Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1160 Another battle against the Soul of the Sixth Heaven Emperor!

Chapter 1160 Another battle against the Emperor Soul of the Six Heavens!

"Tan Yun, you bastard, I will kill you!" Shangguan Ya roared hoarsely: "I swear I will kill you!"

Faced with Shangguanya's cursing, Tan Yun clenched his fists tightly, his starry eyes exuded overwhelming anger, and the sound transmission of one after another roared, shaking Shangguanya's mind buzzing:

"What? You bitch think I'm cruel?"

"If so, then I tell you, I am not!"

"Ask yourself, when I ruled the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm in the past, didn't you treat me kindly? And you not only betrayed me! You even reincarnated in the Heaven's Punishment Continent to attack me! Where did your conscience go? Did you get eaten by a dog!"

"Also, Chaos Supreme and Shiyuan Supreme broke their promises, attacked me while I was seriously injured, and carried out a brutal massacre of my subordinates in the Primordial God Realm!"

"Do you know how many gods have died? You don't know, I can tell you!"

"That day, the blood of my subordinates stained the sky of the Primordial God Realm red. The blood spilled all over every corner of the Primordial God Realm!"

"The blood of my subordinates turned into a waterfall of blood in the Primordial God Realm, converging into a rushing river of blood!"

"This kind of ruthlessness, this level of cruelty, has continued until the eternal life in my reincarnation!"

Tan Yun's eyes were red, and he stared at Shangguan Ya. Tears were faintly visible in his eyes, and he roared again through sound transmission: "I will die every life forever, and none of my relatives will survive forever!"

"Even in this life, my current parents, grandfather, and hundreds of people in my family have all died once!"

"This kind of pain, this kind of hatred, compared with you, a traitor, and the master behind you, how dare you think I'm cruel!"

"How dare you say that I am ruthless!"

Facing Tan Yun's sound transmission roar, Shangguan Ya stopped crying. Indeed, she couldn't imagine the tribulations and hardships that Tan Yun had gone through!

At this moment, when the elders of Six Heavens Profound Palace found that Shangguanya, who was crying before, suddenly stopped crying, and when Tan Yun's tearful eyes full of endless murderous intent stared at Shangguanya again, they didn't need to think, they also knew that Tan Yun must be Send a sound transmission to Shangguan Ya!

And Shen Subing and the girls beside Tan Yun watched Tan Yun clenched his fists and stared at Shangguanya with bloodshot eyes. When they stared at Shangguanya a little bit, the girls understood that Tan Yun had sent a voice transmission to Shangguanya.

Shangguanya closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly, staring at Tan Yun, "Needless to say, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I blame you for being too kind and affectionate in the past. No one else is to blame!"

After hearing this, Tan Yun laughed angrily, "Hahahaha! What a winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Then I tell you, you have more than six million people in the Six Heavens Profound Palace, and you deserve to die!"

"It's so kind and affectionate in the past! I tell you, I always believe that only when you treat others sincerely, can people treat you sincerely!"

"As for not blaming other people? I'll fuck you!"

At this moment, the people behind Tan Yun, except for knowing that Tan Yun was the Supreme Master of Hongmeng in the past, were at a loss as to what Tan Yun and Shangguan Ya were talking about?

Just when everyone was confused, Tan Yun shouted with red eyes: "Kill me to death!"


In an instant, the entire mountain protection formation collapsed, and Tan Yun took the lead in flying towards the fairy boat!


Hearing this, everyone sacrificed their weapons one after another, followed Tan Yun, and went to kill on the fairy boat!

"To my Palace Master, go!" On the fairy boat, Shangguan Ya gave an order, and immediately, all the elders of the Ascension Realm shuttled through the snowy sky, killing Tan Yun and the others!

