Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1170: All Killed

Chapter 1170: All Killed

The stars move, and the sun rises.

When the fairy boat entered the Tianpu Mountains and was only a million miles away from the Huangfu Secret Realm, Tan Yun, who was resting in the training room, heard Tang Mengyan's joyful voice from outside the training room, "Tan Yun, I saw Zi Yan Already!"

"Zi Yan?" Tan Yun opened his eyes, with a deep look of longing in his eyes, he got up and stepped out of the practice room, and said with a smile: "Where is she?"

If it is said who has the best relationship with Xue Ziyan, it is undoubtedly Tang Mengyu.

When Tang Mengyan was still a disciple of Huangfu Shengzong's outer sect, he and Ziyan were inseparable, like sisters.

During this period, although she believed that with Zi Yan's strength, she could kill Nie Rou, but she was still worried that something might happen. Now that Xue Ziyan is not only safe, but also alive and well, she is naturally very happy.

At this moment, Tang Mengyan's voice also reached the ears of those resting in other training rooms on the fairy boat.

"Sister Tang, have you found Zi Yan?" Si Hong Shiyao and Tantai Xian'er came out of the training room beaming with joy.

Afterwards, Shen Subing, Nangong Yuqin, Tang Yongsheng, Gongsun Ruoxi, Feng Qingcheng and others also walked out of their respective training rooms and looked at Tang Mengyu.

Tang Mengyan said happily: "She is in Huangfu's secret country right now."

When everyone heard the words, they released their spiritual consciousness one after another, like an invisible tide, flowing over the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range and covering the exit of the Huangfu Secret Realm. They couldn't help laughing when they saw Xue Ziyan.

At this moment, outside Huangfu's secret place, Xue Ziyan put her hands on her waist, her face flushed with anger, and she said carelessly: "I am so angry! I have been attacking for three days, but I still haven't broken the door of the secret realm!"

"Listen to the people inside, I can guess that Shangguan Ya rearranged the defensive array!"

"Now Shangguan Ya must have been killed by my brother-in-law, and Nie Rou, the young palace master of your Six Heavens Profound Palace, was also killed by my old lady!"

"People inside, hurry up and open the door of the secret realm for me, as long as I open it, I can consider that you can't be destroyed, otherwise..."

Without waiting for Xue Ziyan's words, suddenly, a strange old man's voice sounded in Huangfu's secret territory, "Tsk tsk tsk, blow, keep blowing!"

"Just because Tan Yun can kill my palace master? Just because you can kill our young palace master? I think you are out of your mind, hahahaha!"

"Let's stop talking nonsense, this old man tells you that the Huangfu Secret Realm already belongs to our Six Heavens Profound Palace. Also, I can't see your strength with the realm of the Great Perfection of the Embryo Realm, so you must be in the Ascension Realm."

"But so what? You have the ability to break it! Hehehe, but it's a pity, you can't break it at all!"

After hearing this, when Xue Ziyan was about to speak, at this moment, an eighty-year-old man in Huangfu's secret territory smiled and said to a deacon in the holy soul realm: "Disciple, isn't she always calling me old lady? You help her!" , call her mother."

"Well, I will obey." The middle-aged man shouted at the gate of the secret realm, yelling in a strange way: "Mother!"

Outside the gate of the secret realm, Xue Ziyan was so angry that she almost vomited blood. It was the first time she saw such a shameless person.

"I'm so mad!" Xue Ziyan's Miaoman's body surface, the five powers of heaven, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, are like bright five-color dragons. As she revolves around her, she holds the five-soul sword and desperately slashes towards the edge of the secret realm. Door!



With the deafening bang, the door of the secret realm shook violently, leaving shallow scratches, but they couldn't be broken!

When Xue Ziyan was so angry that her delicate body was trembling, and there was nothing she could do, suddenly, a laugh came from the void behind her, "Ziyan, don't be angry, brother-in-law is here to help you vent your anger!"

Xue Ziyan was taken aback, turned her tall body around in the air, and found that Tan Yun was driving the fairy boat with a smile on his face, and he had appeared thousands of miles away behind him, riding the fairy boat.

"Whoosh!" Xue Ziyan disappeared out of thin air, and in the next moment, she appeared on the fairy boat, holding Tan Yun's right arm with her little cherry mouth pouted, with a look of grievance on her face, "Brother-in-law, I'm really mad at you. We need to disarm this damn gate of the secret realm!"

"I must go in and kill the disgusting man who calls my mother!"

After hearing this, Tan Yun raised his head and stroked Xue Ziyan's head, then said with a cool smile, "Okay, wait a moment!"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun soared from the fairy boat, skipped thousands of miles of void, swung his right arm and slammed towards the gate of the secret realm, "Break!"



Under Tan Yun's savage punch, the thousand-foot-tall gate of the secret realm instantly shattered, turning into rubble scattered all over the sky, falling into the void.

"Wow!" Xue Ziyan widened her beautiful eyes and said in admiration, "Brother-in-law, you are so amazing! Really violent, but hehe I like it!"

"Brother-in-law, I love you to death." Xue Ziyan happily jumped from the fairy boat and shot towards Huangfu's secret territory first.

Under the surprised eyes of Tang Mengyan, Shen Subing and others, when Xue Ziyan, who was so happy, passed by Tan Yun, Liying spun in the air and appeared beside Tan Yun.

Then, Xue Ziyan kissed Tan Yun's cheek abruptly, and then transformed into a phantom, which flew into Huangfu's secret territory, leaving only Tan Yun with a surprised expression on his face.

Immediately, Tan Yun shook his head with a smile, he was no stranger to Xue Ziyan's abnormal behavior.

And Tang Mengyan and others on the fairy boat also smiled. At the same time, Tang Mengyan and the girls couldn't see through Xue Ziyan's thoughts.

Sometimes they suspect that Xue Ziyan has a secret heart for Tan Yunfang, but sometimes they feel that Xue Ziyan is a living treasure that will never grow up.

Later, when Tan Yun and the others entered Huangfu's secret realm, they saw Xue Ziyan kicking the master and apprentice on the ground with two kicks.

"Say, who just called my mother!" Xue Ziyan said coldly.

"Forgive, forgive...forgive me!" The old man and the middle-aged man kowtowed incessantly.

From the voice, Xue Ziyan judged that the middle-aged man who called her mother just now, she laughed angrily, "My mother is not married yet? Where did you get this son!"

"You dare to humiliate me, go to hell!"

As soon as the words fell, Xue Ziyan pierced the middle-aged man's head with his sword, his mind and soul were all extinguished, and he died on the spot.


When the old man was still wanting to beg for mercy, blood flashed and he was beheaded by Xue Ziyan.

At this time, Tan Yun's spiritual consciousness shrouded Huangfu's secret realm. When he found that Huangfu's secret realm, the pavilions, palaces, and other various buildings for disciples' cultivation had all been reduced to ruins, he was furious!

In Huangfu's secret territory, millions of people from the Six Heavens Profound Palace jumped into the air in panic after discovering that the gate of the secret realm had been blasted!

"Damn things, is the sect master's Huangfu Secret Realm something you can stay in!"

"go to hell!"

Tan Yun soared into the sky, his purple robe fluttered, and his hair fluttered violently, exerting aura coercion on millions of people!


The breath is like an invisible wave, swallowing millions of people in the void at a very high speed!

Immediately, they felt that there were invisible mountains in all directions, crushing and crashing towards them!


"Forgive me..."


In just a few breaths, the people from the Six Heavens Profound Palace, who were panicking and trying to escape for their lives, turned into bloody flowers of death blooming from the void under the pressure of their breath!

Kill them all!

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