Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1161 The Blood Sun Emperor Wheel of the Six Heavens Emperor Sutra!

Chapter 1161 The Blood Sun Emperor Wheel of the Six Heavens Emperor Sutra!

"Stop talking nonsense!" Shangguan Ya's cold voice sounded in the soul of the Six Heavens Emperor, "My Six Heavens Emperor Sutra has six supernatural powers. Last time you couldn't even resist the weakest stars around the moon. This time, my palace lord, I don't believe you can beat me!"

"Tan Yun, I'm going to kill you! I'm killing all your relatives, people from the sect!"

"I want the blood and lives of countless of you to pay homage to the soul of my husband!"

After a pause, Shangguan Ya's ear-piercing voice of resentment sounded, "Six Heavens Emperor's Sutra—Stars around the moon!"

In an instant, the soul of the six-day emperor, which was hundreds of feet tall, held the six-day emperor's blood sword as red as blood, and danced from the void at high speed!

"Boom, boom—"

While the snow sky was trembling, five thousand zhang-long blood-colored sword glows soared into the sky, illuminating the snowy sky, and each sword glow turned into a giant blood-colored star that was two hundred feet long!

In the blink of an eye, the three hundred and sixty sword lights turned into three thousand six hundred stars, each of which seemed to contain the power to destroy everything!


The six-day emperor soul soared into the sky and flew into the star field formed by the stars. Shangguan Ya was like the master of the blood-colored galaxy, and said in a deep voice: "Kill!"


Suddenly, 3,600 blood-colored stars shattered the void, bringing 3,600 pitch-black huge holes in space, and violently descended towards Tan Yun!

Last time, when Tan Yun faced the supernatural power of the stars and the moon, he used the supernatural power of the space tide of the sword formation in the Hongmeng Tu Shenjian formation!

Then, in the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword Formation, he used the strongest supernatural power of Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword Art: Hongmeng Slaughtering God!

However, the power of the Hongmeng Sword Shadow formed by Hongmeng's god-killing supernatural power has tripled in the sword formation, and it is still not as powerful as Shangguanya's Qunxing Huanyue!

In the end, Tan Yun resorted to the Imprisonment of the Sword Array's supernatural power wood. Although he escaped, his right leg was shattered and he lost a leg!

But this time, Tan Yunang looked at the 3,600 blood-colored stars coming from the bombardment, without any fear in his eyes!

His indifference was terrifying, there was not even a trace of ripple in his star pupils.

If he had to say something, it would be that the corner of his mouth raised a slight killing intent!


When the sky trembled, Tan Yun burst out bursts of dragon-like primordial power of heaven!


Tan Yun stood with his hands behind his back, and after spitting away, he said in a low voice: "My former dog, you were not even qualified to carry my shoes in the past, so naturally you have never seen my strength."

"Today, I will let you see and feel my strength at the ninth level of Ascension Realm, but it can kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun still carried his hands behind his back, and the power of the primordial way of heaven surrounding him suddenly soared into the sky, turning into 3,600 strands of the power of the primordial way of the primordial way, like a giant python, with a trembling void, Accurately bombarded 3,600 blood-colored stars respectively!

The 3,600 strands of primordial power just made the void tremble, while the 3,600 blood-colored stars exploded the void. Judging from the powerful vision created by the two, it seems that Tan Yun The power of the primordial law of heaven is vulnerable to a single blow!

However, the next scene made Shangguan Ya, who was integrated with the soul of the Six Heavenly Emperor, feel terrified!

"Bang bang bang—"

"Boom, boom—"

Following one after another loud noises that seemed to come from ancient times, when 3,600 giant python-like powers of the primordial power collided with 3,600 blood-colored stars, they burst out with powerful power!

"This, what's going on!" Amidst Shangguanya's uncontrollable exclamation, his 3,600 stars were shattered by the power of the primordial heaven!


Immediately, the void collapsed one after another, and the 3,600 primordial powers of the primordial way, which were like a giant primordial python, bombarded Shangguanya with a sharp decrease in momentum!

"Destroy this palace master!" The power of the six-day emperor's soul surged like a wave, swallowing all the power of the primordial way of heaven.

Immediately, the power of the primordial way of heaven dissipated!

At this moment, Shangguan Ya's heart was pounding. His most powerful method is the six supernatural powers in the Six Heavens Emperor Sutra.

He didn't expect that the first supernatural power, the stars around the moon, would be defeated by Tan Yun before he even got close to him.

Besides, from the beginning to the end, Tan Yun stood with his hands behind his back!

Shangguan Ya guessed that Tan Yun's strength would increase greatly every time he raised his realm. But she never expected that after Tan Yun was promoted from the seventh level of the Ascension Realm to the ninth level, his strength would increase so much!

"Are you afraid of my dog ​​in the past?" Tan Yun still stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at Shangguan Ya with a look of contempt!

It's the look of a cat playing with a mouse!

Seeing Tan Yun teasing himself, Shangguanya's deep and cold voice came from the soul of the Six Heavens Emperor, "Afraid? Damn Tan Yun, don't be too happy!"

The misty eyes of the soul of the Six Heaven Emperor revealed a murderous intent, and immediately, Shangguan Ya's angry voice sounded again, "The Six Heaven Emperor Sutra——Blood Sun Emperor Wheel Sacrifice!"

Immediately, the Six Heavens Emperor Soul's left hand drew a series of mysterious tracks from his chest, and while his lips moved silently, he gracefully swung a blood-red sword light from the void!

Thousands of sword glows came from the soul of the Six Heavens Emperor, and instantly condensed into a round of blood sun emperor wheel with a diameter of 10000 zhang above the head!

The moment the Scarlet Emperor Wheel was formed, the void with a radius of 300,000 miles was instantly filled with huge space cracks that were thousands of miles long, and the momentum was incomparably astonishing!

Immediately, the giant wheel was like a bloody sun, and a bloody light curtain of tens of thousands of miles bloomed. Just the light curtain completely tore up the void that was originally full of spatial cracks!

The Blood Sun Emperor Wheel is the fourth great supernatural power in the Six Heavens Emperor Sutra!

The reason why Shangguan Yawei used the second and third magical powers was because she had her own judgment. She believed that the second and third magical powers could not cause fatal damage to Tan Yun!

Tan Yunang looked at the blood sun emperor wheel with a diameter of ten thousand feet, raised his sword eyebrows slightly, and still stood with his hands behind his back!

"Kill!" The six-day emperor's soul, with a hundred feet of feet, spun in the void. Suddenly, the Blood Sun Emperor Wheel pierced through the void in an instant. The speed was extremely fast, and it crashed down towards Tan Yun!


Tan Yun, who was standing with his hands behind his back, suddenly moved. His magma-like long hair danced in the snowy sky, and the Hongmeng Killing God Sword shot out from between his eyebrows, and flew two hundred feet into Tan Yun's right hand.

"Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art!"

Following Tan Yun's movement of the sword art, Tan Yun's aura instantly entered the Great Perfection from the Ninth Level of Ascension Realm!

Even though it was only Dzogchen, the aura it exuded had shocked Shangguan Ya who had merged with the soul of the Six Heavenly Emperor.

She felt that the aura released by Tan Yun was 50% stronger than her own aura!

"Seven veins lore!"

In Tan Yun's thought, the seven powers of heaven, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder surged out of his body, and all of them poured into the God Killing Sword in his hand!


Instead of retreating, Tan Yun advanced, rose tens of thousands of feet into the air, and slowly swung his sword at the crushing blood sun emperor wheel!

This seemingly slow sword is actually too fast, resulting in a visual impact, which seems to be quite slow!

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