Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1169 Who wants to marry you!

Chapter 1169 Who wants to marry you!

Tan Yun's voice paused, and he cast his primordial eyes, stared at Shangguanya, and said without doubt: "Tell me, is there anyone alive in Six Heavens Profound Palace?"

"Yes." Shangguan Ya said with a dull expression.

"Where? How many?" Tan Yun's eyes were full of coldness.

"In the Huangfu Secret Realm, there are millions of people from the Holy Soul Realm to the Embryo Realm." Shangguan Ya said.

"Okay, very good!" After Tan Yun finished speaking, he released the primordial pupil.


Tan Yun held the sword indifferently and slowly pierced into Shangguanya's chest. While stirring his chest, he smashed towards Shangguanya's heart!

"Ah..." Shangguanya's uncontrollable pain sounded, and blood spurted out of her mouth.

"Does it hurt?" Tan Yun snapped, the tip of the sword twisted Shangguanya's heart violently, and roared loudly: "When I know that you betrayed me, my heart is what you feel now!"


Speaking of which, Tan Yun crushed Shangguanya's heart, and then, he swung his sword and pierced through Shangguanya's skull, and his ten immortal fetuses were annihilated!

Afterwards, Nangong Yuqin loosened the jade hand pinching the back of Shangguan Ya's neck, and Shangguan Ya's body turned into a cloud of blood mist from the void, dissipating in the void with the gust of wind.

So far, Shangguan Ya, who was reincarnated from the Immortal Emperor of the Six Heavens, died completely!

With the death of Shangguan Ya and the destruction of the Six Heavens Profound Palace, now Tan Yun's Huangfu Shengzong has truly stood at the top of the Heaven's Punishment Continent!

There is no doubt that the current Huangfu Shengzong is a huge monster that has awakened!

Tang Yongsheng asked suspiciously: "Yun'er, Shangguan Ya is the reincarnation of the Six Heavens Immortal Emperor, but you said she was your former subordinate, so who was your former identity?"

Gongsun Ruoxi and Feng Qingcheng also looked at Tan Yun in horror.

Tan Yun looked at Tang Yongsheng, smiled slightly and said, "Father-in-law, it's a long story. After we kill the enemies in Huangfu's secret territory and rebuild the sect, I will tell you."

The three of them nodded when they heard the words.

"Let's go, go back to the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range, and regain the lost ground..." Tan Yun's voice suddenly stopped. He was deeply attracted by the statue of himself below, and couldn't help admiring: "What a realistic sculpture."

As he spoke, Tan Yun swooped down and hovered in the air in front of the towering giant-like stone statue of himself.

The crowd followed closely. Feng Qingcheng, who was behind the crowd, pursed her red lips. She looked at Tan Yun's back, and no one noticed the fleeting tenderness in her eyes.

The statue of Tan Yun is as high as 10,000 feet, which can be described as uncanny and ingenious, showing Tan Yun to the world vividly.

Tan Yun in the statue is wearing a purple robe. His head is raised slightly, and a charming smile is drawn on the corner of his mouth. Looking into the distance, his eyes reveal the meaning of looking down on everything!

The sculpted purple robe freezes in a flying appearance in the gust of wind, mixed with the gust of wind in the sky!

What's even more astonishing is that even Tan Yun's expression and that misty and ethereal charm are in place.

Obviously, a sculptor cannot be sculpted with hard work!

Those who can carve this statue must be those who understand Tan Yunxin, and those who understand Tan Yun can display Shen Yun sculpture so vividly!

"Okay, very good!" After Tan Yun was full of praise, he looked back at Feng Qingcheng and said curiously: "You are the Holy Lord of the Qingcheng Dynasty, you should know the origin of this stone statue."

"I really want to know who can make my sculpture so realistic."

Hearing this, Feng Qingcheng's fragrant cheeks were dyed with clouds, and his heart was pounding.

On the other hand, Tang Mengyan and others looked at Tan Yun and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Tan Yun was puzzled.

"Of course I'm laughing at you!" Nangong Yuqin smiled and said, "Everyone here knows who made the stone statue, but you don't."

"Who?" Tan Yun was taken aback.

Nangong Yuqin stretched out a slender jade finger, pointed at Feng Qingcheng, and said with a smile: "It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of us."

"It's you?" Tan Yun was surprised.

"En." Feng Qingcheng nodded with a smile.

