Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1165 Run for your life in a hurry!

Chapter 1165 Run for your life in a hurry!


Immediately, on her back, this fairy talisman transformed into a pair of almost transparent wings that were thousands of feet long!

"A real middle-grade fairy talisman!" Shen Subing, who was flying towards Tan Yun, did not need Tan Yun's reminder, she had already used the magic step of time and space, and chased Shangguan Ya in the air!

"Tan Yun, and Shen Subing, you wait for my lord!" Shangguanya flapped his wings extremely fast, fleeing for his life in the snowy sky, and said sharply, "Although my lord is not your opponent, don't even think about it!" Kill the Palace Master!"

"After my palace lord escapes, find a place to ascend as a feather. As soon as you reach the fairy world, my palace lord will send someone to destroy you!"

At this moment, Tan Yun, who had just killed Liutian Immortal Emperor's immortal soul, said coldly: "Don't be too happy, even if you chase to the ends of the world, I will kill you!"


After saying that, Tan Yun kicked the immortal soul of Immortal Emperor Six Heavens!

Then, Tan Yun shouted: "Su Bing come up!"

"Okay!" Shen Subing volleyed onto Tan Yun's right shoulder, and then Tan Yun's body spewed out golden spiritual power, and continued to use the divine steps to chase after Shangguanya who had fled a million miles away...

Tan Yun didn't let the Golden Dragon Divine Lion come out at this moment, because he knew that the flying speed of the big guy was still slightly slower than his own!

While Tan Yun was chasing, he discovered through his spiritual consciousness that Shangguan Ya was seriously injured and was dying, and he would catch up to her sooner or later!

At the same time, through his spiritual knowledge, he discovered that in the vast snowy sky, only seven or eight people on his side were injured, and more than half of the 490 elders in the Six Heavens Profound Palace were dead now!

Tan Yun believed in the people on his side and would definitely not let anyone go.

At this time, Nie Rou, who was fighting fiercely with Xue Ziyan, suddenly remembered Shangguan Ya's weak and anxious voice, "Daughter, we lost!"

"Hurry up and get separated from your mother, and flee to the Huangfu Secret Realm in the Punishment Mountains. The defensive array set up by the gatekeeper of the Huangfu Secret Realm can resist the enemy for a period of time. When we escape into the Huangfu Secret Realm, Mother will have a way to take you away!"

Hearing this, Nie Rou, who had gradually lost her strength under Xue Ziyan's attack, suddenly gave up fighting with Xue Ziyan, and fled towards Tianchi Xuehai, crying and saying: "Mother, your voice is very weak, are you okay? My daughter is so worried about you!"

"Daughter, don't worry, mother has a middle-grade immortal talisman, Tan Yun can't catch up with mother. Okay, mother will stop talking, mother is tired."

At this moment, Shangguan, who was being chased by Tan Yun, finished his polite words, and hurriedly gave an order to the more than 200 living Elders of Liutianxuan Palace, undoubtedly: "Everyone desperately protects the young palace master and escapes to the Huangfu secret realm of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range! "

As a result, more than two hundred elders in the Ascension Realm gave up entanglement with the enemy and followed Nie Rou as they fled. As Shangguan Ya Qiankun Ring flickered, the only real middle-grade fairy boat pierced through the void, Nie Rou flies away at top speed.

Nie Rou knew that her mother wanted her to control the spirit boat and escape with all the elders.

"Everyone, follow me to the fairy boat!" Nie Rou was about to fly up to the fairy boat first, when suddenly a cold female voice came from behind, "With my old lady here, you don't want to escape!"

It was Xue Ziyan's delicate body, surrounded by the five forces of heaven, wood, water, fire, and earth. She held the Five Souls Sword, and the moment she passed over Nie Rou, she blocked Nie Rou with a sword!

When Nie Rou hurriedly dodged to the rear, the eight elders who flew up from behind her yelled as if they were dead: "Protect the young palace master, let the young palace master escape first!"

"Kill!" The power of heaven spewed out from the bodies of the eight elders, and they killed Xue Ziyan with sword lights.

