Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1174 Cosmic System!

Chapter 1174 Cosmic system!

"Yingying, give them the prepared exercises and the ancestral rules of Huangfu Shengzong." Tan Yun looked down at Tuoba Yingying and said.

Before that, Tuoba Yingying ordered people to make tens of millions of jade slips.

And the thirteen gongs with different attributes, including Jinxian, Wooden Immortal, Narcissus, Fire Immortal, Earth Immortal, Wind Immortal, Thunder Immortal, Ancient Immortal, Beast Immortal, Time, Light Secret Tome, Space Immortal Tome, Death Cult, method, copied to the jade slip.

At the same time, Tan Yun asked Tuoba Yingying to remove the most important part of the thirteen exercises in order to prevent hundreds of millions of monks in the mainland from rebelling after practicing the exercises.

These missing exercises are aimed at cultivating the great powers of the Ascension Realm, which means that without this part of the exercises, one will not be able to ascend to Ascension!

At this time, after Tuoba Yingying took the order, the Qiankun Ring on the jade finger flickered frequently, and immediately, thousands of Qiankun Rings flew out.

Then, Tuoba Yingying distributed the thirteen kinds of exercises jade slips contained in thousands of Qiankun rings to more than six million masters of subordinate forces.

These suzerain masters, pavilion masters, lords, palace masters, and other power masters who had obtained the exercises were so shocked that they couldn't speak a word when they saw the contents of the exercises!

After a while, the masters of the subsidiary forces shouted like a tidal wave of exclamation:

"Oh my god! This, this exercise is really against the sky, it is a hundred times stronger than my palace's siege method!"

"That's right! The exercises are indeed too powerful! These thirteen exercises with different attributes can be cultivated to the point of becoming a feather!"

"It's so, so exciting, I feel like I'm dreaming!"

"Me too...me too..."


With everyone's excited voices lingering in her ears, Tuoba Yingying said: "Everyone, be quiet."

Immediately, the audience was silent, all looking at Tuoba Yingying.

Tuoba Yingying looked at the master of the subsidiary forces, and said: "The exercise given to you is undoubtedly the most powerful exercise in Huangfu Continent."

"However, this exercise is not complete. After you are promoted to the Ascension Realm, you will go to the Huangfu Secret Realm to realize the Dao. When you realize the Dao, the exercises you practiced during the Ascension Realm, whether it is now or in the future, the suzerain of Huangfu Sacred Sect will give you the last Part of the cultivation method, understand?"

Everyone said in unison: "This subordinate understands!"

In fact, they knew that Huangfu Shengzong held the last part of the exercises in his hands, which was a means of controlling himself.

At the same time, they also understand without complaint.

Tuoba Yingying nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, let's leave with the exercises, and look for Tang Xinying immediately after leaving."

"In addition, this deputy suzerain once again emphasizes for the last time that the new order of Huangfu Continent is the patriarchal rules of Huangfu Shengzong, and there will be no mercy for anyone who violates it!"

"Whether it's your clan rules or palace rules, all of them will be abolished."

"If you choose Japan's deputy suzerain, you will send envoys to some of your forces to sit in town all year round."

"Okay, this is my ancestral rule, you guys pack it up and leave!"

After saying that, Tuoba Yingying waved her right arm, and immediately, the jade slips of the clan rules flew out of the Qiankun ring, and flew towards the masters of each power respectively.

After taking the jade slip with both respectful hands, the master of all forces left together...


Six hours later, the night eroded the sky and the earth, the sky was full of stars, and the bright moon embedded in the sky.

Dozens of people are seated in Tan Yun's palace in the No.

On the upper seats were Tan Yun's parents, grandfather, Tang Yongsheng, Su Yu, Tantaiyu, and Tantailong.

