Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1127 Infinite Temple

Chapter 1127: Infinite Temple

After sighing, Feng Tianlun looked at Tang Yongsheng, suddenly lost his mind, and said, "Brother Tang, don't you want to?"

Feng Tianlun said so, naturally because Tang Mengyu was Tan Yun's fiancée.

"That's not true, brother Feng Xian, you're overthinking." Tang Yongsheng said with deep thoughts in his eyes.

Feng Tianlun seemed to have thought of something, and said sympathetically, "Is there still no news about Xinying?"

"No." Tang Yongsheng's eyes were full of tears, and he blamed himself: "Back then, Xinying forced her to die in order to prevent her brother from attacking Huangfu Shengzong."

"And I destroyed her spirit pond in a fit of anger, which broke her heart. I'm afraid Xinying will never forgive me in this lifetime."

"Although she is not brother's biological daughter, but brother really loves her very much!"

"The Heaven's Punishment Continent is vast and boundless. If Xinying doesn't want to see my brother, where can I find her?"


Time flies, and a year has passed in the blink of an eye since Tan Yun flew away from the Heavenly Punishment Mountains in the lower-grade immortal boat.

In one year, Zhong Wu Shiyao and Tantai Xian'er, who were about to touch the barrier of the fifth level of Ascension Realm, have now stepped into the fifth level of Ascension Realm.

Shen Subing has been promoted to the sixth level of the Ascension Realm, while Nangong Yuqin and Tang Mengyu are still at the fifth level.

And Tan Yun in the twelfth floor of the Linglong Holy Pagoda still hasn't touched the barrier of the sixth level of Ascension Realm.

However, Tan Yun is conceited that if he gives himself another year, he will be able to step into the sixth level of Ascension Realm.

At this moment, the thousand-foot fairy boat was speeding through the vast sea of ​​clouds. Tan Yun flew from the Linglong Holy Pagoda and landed on the spirit boat, releasing his spiritual consciousness, covering the area with a radius of 110 million miles below.

He knew that, according to the jade slip of the map leading to the Infinite Nether Palace, at this moment, he had reached the outer waters of the endless sea of ​​magic.

At this time, the five girls found that after Tan Yun left the Linglong Holy Tower, they also flew out of their own Mustard Seed Space-Time Holy Tower, and stood side by side with Tan Yun.

Tan Yun discovered through his spiritual consciousness that there was a vast sea area below, and the purple devilish energy was billowing over the sea area, with an incomparably horrifying aura.

At this time, the five girls also had a panoramic view of the majesty and magnificence of the endless sea of ​​magic below through their spiritual consciousness.

After Tan Yun withdrew his spiritual consciousness, he looked at the five girls and said, "According to the jade slips on the map, the Immeasurable Nether Palace is located between the Endless Demon Sea and the Demon Realm, in a valley called Infinite Desolation."

"At the speed of the fairy boat, it will take half a month to arrive."

It was said that when Shen Subing, Tantai Xian'er, Zhongwu Shiyao, and Nangong Yuqin nodded their heads slightly, Tang Meng lost his mind and said, "Tan Yun, stop the fairy boat for a while."

"En." Tan Yun responded, and controlled the fairy boat to float in the sea of ​​clouds. Then, Tan Yun thought of something, and drove the fairy boat to land vertically at a very high speed. After penetrating through the sea of ​​clouds, he was suspended in the sky of the boundless and endless magic sea not long after.

Tang Mengyan looked at the direction of the demon realm at the end, and slowly knelt on the fairy boat, with firmness in her tearful eyes, and said in a low voice:

"Grandfather, great-grandfather, and relatives of my Tang clan, you ventured into the Demon Realm in order to redeem me from the Mufeng Sacred Dynasty. Gave his life."

"Yang'er is sorry for you, don't worry, when Yan'er becomes stronger, Yan'er will conquer the Demon Realm and avenge you."

"Yan'er swears, let Moyu be buried with you..."

Tang Meng babbled, tears dripping down.

