Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1159 Hysteria!

Chapter 1159 Hysteria!

Tan Yun thought about the fact that he was almost killed by Shangguan Ya more than five years ago, and finally gave up the four secret realms of the Tianpu Mountains and fled to Zhongnan Xianshan. At this moment, his eyes gradually turned cold!

In Tan Yun's heart, this is a shame!

It would be fine if others forced him to run for his life five years ago, but he was forced to do this by his former dog!

How can Tan Yun not be angry?

Tan Yun restrained his anger, looked at the crowd and said, "Once the war starts later, Shangguan Ya will leave it to me."

"If I don't end her with my own hands, it will be hard to get rid of the anger in my heart!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words.

Tan Yun took a deep breath, and his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the Linglong Holy Pagoda. Now the kings of the eight major clans, Mo'er, Golden Dragon God Lion, and Heaven Killing Demon Ape are still retreating.

At the same time, because the lifespan of beasts is longer than that of humans, the longer it takes for beasts to reach the tenth stage of adulthood, the longer they will be promoted to the tenth stage of crossing the catastrophe.

Now the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, Golden Dragon God Lion, and Mo'er are sprinting towards the tenth stage of crossing the catastrophe. As for how long it will take to be promoted, Tan Yun estimates that the time from the outside world can be as long as 20 years, and as slow as 10 years!

At this time, Tan Yun was quite confident. He didn't need the Three Beasts and the Kings of the Eight Great Clans to take action, and he didn't need everyone to take action. He could wipe out everyone in the Six Heavens Profound Palace by himself!

This confidence comes from the fact that Tan Yun has not only been promoted to the ninth level of the Feathering Realm, but has also completed the tenth stage of the Hongmeng Fire Body, and has been promoted to the tenth peak stage!

It means that he can destroy the real high-grade fairy weapon with bare hands now!

But later, Tan Yun still wanted everyone to take action. Because he knew very well that if the enemies of the Six Heavens Profound Palace did not escape, he could wipe out everyone.

But more than 490 people, if they want to disperse and flee for their lives, they will definitely not be able to do so, leaving everyone's lives behind.

Thinking about this, Tan Yun said to the crowd: "Listen to my order to take action later, once you take action, no one will be spared!"


Two moments later.

Shangguanya drove the middle-grade fairy boat, shuttled through the vast snowy sky of Tianchi Snow Sea, and stopped when it was 30,000 miles away from the mountain protection array.

Shangguanya stopped vigorously at the front of the fairy boat, looked at the mountain guard formation in front of him, and said in a light tone with the taste of controlling the overall situation, "Tan Yun, you are really easy for the Palace Master to find. However, you still can't escape in the end." The palm of my palace lord!"

"Hahahaha, Tan Yun, Tan Yun, thanks to your great ability in the past, but you were killed by the lord of the palace like a bereaved dog. You even gave up the sect and fled to Zhongnan Xianshan. The lord of the palace feels ashamed for you!"

"Don't think that if you shrink back like a tortoise, the Lord of the Palace will have nothing to do with you!"

After saying that, the murderous intent in Shangguanya's eyes became more and more intense, "Tan Yun, and Xue Ziyan, a dead girl, you hurt my daughter more than five years ago, and today, the lord of the palace will make you double repay!"

"Really? Hehehehe." Following Tan Yun's mocking laughter, the formation of the mountain protection formation became transparent.

Shangguanya saw that inside the formation, Tan Yun led a group of strong men in the Ascension Realm, stepping into the void and looking at him with a half-smile.

"Ninth level of Ascension Realm!" Shangguan Ya stared at Tan Yun with a chill in his heart. She didn't expect that Tan Yun would be promoted from the seventh level of the Ascension Realm to the ninth level of the Ascension Realm just over five years after the last battle in the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range.


Shangguanya discovered that the women beside Tan Yun were also at the ninth level of Ascension Realm!

Tan Yun glanced at Shangguanya, and said lightly, "Why are you afraid?"

