal Secret Realm and Soul Secret Realm to lead the disciples in their own secret realms back to their respective secret realms.

In Tiangong Square, only Tan Yun and a group of cronies were left.

"Master, what do you plan to do next?" Tuoba Yingying asked.

Everyone looked at Tan Yun.

After Tan Yun pondered for a while, his eyes flickered, "Shangguan Yacai sprinted to the Great Consummation of Ascension Realm a year ago."

"It takes a very long time to be promoted from the Ninth Level of Feathering Realm to the Great Perfection. Even if she has the Mustard Seed Time-Space Magical Treasure, there is less than three years in the outside world, so she cannot be promoted."

"So here we have two years."

"Even if she went to Zhongnan Xianshan and Wuliangyou Palace immediately after leaving customs, and found that the two major forces were destroyed, then her journey to the two major forces would take three years!"

"Besides, the Six Heavens Profound Palace is quite far from the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range. Even if she came here after advancing to the Ascension Realm, she would still have to fly for more than a year."

"In this way, even if she came to the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range immediately after learning of the destruction of the two major forces, it would be six years later."

"Besides, she knows my identity, so I don't think she would dare to act rashly. Therefore, I conclude that we should have about eight years of relaxation time."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Tan Yun in admiration.

Tan Yun took a deep breath, with an undisguised killing intent in his eyes, "Then these eight years are enough for us to kill other enemies."

"Eight years at the fastest, or ten years at the slowest, there will be a peerless battle between our Huangfu Shengzong and Liutianxuan Palace!"

After saying that, Tan Yun looked at Tuoba Yingying and said, "Yingying, you, Ziyan and Suzhen, leave the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range immediately, and destroy the families behind more than 700 enemies in the Immeasurable Nether Palace!"

"It's the master!"

"It's the suzerain!"

"Good brother-in-law!"

After Tuoba Yingying, Shen Suzhen, and Xue Ziyan responded, Tan Yun suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Oh, by the way, Yingying, more than ten years ago you sent people to the battlefield of the three great gods to open up a disciple trial area, and How is the matter of ordering people to search for the spirit mine going?"

Tuoba Yingying said respectfully: "Reporting to the master, everything is going smoothly. The trial area of ​​the three major gods' battlefields will be completed within 20 years according to the goal we set before to open up a radius of 10 billion miles. .”

"In addition, in the three major battlefields of the gods, 30 top-grade spiritual mines, more than 100 high-grade spiritual mines, more than 1,000 middle-grade spiritual mines, and nearly 3,000 low-grade spiritual mines have been discovered."

"The subordinates have sent people to mine."

Tan Yun nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, I understand. You and Ziyan and Suzhen can go. With your strength, apart from Six Heavens Profound Palace, there should be no match for you among the monks in the Heaven's Punishment Continent."

Afterwards, the three women flew away from Tiangong Square.

After the three girls left, Shen Subing took a step forward, gently straightened Tan Yun's purple robe, and said, "What about us, shall we go to Wuliang Yougong and take back your divine sword?"

"Well." Tan Yun said: "But before that, let's go visit my parents and grandpa. This time, Wuliang Yougong attacked Huangfu Shengzong and made such a big noise. They might be shocked."

Afterwards, Tan Yun took Subing, Yuqin, Mengyu, Shiyao, and Xian'er to the meritorious sub-peak in the territory of Gongxun Sheng, and visited Feng Jingru, Tan Feng, and Mr. Tan.

Tan Yun and the five girls stayed with the three of them until night fell, then they left and flew out of the Huangfu secret realm.

Before flying out of Huangfu's secret realm, Tan Yun released the old ape and Tianluo Dragon and Bear King from the Linglong Holy Pagoda, and let the two beasts stay in the sect, guarding the sect while cultivating.

After arranging everything, Tan Yun sacrificed the low-grade fairy boat obtained after killing the enemy before.

On the spirit boat, Tan Yun sacrificed the top-grade Linglong Holy Pagoda, entered the twelfth floor, and while cultivating, he drove the fairy boat carrying the five daughters, and headed out of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range...

