Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1155: Tan Yun's Revenge!

Chapter 1155: Tan Yun's Revenge!


After Tan Yun swept out of the huge gate that appeared on the formation screen, he grabbed the helpless old man with one hand, and cast his Primordial Eyes, "Where are there so many casual cultivators above the fourth level of Ascension Realm in the Heaven's Punishment Continent! "

"Tell me, are you casual cultivators or people from the Six Heavens Profound Palace?"

The old man said with a dull expression: "We are the elders of Liutian Xuan Palace."

"Stay where I am!" Tan Yun snapped.

"Yes." The old man stood up in the air with a dull expression, obeying Tan Yun's order!

At this time, the twenty-nine elders of Liutianxuan Palace who were far away from the void three million miles away were all shocked when they saw the old man being controlled by Tan Yun!

Miao Zhongfeng shouted in panic, "Our scheme has been seen through, run away!"

Miao Zhongfeng immediately led the twenty-eight elders, turned around and turned into beams of light, and fled towards Tianchi Xuehai!

At the same time, Miao Zhongfeng's spiritual consciousness enveloped the one hundred and ninety-six people who performed the invisibility technique in the void, and roared hoarsely: "Tan Yun and the others are indeed hiding in Zhongnan Xianshan Mountain, everyone, quickly disperse and flee to the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range, tell the palace host!"

"Okay!" One hundred and ninety-six Ascension Realm elders fled in despair...

"Is there anyone else?" Tan Yun frowned, and his spiritual consciousness stretched forward.

Through his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that in the sea of ​​clouds ninety million miles away in front of him, there were 196 traces, like invisible flying swords, piercing the sea of ​​clouds!

Tan Yun knew that these people must have used the invisibility technique or activated the invisibility talisman. During the escape process, due to the extremely fast speed, air flow was generated in the sea of ​​clouds, causing the sea of ​​clouds to be pierced!

"Su Bing, and everyone, stop chasing people who are ninety million miles away, and we will chase and kill all twenty-nine people who are a million miles away!"

After Tan Yun left a sentence, it turned into a two-hundred-foot-long, magma-like flame that flew across the snowy sea of ​​Tianchi at high speed...

"Time-space magic step!"

Shen Subing released the aura of the ninth level of Ascension Realm all over her body. After her soft and boneless body suddenly became transparent, her speed increased sharply and followed Tan Yun closely, not at all slower than Tan Yun...

Tantai Xian'er cast her Bright Sacred Wings, and chased after Nangong Yuqin and others...

During Tan Yun's volley flight, he did not release the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, Golden Dragon God Lion, and Mo'er, because the three beasts had already touched the barrier of the tenth-order Transcending Tribulation Stage, and were rushing to the realm...

After just two quarters, Tan Yun and Shen Subing dispersed from the sky above the sea area, and each caught up with an old man at the eighth level of Ascension Realm!

"Kill!" Shen Subing slapped the old man's back with a volley. Immediately, the old man's body was torn apart. As soon as the fairy fetus flew out of the corpse, it was crushed by Shen Subing!

Immediately, Shen Subing went on to kill the three Elders of the Six Heavens Profound Palace who were fleeing not far away...


"Go to hell!" When Tan Yun's murderous voice sounded, he turned into a magma-like flame and bombarded the old man!

"Ah...no!" The old man screamed, his body turned into a cloud of blood mist, his spirit and soul were all wiped out, and there was no bones left!

Before the blood mist dissipated, Tan Yun changed from the state of the primordial fire body to a human form, and then performed the primordial step, flickering frequently from the void!

Every time his body flickered, he crossed 20,000 miles of void, and killed an elder who was so frightened that he almost lost his wits...

After just half an hour, Tan Yun, Tang Yongsheng and others slaughtered all the twenty-nine people who were fleeing!

Afterwards, Tan Yun led the crowd to fly across the Tianchi Snow Sea, and returned to the outside of the mountain protection formation two quarters later.

