Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1173 Huangfu Continent!

Chapter 1173: Huangfu Continent!

Hearing this, the masters of more than six million forces were all shocked, and they suddenly woke up and understood Tan Yun's great benevolence, righteousness, and good intentions.

It was the old man in his nineties before, looking up at Tan Yun excitedly, and said tremblingly: "Sect Master Tan, it was the old man who misunderstood you before, please forgive me."

"Also, and... after I surrender to Huangfu Shengzong, can I really practice the noble sect's exercises?"

The masters of other forces echoed and asked:

"Yes, Sect Master Tan, are you really willing to let us practice the exercises of your sect?"

"Tan Zongzhu, is what you said true?"


At this time, there were also some powerful masters who commented: "What's the point? I heard that Tan Zongzhu has always kept his promises. Since he said that the exercises will be practiced by us, it is naturally true."

"Yes, yes! It's not that you haven't heard, what Sect Master Tan means is not only for us to practice, but also to spread the exercises to the entire continent!"

"I believe in Tan Zongzhu's character. He really wants to benefit the human beings in our mainland before Yuhuafei!"

"That's right, that's right..."


For a while, voices of expectations and flattery mixed together and resounded through the clouds.

"Quiet." Tan Yun's faint voice covered the voices of the crowd, and the crowd fell silent immediately, looking at Tan Yun longingly.

The corners of Tan Yun's mouth raised slightly, and he said in an affirmative tone: "Everyone, I, Tan Yun, say what I say, and I will spread the exercises to the mainland, so I will do what I say."

"When you surrender to me and become subordinates of Huangfu Shengzong, the exercises will be released."

After Tan Yun finished speaking, a middle-aged man slowly knelt down from the void, "My subordinate, Duan Feilong, the master of the Duantian Pavilion, on behalf of the Duantian Pavilion, is willing to submit to my master and become a subordinate of Huangfu Shengzong."

Then, the masters of more than six million forces knelt down like a black tide in the void, stood up and shouted to shake the sky, "My subordinates pay homage to the suzerain!"

"En." Tan Yun nodded, and said solemnly: "From now on, the clan rules of my Huangfu Shengzong will be the unified clan rules of your respective sects."

"There are also Tang Zun Sacred Dynasty, Qingcheng Sacred Dynasty, Tang Clan, Feng Clan, Murong Clan, and Sihong Clan, all of which are affiliated to Huangfu Sacred Sect."

"You are a family. If you dare to fight privately, you will be dealt with according to the clan rules, and you will never be tolerated!"


Everyone said in unison, "This subordinate understands!"

"Okay!" After Tan Yun nodded in satisfaction, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. What he said next excited everyone!

But seeing Tan Yun cast the ground and said in a loud voice: "From now on, my Heaven's Punishment Continent will be officially renamed Huangfu Continent!"

Everyone shouted excitedly: "It's the suzerain!"

From then on, there is no Heaven's Punishment Continent in the mortal plane of the vast universe, but only the unique Huangfu Continent!

After Tan Yun waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, he looked down at Su Yu and said, "Father-in-law, come up here."

Su Yu, who had just stepped into the Great Consummation of the Saint Soul Realm, rose into the air and hovered beside Tan Yun with confusion and a smile.

"My son-in-law has met his father-in-law." Tan Yun stepped into the void and bowed deeply to Su Yu.

"Okay, okay, get up quickly." Su Yu said with a smile.

After Tan Yun got up, he looked down at the people affiliated to Huangfu Shengzong, and said: "Let me introduce to you, the current suzerain, Su Yu, is the Tantai Xuanzhong who was killed by Prince Tuoba pretending to be me."

"Today, the suzerain announced that the suzerain has officially abdicated, and my father-in-law, Su Yu, will become the next suzerain of Huangfu Shengzong!"

"He is also the Lord of Heaven's Punishment Continent!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar, and they all looked at Su Yu in awe.

Tantai Xian'er in front of the high-ranking officials wept with joy, she knew that her father had sacrificed too much for Huangfu Shengzong, and now seeing her father ascending to the top position, she was deeply moved.

Su Yu took a deep breath, and could vaguely see tears in his eyes. That was tears of excitement!