When Tang Yongsheng talked with Feng Tianlun a few years ago, he learned that Feng Qingcheng had a secret heart for Tan Yunfang, so he said with a smile: "Yun'er! A generation of empresses took a whole year to shape for you. You are honored by the statue, aren't you?"

Tan Yun looked at the charming Feng Qingcheng, and said, "Qingcheng, the sculpture is very good, I like it very much."

"As long as you like it." Feng Qingcheng's heart is as sweet as honey, and his shy look, if the ministers of the Qingcheng Holy Dynasty see it, they will surely drop their jaws in shock, right?

Because in the Qingcheng Dynasty, in the hearts of all the ministers, Empress Feng Qingcheng will always have a cold look!

At this time, Tang Yongsheng sent a voice transmission to Feng Qingcheng: "Niece Feng, if you like Tan Yun, you are too embarrassed to speak up. Uncle will help you."

"Ah... don't!" Feng Qingcheng said in a panic.

"Huh?" Tan Yun looked at Feng Qingcheng in confusion, "What else?"

"No, it's nothing." Feng Qingcheng hurriedly changed the subject, "Tan Yun, let's go to Huangfu's Secret Realm."

"Okay!" Tan Yun is a person who respects others. Since Feng Qingcheng didn't want to say anything, he didn't ask any more questions. After he agreed, he sacrificed a low-grade fairy boat, and carried everyone towards the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range...

On the way, Feng Qingcheng stood on the edge of the fairy boat in a daze. The strong wind blew up her floor-to-ceiling black dress and disturbed her heart.

She knew that she liked Tan Yun, and she wanted to muster up the courage to confess, but she was afraid that Tan Yun would reject her, and she panicked.

Shen Subing, Tang Mengyan, Tantai Xian'er, Si Hong Shiyao, Nangong Yuqin, and the natural beauty Gongsun Ruoxi who don't wear makeup can all tell that Feng Qingcheng has long since fallen.

"Qingcheng." A pleasant voice came from behind his ears, Feng Qingcheng regained his composure and suddenly looked back, seeing Shen Subing looking at him.

"Come in." After Shen Subing finished speaking, she turned and walked into the training room.

Feng Qingcheng entered the practice room with doubts.

"Qingcheng, do you like Tan Yun?" Shen Subing asked with a straightforward smile.

"Don't get me wrong..." Feng Qingcheng's heart beat faster, before he finished speaking, Shen Subing interrupted him with a smile, "What me? Your love for Tan Yun is written on your face."

"Tan Yun is a man! He is shrewd in his work, but emotionally he is an elm-headed person. Others can tell that you like him, but he really can't."

"The future is long, and we will ascend in a short time. We will have the opportunity to meet Tan Yun in the future. If Tan Yun likes you, my sister is willing to accept you."

Hearing this, Feng Qingcheng bit her lower lip tightly and nodded heavily. Her affection for Shen Subing doubled, she thought that Shen Subing would be angry, but unexpectedly she was so reasonable.

Afterwards, Shen Subing and Feng Qingcheng chatted like a family chat...

At this time, in another training room on the fairy boat, Gongsun Ruoxi stood gracefully in front of Tan Yun, with a worried expression on his face, he said, "Tan Yun, I'm worried that when you ascended, I hadn't advanced to the Great Perfection."

For love, Gongsun Ruoxi is much braver than Feng Qingcheng.

Since Tan Yun was still a disciple of the inner sect, she has fallen in love with Tan Yun and has confessed her love to Tan Yun twice, but she still moved Tan Yun in the end.

Tan Yun told Gongsun Ruoxi to give her some time.

"Then I won't wait for you." Tan Yun originally wanted to tease Gongsun Ruoxi, but unexpectedly, tears blurred Gongsun Ruoxi's vision in an instant.

"Silly girl, I lied to you." Tan Yun smiled, took a step forward, and wiped away Gongsun Ruoxi's tears with his hand.

Tan Yun smiled mischievously, put his lips next to Gongsun Ruoxi's ear, and blew lightly, "Before I ascend, I want to marry Su Bing and the others, and of course...you."

After hearing this, Gongsun Ruoxi laughed through tears, "Smelly, who wants to marry you!"

Laughing and cursing at Gongsun Ruoxi, her cheeks were stained with clouds, and she ran out of the training room as if fleeing...

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