Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1166 Cruel and merciless!

Chapter 1166 Cruel!

Hearing this, Tang Mengyan, Si Hong Shiyao, and Nangong Yuqin nodded in agreement.

"I'll go too!" Tang Yongsheng said.

"I'll go too." Feng Qingcheng and Gongsun Ruoxi said in unison.

"Okay." Tuoba Yingying said: "The others will stay in Zhongnan Xianshan!"

Afterwards, Tuoba Yingying and the others shuttled together over the snowy sea of ​​Tianchi...

Four months later, Tuoba Yingying and the others arrived at Moonwatching Holy City, released their spiritual consciousness, and waited for Shangguan Ya, Tan Yun, and Shen Subing to come...

at the same time.

Shangguanya, who fled for four months, slowly recovered from his injuries while fleeing, and now he has recovered 30% of his injuries.

She flapped her wings and flew into the sky above a city in Tang Zun's holy dynasty with a pale face.

At this time, Tan Yun, who was three hundred feet high, carried Shen Subing, and had already landed in the void 1.3 million miles behind her.

Shen Subing on Tan Yun's right shoulder transmitted a voice transmission to Tan Yun: "The wings of her fairy talisman are becoming more and more ethereal, which means that the power of the fairy talisman is gradually weakening. If this continues, she will not be able to escape!"

"Hmm..." Tan Yun's sound transmission suddenly stopped, and then a scene that made him extremely angry happened.

Through his spiritual knowledge, he discovered that Shangguan Ya suddenly paused in the air, and after he stopped flying, with a wave of his hands, hundreds of people in the city below jumped into the air amidst screams, and hovered in front of Shangguan Ya!

The common people looked at Shangguanya in horror, and tremblingly said: "Shangxian..."

"Shut up for my palace lord!" Shangguan Ya sternly said, the faces of the common people turned pale and were too frightened to speak again.

"Shangguanya, what do you want to do!" Tan Yun, who was three hundred feet tall, said sharply.

"What do I want to do? You're so smart, can't you guess it?" Shangguanya glared at Tan Yun, "Stop, or I'll kill them!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun stopped flying in the sky, and his spiritual consciousness enveloped Shangguanya who was more than a million miles away in front of him. He said furiously: "They are just ordinary people with no power to restrain them. How can the grievances between you and me spread to them indiscriminately?" !"

"Hahahaha!" Shangguan Ya's facial features were extremely distorted like crazy, "I have nothing to do with their lives!"

"Tan Yun, back off and stop chasing me, I'll let them go!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth, appearing rather hesitant. And the same is true for Shen Subing on his right shoulder!

"Get back for my palace lord!" Shangguan Ya yelled, but she didn't see any movement, and suddenly, the whole body of thirty unarmed civilians in the void in front of her burst into pieces!

"You bastard who kills innocent people indiscriminately!" Tan Yun roared with bloodshot eyes.

Shen Subing scolded: "Shangguanya, this is the enmity between us. These people are not relatives to Tan Yun. If you kill innocent people indiscriminately, are you still a human being?"

After the reprimand, Shen Subing sent a voice transmission to the hesitant Tan Yun: "Tan Yun, Shangguan Ya is cruel, no matter how much we pay, we will not let her go!"

"Otherwise, she's hiding in the vast Heaven's Punishment Continent. It's not a big deal if we can't find her, but if she hides and uses her strength to take revenge on Huangfu Shengzong, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun took a deep breath. Although he couldn't bear the massacre of the people by Shangguanya, he knew better that Shangguanya must not be let go this time, otherwise, there will be endless troubles!

There will be more people killed by her!

At this moment, Shangguan Ya sneered and said: "Shen Subing, do you really think that the Palace Master is a fool?"

"Are you saying that these people are not related to Tan Yun? Don't think that the owner of the palace doesn't know that now, whether it is the Tang Zun Dynasty or the Qingcheng Dynasty, they are all affiliated to your Huangfu Shengzong!"

"As Tan Yun, you are the suzerain of the Huangfu Sacred Sect, so these people are not only the people of Tang Zun's Sacred Dynasty, but also the people of your Tan Yun!"

"Tan Yun, I know that you are a very affectionate person. I would like to advise you to step down for my lord. Otherwise, my lord will not only kill these people, but also slaughter every city I pass by!"

"How dare you!" Tan Yun roared.

"Listen, Tan Yun, you bastard, no one dares to do it without my palace master!" Shangguanya said without doubt, and roared viciously in his heart: "Tan Yun, it seems that my palace master reincarnated to kill you on the Heaven's Punishment Continent." It can't be done."

"However, my lord swears that as long as my lord escapes this catastrophe, although I can't kill you, I will let heaven punish the mainland, and all hundreds of trillions of people will die!"

Shangguan Ya is not ruthless, she actually wants to kill all human beings in the Heaven's Punishment Continent except Tan Yun and others!

Thinking like this is a thousand times more cruel than inhumanity!

However, next she was disappointed!

She thought that with Tan Yun's affectionate personality, she would give up chasing and killing her, but Tan Yun used practical actions to tell her that he didn't!

Tan Yun's eyes were red, he roared crazily, and then went to kill Shangguanya!

As Shen Subing said before, no matter how high the price is, Shangguanya will be destroyed!

Tan Yun knew that if he didn't kill the other party, there would probably be more people who died in the future, too many to count!

At this moment, hundreds of people in front of Shangguanya knew from Shangguanya's voice just now that the master of Tang Zun's holy dynasty had chased and killed Shangguanya. Cloud, but still crying:

"Sect Master, please save us..."

"Sovereign, please, we don't want to die yet!"



Shangguan Ya Lingzhi stared at Tan Yun who had appeared 1.2 million miles away from her, and she screamed in disbelief: "Tan Yun, you...do you really care about their lives!"

"Fuck you, I naturally care, but I know better that I must kill you, otherwise, you will kill more innocent people in the future!" Tan Yun roared hoarsely:

"If you still have some humanity, don't threaten me with their lives. I tell you, it's useless!"

"I will definitely kill you this time!"

After hearing this, Shangguanya's eyes showed madness, "Okay, very good! Since I can't threaten you, then I, Shangguanya, will kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, Shangguan Ya waved his right arm, and the hundreds of people in front of him suddenly turned into a rain of blood!

Then Shangguanya fled forward at a very high speed, and gradually slowed down as she ran away...

Ten days later, when Tan Yun and Shen Subing appeared 800,000 miles away from Shangguanya, Shangguanya had already appeared above a city full of flowers in Tang Zun's holy dynasty!

"Let's all die to my Palace Master!"

Shangguan Ya paused slightly in the air, and suddenly pressed down with her right palm. Immediately, giant hands with great spiritual power, carrying the shattered void, slapped down aggressively!

Seeing this scene, Tan Yunju's pupils showed a strong sarcasm, and he looked not worried!

The reason for this is that ten days ago, while chasing Shangguanya, Tan Yun released his spiritual consciousness to cover the human area with a radius of 150 million miles below and told everyone to hide immediately!

At this moment, the city lord of the city below heard Tan Yun's voice transmission as early as four hours ago, and immediately summoned all the monks in the city to help the people escape with their valuables!

Now, Shangguan Ya didn't know that he was attacking an empty city!

Within a few breaths, the buildings in the city with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles were turned into ruins by Shangguanya's attack!

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