Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1156 Big joke?

Chapter 1156 A big joke?

Afterwards, Tan Yun drove the fairy boat towards Tianchi Snow Sea.

On the fairy boat, the six girls have entered their respective holy towers to practice in seclusion.

Tan Yun looked towards the direction of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range, with a cold light in his eyes, "Shangguan Ya, you ruined my Huangfu Sacred Sect's foundation, but it's a pity that you didn't kill my Huangfu Sacred Sect!"

"My Huangfu Shengzong's foundation was destroyed by you, and I, Tan Yun, will use the lives of your husband and even Liutian Xuan Palace to pay for it!"

After making up his mind, Tan Yunfei entered the Linglong Holy Pagoda, and then practiced in seclusion...

Time flies, ten months later.

Tan Yun drove the low-grade fairy boat and sailed into the extremely difficult place where human beings live in the Heaven's Punishment Continent.

When they reached the extremely difficult place, Tan Yun and the six girls came out from their respective towers.

Shen Subing is still at the ninth level of the Ascension Realm, and Tan Yun and Liu Nu are still at the eighth level of the Ascension Realm.

Tan Yun looked down at the plateau with an altitude of 60 million miles, and said to the six girls, "This is Wolong Xianyuan."

"According to the jade tube on the map, Wolong Xianyuan occupies a land area of ​​880 million miles. Looking down from the sky, the topography of this plateau looks like 108 giant dragons entrenched here, hence the name."

The map jade slip mentioned by Tan Yun was exactly the map jade slip that he asked him to draw when he killed the palace master of Wuliangyou Palace.

As Tan Yun said, the six girls standing gracefully on the edge of the fairy boat looked down, and the Crouching Dragon Fairyland really looked like giant dragons entrenched here.

"How long will it take to reach the Six Heavens Profound Palace?" Shen Subing opened her teeth lightly and smiled sweetly at Tan Yun.

Tan Yun said: "The Six Heavens Profound Palace is built among the 108 fairy peaks in the central area of ​​Wolong Xianyuan. We should arrive there in three days!"


Three days later, at the beginning of Xu time, the setting sun was like blood.

Tan Yun piloted the fairy boat and hovered in the air in front of the mountain gate of the Six Heavens Profound Palace!

The Great Palace Guard Formation of the Six Heavens Profound Palace is like a huge bowl with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, with one hundred and eight fairy peaks upside down.

Every fairy peak is like a giant dragon with its head raised, which makes people feel majestic and magnificent!

At this moment, on the cliff of a mountain outside the palace guard formation, stands a ten thousand zhang stone sword that is exactly the same shape as the Six Heaven Emperor Blood Sword used by Shangguan Ya!

On the stone sword, dragons and phoenixes are engraved with the nine characters "Six Heavens Profound Palace, First Palace of Heaven's Punishment"!

At this time, a male disciple of the Soul Refining Realm guarding the mountain gate stared at the fairy boat that suddenly flew down in front of the fairy gate, frowned, looked at Tan Yun and the six girls, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Come to my Six Heavens Profound Palace, what's your business?"

Hearing this, Tan Yunxing's eyes were full of murderous intent, "What's the matter? Damn it, your palace lord destroyed my Huangfu Sacred Sect, and this lord came here to fuck your Six Heavens Profound Palace!"

As Tan Yun swung his right arm suddenly, the disciple was crushed away by Tan Yun's invisible aura!

Afterwards, Tan Yun closed his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness enveloped the palace guard formation with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and he began to observe what formation it was.

at the same time.

On the second fairy peak of Six Heavens Profound Palace, Nie Duanhong, father-in-law of Shangguan Ya, was sitting in the main hall with his son Nie Lingyun, talking happily.

Nie Duanhong laughed loudly and said, "Son! The fate of our Nie family is really good. Being a father is like living in a dream."

"As a father, I never imagined that you could marry the reincarnation of the Six Heavens Immortal Emperor."

Hearing this, Nie Lingyun was also filled with emotion, "Yes! If it wasn't for Ya'er, you and I wouldn't have taken Yuhua Pill."

"I'm afraid we are only at the first level of the Ascension Realm."