Tan Yun grabbed the old man by the neckline and said coldly, "Speak! Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range, what's the situation with my Huangfu Sacred Sect?"

The old man said with a dull expression: "Our Palace Master has already razed all the buildings in the Four Great Secret Territories, Huangfu, Eternal, Shenhun, and Murong."

"Now our Palace Master is guarding the entrance of the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range."

Hearing that all the buildings in the territory of the Four Great Secrets were destroyed, one can imagine the anger in Tan Yun's and others' hearts!

"Tell me everything you know!" Tan Yun almost shouted.

Afterwards, the old man transferred Shangguan Ya and more than 500 Ascension Realm elders from the Six Heavens Profound Palace to the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range, and then divided the troops into two groups, one to Zhongnan Immortal Mountain and the other to the place of the Immeasurable You Palace. I told Tan Yun about it.

"Yun'er, what are your thoughts now?" Tang Yongsheng asked.

When Tan Yun was frowning, seeing Tuoba Yingying lost in thought, he asked, "Yingying, tell me your opinion."

"En." Tuoba Yingying's beautiful eyes showed a hint of cunning, and said: "Although our realm has improved now, we may not be Shangguanya's opponent."

"More than three years ago, we lost to Shangguan Ya, so this time, we can't easily fight against Shangguan Ya again."

"But Shangguan Ya, let our foundation of the four great secret realms be destroyed, we don't have to bear this hatred!"

After a pause, Tuoba Yingying said coldly: "Shangguanya has guarded the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range. If she is not in the Six Heavens Profound Palace, then we will give Shangguanya a hard blow!"

Hearing this, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, and he looked at Tuoba Yingying approvingly and said, "You mean, we go to destroy the Xuan Palace while Shangguan Ya is not in Liutian Xuan Palace?"

"That's right." Tuoba Yingying's eyes flickered, "Six Heavens Profound Palace is far from Zhongnan Xianshan, and at our speed, it will take ten months."

"At the speed of more than a hundred people who escaped, it will take a year and a month at the fastest to reach the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range and tell Shangguanya the news about us in Zhongnan Xianshan Mountain!"

"After Shangguanya found out, at her speed, it would take eight months at the earliest. In other words, the fastest time for Shangguanya to attack Zhongnan Xianshan is one year and nine months."

"And it took us one year and eight months to go back and forth to Liutian Xuan Palace. When Shangguan Ya came from the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range, we had rushed back about a month earlier."

After hearing this, Tan Yun nodded his head and said: "The analysis is good! We can hurry up and practice on the way to Liutian Xuan Palace and back."

"After one year and eight months, when we return to Zhongnan Xianshan, I will definitely be promoted to the ninth level of Ascension Realm. At that time, we are still afraid that Shangguan will fail!"

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun stared at the old man and said again: "Tell me, in Liutian Xuan Palace, is there any strong person sitting in the command?"

The old man looked dull and said: "There is the palace master's husband, and the palace master's father-in-law sits in the town, and the two are at the ninth level of the Ascension Realm."


After Tan Yun heard this, he slapped the old man's head with his palm, and immediately, the old man's mind and soul disappeared!

Tan Yun sacrificed a low-grade fairy boat and said, "Subing, Xian'er, Mengyu, Shiyao, Yuqin, follow me to the Six Heavens Profound Palace."

"Yingying, you and father-in-law Tang are staying in Zhongnan Fairy Mountain!"

It was said that when the five girls plundered the fairy boat, Xue Ziyan laughed and flew onto the fairy boat, holding Tan Yun's arm, "Brother-in-law, I want to go too!"

Tan Yun smiled, "Then come along!"

"Hee hee, brother-in-law is so kind!" Xue Ziyan's eyes turned into crescent moons.

Although she is not as beautiful as Tan Yun's five fiancées, she is a treasure-level beauty...

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