Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1128 Excalibur Thunder Town!

Chapter 1128 Excalibur Thunder Town!

Tan Yun said in a low voice according to the formula on opening the Infinite Temple on the jade slip on the map: "My palace is immeasurable, Taoism is immeasurable, heroes are immeasurable, and glory is immeasurable!"

After Tan Yun said, "Boom!" The door of the Qianzhang Palace, which had been covered in dust for a long time, slowly opened.

Tan Yun and the five girls saw a huge sword standing ten thousand feet tall in the Infinite Temple!

The whole body of the giant sword is purple, which can be vaguely seen. Wisps of purple thunder force flowed from the surface of the divine sword, and there were indistinct bursts of inaudible thunderclaps coming from the giant sword.

This giant sword gave Meng Yao, Shi Yao, Xian'er, and Yu Qin an untouchable sense of crisis.

Shen Subing smiled and said, "Tan Yun, it's your Thunder-attributed Grandmist Excalibur: Thunder Town!"

"En." Tan Yun nodded heavily, and immediately rose three thousand feet into the sky, stretched out his hand to gently caress the divine sword, and his star pupils showed a deep look of longing, "Lei Zhen, it has been thousands of years, and the master is too old. I haven't seen you for a long time."

"You have been dusty for too long, the master will take you away today."

After saying that, Wanzhang Excalibur trembled suddenly, then regained its composure.

Tan Yun knew that Lei Zhen fell into a deep sleep just like Jin Ni, Mu Xin, Qing Ying, Huo Wu, Xian Chen, Feng Xiang, and the dead Qi Ling.

"Sleep, sleep with peace of mind." Tan Yunxing's eyes revealed deep hope, "When the master takes you back to the fairy world, the master will wake you up and let the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm tremble for you!"

After saying that, Tan Yun raised his right hand and hit his chest violently. He looked in pain, and a mouthful of dark purple blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Blood sacrifice!"

Without waiting for the blood to fall to the ground, Tan Yun's spiritual consciousness manipulated the blood to form a totem in the void.

The blood streaks in the blood-colored totem squirmed densely, and after a while, the four blood characters "Supreme of Primordial Mengmeng" appeared.


With a wave of Tan Yun's right arm, immediately, the Scarlet Totem was imprinted into Soul Thunder Town at a high speed.

Immediately, the Excalibur Lei Zhen trembled violently, and a feeling of blood connection spread throughout Tan Yun's body. It means the blood sacrifice was successful!

"Lei Town is back!"

While Tan Yun was shouting in his heart, the Wanzhang Excalibur suddenly shrank into a three-foot-three-inch purple flying sword, and penetrated into the depths of Tan Yun's mind, floating in his mind together with Jin Ni and the other seven Hongmeng Excalibur.

After putting away the Divine Sword Thunder Town, Tan Yun looked back at the five girls and said, "Let's go to the hidden treasure hall and collect the fire seeds!"


The hidden treasure hall is located above a pool of water in the deepest part of the boundless secret realm. The hidden hall is 36,000 feet high and divided into twelve floors, which is quite magnificent.

After Tan Yun entered the hidden treasure hall, he went all the way to the twelfth floor.

As for the many magic treasures and spirit stones below the twelfth floor, Shen Subing put them all into the golden God Lord Ring between his jade fingers.

When Tan Yun came to the gate of the 12th-floor hall, he saw a stone tablet standing in front of the gate.

The inscription said: "Dangerous place, do not enter."

"You wait for me outside." After Tan Yun told the five girls, he smiled disdainfully at the stone tablet. Then, with a wave of his right arm, the moment the palace door opened, there were waves of heat waves that suffocated the five girls, mixed with the The cold breath that penetrated into the bone marrow surged out from the twelve-story hall.

The five girls couldn't help but take a few steps back.

But Tan Yun stepped into the hall as if nothing happened.

What caught Tan Yun's eyes was that in the square hall, seven old men were sitting cross-legged.