"Yun'er, I..." Without waiting for Su Yu's words, Tan Yun said sincerely: "Father-in-law, my son-in-law knows everything you have done for Huangfu Shengzong, and the grievances you have suffered for Huangfu Shengzong."

"Everyone in my Huangfu Shengzong also knows that my son-in-law believes that Huangfu Shengzong and Huangfu Continent will become more and more prosperous under your rule."

With a flash of Tan Yun's Qiankun Ring, the Holy Seal of Huangfu Shengzong's suzerain came out of thin air from his right hand.

In the next moment, Tan Yun disappeared out of thin air and appeared in front of the high-level officials in Tiangong Square, holding the sacred seal of the suzerain in both hands, looking up at Su Yu, and his loud voice resounded throughout the world:

"Tan Yun, the seventeenth patriarch of Huangfu Shengzong, welcomes Su Yu, the eighteenth patriarch, to the throne!"

"Sovereign, please have the Holy Seal of the Sovereign!"

With that said, Tan Yun knelt down slowly!

Tan Yun didn't kneel because of his incomparably noble status in the past, and still acted in accordance with the rules of Huangfu Shengzong's succession.

Besides, Su Yu was none other than Tantai Xian'er's father and his own father-in-law.

Therefore, in Tan Yun's heart, this kneeling is not demeaning!

Immediately afterwards, more than 6,000 senior officials behind Tan Yun, as well as more than 40 million disciples, more than 6 million masters of subordinate forces, and more than 60 million elders of subordinate forces all knelt down to worship Su Yu and shouted in unison, "Subordinates and disciples pay homage to the suzerain!"

"Exemption!" Su Yu nodded heavily, and as he beckoned, the suzerain's seal held by Tan Yun in both hands rose into the air and landed in Su Yu's hands.

Su Yu felt heavy in his heart. He knew that from now on, he could realize his unrealized ambitions in the previous life.

"Thank you suzerain!" After receiving the order respectfully, everyone got up one after another, looked up at Su Yu, and prepared to listen to the suzerain's teaching.

Su Yu straightened his face and said, "Frankly speaking, in the previous life, although my suzerain worked hard all his life for Huangfu Shengzong, I have to admit that this suzerain is a loser."

"But in this life, I will never repeat the same mistakes again. I want to consolidate the country that the old suzerain Tan Yun laid down!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yu said again: "Next, the suzerain will make some adjustments to the sect's structure."

"The high-level executives of the two major secret realms, the Divine Soul Secret Realm and the Eternal Secret Realm, must each select 10 million disciples within seven days."

"These two million disciples will go to the Qili Secret Realm in the Canggu Mountains, and the Immeasurable Secret Realm and Crouching Dragon Immortal Realm to practice in seven days."

"As for arranging those high-level officials to go there, I will make a decision after discussing with the old suzerain and the deputy suzerain seven days later."

After finishing speaking, Su Yu looked down at Tan Yun and said, "Is Yun'er still doing something?"

"Yes." Tan Yun responded, with deep thoughts in his star pupils. Immediately, he soared into the air for hundreds of feet, and with a wave of his right arm, a wave of spiritual power emerged from the void to create a memory image.

In the image is a tall woman in a black dress.

The woman has a graceful figure, unique bumps, and a face that is so beautiful.

This is a peerless beauty with cherry, round nose and oval face.

Looking at the familiar and no longer familiar woman in black dress, Si Hong Shiyao's tears of longing trickled down.

The same is true for Shen Subing and others. Especially Tang Yongsheng, who was getting old day by day, came out with turbid tears!

Tan Yun looked at the woman in the black dress in the memory image, and said softly: "Her name is Tang Xinying, and she is also the princess of Tang Zun's holy dynasty."

"I haven't seen her for too long." After Tan Yun sighed, he looked down at the master of more than six million subordinate forces, and ordered: "After the deputy master will give you the exercises later, you should leave the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range immediately." Finally, order everyone under your sect, including you, to look for her!"

"If there is news about her, if you can please move her, tell her and say that I will ask her to talk about it."

"If you don't move, please report to me immediately, do you understand?"

Everyone said respectfully: "It's the old suzerain!"

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