She hated herself for being a thief for so many years!

He hated himself for having caused his father Tang Yongsheng, and was called a murderous maniac by the world, and he was stigmatized as bloodthirsty.

She blamed herself because she, her grandfather, great-grandfather, and a famous clan member lost their lives, and their bones were left behind in the Demon Realm.

When Tang Mengyu felt sad and blamed himself, Shen Subing, Yuqin, Xian'er, and Tan Yun faced the direction of Demon Realm and bowed deeply.

Tan Yun stood up slowly, looked towards the direction of the Demon Realm, and said loudly, "Grandfather and great-grandfather, rest in peace in the spirit of heaven. Yun'er will use his life to love Mengbai all his life."

"You stayed in the Demon Realm forever because of your dream, so Yun'er swears here that the entire Demon Realm will be buried with you!"

After saying that, Tan Yun leaned over and supported Tang Mengyu with pain in his heart, and while comforting her, he drove the fairy boat towards the boundless valley...

At this time, the Golden Dragon God Lion and Mo'er had already returned to the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range from Tang Zun's and Qingcheng's dynasties.

After the two beasts returned to the Huangfu Secret Realm, Su Yu arranged for the two beasts the mustard seed time-space magic weapon, allowing the two beasts to practice...

Time flies like an arrow, half a month later.

Tan Yun drove the spirit boat into a huge and beautiful valley.

In the eyes of Tan Yun and Wunu, it is more accurate to say it is a canyon than a secluded valley.

Because the knife-like majestic peaks on both sides of the valley are directly inserted into the sea of ​​clouds, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, which is extremely majestic.

At the entrance of the valley, a huge ancient stone tablet is particularly eye-catching.

The stone tablet is engraved with the words "Boundless valley, the largest valley in the world, trespassers will punish the nine tribes" in ancient times.

Tan Yun drove the spirit boat through the canyon that was only ten thousand feet wide. After flying 30,000,000 miles, he came to the depths of the valley where hundreds of flowers bloomed.

On the spirit boat, Tan Yun stood with his hands behind his back. According to the jade slip on the map, which recorded the formula for entering the Wuliang You Palace, he said softly, "Entering the Wuliang You Palace is like entering an empty gate. Once you enter, you must not leave without authorization. Otherwise, you will be killed!"

"Hoo hoo—"

As soon as Tan Yun's words fell, immediately, there was a strong wind in the sky, and when the void was boiling like boiling water, a circular door to the secret realm with a diameter of 800 meters emerged from the void.


Immediately afterwards, the door of the secret realm slowly opened, and a moon-like bright curtain of light leaked down from the gate of the secret realm, covering Tan Yun and the five queens, leading six people to fly into the gate of the secret realm. .

Tan Yun waved his hands away, put away the fairy boat, and then flew into the boundless secret territory.

The next moment, the scene in front of Tan Yun's six people changed, and they appeared on the top of a mountain.

"It's so beautiful!" Zhong Wu Shiyao looked at the scene in front of her, her stunning face revealing a deep fascination.

The same is true for Nangong Yuqin and Tang Mengyan.

In the line of sight of the five girls and Tan Yun, where they can be seen faintly, under the shroud of dense spiritual energy, floating clouds and flowing mist, fairy valleys come into sight.

Over each fairy valley, fairy waterfalls rush down, and around the fairy valleys are patches of blue lakes.

Although the Boundless Secret Realm only has a radius of three million miles, it is full of beautiful scenery.

Afterwards, Tan Yun took the five girls and flew across the sky above the fairy valleys that were as beautiful as fairylands, and flew towards the immeasurable temple.

After half an hour.

The six of Tan Yun descended from the sky and landed on a step suspended in front of the ancient hall.

This quaint hall is as high as 13,000 feet, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

Above the main hall hangs the words "Boundless Temple"!

There is deep expectation in Tan Yun's eyes, because he knows that there is a Hongmeng Excalibur in the Infinite Temple!

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