Looking at it with fixed eyes, the seven old men's bodies were covered by an ethereal light curtain like a bonfire.

Tan Yun knew that the seven light curtains were a restriction.

The seven old men looked at Tan Yun entering the hall, with endless anger revealed in their cloudy eyes, they roared one after another:

"Damn human beings, if we hadn't been captured by you infinite palace powerhouses a million years ago, otherwise, we would have passed the tribulation and ascended to the fairy world!"

"That's right! You hateful and humble species, so what if you catch us? Refining us? Hahahaha... What a whimsical idea!"

"You lowly bastard, please call grandpa, and then get the hell out of here! This old man tells you that you can't refine us at all, so don't waste your efforts!"


With the unbearable insults from the seven old men lingering in his ears, Tan Yun took a deep breath, looked back at the five women and said, "You all go to retreat outside the hall to practice, and take me to refine them before we leave."

When the five girls heard the words, they nodded their heads and flew out of the hidden treasure hall. After offering sacrifices to their respective holy pagodas, they entered the pagodas to take the Yuhua Pill and began to practice in seclusion.

At this time, on the twelfth floor of Hidden Treasure Palace, one of the old men looked at the other six old men and said with a sneer:

"Listen, everyone? This lowly human being is actually brazenly saying that he wants to refine us! Hahahaha, it's really ridiculous..."

Without waiting for the old man's words, Tan Yun drew an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly to the old man: "Fire attribute, top-grade pseudo-immortal fire: Cangming Xianyan, have you laughed enough?"

"Gah!" The old man heard the words, as if someone had strangled his neck tightly, stared at Tan Yun with a horrified expression, and said in a trembling voice: "Infinite You Palace, I have captured this old man for millions of years, and I don't even know that old man Name, you, you... how do you know?"

Tan Yun smiled, and then, looking at the other six old men, he said indifferently: "And you, the fire-attributed top-grade pseudo-immortal fire: Demon Sea Dragon Immortal Flame, Sunburnt Rock Immortal Fire."

"Extreme ice-attribute pseudo-immortal fire: Nine Tribulations of Life and Death Flame, Ziyun Ice Immortal Fire, Medieval Pond Immortal Flame, Invisible Flying Sky Fire."

Hearing this, the other six old men were shocked. They never thought that they could say their own names and the white-robed young man in front of them!

Suddenly, an ominous premonition arose in the hearts of the seven old men!

"Seven old fellows, since the suzerain can call you by name." Tan Yun sneered: "Then the humble human beings you speak of can naturally refine all of you!"

After talking, Tan Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, so he immediately sacrificed the top-grade Linglong Holy Pagoda.

Tan Yun soared into the sky, flew into the Linglong Holy Pagoda, and then sat on the ground. In a single thought, a purple primordial flame as high as 1,200 feet flew out from Tan Yun's right palm, like a purple dragon, engulfing the immortal flames of the underworld. After the three old men transformed from Demon Sea Dragon Immortal Flame and Zhiyan Immortal Flame, they poured into the twelfth floor of the Holy Tower.

At this moment, the three old men in the primordial flames suddenly turned into themselves, and from the three groups of flames as high as three hundred feet, there were bursts of old and terrified screams!

At this time, the Nine Tribulations Life and Death Flame, Ziyun Ice Immortal Fire, Medieval Pond Immortal Flame, and Invisible Flying Sky Fire in the hall were terrified and begged for mercy!

Tan Yun sneered and said: "The four evil beasts just scolded the suzerain, didn't they scold me very vigorously? Why do you want to be soft and beg for mercy now?"

After Tan Yun spoke, he ignored the four fires of ice attribute. He pushed with his left palm, and in an instant, a thousand-foot-high ice-blue primordial ice flame, exuding a piercingly cold aura, emerged from Tan Yun's left palm. The awe-inspiring momentum enveloped the four fires in the hall!

Then, with the four fire seeds, it flew into the twelfth floor of the Linglong Holy Tower!

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