Thinking of the Six Heavens Profound Palace that they will face in the future, the five girls also felt pressured, so they sacrificed their holy pagodas one after another and entered to practice...

The low-grade fairy boat was like a flash of crystal clear lightning. After it sailed out of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range, Tan Yun worried about the safety of Qingcheng Holy Dynasty and Tang Zun Holy Dynasty, so he first sailed into the sky above the border of Qingcheng Holy Dynasty.

After Tan Yun found out that the people of the Qingcheng Holy Dynasty lived and worked in peace and contentment, he sent a voice transmission to one of the city lords, asking if there were foreign enemies in the Qingcheng Holy Dynasty?

After the city lord heard that it was Tan Yun, he immediately knelt down in the mansion, looked up at the empty sky, and said respectfully: "Return to the suzerain, I have not heard the news of the invasion of foreign enemies during the Qingcheng Dynasty."

"Well, the suzerain knows, you get up." When Tan Yun's voice sounded next to the city lord's ear again, Tan Yun had already driven the fairy boat, flew over the city, and then went around to reach the sky above Tang Zun's holy court.

Also ask a city lord of Tang Zun's holy dynasty.

When the city lord heard that the real master of Tang Zun Shengchao had arrived, he immediately led the whole house up and down, looked up at the sky, and told Tan Yun respectfully that he had not heard that Tang Zun Shengchao was attacked!

Hearing this, Tan Yun, who was driving the fairy boat, sent a voice transmission to the city lord: "Go and tell your holy lord that Zhongnan Xianshan and Wuliangyou Palace have been destroyed by this suzerain."

"You ask your holy lord to also go to the Qingcheng pilgrimage and tell Feng Qingcheng the news."

After the sound transmission, Tan Yun drove the spirit boat and disappeared over the border of Tang Zun's holy dynasty, and flew towards the uninhabited area in the southwest...

The city lord passed through Tang Zun's holy dynasty, and teleported between the city and the city. After arriving at Tang Zun's imperial city, he immediately entered Tang Zun's palace.

When Tang Yongsheng learned that his prospective son-in-law not only destroyed Zhongnan Xianshan, but also destroyed Wuliangyou Palace, he arrived at Qingcheng Imperial City with great excitement.

Tell Feng Qingcheng and Feng Tianlun about this matter.

In the magnificent hall, Feng Tianlun looked at Tang Yongsheng with a look of envy and said, "Brother Tang, I really envy you!"

"Oh?" Tang Yongsheng asked puzzled, "Why did Brother Feng Xian make such a statement?"

Feng Tianlun smiled and said: "Brother Tang, I envy our master, but he is your son-in-law!"

"Oh, so that's what happened?" Tang Yongsheng said casually, "What do you envy for your brother? Let me punish the first empress of the mainland to marry Yun'er in the future, wouldn't that be enough?"

At this time, Feng Qingcheng, who was sitting on the side seat, was instantly flushed with a blush on his Qingguoqingcheng face.

Feng Tianlun glanced at Feng Qingcheng's shy appearance, stroked his beard, and said with a smile: "This idea is good, very good!"

Feng Qingcheng's fragrant cheeks were stained with clouds, and he pretended to be angry and said: "Uncle Tang, and Daddy, you will make fun of him, and he will ignore you."

After saying that, Feng Qingcheng, a majestic queen of the generation, flew out of the hall as if fleeing.

In the main hall, Tang Yongsheng frowned, "My dear brother, this child Qingcheng, doesn't he really have feelings for Yun'er?"

"Of course there is!" Feng Tianlun said with a smile: "Qingcheng is a thin-skinned kid who hides everything in his heart."

"If he had no affection for the suzerain, how could she have carved a statue of the suzerain herself, standing in the holy city of Wangyue today?"

After saying that, Feng Tianlun put away his smile and sighed: "I just don't know the suzerain, would you like to marry this girl Qingcheng!"

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