"Father, after Ya'er kills Tan Yun and destroys the Huangfu Sacred Sect, we can retreat with peace of mind, advance to the Great Perfection of Ascension Realm as soon as possible, and then touch the opportunity of Ascension of Ascension, and ascend to the fairy world with Ya'er and Nie Rou. Have fun forever!"

After hearing this, Nie Duanhong's wrinkled old face was like a chrysanthemum blooming, and he raised his wine glass and said, "Son! Come on, let's have a few more drinks with my father..."

Before the words were finished, a middle-aged man with a great consummation of spirit and soul landed on the top of the peak, and knelt outside the hall in panic, "Vice Palace Mistress, Taishang Patriarch, something is wrong!"

The Deputy Palace Mistress he was talking about was Nie Lingtian; the Supreme Patriarch was Nie Duanhong.

In the hall, Nie Duanhong took a drink in his hand, glanced at the middle-aged man with displeasure, and said in a deep voice: "Deacon Liu speaks slowly if he has something to say, what's the proper way to behave in a panic? Wear it!"

"If you have anything to say to the Taishang Patriarch slowly."

Hearing this, Deacon Liu said anxiously: "The patriarch, Huangfu Shengzong Tan Yun brought six women to kill!"

"What did you say?" Nie Duanhong shook his old body, and the wine glass in his hand fell off and shattered on the ground.

He stared at Deacon Liu, and said sharply: "Are you delusional? Now that Tan Yun sees Liutian Xuangong, it is like a mouse seeing a cat. He will attack?"

Deacon Liu said with certainty: "Patriarch Taishang, what this subordinate said is absolutely true! Just now Tan Yun killed the disciple guarding the mountain gate, and now he is in front of the mountain gate!"

Nie Duanhong's face became gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "Okay, the old ancestor of the Taishang knows."

"Tell me palace disciples not to panic, even if Tan Yun comes, my palace has a palace guard array arranged by the palace master himself, Tan Yun may not be able to break through it!"

"Even if it can be broken through, my palace still has a guardian beast, which can protect us!"

"Get back!"

When Deacon Liu heard this, he was respectful and stepped back as if relieved.

At this moment, Nie Duanhong and Nie Lingtian immediately released their spiritual consciousness. After the spiritual consciousness extended six million miles, it enveloped Tan Yun and the six girls.

When it was discovered that it was indeed Tan Yun who attacked, the minds of the two were confused.

Why did Tan Yun kill him?

Could it be that Tan Yun defeated Shangguan Ya? Or beheaded?

Immediately, the father and son immediately overturned this idea, because the two of them discovered that among Tan Yun and the six women, only Shen Subing was at the ninth level of the Ascension Realm, and the rest were at the eighth level of the Ascension Realm.

From the point of view of the father and son, the strength of Tan Yun and the others is absolutely no match for Shangguan Ya!

Thinking of this, the father and son stepped out of the hall with gloomy expressions.

Nie Lingtian looked at Nie Duanhong and said, "Father, you go and release the palace guardian beast, my child will meet Tan Yun first!"

"Okay!" After Nie Duanhong flew away in the air, Nie Lingtian arrived in front of the Six Heavens Profound Palace Mountain Gate through the teleportation array on the peak.

With Nie Lingtian separated by the formation, with the flick of a finger, a ray of spiritual power was absorbed into the formation in front of him. Instantly, the formation became transparent.

He glared at Tan Yun who was closing his eyes across the screen, "Damn Tan Yun, you are so brave, you dare to bring six sluts to my Liutian Xuan Palace to play wild!"

"Bitch?" Tan Yun frowned, opened his eyes suddenly, stared fixedly at Nie Duanhong inside the formation, and said word by word: "When the suzerain breaks through the palace guard formation, I promise to kill your tongue!" Cut it off!"

"Hehehe." Nie Lingtian laughed loudly and said, "What a big joke! This formation was laid by my wife..."

Without waiting for Nie Lingtian's words, Tan Yun's body exploded with a beam of spiritual power that was hundreds of feet thick and thousands of feet long!

The spiritual beam of light soared into the sky, and suddenly blasted into the empty sky. Immediately, a shocking scene happened!

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