"Mother, you are here to deal with Tan Yun. My daughter will kill Xue Ziyan first, and then go kill the others!" Nie Rou said, holding the Six Heavens Emperor Sword, releasing the aura of great perfection in the Ascension Realm, tearing the void, and facing He rushed forward in the air, and his spiritual consciousness locked onto Xue Ziyan tightly!

With a flash of Xue Ziyan's Qiankun Ring, the five-hundred sword that Tan Yun gave her before came out of thin air in her jade hands!

Xue Ziyan held the Five Souls Sword in her hand, with a cold light in her eyes. She thought of the scene where Nie Rou cut off her arm more than five years ago, if Tuoba Yingying hadn't saved her, she would have been killed by Nie Rou. The anger is steaming up!

Xue Ziyan swung the Five Souls Excalibur violently, and said sharply: "No one will help me, I will kill her personally today!"

Afterwards, Xue Ziyan shuttled through the snowy sky and killed Nie Rou!

Obviously Xue Ziyan was extremely angry, and so was Nie Rou. The two daughters could be said to be jealous when they met each other.

Immortal, endless, it is suitable for the second daughter...

"Give me all to die!"

Tan Yun, who flew thousands of miles in the air, looked at the elders of the Six Heavens Profound Palace who were coming towards him. While roaring angrily, he cast the Primordial Fire Body, and his body soared to a size of three hundred feet!

Like a giant of magma, his body smashed through the void, like a wolf entering a herd of sheep, his huge right arm swept across thousands of troops, and instantly pulled towards three old men at the eighth level of Ascension Realm!


"Palace Master, help..."


The terrified voices of the three old men suddenly stopped, "Bang bang bang!" Amidst the three dull bangs, the three of them were torn apart by Tan Yun's giant arm!

"Tan Yun, your opponent is the Lord of the Palace!" Shangguan Ya snapped, quickly shuttled through the crowd of elders on his side, and appeared above Tan Yun's head in an instant!

At this time, Shen Subing and the others had already fought fiercely with more than 480 elders from the Six Heavens Profound Palace!

A dozen or so Ascension Realm elders from Six Heavens Profound Palace joined forces to besiege everyone except Tan Yun and Xue Ziyan!

Every ten or so elders arranged a sword array of joint strikes, and suddenly, each other's strength increased greatly!

Obviously they came prepared, Shangguan Ya taught them the sword array, which made their strength skyrocket...

All of a sudden, the battlefield unfolded from the snowy sky above the Tianchi Snow Sea.

Fighting, shouting, and the sword lights, blade lights, gun shadows, and phantoms of various magic weapons that tear the void are intertwined, causing the void to collapse...

At this moment, Shangguanya, who was standing in the air above Tan Yun's head, said with grief and indignation: "Tan Yun, give back my husband's life!"

"Six Heavens Emperor Sutra—Six Heavens Emperor Soul Appears!"

In an instant, a phantom of the Immortal Emperor of the Six Heavens with a height of hundreds of feet appeared on Shangguan Ya's body!

The phantom of the Six Heavens Immortal Emperor is the Six Heavens Emperor soul!

The ethereal six-day emperor's soul was wearing armor, and just the residual power it radiated destroyed the void in a radius of 200,000 li!

Tan Yun clearly remembered that when he confronted Shangguanya five years ago, when Shangguanya cast the six-day emperor's soul, the aura just caused the void in a radius of 100,000 miles to collapse. But this time, after using it, the aura was twice as powerful as it was five years ago!


Shangguan Ya soared into the sky from the void, and when he merged with the soul of the Liutian Emperor, the sixty-foot-long Liutian Emperor's blood sword came out of thin air from the hands of the hundred-foot-high Liutian Emperor's soul!

Tan Yun, who looks like a magma giant, looked up at the Six Heavens Emperor Soul, with contempt in his giant pupils, "I was defeated by you more than five years ago!"

"Today, more than five years later, I want you to understand that if you punish the mainland today, anyone and any beast will bow down before me!"

"I! Tan Yun! I am the master of this plane!"

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