"Afraid?" Shangguanya shook his head, "Tan Yun, among these people, there are only Shen Subing, Tuoba Yingying and you. My lord finds it difficult to deal with. As for the others, my lord kills them like a butcher." dog."

"Oh, by the way, although you have been promoted to the ninth level of Ascension Realm, my Palace Master is still 90% sure of killing you."

"Because..." Shangguan Ya's voice paused, and said proudly: "Because more than five years ago, my master was just promoted to the Great Perfection of the Ascension Realm. Over the past five years, after more than five years, my Palace Master is about to touch the Ascension Realm. The opportunity to ascend, the strength has greatly increased!"

"Tan Yun, as well as your woman and sect, either my Liutian Xuan Palace will be destroyed in this battle, or your Huangfu Shengzong will not survive!"

"Tan Yun, are you going to open the mountain protection formation yourself and die, or should I destroy your formation and drive you all to extinction? You choose yourself."

After hearing this, Tan Yun smiled, stretched out a finger, pointed at Shangguanya through the screen, and said calmly: "Today I want to make you clear that you were my dog ​​in the past, and the end result of a dog biting its master is cramp. bones, there is no burial place for death."

Shangguan Ya said in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense, come out and fight!"

In Shangguan Ya's heart, he must fight Tan Yun to the death today!

Because she was afraid, afraid that after today's non-fight, once Tan Yun entered the Great Consummation of Ascension Realm, then she really would have no power to resist!

"A fight to the death, right? The suzerain agrees!" Tan Yun said, "But Shangguan Ya, before the fight, for the sake of you being my dog ​​in the past, I can let you enjoy a picture."

"No need, my Palace Master doesn't want to talk nonsense with you..." Shangguan Ya was cut off by Tan Yun as soon as he opened his mouth, "Don't do that, hehehe, you will be very interested."

When Shangguanya was confused, Tan Yun waved his right arm, and immediately, a cloud of pale golden spiritual power condensed a memory image from the void.


When Shangguanya saw the picture on the memory image, she felt dizzy for a while, and her head went blank for a moment, like five thunderbolts!

In the next moment, tears welled up in Shangguanya's eyes, and she cried heartbreakingly, "Husband...no!"

Beside her, Nie Rou's charming face instantly turned pale, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, her delicate body trembled, and tears dripped down!

And the elders of the Six Heavens Profound Palace behind the mother and daughter were also heartbroken!

Because Shangguan Ya, Nie Ruan and the elders saw that Tan Yun led Su Bing, Yu Qin, Meng Yan, Shi Yao, Xian'er, Xue Ziyan into the Six Heavens Profound Palace like killing gods!

They saw that Tan Yun smashed the tongue of Nie Lingtian, the deputy palace lord, with a sword, and then let Nie Lingtian die without a whole body!

They saw that after the fore hoof of the golden unicorn, the guardian beast of the tenth rank of adulthood in the Six Heavens Profound Palace, was smashed by Tan Yun's punch, Tan Yun shot up into the sky again, breaking the back of the golden unicorn with one kick!

Then he killed Nie Duanhong, the ancestor of the Taishang!

In the end, it was seen that the six girls slaughtered more than six million disciples of the Six Heavens Profound Palace!

And Tan Yun manipulated Wan Jian from the void, harvesting the lives that escaped.

The blood stained the ground red, as if a strong smell of blood had come from the image in memory!

"No, no, no!" Shangguan Ya shook her head hysterically, her heartbroken cries resounded through the snowy sky of Tianchi Lake, "Husband...husband!"

"Father, grandpa!" Nie Rou was so sad that tears flowed down her cheeks.

All the elders behind the mother and daughter are in grief at this moment, and the anger in their hearts is burning every nerve!

Because among the more than six million people lost, there are their descendants!

At the same time, they didn't expect it!

They really didn't expect that Tan Yun, who had been shrinking his head all the time, sneaked to the back of Wolong Xianyuan and broke through the palace guard formation!


Then he washed his Six Heavens Profound Palace with blood!

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