"Death to my old lady!" Xue Ziyan was too fast, so almost eight of her appeared beside the eight elders at the same time, with eight beams of Five Elements sword lights, and devoured eight of them.

Before the eight people could utter screams in the future, they turned into eight groups of blood mist filling the snowy sky, and they were all killed!

At this time, Nie Rou took the opportunity to fly to the fairy boat.

When Xue Ziyan pursued, more than 20 elders from the sixth to ninth level of Ascension Realm came to protect Nie Rou.

"I will die to my old lady!"

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Xue Ziyan quickly shuttled beside the elders, and every time she passed by an elder, a head was chopped off!

When Xue Ziyan finished killing more than twenty elders, Nie Rou had already flown onto the fairy boat.

In an instant, when Nie Rou was driving the fairy boat and didn't care about waiting for the elders to flee for their lives, Xue Ziyan also flew onto the fairy boat with a sword, "You can't escape!"

"Then let's give it a try!" Nie Rou drove the fairy boat towards Tianchi Xuehai, and at the same time started a fierce battle with Xue Ziyan on the fairy boat!

"Zi Yan, you have to be careful!" Tang Mengyan flew in the air, but she had no time to fly onto the fairy boat, so she had to shout to the fairy boat that disappeared into the snowy sky.

"Zi Yan, you must be careful!" Nangong Yuqin, Si Hong Shiyao, and Tantai Xian'er, who followed Tang Mengyan, shouted worriedly.

Immediately, Xue Ziyan's firm voice came, "Sister Tang, don't worry about me, I will definitely kill her!"

"Also, if you can't catch up with the fairy boat, don't chase it, go and kill the other elders of the Six Heavens Profound Palace!"

Hearing this, the girls, worried about Xue Ziyan, together with Tang Yongsheng, Gongsun Ruoxi and others, began to hunt down and massacre the elders of Liutianxuan Palace who fled in panic...

Three hours later.

Tuoba Yingying and the others have slaughtered all the elders of the Six Heavens Profound Palace.

At this moment, Tuoba Yingying and the others stood in the snowy sky, Xue Ziyan, Nie Rou, Tan Yun, Shen Subing, and Shangguanya were nowhere to be seen as far as their spiritual consciousness could reach.

Tantai Yu frowned, "The Heaven's Punishment Continent is vast, where do you think Shangguan Ya and Nie Rou will flee?"

Tan Tailong frowned and echoed: "Yes!"

At this time, Tuoba Yingying's beautiful eyes flickered, "Should be fleeing to the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range."

"Why?" Tian Lao, the leader of the Heaven's Punishment Organization, was a little puzzled.

Tuoba Yingying's vermilion lips parted lightly, and analyzed: "The Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range has been occupied by the Six Heavens Profound Palace for five years."

"If my guess is correct, Shangguan Yading rearranged the gates of the secret realms in the four great secret realms of Eternity, Huangfu, Shenhun, and Murong."

"Among them, she will definitely not flee to the Murong Secret Realm, because there are no other vast regions in the Murong Secret Territory, but there are three great god battlefields in the other three great secret realms!"

"In addition, the three secret realms of eternity, Huangfu, and soul, among which the Huangfu secret realm is the closest to this place."

"Therefore, I think that Shangguanya, who is seriously injured, will definitely do everything possible to escape into the Huangfu Secret Realm, and then escape into the Meteor God Canyon in the Huangfu Secret Territory!"

"Of course, this is just my guess."

When everyone heard the words, they thought that Tuoba Yingying's words were justified.

"Then what should we do now?" Tantai Yu looked at Tuoba Yingying.

Tuoba Yingying's eyes were full of coldness, "It's very simple, the suzerain's wives and I immediately flew out of the Tianchi Snow Sea, then passed through the teleportation array of the border city of the Tang Zun Dynasty, arrived at the Tang Zun Imperial City, and then went to the Qingcheng Holy Dynasty border."

"Finally, through the teleportation array between the city and the city in the Qingcheng Holy Dynasty, we arrived at Wangyue Town, oh, which is the current Moon Sacred City."

"Moon Moon Sacred City is closer to the entrance of Tianpu Mountain Range, where we intercept Shangguanya!"

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