Sitting on the left side of the main hall were Shen Subing, Tang Mengyu, Shiyao, Xian'er, Yuqin, Xue Ziyan, Feng Qingcheng, Tuoba Yingying, Shen Suzhen, Nangong Ruxue, Ruoxi, Murong Shishi and Song Huixin thirteen beauties.

Sitting on the right side of the main hall were Tianlao, Wei Quan, Guan Xuankong, the second patriarch Guan Xuankui who had been promoted to the law enforcement patriarch, Feng Tianlun, the father of Feng Qingcheng, Feng Zhuangru, the great elder of the Feng clan, eight elders.

At this moment, Tan Yun was standing in the hall.

Tan Yun looked around the crowd, and the first sentence he said made everyone excited, "Today I gathered everyone, except for my parents, grandfather, and father-in-law Su who are too low-level, I want to bring others to the fairy world! "

When Tang Yongsheng was very excited, he asked in confusion: "Yun'er, what is the meaning of taking us to the fairy world?"

Others are also puzzled, isn't it possible to reach the fairy world only by becoming a feather and ascending?

Tan Yun smiled and said, "Father-in-law Tang, before my son-in-law tells me how to take it, let me answer a question you asked earlier. You asked me who I am when I was in Moonwatching Holy City."

"After I have said this, I will tell you how to take you to the fairy world."

"There are too many things designed in this, so everyone, please listen to me and tell you slowly."

At this time, Feng Jingru looked confused and said: "Yun'er, what are you talking about? Mother doesn't understand, what is your identity?"

Tan Feng echoed: "Yes, Yun'er, you are the only son of your father, what other status do you have?"

Mr. Tan also didn't know why.

Hearing this, Tan Yun said with a smile: "Mother, father, grandpa, this matter is a long story, please listen to Yun'er tell you slowly."

"Okay, okay, Yun'er, tell me." Feng Jingru looked at Tan Yun dotingly and kindly.

"En." After Tan Yun responded, he fell into a short thought, and continued: "Before revealing your identity, you must first understand the universe system."

"Cosmic system?" Except for Tan Yun's daughters and Yingying, the others looked at Tan Yun in confusion.

Tan Yun explained: "The Huangfu Continent can also be called the Huangfu Star, or the Huangfu Plane. There are a total of one billion eight thousand mortal planes like our Huangfu Star in the vast universe!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked!

One billion and eighty million planes, what a terrifying statistic!

Tan Yun said again: "To put it bluntly, our Huangfu Continent is just a drop in the ocean in the mortal plane."

"The one billion and eighty million planes are ruled by the nine immortal realms, each of which controls 120 million planes."

"The Nine Great Immortal Realms are also called the Hongmeng Nine Great Immortal Realms."

"For example, our Heavenly Punishment Plane is under the control of the Six Heavens Immortal Realm, so it is the Six Heavens Immortal Emperor who reincarnated in Huangfu Continent, not other immortal emperors."

Tan Yun said with a solemn expression: "As famous as the nine great fairy worlds of Hongmeng, there are also two super fairy worlds!"

"These two super fairylands are Chaos Immortal Realm and Shiyuan Immortal Realm!"

"Above these eleven great immortal realms, there are three major god realms, namely Shiyuan God Realm, Chaos God Realm, and Primordial God Realm."

"The Shiyuan God Realm governs the Shiyuan Immortal Realm, the Chaos God Realm governs the Chaos Immortal Realm, and the Hongmeng God Realm governs the Nine Great Immortal Realms of Hongmeng!"

Tang Yongsheng, Gongsun Ruoxi and others listened with great interest.

What a yearning and longing for the fairy world to them.

Gongsun Ruoxi's beautiful eyes were filled with longing, and the white teeth were lightly opened, and the sound of the sounds of nature sounded, "Tan Yun, as long as the monks ascend into the sky, can they really live forever and live as long as the sky?"

Hearing this, Tan Yun shook his head with a smile and said, "Yes or no."

"What do you mean?" Gongsun Ruoxi was puzzled.

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